public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is PayOrderRequest other && ((IdempotencyKey == null && other.IdempotencyKey == null) || (IdempotencyKey?.Equals(other.IdempotencyKey) == true)) && ((OrderVersion == null && other.OrderVersion == null) || (OrderVersion?.Equals(other.OrderVersion) == true)) && ((PaymentIds == null && other.PaymentIds == null) || (PaymentIds?.Equals(other.PaymentIds) == true))); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = -320446863; if (IdempotencyKey != null) { hashCode += IdempotencyKey.GetHashCode(); } if (OrderVersion != null) { hashCode += OrderVersion.GetHashCode(); } if (PaymentIds != null) { hashCode += PaymentIds.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); }
static string GetOrderVersionDescription(Order order, Contract contract, OrderVersion orderVersion) { string orderPrice; switch (orderVersion.OrderType) { case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.Market: orderPrice = "MKT"; break; case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.Limit: case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.MIT: orderPrice = $"{orderVersion.OrderType} {orderVersion.Price}"; break; case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.Stop: orderPrice = $"{orderVersion.OrderType} {orderVersion.StopPrice}"; break; case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.StopLimit: orderPrice = $"STOP {orderVersion.StopPrice} LIMIT {orderVersion.Price}"; break; case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.TrailingStop: orderPrice = $"TRAIL.STOP {orderVersion.StopPrice} with {orderVersion.PegDifference}"; break; case OrderVersion.OrderTypeEnum.TrailingStopLimit: orderPrice = $"TRAIL.STOP {orderVersion.StopPrice} LIMIT {orderVersion.Price} with {orderVersion.PegDifference}"; break; default: orderPrice = orderVersion.OrderType.ToString(); break; } return($"{order.Action} {orderVersion.OrderQty} {contract.Name} @ {orderPrice}"); }
protected void ToString(List <string> toStringOutput) { toStringOutput.Add($"IdempotencyKey = {(IdempotencyKey == null ? "null" : IdempotencyKey == string.Empty ? "" : IdempotencyKey)}"); toStringOutput.Add($"OrderVersion = {(OrderVersion == null ? "null" : OrderVersion.ToString())}"); toStringOutput.Add($"PaymentIds = {(PaymentIds == null ? "null" : $"[{ string.Join(", ", PaymentIds)} ]")}"); }