//---------------------------------------------- Init ---------------------------------------------- public Commander() { isLaunch = true; Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.Title = "TeamCommander"; int currWindowWidth = screenSizeDivider.x <= 100? Console.LargestWindowWidth - 1 : (int)(Console.LargestWindowWidth / ((float)(screenSizeDivider.x) / 100)), currWindowHeight = screenSizeDivider.y <= 100 ? Console.LargestWindowHeight - 1 : (int)(Console.LargestWindowHeight / ((float)(screenSizeDivider.y) / 100)); if (currWindowWidth < minScreenSize.x) { currWindowWidth = minScreenSize.x; } if (currWindowHeight < minScreenSize.y) { currWindowHeight = minScreenSize.y; } screen = new Output.Output(new Support.Coord(0, 0), new Support.Coord(currWindowWidth, currWindowHeight)); for (short ii = 0; ii < screen.screenSize.y; ++ii) { for (short jj = 0; jj < screen.screenSize.x; ++jj) { screen[ii, jj] = new Output.OutputObj(' ', new Output.DColor(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.DarkGray)); } } headDirector = new Elements.ElementsDirector(screen); downDirector = new Elements.ElementsDirector(screen); leftDirector = new Elements.ElementsDirector(screen); rightDirector = new Elements.ElementsDirector(screen); headDirector.Init(); leftWindow = new CommanderWindowAllInfo(leftDirector, new Coord(0, 1), new Coord(screen.screenSize.x / 2 - 1, screen.screenSize.y - 3)); rightWindow = new CommanderWindowAllInfo(rightDirector, new Coord(screen.screenSize.x / 2, 1), new Coord(screen.screenSize.x - 1, screen.screenSize.y - 3)); currWindow = leftWindow; CreateBackGround(); }
int[,] compopsites; //advanced materials public Calculator() { Console.WriteLine("..Loading the database..."); dataBase = new db.Db(); Console.WriteLine("..Done loading the database"); Console.WriteLine("..Authenticating with SSO..."); new ESI.Login(ESI.CharacterEnum.BuildCorp); new ESI.Login(ESI.CharacterEnum.EmpireDonkey); Console.WriteLine("..Done authenticating"); Console.WriteLine("..Importing API's..."); apiImports = new ApiImport.MainImport(); Console.WriteLine("..Done importing API's"); Console.WriteLine("..Generating the market Class..."); market = new Market.Market(dataBase); Console.WriteLine("..Done generating the market class"); Console.WriteLine("..Calculates t2 production..."); T2Builder t2mods = new T2Builder(dataBase, market); Console.WriteLine("..Done calculating t2 production"); Console.WriteLine("..Generates output files..."); Output.Output output = new Output.Output(t2mods, dataBase, market, apiImports); Console.WriteLine("..Done generating output files"); }
public Logger(Output.Output output) => _outputService.SetOutputter(output);
public ElementsDirector(Output.Output Screen) { elements = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Elements.Element>(10); screen = Screen; }
public void OnPassIntoDirector(Output.Output Output) { output = Output; //startPos.x += StartPosChange.x; //startPos.y += StartPosChange.y; }