public void OrderRefundPayment()
            // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
            string id = null;

            var authorization       = authorizationApi.AuthorizationCreateToken("");
            var createOrderRequest  = CreateRequest(CreateOrderRequest.PaymentFlowEnum.Payment);
            var createOrderResponse = instance.OrderCreate(authorization, "IK006", createOrderRequest);

            id = createOrderResponse.OrderId;

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // Give the system time to complete the creation of the order

            var order = instance.OrderGet(authorization, id);

            var refund = new CreateRefundRequest(50, "Refund test");

            var response = instance.OrderRefund(authorization, id, "IK007", refund);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <RefundOrder>(response, "response is Refund");