コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an order to collection and return the unique order id or negative if an error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">A request detailing the order to be submitted</param>
        /// <returns>New unique, increasing orderid</returns>
        public OrderTicket AddOrder(SubmitOrderRequest request)
            var response = !_algorithm.IsWarmingUp
                ? OrderResponse.Success(request)
                : OrderResponse.WarmingUp(request);

            var ticket = new OrderTicket(_algorithm.Transactions, request);

            _orderTickets.TryAdd(ticket.OrderId, ticket);

            // send the order to be processed after creating the ticket
            if (response.IsSuccess)
                // add it to the orders collection for recall later
                var order = Order.CreateOrder(request);
                order.Status = OrderStatus.Invalid;
                order.Tag    = "Algorithm warming up.";
                _orders.TryAdd(request.OrderId, order);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an order to collection and return the unique order id or negative if an error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">A request detailing the order to be submitted</param>
        /// <returns>New unique, increasing orderid</returns>
        public OrderTicket AddOrder(SubmitOrderRequest request)
            var response = !_algorithm.IsWarmingUp
                ? OrderResponse.Success(request)
                : OrderResponse.WarmingUp(request);

            var ticket = new OrderTicket(_algorithm.Transactions, request);

            _orderTickets.TryAdd(ticket.OrderId, ticket);

            // send the order to be processed after creating the ticket
            if (response.IsSuccess)
                // add it to the orders collection for recall later
                var order = Order.CreateOrder(request);

                // ensure the order is tagged with a currency
                var security = _algorithm.Securities[order.Symbol];
                order.PriceCurrency = security.SymbolProperties.QuoteCurrency;

                order.Status = OrderStatus.Invalid;
                order.Tag    = "Algorithm warming up.";
                _orders.TryAdd(request.OrderId, order);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove this order from outstanding queue: user is requesting a cancel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Request containing the specific order id to remove</param>
        public OrderTicket CancelOrder(CancelOrderRequest request)
            OrderTicket ticket;

            if (!_orderTickets.TryGetValue(request.OrderId, out ticket))
                Log.Error("BrokerageTransactionHandler.CancelOrder(): Unable to locate ticket for order.");
                return(OrderTicket.InvalidCancelOrderId(_algorithm.Transactions, request));

                // if we couldn't set this request as the cancellation then another thread/someone
                // else is already doing it or it in fact has already been cancelled
                if (!ticket.TrySetCancelRequest(request))
                    // the ticket has already been cancelled
                    request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.InvalidRequest, "Cancellation is already in progress."));

                //Error check
                var order = GetOrderByIdInternal(request.OrderId);
                if (order != null && request.Tag != null)
                    order.Tag = request.Tag;
                if (order == null)
                    Log.Error("BrokerageTransactionHandler.CancelOrder(): Cannot find this id.");
                else if (order.Status.IsClosed())
                    Log.Error("BrokerageTransactionHandler.CancelOrder(): Order already " + order.Status);
                    request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.InvalidStatus(request, order));
                else if (_algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                    // send the request to be processed
                    request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.Success(request), OrderRequestStatus.Processing);
            catch (Exception err)
                request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ProcessingError, err.Message));

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the order request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>The order ticket for the request</returns>
        public OrderTicket ProcessRequest(OrderRequest request)
            if (_algorithm != null && _algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                throw new Exception(OrderResponse.WarmingUp(request).ToString());

            var submit = request as SubmitOrderRequest;

            if (submit != null)
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an order yet to be filled such as stop or limit orders.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Request detailing how the order should be updated</param>
        /// <remarks>Does not apply if the order is already fully filled</remarks>
        public OrderTicket UpdateOrder(UpdateOrderRequest request)
            OrderTicket ticket;

            if (!_orderTickets.TryGetValue(request.OrderId, out ticket))
                return(OrderTicket.InvalidUpdateOrderId(_algorithm.Transactions, request));


                //Update the order from the behaviour
                var order = GetOrderByIdInternal(request.OrderId);
                if (order == null)
                    // can't update an order that doesn't exist!
                else if (order.Status.IsClosed())
                    // can't update a completed order
                    request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.InvalidStatus(request, order));
                else if (request.Quantity.HasValue && request.Quantity.Value == 0)
                else if (_algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                    request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.Success(request), OrderRequestStatus.Processing);
            catch (Exception err)
                request.SetResponse(OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ProcessingError, err.Message));

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform preorder checks to ensure we have sufficient capital,
        /// the market is open, and we haven't exceeded maximum realistic orders per day.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>OrderResponse. If no error, order request is submitted.</returns>
        private OrderResponse PreOrderChecksImpl(SubmitOrderRequest request)
            if (IsWarmingUp)
                return OrderResponse.WarmingUp(request);

            //Most order methods use security objects; so this isn't really used.
            // todo: Left here for now but should review
            Security security;
            if (!Securities.TryGetValue(request.Symbol, out security))
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.MissingSecurity, "You haven't requested " + request.Symbol.ToString() + " data. Add this with AddSecurity() in the Initialize() Method.");

            //Ordering 0 is useless.
            if (request.Quantity == 0)
                return OrderResponse.ZeroQuantity(request);

            if (Math.Abs(request.Quantity) < security.SymbolProperties.LotSize)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.OrderQuantityLessThanLoteSize, $"Unable to {request.OrderRequestType.ToString().ToLower()} order with id {request.OrderId} which quantity ({Math.Abs(request.Quantity)}) is less than lot size ({security.SymbolProperties.LotSize}).");

            if (!security.IsTradable)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.NonTradableSecurity, "The security with symbol '" + request.Symbol.ToString() + "' is marked as non-tradable.");

            var price = security.Price;

            //Check the exchange is open before sending a market on close orders
            if (request.OrderType == OrderType.MarketOnClose && !security.Exchange.ExchangeOpen)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ExchangeNotOpen, request.OrderType + " order and exchange not open.");

            //Check the exchange is open before sending a exercise orders
            if (request.OrderType == OrderType.OptionExercise && !security.Exchange.ExchangeOpen)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ExchangeNotOpen, request.OrderType + " order and exchange not open.");

            if (price == 0)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.SecurityPriceZero, request.Symbol.ToString() + ": asset price is $0. If using custom data make sure you've set the 'Value' property.");

            // check quote currency existence/conversion rate on all orders
            Cash quoteCash;
            var quoteCurrency = security.QuoteCurrency.Symbol;
            if (!Portfolio.CashBook.TryGetValue(quoteCurrency, out quoteCash))
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.QuoteCurrencyRequired, request.Symbol.Value + ": requires " + quoteCurrency + " in the cashbook to trade.");
            if (security.QuoteCurrency.ConversionRate == 0m)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ConversionRateZero, request.Symbol.Value + ": requires " + quoteCurrency + " to have a non-zero conversion rate. This can be caused by lack of data.");

            // need to also check base currency existence/conversion rate on forex orders
            if (security.Type == SecurityType.Forex || security.Type == SecurityType.Crypto)
                Cash baseCash;
                var baseCurrency = ((IBaseCurrencySymbol)security).BaseCurrencySymbol;
                if (!Portfolio.CashBook.TryGetValue(baseCurrency, out baseCash))
                    return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ForexBaseAndQuoteCurrenciesRequired, request.Symbol.Value + ": requires " + baseCurrency + " and " + quoteCurrency + " in the cashbook to trade.");
                if (baseCash.ConversionRate == 0m)
                    return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ForexConversionRateZero, request.Symbol.Value + ": requires " + baseCurrency + " and " + quoteCurrency + " to have non-zero conversion rates. This can be caused by lack of data.");

            //Make sure the security has some data:
            if (!security.HasData)
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.SecurityHasNoData, "There is no data for this symbol yet, please check the security.HasData flag to ensure there is at least one data point.");

            // We've already processed too many orders: max 10k
            if (!LiveMode && Transactions.OrdersCount > _maxOrders)
                Status = AlgorithmStatus.Stopped;
                return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.ExceededMaximumOrders, string.Format("You have exceeded maximum number of orders ({0}), for unlimited orders upgrade your account.", _maxOrders));

            if (request.OrderType == OrderType.OptionExercise)
                if (security.Type != SecurityType.Option)
                    return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.NonExercisableSecurity, "The security with symbol '" + request.Symbol.ToString() + "' is not exercisable.");

                if (security.Holdings.IsShort)
                    return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.UnsupportedRequestType, "The security with symbol '" + request.Symbol.ToString() + "' has a short option position. Only long option positions are exercisable.");

                if (request.Quantity > security.Holdings.Quantity)
                    return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.UnsupportedRequestType, "Cannot exercise more contracts of '" + request.Symbol.ToString() + "' than is currently available in the portfolio. ");

                if (request.Quantity <= 0.0m)

            if (request.OrderType == OrderType.MarketOnClose)
                var nextMarketClose = security.Exchange.Hours.GetNextMarketClose(security.LocalTime, false);
                // must be submitted with at least 10 minutes in trading day, add buffer allow order submission
                var latestSubmissionTime = nextMarketClose.Subtract(Orders.MarketOnCloseOrder.DefaultSubmissionTimeBuffer);
                if (!security.Exchange.ExchangeOpen || Time > latestSubmissionTime)
                    // tell the user we require a 16 minute buffer, on minute data in live a user will receive the 3:44->3:45 bar at 3:45,
                    // this is already too late to submit one of these orders, so make the user do it at the 3:43->3:44 bar so it's submitted
                    // to the brokerage before 3:45.
                    return OrderResponse.Error(request, OrderResponseErrorCode.MarketOnCloseOrderTooLate, "MarketOnClose orders must be placed with at least a 16 minute buffer before market close.");

            // passes all initial order checks
            return OrderResponse.Success(request);