コード例 #1
ファイル: OrganisationStub.cs プロジェクト: OS2sync/OS2sync
        public void Soeg()
            SoegInputType1 input = new SoegInputType1();

            //input.SoegVirkning = new SoegVirkningType();
            input.AttributListe = new AttributListeType();
            input.RelationListe = new RelationListeType();
            input.TilstandListe = new TilstandListeType();

            soegRequest request = new soegRequest();

            request.SoegRequest1                  = new SoegRequestType();
            request.SoegRequest1.SoegInput        = input;
            request.SoegRequest1.AuthorityContext = new AuthorityContextType();
            request.SoegRequest1.AuthorityContext.MunicipalityCVR = OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality();

            OrganisationPortType channel = StubUtil.CreateChannel <OrganisationPortType>(OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, "Soeg", helper.CreatePort());

            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is CommunicationException || ex is IOException || ex is TimeoutException || ex is WebException)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Failed to establish connection to the Laes service on Organisation", ex);
コード例 #2
        public retResponse Update(RetInputType1 input)
            // send Ret request
            retRequest request = new retRequest();

            request.RetRequest1                  = new RetRequestType();
            request.RetRequest1.RetInput         = input;
            request.RetRequest1.AuthorityContext = new AuthorityContextType();
            request.RetRequest1.AuthorityContext.MunicipalityCVR = OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality();

            OrganisationPortType channel = StubUtil.CreateChannel <OrganisationPortType>(OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, "Ret", helper.CreatePort());

            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is CommunicationException || ex is IOException || ex is TimeoutException || ex is WebException)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Failed to establish connection to the Ret service on Organisation", ex);
コード例 #3
        public importerResponse Create(ImportInputType importInput)
            // construct request
            importerRequest request = new importerRequest();

            request.ImporterRequest1                  = new ImporterRequestType();
            request.ImporterRequest1.ImportInput      = importInput;
            request.ImporterRequest1.AuthorityContext = new AuthorityContextType();
            request.ImporterRequest1.AuthorityContext.MunicipalityCVR = OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality();

            // send request
            OrganisationPortType channel = StubUtil.CreateChannel <OrganisationPortType>(OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, "Import", helper.CreatePort());

            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is CommunicationException || ex is IOException || ex is TimeoutException || ex is WebException)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Failed to establish connection to the Importer service on OrganisationFunktion", ex);
コード例 #4
        public laesResponse Read(string uuid)
            LaesInputType laesInput = new LaesInputType();

            laesInput.UUIDIdentifikator = uuid;

            laesRequest request = new laesRequest();

            request.LaesRequest1                  = new LaesRequestType();
            request.LaesRequest1.LaesInput        = laesInput;
            request.LaesRequest1.AuthorityContext = new AuthorityContextType();
            request.LaesRequest1.AuthorityContext.MunicipalityCVR = OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality();

            OrganisationPortType channel = StubUtil.CreateChannel <OrganisationPortType>(OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, "Laes", helper.CreatePort());

            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is CommunicationException || ex is IOException || ex is TimeoutException || ex is WebException)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Failed to establish connection to the Laes service on Organisation", ex);
コード例 #5
ファイル: OrganisationStub.cs プロジェクト: OS2sync/OS2sync
        public void Ret(string overordnetUuid)
            log.Debug("Attempting Ret on Organisation with uuid " + registry.MunicipalityOrganisationUUID[OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality()]);

            RegistreringType1 registration = GetLatestRegistration(registry.MunicipalityOrganisationUUID[OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality()]);

            if (registration == null)
                log.Info("Cannot call Ret on Organisation with uuid " + registry.MunicipalityOrganisationUUID[OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality()] + " because it does not exist in Organisation");

            VirkningType virkning = helper.GetVirkning(DateTime.Now);

            OrganisationPortType channel = StubUtil.CreateChannel <OrganisationPortType>(OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, "Ret", helper.CreatePort());

                bool changes = false;

                RetInputType1 input = new RetInputType1();
                input.UUIDIdentifikator = registry.MunicipalityOrganisationUUID[OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality()];
                input.AttributListe     = registration.AttributListe;
                input.TilstandListe     = registration.TilstandListe;
                input.RelationListe     = registration.RelationListe;

                if (registration.RelationListe.Overordnet != null)
                    // we have an existing Overordnet, let us see if we need to change it
                    bool   expired = false;
                    object endDate = registration.RelationListe.Overordnet.Virkning.TilTidspunkt.Item;

                    if (endDate != null && endDate is DateTime && DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, (DateTime)endDate) >= 0)
                        expired = true;

                    if (expired || !registration.RelationListe.Overordnet.ReferenceID.Item.Equals(overordnetUuid))
                        registration.RelationListe.Overordnet.ReferenceID = StubUtil.GetReference <UnikIdType>(overordnetUuid, ItemChoiceType.UUIDIdentifikator);
                        registration.RelationListe.Overordnet.Virkning    = virkning;
                        changes = true;
                    // no existing parent, so just create one
                    helper.AddOverordnetEnhed(overordnetUuid, virkning, registration);
                    changes = true;

                // if no changes are made, we do not call the service
                if (!changes)
                    log.Debug("Ret on Organisation with uuid " + registry.MunicipalityOrganisationUUID[OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality()] + " cancelled because of no changes");

                // send Ret request
                retRequest request = new retRequest();
                request.RetRequest1                  = new RetRequestType();
                request.RetRequest1.RetInput         = input;
                request.RetRequest1.AuthorityContext = new AuthorityContextType();
                request.RetRequest1.AuthorityContext.MunicipalityCVR = OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality();

                retResponse response = channel.ret(request);

                int statusCode = Int32.Parse(response.RetResponse1.RetOutput.StandardRetur.StatusKode);
                if (statusCode != 20)
                    string message = StubUtil.ConstructSoapErrorMessage(statusCode, "Ret", OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, response.RetResponse1.RetOutput.StandardRetur.FejlbeskedTekst);
                    throw new SoapServiceException(message);

                log.Debug("Ret succesful on Organisation with uuid " + registry.MunicipalityOrganisationUUID);
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is CommunicationException || ex is IOException || ex is TimeoutException || ex is WebException)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Failed to establish connection to the Ret service on Organisation", ex);
コード例 #6
ファイル: OrganisationStub.cs プロジェクト: OS2sync/OS2sync
        public RegistreringType1 GetLatestRegistration(string uuid)
            LaesInputType laesInput = new LaesInputType();

            laesInput.UUIDIdentifikator = uuid;

            laesRequest request = new laesRequest();

            request.LaesRequest1                  = new LaesRequestType();
            request.LaesRequest1.LaesInput        = laesInput;
            request.LaesRequest1.AuthorityContext = new AuthorityContextType();
            request.LaesRequest1.AuthorityContext.MunicipalityCVR = OrganisationRegistryProperties.GetCurrentMunicipality();

            OrganisationPortType channel = StubUtil.CreateChannel <OrganisationPortType>(OrganisationStubHelper.SERVICE, "Laes", helper.CreatePort());

                laesResponse response = channel.laes(request);

                int statusCode = Int32.Parse(response.LaesResponse1.LaesOutput.StandardRetur.StatusKode);
                if (statusCode != 20)
                    // note that statusCode 44 means that the object does not exists, so that is a valid response
                    log.Debug("Lookup on Organisation with uuid '" + uuid + "' failed with statuscode " + statusCode);

                RegistreringType1[] resultSet = response.LaesResponse1.LaesOutput.FiltreretOejebliksbillede.Registrering;
                if (resultSet.Length == 0)
                    log.Warn("Organisation with uuid '" + uuid + "' exists, but has no registration");

                RegistreringType1 result = null;
                if (resultSet.Length > 1)
                    log.Warn("Organisation with uuid " + uuid + " has more than one registration when reading latest registration, this should never happen");

                    DateTime winner = DateTime.MinValue;
                    foreach (RegistreringType1 res in resultSet)
                        // first time through will always result in a True evaluation here
                        if (DateTime.Compare(winner, res.Tidspunkt) < 0)
                            result = res;
                            winner = res.Tidspunkt;
                    result = resultSet[0];

                // we cannot perform any kind of updates on Slettet/Passiveret, så it makes sense to filter them out on lookup,
                // so the rest of the code will default to Import op top of this
                if (result.LivscyklusKode.Equals(LivscyklusKodeType.Slettet) || result.LivscyklusKode.Equals(LivscyklusKodeType.Passiveret))

            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is CommunicationException || ex is IOException || ex is TimeoutException || ex is WebException)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Failed to establish connection to the Laes service on Organisation", ex);