コード例 #1
ファイル: Comparison.cs プロジェクト: Eedz/ITCLib
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes any questions that are exactly the same in both English and Translation.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessExactMatches()
            // for every refVarName shared by the 2 surveys, compare wordings
            Intersection = OtherSurvey.Questions.Intersect(PrimarySurvey.Questions, new SurveyQuestionComparer()).ToList();
            SurveyQuestion found; // the same question in the primary survey

            foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in Intersection)
                found = PrimarySurvey.Questions.Single(x => x.VarName.RefVarName.ToLower().Equals(sq.VarName.RefVarName.ToLower())); // find the question in the primary survey

                if (AreIdenticalQuestions(sq, found))
コード例 #2
ファイル: Comparison.cs プロジェクト: Eedz/ITCLib
        /// <summary>
        /// For any row that only appears in the primary survey, we need to either move it to the end of the survey, or re-insert it into its original position.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessPrimaryOnlyQuestions()
            // for every refVarName in primary only, add to Qnum survey and highlight blue
            PrimeOnly = PrimarySurvey.Questions.Except(OtherSurvey.Questions, new SurveyQuestionComparer()).ToList();

            SurveyQuestion toAdd;
            string         highlightStart;
            string         highlightEnd;

            if (HighlightStyle == HStyle.Classic)
                highlightStart = "[s][t]";
                highlightEnd   = "[/t][/s]";
                highlightStart = "[pinkfill]<Font Color=Red>";
                highlightEnd   = "</Font>";

            // if the primary survey is not the qnum survey, then the primary only questions need to be added to the Qnum survey and highlighted/struckout
            if (!PrimarySurvey.Qnum)
                foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in PrimeOnly)
                    toAdd = sq.Copy();

                    // highlight based on scheme
                    if (HighlightScheme == HScheme.Sequential)
                        //  toAdd.Qnum = "[s][t]" + toAdd.Qnum + "[/t][/s]";
                        toAdd.VarName.FullVarName = highlightStart + toAdd.VarName.FullVarName + highlightEnd;
                    else if (HighlightScheme == HScheme.AcrossCountry)
                        toAdd.VarName.FullVarName = highlightStart + toAdd.VarName.FullVarName + highlightEnd;
                        //toAdd.Qnum = "[s][t]" + toAdd.Qnum + "[/t][/s]";

                    // re-inserted questions are highlighted/struckout and renumbered, otherwise they are put at the bottom (Qnum starts with z)
                    if (ReInsertDeletions)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.PreP))
                            toAdd.PreP = highlightStart + toAdd.PreP + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.PreI))
                            toAdd.PreI = highlightStart + toAdd.PreI + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.PreA))
                            toAdd.PreA = highlightStart + toAdd.PreA + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.LitQ))
                            toAdd.LitQ = highlightStart + toAdd.LitQ + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.PstI))
                            toAdd.PstI = highlightStart + toAdd.PstI + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.PstP))
                            toAdd.PstP = highlightStart + toAdd.PstP + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.RespOptions))
                            toAdd.RespOptions = highlightStart + toAdd.RespOptions + highlightEnd;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd.NRCodes))
                            toAdd.NRCodes = highlightStart + toAdd.NRCodes + highlightEnd;

                        RenumberDeletion(toAdd, PrimarySurvey, OtherSurvey);
                        //toAdd.Qnum = "z" + toAdd.Qnum;
                        sq.Qnum = "z" + sq.Qnum;