コード例 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["isLogin"] == null)

            UserAccount user = (UserAccount)Session["UserAccountObj"];
            OrdersBLL   obll = new OrdersBLL();
            String      riderCurrentTrans;

            riderCurrentTrans = obll.DoRetrieveRiderCurrentOrderTransactionId(user.UserId);
            RiderBLL riderbll = new RiderBLL();
            Rider    rider    = riderbll.DoRetrieveRiderByID(user.UserId);

            if (riderCurrentTrans != null)
                lblNotWorking.Text   = "You have a current delivery ongoing!";
                gv_orderlist.Visible = false;

            else if (rider.IsFullTime == true)
                WWSBLL   wwsbll    = new WWSBLL();
                MWSBLL   mwsbll    = new MWSBLL();
                MWS      mws       = mwsbll.DoRetrieveLatestMWSByRId(user.UserId);
                DateTime timetest  = new DateTime(2020, 4, 13, 16, 30, 00);
                int      isWorking = 0;

                if (mws != null)
                    //replace with timetest to test. Modify timetest according to the schedule time.
                    isWorking = wwsbll.doIsRiderCurrentlyWorking(mws.MwsId, DateTime.Now);
                    //isWorking = wwsbll.doIsRiderCurrentlyWorking(mws.MwsId, timetest);

                if (isWorking == 0)
                    lblNotWorking.Text   = "Please refer to your schedule again!";
                    gv_orderlist.Visible = false;

            else if (rider.IsFullTime == false)
                PTWWSBLL         ptwwsbll = new PTWWSBLL();
                PTDayScheduleBLL ptdsbll  = new PTDayScheduleBLL();

                DateTime timetest  = new DateTime(2020, 4, 13, 11, 00, 00);
                int      isWorking = 0;

                //replace with timetest to test. Modify timetest according to the schedule time.
                isWorking = ptdsbll.doIsPartTimeRiderCurrentlyWorking(user.UserId, DateTime.Now);

                if (isWorking == 0)
                    lblNotWorking.Text   = "Please refer to your schedule again!";
                    gv_orderlist.Visible = false;

            if (!IsPostBack)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt = obll.DoRetrieveNoRiderAllCustomerOrder();

                if (dt != null)
                    gv_orderlist.DataSource = dt;