public void Show() { OutputForm = _instrumentFormFactory.Create(Type, Renderer ); if (OutputForm != null && !OutputForm.Visible) { OutputForm.Show(); } }
public static void ShowOutputForm(this OutputForm form, ref EventHandler eventHandler) { if (form == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(form)); } eventHandler += form.TextEventHandler; form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; form.Show(); }
private void CompileWithErrorHandler() { log.Info("编译程序启动"); if (editor.Text == "") { log.Info("编辑框为空"); if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name == "zh-CN") { MessageBox.Show("错误:编辑框为空。", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show("The textbox is empty.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return; } log.Info("正在进行编译"); CompilerResults cr = CompilerManager.CompileFromString(editor.Text); log.Info("输出框弹出"); OutputForm of = new OutputForm(); of.Owner = this; string tempcr = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name == "zh-CN" ? "================ Compiler Output ================" : "=================== 编译器输出 ==================="; foreach (string str in cr.Output) { tempcr = tempcr + "\r\n" + str; } of.OutputText = tempcr; of.Show(); log.Info("正在检查操作"); if (!File.Exists("")) { log.Info("返回: 未能找到被编译文件"); MessageBox.Show("无法找到编译文件: 是否编译错误?", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } log.Info("编译成功,正在重命名文件"); File.Move("", "dbgcache.exe"); }
public void childForm(Form parent, int switcher) { if (Application.OpenForms["InputForm"] == null && switcher == 1) { InputForm F1 = new InputForm(); F1.MdiParent = parent; F1.Show(); } if (Application.OpenForms["OutputForm"] == null && switcher == 2) { OutputForm F2 = new OutputForm(); F2.MdiParent = parent; F2.Show(); } if (Application.OpenForms["Settings"] == null && switcher == 3) { Settings F3 = new Settings(); F3.ShowDialog(); } }
private void FindInFiles(bool findOnly) { FindInFilesForm fiff = new FindInFilesForm(findOnly); /* * Restore search history to search form. */ fiff.SetFindTextHistory(_findTextHistory); if (!findOnly) { fiff.SetReplaceTextHistory(_replaceTextHistory); } fiff.SetFileSpecHistory(_fileSpecHistory); fiff.UseRegex = _useRegex; fiff.MatchCase = _matchCase; fiff.SearchSubFolders = _searchSubFolders; /* * Show the form. */ if (fiff.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ApplicationManager applicationManager = ApplicationManager.GetInstance(); /* * Optionally ensure the output window is visible. */ if (applicationManager.ClientProfile.HaveFlag( ClientFlags.FindInFilesShowOutputOnFind)) { _output.Show(); } /* * Find the affected files. */ Finder finder = new Finder(_output); try { _mainForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; finder.Find(fiff.FindText, fiff.ReplaceText, fiff.FileSpec, fiff.SearchSubFolders, fiff.UseRegex, fiff.MatchCase, findOnly); } finally { _mainForm.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } /* * Update the search history from the form. */ AddHistoryItem(_findTextHistory, fiff.FindText); if (!findOnly) { AddHistoryItem(_replaceTextHistory, fiff.ReplaceText); } AddHistoryItem(_fileSpecHistory, fiff.FileSpec); _useRegex = fiff.UseRegex; _matchCase = fiff.MatchCase; _searchSubFolders = fiff.SearchSubFolders; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double left, right, Nmax, U0, h, a, b, c, z, E; if (textBoxLeft.Text != "") { left = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxLeft.Text); } else { left = 0; } if (textBoxRight.Text != "") { right = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxRight.Text); } else { right = 1; } if (textBoxNmax.Text != "") { Nmax = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxNmax.Text); } else { Nmax = 100; } if (textBoxU0.Text != "") { U0 = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxU0.Text); } else { U0 = 0; } if (textBoxH.Text != "") { h = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxH.Text); } else { h = 0.1; } if (textBoxA.Text != "") { a = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxA.Text); } else { a = 0; } if (textBoxB.Text != "") { b = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxB.Text); } else { b = 0; } if (textBoxC.Text != "") { c = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxC.Text); } else { c = 0; } if (textBoxZ.Text != "") { z = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxZ.Text); } else { z = 0; } if (textBoxE.Text != "") { E = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxE.Text); } else { E = 0.0001; } double n = (right - left) / h; n = n > Nmax ? Nmax : n; Step[] allSteps = new Step[(int)n + 1]; Step[] allSteps2 = new Step[(int)n + 1]; allSteps = Functions.RKMdecision(left, right, Nmax, U0, h, a, b, c, E).Item1; allSteps2 = Functions.RKMdecision(left, right, Nmax, U0, h, a, b, c, E).Item2; OutputForm output = new OutputForm(allSteps, allSteps2); output.Show(); }
//моделирование private void Modeling() { btnCancel.Enabled = true; btnCalculate.Enabled = false; //инициализация параметров расчета Init(); if (rbSeq.Checked) { InitSequential(); } if (rbCUDA.Checked || rbOpenMP.Checked) { InitParallel(); } //запуск расчета в отдельном потоке //просходит вызов метода CalculationSeq или CalculationParallel //подробнее смотри в файле Main.cs метод bgw_DoWork() bgw.RunWorkerAsync(); //вывод скоростей графическом виде if (сbGraphicsProcess.Checked) { grForm = new GraphicsForm(X, Y, x0, len, rbSpeeds.Checked, rbTemp.Checked, scale: scale); grForm.Show(); grForm.Closing += grForm_Closing; } bool error; //пока идет расчет while (bgw.IsBusy) { //вывод графики в процессе if (сbGraphicsProcess.Checked) { error = grForm.DrawDisplay(Ux, Uy, Temp); if (error) { bgw.CancelAsync(); } } //если расчет до установления if (rbSetSpeeds.Checked) { pgb.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; lblPrc.Text = "Расчеты выполняются ..."; } Application.DoEvents(); } //вывод результатов в текстовом виде if (cbTextFile.Checked) { outForm = new OutputForm { X = X, Y = Y }; outForm.Show(); if (rbSpeeds.Checked) { outForm.OutSpeeds(Ux, Uy); } if (rbTemp.Checked) { outForm.OutTemp(Temp); } } //вывод результатов графики if (сbGraphicsResult.Checked) { grForm = new GraphicsForm(X, Y, x0, len, rbSpeeds.Checked, rbTemp.Checked, scale: scale); grForm.Show(); grForm.DrawDisplay(Ux, Uy, Temp); } //освобождение ресурсов, если были использованы параллельные вычисления if (rbPU.Checked) { if (rbCUDA.Checked || rbOpenMP.Checked) { parPU.Dispose(); } } if (rbWPsi.Checked) { if (rbCUDA.Checked || rbOpenMP.Checked) { parWPsi.Dispose(); } } }
private void ProcessButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { { double number; //for string exception //null exception if (selectedListBox.Items.Count == 0) { //variable MessageBox.Show("You have to choose at least 1 variable!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_m.Text) == true) { //particle MessageBox.Show("Number of fuzzifier(m) shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_konsa.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Coef (A) shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_eta.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Number of fuzzifier(η) shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_konsb.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Coef (B) shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_konsk.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Coef (K) shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_maxiter.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("max iteration PFCM shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_error.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("error coef shouldn't be empty!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox_clus.Text) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Number of cluster shouldn't be empty!"); } //string exception else if (double.TryParse(textBox_m.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("Number of fuzzifier(m) should be a natural number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_konsa.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("Coef (A) should be a number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_eta.Text, out number) == false) { //mulai disini MessageBox.Show("Number of fuzzifier(η) should be a number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_konsb.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("Coef (B) should be a natural number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_konsk.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("Coef (K) should be a natural number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_maxiter.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("max iteration PFCM should be a natural number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_error.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("error coef should be a natural number!"); } else if (double.TryParse(textBox_clus.Text, out number) == false) { //particle MessageBox.Show("Number of cluster should be a number!"); } else { double ncluster = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_clus.Text); double m = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_m.Text); double eta = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_eta.Text); double a = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_konsa.Text); double b = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_konsb.Text); double K = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_konsk.Text); double error = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_error.Text); double maxiter = Convert.ToDouble(textBox_maxiter.Text); DataTable dt = GetFromMainForm(); if (maxiter < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Maximum iteration should be greater or equal to 1!"); } else if (maxiter % 1 != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Maximum iteration shouldn't be in decimal!"); } else if (ncluster < 2) { MessageBox.Show("Number of cluster should be greater or equal to 2!"); } else if (ncluster % 1 != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Number of cluster shouldn't be in decimal!"); } else if (a < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Coef (A) should be equal or greater than 1"); } else if (b <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Coef (B) should be equal or greater than 1"); } else if (K < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Coef (K) should be equal or greater than 1"); } else if (error <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Value of error should be greater than 0"); } else if (m < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Fuzzifier (m) should be greater or equal to 1!"); } else if (eta < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Fuzzifier (η) should be greater or equal to 1!"); } else if (mapcheckBox.Checked == true && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(maptextBox.Text) || datakeyListBox.Items.Count == 0)) { MessageBox.Show("You have checked the map, so you must have a shapefile and its datakey or you can uncheck it!"); } else { pb.Show(); ProcessButton.Enabled = false; fcmCancelButton.Enabled = false; this.UseWaitCursor = true; processOutput(); OutputForm of = new OutputForm("Posibillistic - Fuzzy C-Means", parname, parval, center, partition, allclusters, viname, vival, isnamed, mf.userlang.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator); of.Show(); mf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.UseWaitCursor = false; this.Close(); pb.Dispose(); } } } }