コード例 #1
        // Used to only receive ID however it now received ID's
        // as well as html Text
        public static double GetDateOfBirthForWinner(string htmlPage)
            // check whether we passed in a html page as a parameter no a nameToken
            if (htmlPage.Length < 20)
                OscarData oscarData = new OscarData();
                string    url       = "http://www.imdb.com/name/" + htmlPage;
                htmlPage = oscarData.RequestFile(url);

            string startElement = "<div id=\"name-born-info\"";
            string endElement   = "</div>";

            // Get DateOfBirth Section
            int startIndex = 0;
            int endIndex   = 0;
            int length     = 0;

            startIndex = htmlPage.IndexOf(startElement);
            endIndex   = htmlPage.IndexOf(endElement, startIndex);

            length = endIndex - startIndex;

            string refinedDOB = htmlPage.Substring(startIndex, length);

            startElement = "<time datetime=\"";
            endElement   = "itemprop";

            startIndex  = refinedDOB.IndexOf(startElement);
            endIndex    = refinedDOB.IndexOf(endElement, startIndex);
            startIndex += startElement.Length;

            length = endIndex - startIndex;

            string resultDOB = refinedDOB.Substring(startIndex, length);

            resultDOB = OscarsAwardHelper.cleanUpString(resultDOB);

            string year  = resultDOB.Substring(0, 4);
            string month = resultDOB.Substring(5, 1);
            string day;

                day = resultDOB.Substring(7, 2);
            } catch {
                day = resultDOB.Substring(7, 1);

            var dateTime     = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(year), Convert.ToInt32(month), Convert.ToInt32(day), 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
            var epoch        = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var unixDateTime = (dateTime.ToUniversalTime() - epoch).TotalSeconds;

コード例 #2
        public static string GetActorsPage(string nameTokenID)
            OscarData oscarData = new OscarData();

            string url = "http://www.imdb.com/name/" + nameTokenID;

            string htmlPage = oscarData.RequestFile(url);


            if (htmlPage.Length < 100000)
                Debug.WriteLine("If statement");
コード例 #3
         * This creates a Person then creates the films
         * It also then makes a request for the user's image
         * and stores it in the cache
        public void CreatePersonAndFilm(List <Film> refinedFilms, List <Person> actorNameID, int categorySectionID)
            foreach (var actor in actorNameID)
                foreach (var film in refinedFilms)
                    actor.awards.Add(new Award()
                        categoryID   = categorySectionID,
                        filmID       = film.FID,
                        filmWebToken = film.webIDToken

                    if (DataRepository.allFilms.Find(q => q.webIDToken.Equals(film.webIDToken)) == null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("The film exists");

                actor.DOB = GetDateOfBirthForWinner(actor.nameToken);

                List <Person> checkIfUserExists = DataRepository.GetAllPersons();

                if (checkIfUserExists.Contains(actor) == true)
                    Debug.WriteLine("The actor exists");

                //Recently Added
                OscarData od              = new OscarData(actor.ID);
                string    htmlPage        = OscarsAwardHelper.GetActorsPage(actor.nameToken);
                string[]  profileImageUrl = ImageHelper.GetProfileImageUrl(htmlPage, actor);
                if (profileImageUrl != null)
コード例 #4
        } // End function

        public void GetLinksForWinner(Person person)
            OscarData oscarData = new OscarData();

            List <Person> listOfPerson = new List <Person>();

            foreach (var award in person.awards)
                string url = "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + award.filmWebToken + "/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast";

                string htmlPage = oscarData.RequestFile(url);

                List <Person> castMembers = OscarsAwardHelper.ReturnCastForThatFilm(htmlPage);

                List <Person> oscarWinnerList = DataRepository.GetAllPersons();
                int           castcounter     = 0;
                int           counter         = 0;

                Random rand = new Random();

                foreach (var oscarWinner in oscarWinnerList)
                    foreach (var cast in castMembers)
                        if (oscarWinner.nameToken.Equals(cast.nameToken) && oscarWinner.name.Equals(cast.name) && oscarWinner.name != person.name)
                            Person personTemp = DataRepository.FindByPersonByName(oscarWinner.name);    // Could do find actor by nameID and and also webTokenID

                            for (int i = 0; i < personTemp.awards.Count; i++)
                                person.links.Add(new Link()
                                    PersonID = personTemp.ID,
                                    filmID   = personTemp.awards[i].filmID
                            //Debug.WriteLine("There is no match" + rand.Next());
                    } // End of ForEach Loop 3
                }     // End of ForEach Loop 2
            }// End of ForEach loop 1
        }// End Method
コード例 #5
        // One single function called grab winners
        public void GetWinners(string htmlSection, int categorySectionID, int year)
            string startPoint = "<h3>WINNER</h3>";
            string endPoint   = "<h3>NOMINEES</h3>";

            int secondSection;
            int startIndex = htmlSection.IndexOf(startPoint);

            if (startIndex == -1)
                startIndex = htmlSection.IndexOf("<h3>WINNERS</h3>");

            int endIndex = htmlSection.IndexOf(endPoint, startIndex);

            if (endIndex == -1)
                endIndex = htmlSection.IndexOf("<h3>NOMINEE</h3>", startIndex);

            int length = endIndex - startIndex;

            // This variable contains winners actor name and film name
            string winnerSection = htmlSection.Substring(startIndex, length);

            int firstSection = winnerSection.IndexOf("<strong>");

            secondSection = winnerSection.IndexOf("</strong>");

            int innerLength = secondSection - firstSection;

            string filmName = winnerSection.Substring(firstSection, innerLength);

            // There could be more than one film so we need to check
            List <string> films = ReturnNumberOfFilms(filmName);

            // FILM array
            List <Film> refinedFilms = RefineFilmsArray(films, year);

            if (refinedFilms == null)

            // After we get the name of the Film we also get the Actor name as well
            int whereToCut     = winnerSection.IndexOf("<a", secondSection);
            int whereToStopCut = winnerSection.IndexOf("</a>", secondSection);

            int whereToStop = whereToStopCut - whereToCut;

            string actorName = winnerSection.Substring(whereToCut, whereToStop);

            // ACTOR array use a simple model first.
            //Then later on add the model when it has more information to the actorNameID array
            actorNameID = returnActorNameID(actorName);

            foreach (var actor in actorNameID)
                foreach (var film in refinedFilms)
                    actor.awards.Add(new Award()
                        categoryID   = categorySectionID,
                        filmID       = film.FID,
                        filmWebToken = film.webIDToken

                    if (DataRepository.allFilms.Find(q => q.webIDToken.Equals(film.webIDToken)) == null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("The film exists");

                string htmlPage = OscarsAwardHelper.GetActorsPage(actor.nameToken);

                if (htmlPage.Contains("\"title=\"No photo available.\"") == true)

                actor.DOB = GetDateOfBirthForWinner(htmlPage);

                // Create a function that gets the Actor's profile image once you have the Image
                // This array contains the url to the Page [0]
                // It also contains whether it is a profile or media image [1]
                // Contains Actor's id as well [2]
                string[] profileImageUrl = ImageHelper.GetProfileImageUrl(htmlPage, actor);

                if (profileImageUrl[0].Length < 20 || profileImageUrl[0].Length < 100)

                OscarData od = new OscarData(actor.ID);

                // If statement is a DEBUG test
                if (profileImageUrl[1].Equals("media") == true || profileImageUrl == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("media items");

                if (profileImageUrl != null)

                List <Person> checkIfUserExists = DataRepository.GetAllPersons();

                if (checkIfUserExists.Contains(actor) == true)
                    Debug.WriteLine("The actor exists");
コード例 #6
        public void GetLinksForWinnersTwo(Person person)
            OscarData oscarData = new OscarData();

            List <Film> films = DataRepository.GetAllFilms();

            foreach (var film in films) // Loop through all of the films
                string url = "http://www.imdb.com/title/" + film.webIDToken + "/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast";

                string htmlPage = oscarData.RequestFile(url);

                List <Person> castMembers     = OscarsAwardHelper.ReturnCastForThatFilm(htmlPage);
                List <Person> oscarWinnerList = DataRepository.GetAllPersons();

                // The CastMember list needs to contain the Person even though they might not have won an award

                // Check that the person is on the film's cast
                bool containsPerson = false;

                foreach (var cast in castMembers)     // we check the Cast to make sure that the person is on it
                    if (cast.nameToken.Equals(person.nameToken) && cast.name.Equals(person.name))
                        containsPerson = true;

                if (containsPerson == true)
                    //Check whether any of the cast are oscar winners
                    foreach (var cast in castMembers)
                        foreach (var oscarWinner in oscarWinnerList)
                            // Looking for a match between the cast and the oscar winner by name and nameToken
                            // The person who you have passed in; their name should not be matched
                            if (cast.name.Equals(oscarWinner.name) && cast.nameToken.Equals(oscarWinner.nameToken) && person.name != cast.name)
                                Person personTemp = DataRepository.FindByPersonByName(oscarWinner.name);

                                person.links.Add(new Link()
                                    filmID   = film.FID,
                                    PersonID = oscarWinner.ID

                                /*foreach (var award in personTemp.awards) // iterate over links not awards
                                 * {
                                 *  person.links.Add(new Link()
                                 *      {
                                 *          filmID = film.FID,
                                 *          PersonID = oscarWinner.ID
                                 *      });
                                 * }*/
                    } // End foreach
                }     // End if
            }         // End foreach
        } // End function