コード例 #1
        public Alert ExitAlertCreate(Bar exitBar, Position position, double stopOrLimitPrice, string signalName,
                                     Direction direction, MarketLimitStop exitMarketLimitStop)

            double          priceScriptOrStreaming = stopOrLimitPrice;
            OrderSpreadSide orderSpreadSide        = OrderSpreadSide.Unknown;

            if (exitMarketLimitStop == MarketLimitStop.Market)
                priceScriptOrStreaming = this.getStreamingPriceForMarketOrder(exitMarketLimitStop, direction, out orderSpreadSide);

            PositionLongShort longShortFromDirection = MarketConverter.LongShortFromDirection(direction);
            double            exitPriceScript        = exitBar.ParentBars.SymbolInfo.RoundAlertPriceToPriceLevel(
                priceScriptOrStreaming, true, longShortFromDirection, exitMarketLimitStop);

            Alert alert = new Alert(exitBar, position.Shares, exitPriceScript, signalName,
                                    direction, exitMarketLimitStop, orderSpreadSide,

            alert.PositionAffected = position;
            // moved to CallbackAlertFilled - we can exit by TP or SL - and position has no clue which Alert was filled!!!

コード例 #2
        private double getStreamingPriceForMarketOrder(MarketLimitStop entryMarketLimitStop,
                                                       Direction direction, out OrderSpreadSide priceSpreadSide)
            double priceForMarketAlert = -1;

            priceSpreadSide = OrderSpreadSide.Unknown;
            switch (entryMarketLimitStop)
            case MarketLimitStop.Market:
                priceForMarketAlert = this.executor.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot
                    this.executor.Bars.Symbol, direction, out priceSpreadSide, false);

            case MarketLimitStop.AtClose:
                string msg = "[" + direction + "]At[" + entryMarketLimitStop + "]"
                             + " when LastBar[" + (this.executor.Bars.Count - 1) + "]; No way I can bring you a future price,"
                             + " even by executing your order right now"
                             + "; can't do inequivalent repacement to LastBar.Close";
                throw new Exception(msg);

            case MarketLimitStop.Stop:
            case MarketLimitStop.Limit:
            case MarketLimitStop.StopLimit:
                string msg2 = "STREAMING_BID_ASK_IS_IRRELEVANT_FOR_STOP_OR_LIMIT_ALERT [" + direction + "]At[" + entryMarketLimitStop + "]"
                              + " when LastBar[" + (this.executor.Bars.Count - 1) + "]";
                throw new Exception(msg2);

                throw new Exception("no handler for MarketLimitStop.[" + entryMarketLimitStop + "]");
コード例 #3
        public Alert EntryAlertCreate(Bar entryBar, double stopOrLimitPrice, string entrySignalName,
                                      Direction direction, MarketLimitStop entryMarketLimitStop)

            double          priceScriptOrStreaming = stopOrLimitPrice;
            OrderSpreadSide orderSpreadSide        = OrderSpreadSide.Unknown;

            if (entryMarketLimitStop == MarketLimitStop.Market)
                priceScriptOrStreaming = this.getStreamingPriceForMarketOrder(entryMarketLimitStop, direction, out orderSpreadSide);

            PositionLongShort longShortFromDirection = MarketConverter.LongShortFromDirection(direction);
            // ALREADY_ALIGNED_AFTER GetAlignedBidOrAskForTidalOrCrossMarketFromStreaming
            double entryPriceScript = entryBar.ParentBars.SymbolInfo.RoundAlertPriceToPriceLevel(
                priceScriptOrStreaming, true, longShortFromDirection, entryMarketLimitStop);

            double shares = this.executor.PositionSizeCalculate(entryBar, entryPriceScript);

            Alert alert = new Alert(entryBar, shares, entryPriceScript, entrySignalName,
                                    direction, entryMarketLimitStop, orderSpreadSide,


コード例 #4
        public Alert(Bar bar, double qty, double priceScript, string signalName,
                     Direction direction, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop, OrderSpreadSide orderSpreadSide,
                     Strategy strategy) : this()
            if (direction == Direction.Unknown)
                string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_DIRECTION_MUST_NOT_BE_UNKNOWN: when creating an Alert, direction parameter can't be null";
                throw new Exception(msg);
            if (bar == null)
                string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_BAR_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar parameter can't be null";
                throw new Exception(msg);
            if (bar.ParentBars == null)
                string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_PARENT_BARS_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar.ParentBars can't be null";
                throw new Exception(msg);
            this.Bars           = bar.ParentBars;
            this.PlacedBar      = bar;
            this.PlacedBarIndex = bar.ParentBarsIndex;
            this.Symbol         = bar.Symbol;

            this.BarsScaleInterval = this.Bars.ScaleInterval;
            if (this.Bars.SymbolInfo != null)
                SymbolInfo symbolInfo = this.Bars.SymbolInfo;
                this.SymbolClass   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolInfo.SymbolClass) == false) ? symbolInfo.SymbolClass : "UNKNOWN_CLASS";
                this.MarketOrderAs = symbolInfo.MarketOrderAs;

            this.AccountNumber = "UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT";
            if (this.DataSource.BrokerProvider != null && this.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate != null &&
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber) != false)
                this.AccountNumber = this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber;

            this.Qty             = qty;
            this.PriceScript     = priceScript;
            this.SignalName      = signalName;
            this.Direction       = direction;
            this.MarketLimitStop = marketLimitStop;
            this.OrderSpreadSide = orderSpreadSide;

            this.Strategy = strategy;
            if (this.Strategy != null)
                this.StrategyID   = this.Strategy.Guid;
                this.StrategyName = this.Strategy.Name;

            if (this.Strategy.Script != null)
                string msg = "Looks like a manual Order submitted from the Chart";
コード例 #5
        public Order(Alert alert, bool fromAutoTrading,
                     bool forceOverwriteAlertOrderFollowedToNewlyCreatedOrder = false) : this()
            if (alert == null)
                string msg = "Order(): alert=null (serializer will get upset) for " + this.ToString();
                throw new Exception(msg);
            if (alert.OrderFollowed != null && forceOverwriteAlertOrderFollowedToNewlyCreatedOrder == false)
                string msg = "I refuse to create one more order for an alert.OrderFollowed!=null; alert[" + alert + "] alert.OrderFollowed[" + alert.OrderFollowed + "]";
                throw new Exception(msg);
            this.PriceRequested  = alert.PriceScript;
            this.QtyRequested    = alert.Qty;
            this.FromAutoTrading = fromAutoTrading;
            //this.TimeCreatedServer = alert.TimeCreatedLocal;
            // due to serverTime lagging, replacements orders are born before the original order...
            this.TimeCreatedBroker = alert.Bars.MarketInfo.ConvertLocalTimeToServer(DateTime.Now);
            //this.PositionFollowed = new Position() when order.State becomes OrderState.Filled;
            this.SpreadSide = alert.OrderSpreadSide;
            //this.ExtendedOrderType = alert.ExtendedOrderType;

            // Bid/Ask Dictionaries are synchronized => no exceptions
            if (alert.DataSource != null && alert.DataSource.StreamingProvider != null)
                this.CurrentBid = alert.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot.BestBidGetForMarketOrder(alert.Symbol);
                this.CurrentAsk = alert.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot.BestAskGetForMarketOrder(alert.Symbol);

            this.Alert          = alert;
            alert.OrderFollowed = this;

//MOVED_TO OrderProcessor::CreatePropagateOrderFromAlert() for {if (alert.IsExitAlert) alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert.OrderFollowed.DerivedOrdersAdd(newborn);}
//			if (alert.PositionAffected != null && alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert != null && alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert.OrderFollowed != null) {
//				alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert.OrderFollowed.DerivedOrdersAdd(this);
//				// TODO will also have to notify ExecutionForm on this Order, which will close a Position
//			}
            alert.MreOrderFollowedIsNotNull.Set();              // Order is fully constructed, all properties assigned, go read them
コード例 #6
        public Order()                  // called by Json.Deserialize(); what if I'll make it protected?
            this.GUID              = newGUID();
            this.messages          = new ConcurrentQueue <OrderStateMessage>();
            this.ExtendedOrderType = "";
            this.PriceRequested    = 0;
            this.PriceFill         = 0;
            this.QtyRequested      = 0;
            this.QtyFill           = 0;
            //this.PositionFollowed = null;
            //this.AccountPositionFollowed = null;

            this.State         = OrderState.Unknown;
            this.SernoSession  = 0;                     //QUIK
            this.SernoExchange = 0;                     //QUIK

            this.IsReplacement      = false;
            this.ReplacementForGUID = "";
            this.ReplacedByGUID     = "";

            this.IsKiller   = false;
            this.VictimGUID = "";
            this.KillerGUID = "";

            this.StateImageIndex          = 0;
            this.StateUpdateLastTimeLocal = DateTime.MinValue;
            this.FromAutoTrading          = false;
            this.SlippageFill             = 0;
            this.SlippageIndex            = 0;
            this.CurrentAsk         = 0;
            this.CurrentBid         = 0;
            this.SpreadSide         = OrderSpreadSide.Unknown;
            this.MreActiveCanCome   = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            this.DerivedOrders      = new List <Order>();
            this.DerivedOrdersGuids = new List <string>();
コード例 #7
		private double getStreamingPriceForMarketOrder(MarketLimitStop entryMarketLimitStop,
				Direction direction, out OrderSpreadSide priceSpreadSide) {
			double priceForMarketAlert = -1;
			priceSpreadSide = OrderSpreadSide.Unknown;
			switch (entryMarketLimitStop) {
				case MarketLimitStop.Market:
					priceForMarketAlert = this.executor.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot
							this.executor.Bars.Symbol, direction, out priceSpreadSide, false);
				case MarketLimitStop.AtClose:
					string msg = "[" + direction + "]At[" + entryMarketLimitStop + "]"
						+ " when LastBar[" + (this.executor.Bars.Count - 1) + "]; No way I can bring you a future price,"
						+ " even by executing your order right now"
						+ "; can't do inequivalent repacement to LastBar.Close";
					throw new Exception(msg);
				case MarketLimitStop.Stop:
				case MarketLimitStop.Limit:
				case MarketLimitStop.StopLimit:
					string msg2 = "STREAMING_BID_ASK_IS_IRRELEVANT_FOR_STOP_OR_LIMIT_ALERT [" + direction + "]At[" + entryMarketLimitStop + "]"
						+ " when LastBar[" + (this.executor.Bars.Count - 1) + "]";
					throw new Exception(msg2);
					throw new Exception("no handler for MarketLimitStop.[" + entryMarketLimitStop + "]");
			return priceForMarketAlert;
コード例 #8
        public virtual double GetAlignedBidOrAskForTidalOrCrossMarketFromStreaming(string symbol, Direction direction
                                                                                   , out OrderSpreadSide oss, bool forceCrossMarket)
            double priceLastQuote = this.LastQuoteGetPriceForMarketOrder(symbol);

            if (priceLastQuote == 0)
                string msg = "QuickCheck ZERO priceLastQuote=" + priceLastQuote + " for Symbol=[" + symbol + "]"
                             + " from streamingProvider[" + this.streamingProvider.Name + "].StreamingDataSnapshot";
                //throw new Exception(msg);
            double currentBid = this.BestBidGetForMarketOrder(symbol);
            double currentAsk = this.BestAskGetForMarketOrder(symbol);

            if (currentBid == 0)
                string msg = "ZERO currentBid=" + currentBid + " for Symbol=[" + symbol + "]"
                             + " while priceLastQuote=[" + priceLastQuote + "]"
                             + " from streamingProvider[" + this.streamingProvider.Name + "].StreamingDataSnapshot";
                //throw new Exception(msg);
            if (currentAsk == 0)
                string msg = "ZERO currentAsk=" + currentAsk + " for Symbol=[" + symbol + "]"
                             + " while priceLastQuote=[" + priceLastQuote + "]"
                             + " from streamingProvider[" + this.streamingProvider.Name + "].StreamingDataSnapshot";
                //throw new Exception(msg);

            double price = 0;

            oss = OrderSpreadSide.ERROR;

            SymbolInfo    symbolInfo = Assembler.InstanceInitialized.RepositoryCustomSymbolInfo.FindSymbolInfo(symbol);
            MarketOrderAs spreadSide;

            if (forceCrossMarket)
                spreadSide = MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket;
                spreadSide = (symbolInfo == null) ? MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket : symbolInfo.MarketOrderAs;
            if (spreadSide == MarketOrderAs.ERROR || spreadSide == MarketOrderAs.Unknown)
                string msg = "Set Symbol[" + symbol + "].SymbolInfo.LimitCrossMarket; should not be spreadSide[" + spreadSide + "]";
                throw new Exception(msg);

            switch (direction)
            case Direction.Buy:
            case Direction.Cover:
                switch (spreadSide)
                case MarketOrderAs.LimitTidal:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.AskTidal;
                    price = currentAsk;

                case MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.BidCrossed;
                    price = currentBid;                                                 // Unknown (Order default) becomes CrossMarket

                case MarketOrderAs.MarketMinMaxSentToBroker:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.MaxPrice;
                    price = currentAsk;

                case MarketOrderAs.MarketZeroSentToBroker:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.MarketPrice;
                    price = currentAsk;                                                 // looks like default, must be crossmarket to fill it right now

                    string msg2 = "no handler for spreadSide[" + spreadSide + "] direction[" + direction + "]";
                    throw new Exception(msg2);

            case Direction.Short:
            case Direction.Sell:
                switch (spreadSide)
                case MarketOrderAs.LimitTidal:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.BidTidal;
                    price = currentBid;

                case MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.AskCrossed;
                    price = currentAsk;                                                 // Unknown (Order default) becomes CrossMarket

                case MarketOrderAs.MarketMinMaxSentToBroker:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.MinPrice;
                    price = currentBid;                                                 // Unknown (Order default) becomes CrossMarket

                case MarketOrderAs.MarketZeroSentToBroker:
                    oss   = OrderSpreadSide.MarketPrice;
                    price = currentBid;                                                 // looks like default, must be crossmarket to fill it right now

                    string msg2 = "no handler for spreadSide[" + spreadSide + "] direction[" + direction + "]";
                    throw new Exception(msg2);

                string msg = "no handler for direction[" + direction + "]";
                throw new Exception(msg);

            if (double.IsNaN(price))
            symbolInfo = Assembler.InstanceInitialized.RepositoryCustomSymbolInfo.FindSymbolInfoOrNew(symbol);
            price      = symbolInfo.AlignOrderPriceToPriceLevel(price, direction, MarketLimitStop.Market);
コード例 #9
		public virtual double GetAlignedBidOrAskForTidalOrCrossMarketFromStreaming(string symbol, Direction direction
				, out OrderSpreadSide oss, bool forceCrossMarket) {
			double priceLastQuote = this.LastQuoteGetPriceForMarketOrder(symbol);
			if (priceLastQuote == 0) {
				string msg = "QuickCheck ZERO priceLastQuote=" + priceLastQuote + " for Symbol=[" + symbol + "]"
					+ " from streamingProvider[" + this.streamingProvider.Name + "].StreamingDataSnapshot";
				//throw new Exception(msg);
			double currentBid = this.BestBidGetForMarketOrder(symbol);
			double currentAsk = this.BestAskGetForMarketOrder(symbol);
			if (currentBid == 0) {
				string msg = "ZERO currentBid=" + currentBid + " for Symbol=[" + symbol + "]"
					+ " while priceLastQuote=[" + priceLastQuote + "]"
					+ " from streamingProvider[" + this.streamingProvider.Name + "].StreamingDataSnapshot";
				//throw new Exception(msg);
			if (currentAsk == 0) {
				string msg = "ZERO currentAsk=" + currentAsk + " for Symbol=[" + symbol + "]"
					+ " while priceLastQuote=[" + priceLastQuote + "]"
					+ " from streamingProvider[" + this.streamingProvider.Name + "].StreamingDataSnapshot";
				//throw new Exception(msg);

			double price = 0;
			oss = OrderSpreadSide.ERROR;

			SymbolInfo symbolInfo = Assembler.InstanceInitialized.RepositoryCustomSymbolInfo.FindSymbolInfo(symbol);
			MarketOrderAs spreadSide;
			if (forceCrossMarket) {
				spreadSide = MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket;
			} else {
				spreadSide = (symbolInfo == null) ? MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket : symbolInfo.MarketOrderAs;
			if (spreadSide == MarketOrderAs.ERROR || spreadSide == MarketOrderAs.Unknown) {
				string msg = "Set Symbol[" + symbol + "].SymbolInfo.LimitCrossMarket; should not be spreadSide[" + spreadSide + "]";
				throw new Exception(msg);

			switch (direction) {
				case Direction.Buy:
				case Direction.Cover:
					switch (spreadSide) {
						case MarketOrderAs.LimitTidal:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.AskTidal;
							price = currentAsk;
						case MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.BidCrossed;
							price = currentBid;		// Unknown (Order default) becomes CrossMarket
						case MarketOrderAs.MarketMinMaxSentToBroker:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.MaxPrice;
							price = currentAsk;
						case MarketOrderAs.MarketZeroSentToBroker:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.MarketPrice;
							price = currentAsk;		// looks like default, must be crossmarket to fill it right now
							string msg2 = "no handler for spreadSide[" + spreadSide + "] direction[" + direction + "]";
							throw new Exception(msg2);
				case Direction.Short:
				case Direction.Sell:
					switch (spreadSide) {
						case MarketOrderAs.LimitTidal:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.BidTidal;
							price = currentBid;
						case MarketOrderAs.LimitCrossMarket:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.AskCrossed;
							price = currentAsk;		// Unknown (Order default) becomes CrossMarket
						case MarketOrderAs.MarketMinMaxSentToBroker:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.MinPrice;
							price = currentBid;		// Unknown (Order default) becomes CrossMarket
						case MarketOrderAs.MarketZeroSentToBroker:
							oss = OrderSpreadSide.MarketPrice;
							price = currentBid;		// looks like default, must be crossmarket to fill it right now
							string msg2 = "no handler for spreadSide[" + spreadSide + "] direction[" + direction + "]";
							throw new Exception(msg2);
					string msg = "no handler for direction[" + direction + "]";
					throw new Exception(msg);

			if (double.IsNaN(price)) {
			symbolInfo = Assembler.InstanceInitialized.RepositoryCustomSymbolInfo.FindSymbolInfoOrNew(symbol);
			price = symbolInfo.AlignOrderPriceToPriceLevel(price, direction, MarketLimitStop.Market);
			return price;
コード例 #10
		public Alert(Bar bar, double qty, double priceScript, string signalName,
				Direction direction, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop, OrderSpreadSide orderSpreadSide,
				Strategy strategy) : this() {

			if (direction == Direction.Unknown) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_DIRECTION_MUST_NOT_BE_UNKNOWN: when creating an Alert, direction parameter can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (bar == null) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_BAR_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar parameter can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (bar.ParentBars == null) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_PARENT_BARS_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar.ParentBars can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			this.Bars = bar.ParentBars;
			this.PlacedBar = bar;
			this.PlacedBarIndex = bar.ParentBarsIndex;
			this.Symbol = bar.Symbol;
			this.BarsScaleInterval = this.Bars.ScaleInterval;
			if (this.Bars.SymbolInfo != null) {
				SymbolInfo symbolInfo = this.Bars.SymbolInfo;
				this.SymbolClass = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolInfo.SymbolClass) == false) ? symbolInfo.SymbolClass : "UNKNOWN_CLASS";
				this.MarketOrderAs = symbolInfo.MarketOrderAs;
			this.AccountNumber = "UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT";
			if (this.DataSource.BrokerProvider != null && this.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate != null
			    && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber) != false) {
				this.AccountNumber = this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber;

			this.Qty = qty;
			this.PriceScript = priceScript;
			this.SignalName = signalName;
			this.Direction = direction;
			this.MarketLimitStop = marketLimitStop;
			this.OrderSpreadSide = orderSpreadSide;

			this.Strategy = strategy;
			if (this.Strategy != null) {
				this.StrategyID = this.Strategy.Guid;
				this.StrategyName = this.Strategy.Name;
			if (this.Strategy.Script != null) {
				string msg = "Looks like a manual Order submitted from the Chart";
コード例 #11
		public Order(Alert alert, bool fromAutoTrading,
				bool forceOverwriteAlertOrderFollowedToNewlyCreatedOrder = false) : this() {
			if (alert == null) {
				string msg = "Order(): alert=null (serializer will get upset) for " + this.ToString();
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (alert.OrderFollowed != null && forceOverwriteAlertOrderFollowedToNewlyCreatedOrder == false) {
				string msg = "I refuse to create one more order for an alert.OrderFollowed!=null; alert[" + alert + "] alert.OrderFollowed[" + alert.OrderFollowed + "]";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			this.PriceRequested = alert.PriceScript;
			this.QtyRequested = alert.Qty;
			this.FromAutoTrading = fromAutoTrading;
			//this.TimeCreatedServer = alert.TimeCreatedLocal;
			// due to serverTime lagging, replacements orders are born before the original order...
			this.TimeCreatedBroker = alert.Bars.MarketInfo.ConvertLocalTimeToServer(DateTime.Now);
			//this.PositionFollowed = new Position() when order.State becomes OrderState.Filled;
			this.SpreadSide = alert.OrderSpreadSide;
			//this.ExtendedOrderType = alert.ExtendedOrderType;

			// Bid/Ask Dictionaries are synchronized => no exceptions
			if (alert.DataSource != null && alert.DataSource.StreamingProvider != null) {
				this.CurrentBid = alert.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot.BestBidGetForMarketOrder(alert.Symbol);
				this.CurrentAsk = alert.DataSource.StreamingProvider.StreamingDataSnapshot.BestAskGetForMarketOrder(alert.Symbol);

			this.Alert = alert;
			alert.OrderFollowed = this;
//MOVED_TO OrderProcessor::CreatePropagateOrderFromAlert() for {if (alert.IsExitAlert) alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert.OrderFollowed.DerivedOrdersAdd(newborn);}
//			if (alert.PositionAffected != null && alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert != null && alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert.OrderFollowed != null) {
//				alert.PositionAffected.EntryAlert.OrderFollowed.DerivedOrdersAdd(this);
//				// TODO will also have to notify ExecutionForm on this Order, which will close a Position 
//			}
			alert.MreOrderFollowedIsNotNull.Set();	// Order is fully constructed, all properties assigned, go read them
コード例 #12
 		public Order() {	// called by Json.Deserialize(); what if I'll make it protected?
			this.GUID = newGUID();
			this.messages = new ConcurrentQueue<OrderStateMessage>();
			this.ExtendedOrderType = "";
			this.PriceRequested = 0;
			this.PriceFill = 0;
			this.QtyRequested = 0;
			this.QtyFill = 0;
			//this.PositionFollowed = null;
			//this.AccountPositionFollowed = null;

			this.State = OrderState.Unknown;
			this.SernoSession = 0;		//QUIK
			this.SernoExchange = 0;		//QUIK

			this.IsReplacement = false;
			this.ReplacementForGUID = "";
			this.ReplacedByGUID = "";

			this.IsKiller = false;
			this.VictimGUID = "";
			this.KillerGUID = "";

			this.StateImageIndex = 0;
			this.StateUpdateLastTimeLocal = DateTime.MinValue;
			this.FromAutoTrading = false;
			this.SlippageFill = 0;
			this.SlippageIndex = 0;
			this.CurrentAsk = 0;
			this.CurrentBid = 0;
			this.SpreadSide = OrderSpreadSide.Unknown;
			this.MreActiveCanCome = new ManualResetEvent(false);
			this.DerivedOrders = new List<Order>();
			this.DerivedOrdersGuids = new List<string>();