private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.Count; i++) { string fValue = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form[i]); switch (Request.Form.GetKey(i).ToLowerInvariant()) { // Customer Variables case "payment_status": payment_status = fValue; break; case "txn_id": txn_id = fValue; break; case "custom": custom = fValue; break; case "invoice": invoice = fValue; break; case "pending_reason": pending_reason = fValue; break; case "address_name": address_name = fValue; break; case "address_street": address_street = fValue; break; case "address_city": address_city = fValue; break; case "address_state": address_state = fValue; break; case "address_zip": address_zip = fValue; break; case "address_country": address_country = fValue; break; case "payer_email": payer_email = fValue; break; case "parent_txn_id": parent_txn_id = fValue; break; } } int CustomerID = Localization.ParseNativeInt(custom); if (CustomerID > 0) { //Validate the post by querying PayPal byte[] param = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength); string formStr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param); formStr += "&cmd=_notify-validate"; string verify_url = String.Empty; if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions")) { verify_url = AppLogic.AppConfig("PayPal.LiveServer"); } else { verify_url = AppLogic.AppConfig("PayPal.TestServer"); } byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formStr); HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(verify_url); webRequest.Method = "POST"; webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; webRequest.ContentLength = data.Length; Stream reqStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream(); reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); reqStream.Close(); WebResponse webResponse; string rawResponse = String.Empty; try { webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()); rawResponse = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); webResponse.Close(); } catch (Exception exc) { Response.Write("Error connecting with gateway. Please try again later."); err_msg += exc.Message + "\n\n"; } if (rawResponse.Equals("VERIFIED", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { String status = AppLogic.ro_OK; String TransactionState = AspDotNetStorefrontGateways.Processors.PayPalController.GetTransactionState(payment_status, pending_reason); int ExistingOrderNumber = Localization.ParseNativeInt(invoice); if (ExistingOrderNumber > 0 && !Order.OrderExists(ExistingOrderNumber)) { // It only is existing if it exists. ExistingOrderNumber = 0; } if (ExistingOrderNumber == 0) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent_txn_id)) { ExistingOrderNumber = DB.GetSqlN("select min(ordernumber) N from orders where (paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal + "' OR paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout + "') AND charindex(" + DB.SQuote(parent_txn_id) + ",AuthorizationPNREF) > 0"); } else { ExistingOrderNumber = DB.GetSqlN("select min(ordernumber) N from orders where (paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal + "' OR paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout + "') AND charindex(" + DB.SQuote(txn_id) + ",AuthorizationPNREF) > 0"); } } if (ExistingOrderNumber == 0) //last try - look up by paypal embedded checkout transaction { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent_txn_id)) { ExistingOrderNumber = OrderTransaction.LookupOrderNumber(null, null, null, null, parent_txn_id, null, null); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txn_id)) { ExistingOrderNumber = OrderTransaction.LookupOrderNumber(null, null, null, null, txn_id, null, null); } } // Order won't exist yet if they never followed the link from paypal back to the store. if (ExistingOrderNumber == 0) { if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateAuthorized || TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending || TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { Customer ThisCustomer = new Customer(CustomerID, true); ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(1, ThisCustomer, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart, 0, false); // Cart will be empty if order already processed by paypalok.aspx if (!cart.IsEmpty()) { Address UseBillingAddress = new Address(); UseBillingAddress.LoadByCustomer(ThisCustomer.CustomerID, ThisCustomer.PrimaryBillingAddressID, AddressTypes.Billing); UseBillingAddress.ClearCCInfo(); if (UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed != AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal && UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed != AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout) { try { AppLogic.ValidatePM(AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal); UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed = AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal; } catch (Exception) { AppLogic.ValidatePM(AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout); UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed = AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout; } } UseBillingAddress.UpdateDB(); if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("PayPal.RequireConfirmedAddress")) { Address ShippingAddress = new Address(); String[] StreetArray = address_street.Split(new string[1] { "\r\n" }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String Address1 = String.Empty; String Address2 = String.Empty; if (StreetArray.Length > 1) { Address1 = StreetArray[0]; Address2 = StreetArray[1]; } else { Address1 = address_street; } String[] NameArray = address_name.Split(new string[1] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String FirstName = String.Empty; String LastName = String.Empty; if (NameArray.Length > 1) { FirstName = NameArray[0]; LastName = NameArray[1]; } else { LastName = address_name; } string sql = String.Format("select top 1 AddressID as N from Address where Address1={0} and Address2={1} and City={2} and State={3} and Zip={4} and Country={5} and FirstName={6} and LastName={7} and CustomerID={8}", DB.SQuote(Address1), DB.SQuote(Address2), DB.SQuote(address_city), DB.SQuote(address_state), DB.SQuote(address_zip), DB.SQuote(address_country), DB.SQuote(FirstName), DB.SQuote(LastName), CustomerID); int ExistingAddressID = DB.GetSqlN(sql); if (ExistingAddressID == 0 || ThisCustomer.PrimaryShippingAddressID != ExistingAddressID) { string note = "Note: Customer selected Ship-To address at"; string ordernote = DB.GetSqlS("select OrderNotes S from Customer where CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()); if (!ordernote.Contains(note)) { ordernote += System.Environment.NewLine + note; DB.ExecuteSQL("update Customer set OrderNotes=" + DB.SQuote(ordernote) + " where CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()); } } if (ExistingAddressID == 0) { // Does not exist ShippingAddress.CustomerID = CustomerID; ShippingAddress.FirstName = FirstName; ShippingAddress.LastName = LastName; ShippingAddress.Address1 = Address1; ShippingAddress.Address2 = Address2; ShippingAddress.City = address_city; ShippingAddress.State = address_state; ShippingAddress.Zip = address_zip; ShippingAddress.Country = address_country; ShippingAddress.EMail = payer_email; ShippingAddress.InsertDB(); ShippingAddress.MakeCustomersPrimaryAddress(AddressTypes.Shipping); } else { // Exists already ShippingAddress.LoadFromDB(ExistingAddressID); ShippingAddress.MakeCustomersPrimaryAddress(AddressTypes.Shipping); } } // Reload customer and cart so that we have the addresses right ThisCustomer = new Customer(CustomerID, true); cart = new ShoppingCart(1, ThisCustomer, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart, 0, false); decimal CartTotal = cart.Total(true); decimal NetTotal = CartTotal - CommonLogic.IIF(cart.Coupon.CouponType == CouponTypeEnum.GiftCard, CommonLogic.IIF(CartTotal < cart.Coupon.DiscountAmount, CartTotal, cart.Coupon.DiscountAmount), 0); NetTotal = Localization.ParseNativeDecimal(Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(NetTotal)); decimal PaymentTotal = CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross"); // Cart will be empty if order already processed by paypalok.aspx if (!cart.IsEmpty() && NetTotal > 0.0M) { //Process as AuthOnly first int OrderNumber = AppLogic.GetNextOrderNumber(); status = Gateway.MakeOrder(String.Empty, AppLogic.ro_TXModeAuthOnly, cart, OrderNumber, String.Empty, String.Empty, txn_id, String.Empty); if (status == AppLogic.ro_OK) { if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { // Now, if paid for, process as Captured Gateway.ProcessOrderAsCaptured(OrderNumber); DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set AuthorizationPNREF=AuthorizationPNREF+" + DB.SQuote("|CAPTURE=" + txn_id) + " where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) { DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set TransactionState=" + DB.SQuote(AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) + " where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } } // The incoming payment should match the cart total, if they don't // the customer may have tampered with the cart to cheat, so flag as fraud // but keep new so the admin will have to review the order. if (Math.Abs(NetTotal - PaymentTotal) > 0.05M) // allow 0.05 descrepency to allow minor rounding errors { Order.MarkOrderAsFraud(OrderNumber, true); DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set FraudedOn=getdate(), IsNew=1 where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } else { // Finalize the order here since they may never click through to orderconfirmation.aspx Order ord = new Order(OrderNumber, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); String PM = AppLogic.CleanPaymentMethod(ord.PaymentMethod); if (!ord.AlreadyConfirmed) { DB.ExecuteSQL("update Customer set OrderOptions=NULL, OrderNotes=NULL, FinalizationData=NULL where CustomerID=" + CustomerID.ToString()); if (ord.TransactionIsCaptured() && ord.HasGiftRegistryComponents()) { ord.FinalizeGiftRegistryComponents(); } AppLogic.SendOrderEMail(ThisCustomer, OrderNumber, false, PM, true, null, null); DB.ExecuteSQL("Update Orders set AlreadyConfirmed=1 where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } } } } } } else // we have an existing order { if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateVoided) { IPNVoid(ExistingOrderNumber); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { IPNCapture(ExistingOrderNumber, txn_id, CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross")); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateRefunded) { IPNRefund(ExistingOrderNumber, txn_id, CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross")); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) { // eChecks could have had the order placed in Captured state with Express Checkout DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set CapturedOn=NULL, TransactionState=" + DB.SQuote(AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) + " where OrderNumber=" + ExistingOrderNumber.ToString()); } OrderTransactionCollection transactions = new OrderTransactionCollection(ExistingOrderNumber); transactions.AddTransaction(TransactionState, null, null, null, txn_id, AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal + " IPN", null, CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross")); } } else { } } }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection collection) { SysLog.LogMessage( message: "Received a recurring payment notification from PayPal Express.", details: Gateway.ListFormCollectionKeyValuePairs(collection), messageType: MessageTypeEnum.Informational, messageSeverity: MessageSeverityEnum.Alert); if (!PostIsValid()) { return(Content(string.Empty)); } var paymentStatus = collection["payment_status"] ?? string.Empty; var transactionId = collection["txn_id"] ?? string.Empty; var pendingReason = collection["pending_reason"] ?? string.Empty; var parentTransactionId = collection["parent_txn_id"] ?? string.Empty; var transactionType = collection["txn_type"] ?? string.Empty; var payerId = collection["payer_id"] ?? string.Empty; var profileId = collection["recurring_payment_id"] ?? string.Empty; var subscriptionId = collection["subscr_id"] ?? string.Empty; var paymentTotal = CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross"); //Recurring notification if (transactionType.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("recurring") || transactionType.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("subscr_cancel")) { HandlePayPalExpressCheckoutRecurringNotification(transactionType, payerId, profileId, subscriptionId); } // Normal notification var transactionState = PayPalController.GetTransactionState(paymentStatus, pendingReason); var existingOrderNumber = GetPPECOriginalOrderNumber(profileId, subscriptionId); if (existingOrderNumber > 0 && !Order.OrderExists(existingOrderNumber)) { existingOrderNumber = 0; } if (existingOrderNumber == 0) //Was it a PayPal Express order? { existingOrderNumber = DB.GetSqlN( string.Format("SELECT MIN(OrderNumber) N FROM Orders WHERE (PaymentMethod = '{0}') AND CHARINDEX({1}, AuthorizationPNREF) > 0", AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalExpress, string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentTransactionId) ? DB.SQuote(transactionId) : DB.SQuote(parentTransactionId))); } if (existingOrderNumber == 0) //Last try - look up by paypal payments advanced checkout transaction { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentTransactionId)) { existingOrderNumber = OrderTransaction.LookupOrderNumber(null, null, null, null, parentTransactionId, null, null); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionId)) { existingOrderNumber = OrderTransaction.LookupOrderNumber(null, null, null, null, transactionId, null, null); } } if (existingOrderNumber == 0) { return(Content(string.Empty)); } if (transactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateVoided) { VoidPPOrder(existingOrderNumber); } else if (transactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { CapturePPOrder(existingOrderNumber, transactionId, paymentTotal); } else if (transactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateRefunded) { RefundPPOrder(existingOrderNumber, transactionId, paymentTotal); } else if (transactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) { DB.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("UPDATE Orders SET CapturedOn = NULL, TransactionState = {0} WHERE OrderNumber = {1}", DB.SQuote(AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending), existingOrderNumber)); } OrderTransactionCollection transactions = new OrderTransactionCollection(existingOrderNumber); transactions.AddTransaction(transactionState, null, null, null, transactionId, AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalExpress + " IPN", null, paymentTotal); return(Content(string.Empty)); }
string subscriptionID = String.Empty; // PayPal Standard private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //String postData = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form.ToString()) ? Request.QueryString.ToString() : Request.Form.ToString(); //SysLog.LogMessage("Paypal notification posted to.", postData, MessageTypeEnum.Informational, MessageSeverityEnum.Alert); for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.Count; i++) { string fValue = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form[i]); switch (Request.Form.GetKey(i).ToLowerInvariant()) { // Customer Variables case "payment_status": payment_status = fValue; break; case "txn_id": txn_id = fValue; break; case "custom": custom = fValue; break; case "invoice": invoice = fValue; break; case "pending_reason": pending_reason = fValue; break; case "address_name": address_name = fValue; break; case "address_street": address_street = fValue; break; case "address_city": address_city = fValue; break; case "address_state": address_state = fValue; break; case "address_zip": address_zip = fValue; break; case "address_country": address_country = fValue; break; case "payer_email": payer_email = fValue; break; case "parent_txn_id": parent_txn_id = fValue; break; case "txn_type": txn_type = fValue; break; case "payer_id": payerID = fValue; break; case "recurring_payment_id": profileID = fValue; break; case "subscr_id": subscriptionID = fValue; break; } } // PayPal Express Checkout recurring notification if (txn_type.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("recurring") || txn_type.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("subscr_cancel") && PostIsValid()) { HandlePayPalExpressCheckoutRecurringNotification(); } // Non-recurring notification int CustomerID = Localization.ParseNativeInt(custom); if (CustomerID > 0 && PostIsValid()) { String status = AppLogic.ro_OK; String TransactionState = AspDotNetStorefrontGateways.Processors.PayPalController.GetTransactionState(payment_status, pending_reason); int ExistingOrderNumber = Localization.ParseNativeInt(invoice); if (ExistingOrderNumber > 0 && !Order.OrderExists(ExistingOrderNumber)) { // It only is existing if it exists. ExistingOrderNumber = 0; } if (ExistingOrderNumber == 0) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent_txn_id)) { ExistingOrderNumber = DB.GetSqlN("select min(ordernumber) N from orders where (paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal + "' OR paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout + "') AND charindex(" + DB.SQuote(parent_txn_id) + ",AuthorizationPNREF) > 0"); } else { ExistingOrderNumber = DB.GetSqlN("select min(ordernumber) N from orders where (paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal + "' OR paymentmethod = '" + AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout + "') AND charindex(" + DB.SQuote(txn_id) + ",AuthorizationPNREF) > 0"); } } if (ExistingOrderNumber == 0) //last try - look up by paypal payments advanced checkout transaction { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parent_txn_id)) { ExistingOrderNumber = OrderTransaction.LookupOrderNumber(null, null, null, null, parent_txn_id, null, null); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txn_id)) { ExistingOrderNumber = OrderTransaction.LookupOrderNumber(null, null, null, null, txn_id, null, null); } } // Order won't exist yet if they never followed the link from paypal back to the store. if (ExistingOrderNumber == 0) { if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateAuthorized || TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending || TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { Customer ThisCustomer = new Customer(CustomerID, true); ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(1, ThisCustomer, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart, 0, false); // Cart will be empty if order already processed by paypalok.aspx if (!cart.IsEmpty()) { Address UseBillingAddress = new Address(); UseBillingAddress.LoadByCustomer(ThisCustomer.CustomerID, ThisCustomer.PrimaryBillingAddressID, AddressTypes.Billing); UseBillingAddress.ClearCCInfo(); if (UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed != AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal && UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed != AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout) { try { AppLogic.ValidatePM(AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal); UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed = AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal; } catch (Exception) { AppLogic.ValidatePM(AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout); UseBillingAddress.PaymentMethodLastUsed = AppLogic.ro_PMPayPalEmbeddedCheckout; } } UseBillingAddress.UpdateDB(); if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("PayPal.RequireConfirmedAddress")) { Address ShippingAddress = new Address(); String[] StreetArray = address_street.Split(new string[1] { "\r\n" }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String Address1 = String.Empty; String Address2 = String.Empty; if (StreetArray.Length > 1) { Address1 = StreetArray[0]; Address2 = StreetArray[1]; } else { Address1 = address_street; } String[] NameArray = address_name.Split(new string[1] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); String FirstName = String.Empty; String LastName = String.Empty; if (NameArray.Length > 1) { FirstName = NameArray[0]; LastName = NameArray[1]; } else { LastName = address_name; } string sql = String.Format("select top 1 AddressID as N from Address where Address1={0} and Address2={1} and City={2} and State={3} and Zip={4} and Country={5} and FirstName={6} and LastName={7} and CustomerID={8}", DB.SQuote(Address1), DB.SQuote(Address2), DB.SQuote(address_city), DB.SQuote(address_state), DB.SQuote(address_zip), DB.SQuote(address_country), DB.SQuote(FirstName), DB.SQuote(LastName), CustomerID); int ExistingAddressID = DB.GetSqlN(sql); if (ExistingAddressID == 0 || ThisCustomer.PrimaryShippingAddressID != ExistingAddressID) { string note = "Note: Customer selected Ship-To address at"; string ordernote = DB.GetSqlS("select OrderNotes S from Customer where CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()); if (!ordernote.Contains(note)) { ordernote += System.Environment.NewLine + note; DB.ExecuteSQL("update Customer set OrderNotes=" + DB.SQuote(ordernote) + " where CustomerID=" + ThisCustomer.CustomerID.ToString()); } } if (ExistingAddressID == 0) { // Does not exist ShippingAddress.CustomerID = CustomerID; ShippingAddress.FirstName = FirstName; ShippingAddress.LastName = LastName; ShippingAddress.Address1 = Address1; ShippingAddress.Address2 = Address2; ShippingAddress.City = address_city; ShippingAddress.State = address_state; ShippingAddress.Zip = address_zip; ShippingAddress.Country = address_country; ShippingAddress.EMail = payer_email; ShippingAddress.InsertDB(); ShippingAddress.MakeCustomersPrimaryAddress(AddressTypes.Shipping); } else { // Exists already ShippingAddress.LoadFromDB(ExistingAddressID); ShippingAddress.MakeCustomersPrimaryAddress(AddressTypes.Shipping); } } // Reload customer and cart so that we have the addresses right ThisCustomer = new Customer(CustomerID, true); cart = new ShoppingCart(1, ThisCustomer, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart, 0, false); decimal CartTotal = cart.Total(true); decimal NetTotal = CartTotal - CommonLogic.IIF(cart.Coupon.CouponType == CouponTypeEnum.GiftCard, CommonLogic.IIF(CartTotal < cart.Coupon.DiscountAmount, CartTotal, cart.Coupon.DiscountAmount), 0); NetTotal = Localization.ParseNativeDecimal(Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(NetTotal)); decimal PaymentTotal = CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross"); // Cart will be empty if order already processed by paypalok.aspx if (!cart.IsEmpty() && NetTotal > 0.0M) { //Process as AuthOnly first int OrderNumber = AppLogic.GetNextOrderNumber(); status = Gateway.MakeOrder(String.Empty, AppLogic.ro_TXModeAuthOnly, cart, OrderNumber, String.Empty, String.Empty, txn_id, String.Empty); if (status == AppLogic.ro_OK) { if (subscriptionID.Length > 0) { String sql = "update orders set RecurringSubscriptionID = @SubscriptionID where OrderNumber = @OrderNumber"; SqlParameter[] orderNumberParams = { new SqlParameter("@SubscriptionID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) { Value = subscriptionID }, new SqlParameter("@OrderNumber", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = OrderNumber } }; DB.ExecuteSQL(sql, orderNumberParams); OrderTransactionCollection ecRecurringOrderTransaction = new OrderTransactionCollection(OrderNumber); ecRecurringOrderTransaction.AddTransaction("PayPal Standard Checkout Subscription Profile Creation", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, subscriptionID, AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal, null, NetTotal); } if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { // Now, if paid for, process as Captured Gateway.ProcessOrderAsCaptured(OrderNumber); DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set AuthorizationPNREF=AuthorizationPNREF+" + DB.SQuote("|CAPTURE=" + txn_id) + " where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) { DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set TransactionState=" + DB.SQuote(AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) + " where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } } // The incoming payment should match the cart total, if they don't // the customer may have tampered with the cart to cheat, so flag as fraud // but keep new so the admin will have to review the order. if (Math.Abs(NetTotal - PaymentTotal) > 0.05M) // allow 0.05 descrepency to allow minor rounding errors { Order.MarkOrderAsFraud(OrderNumber, true); DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set FraudedOn=getdate(), IsNew=1 where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } else { // Finalize the order here since they may never click through to orderconfirmation.aspx Order ord = new Order(OrderNumber, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting); String PM = AppLogic.CleanPaymentMethod(ord.PaymentMethod); if (!ord.AlreadyConfirmed) { DB.ExecuteSQL("update Customer set OrderOptions=NULL, OrderNotes=NULL, FinalizationData=NULL where CustomerID=" + CustomerID.ToString()); if (ord.TransactionIsCaptured() && ord.HasGiftRegistryComponents()) { ord.FinalizeGiftRegistryComponents(); } AppLogic.SendOrderEMail(ThisCustomer, OrderNumber, false, PM, true, null, null); DB.ExecuteSQL("Update Orders set AlreadyConfirmed=1 where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } } } } } } else // we have an existing order { if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateVoided) { IPNVoid(ExistingOrderNumber); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateCaptured) { IPNCapture(ExistingOrderNumber, txn_id, CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross")); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStateRefunded) { IPNRefund(ExistingOrderNumber, txn_id, CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross")); } else if (TransactionState == AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) { // eChecks could have had the order placed in Captured state with Express Checkout DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set CapturedOn=NULL, TransactionState=" + DB.SQuote(AppLogic.ro_TXStatePending) + " where OrderNumber=" + ExistingOrderNumber.ToString()); } OrderTransactionCollection transactions = new OrderTransactionCollection(ExistingOrderNumber); transactions.AddTransaction(TransactionState, null, null, null, txn_id, AppLogic.ro_PMPayPal + " IPN", null, CommonLogic.FormNativeDecimal("mc_gross")); } } }