コード例 #1
        public void AddNewOrderWithCustomerId_AffectedRowsNumberReturned()
            IOrderRepository repository = new OrderRepository(connectionString, sqlConnection);
            int expected = 1;

            var actual = repository.AddNewOrder("CHOPS");

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
コード例 #2
        public void DeleteOrder_AffectedRowsNumberReturned()
            IOrderRepository repository = new OrderRepository(connectionString, sqlConnection);

            repository = new OrderRepository(connectionString, sqlConnection);
            int lastOrderId = repository.GetLastOrderId();
            int expected    = 1;

            repository = new OrderRepository(connectionString, sqlConnection);
            var actual = repository.DeleteOrder(lastOrderId);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
コード例 #3
        public IActionResult CreateOrder(AddOrderDTO newAddOrderDTO)
            var newOrder = new Order
                Id                = newAddOrderDTO.Id,
                CustomerId        = newAddOrderDTO.CustomerId,
                IsComplete        = newAddOrderDTO.IsComplete,
                OrderTotal        = newAddOrderDTO.OrderTotal,
                BillingAddressId  = newAddOrderDTO.BillingAddressId,
                ShippingAddressId = newAddOrderDTO.ShippingAddressId,
                PaymentId         = newAddOrderDTO.PaymentId

            var repo = new OrderRepository();
            var orderThatGotCreated = repo.AddNewOrder(newAddOrderDTO);

            return(Created($"api/orders/{orderThatGotCreated.Id}", orderThatGotCreated));
コード例 #4
        public IHttpActionResult AddNewOrder(Order order)
            var orderId = _orderRepository.AddNewOrder(order);

            if (order.Type == Type.Incoming)
                if (order.SupplierId == null)
                    return(new ResponseMessageResult(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)));
                var supplierMail = _supplierRepository.GetSupplierDetails(order.SupplierId.Value, order.CompanyId).Email;
                if (supplierMail == null)

                var mail       = new MailMessage();
                var smtpServer = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");

                mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                mail.Subject = "Nova narudžba od tvrtke " + _companyRepository.GetCompanyById(order.CompanyId).Name;

                mail.Body =
                    "Molimo Vas da kliknete na link kako bi potvrdili da ćete započeti s narudžbom: " +
                    "<form method=\"post\" action=\"https://waremaster.azurewebsites.net/api/orders/confirmincoming\" " +
                    "class=\"inline\">\r\n  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"orderId\" value=\"" + orderId + "\">\r\n  " +
                    "<button type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_param\" value=\"submit_value\" " +
                    "class=\"link-button\">\r\nPotvrdi narudžbu\r\n  </button>\r\n</form>";
                mail.IsBodyHtml        = true;
                smtpServer.Port        = 587;
                smtpServer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Skladospodar00");
                smtpServer.EnableSsl   = true;

コード例 #5
 protected void btnAddNewOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string           sqlConnection = section["SqlProvider"];
     IOrderRepository repository    = new OrderRepository(connectionString, sqlConnection);
     int result = repository.AddNewOrder("TOMSP", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);
コード例 #6
        public static void PlaceOrder(CustomerRepository customers, OrderRepository orders, StoreRepository stores, ProductRepository products)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Your First Name:");
            String firstName = Console.ReadLine();

            while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstName))
                Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid input, please provide a real first name");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Your First Name:");

                firstName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Your Last Name:");
            String lastName = Console.ReadLine();

            while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastName))
                Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid input, please provide a real last name");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Your Last Name:");

                lastName = Console.ReadLine();

            Customer customer = customers.GetCustomerByFirstAndLastName(firstName, lastName);

            if (customer != null)
                List <Store> allStores = stores.GetAllStores();

                if (allStores.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("\nStores available:");
                    for (int i = 0; i < allStores.Count(); i++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{i}) {allStores[i].StoreName}");

                    Console.WriteLine("\nType number corresponding to store you want to place order at:");

                    int storeChoice = (int)char.GetNumericValue(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar);

                    while (storeChoice < 0 || storeChoice > allStores.Count() - 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid option, please try again");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nType number corresponding to store you want to place order at:");

                        storeChoice = (int)char.GetNumericValue(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar);


                    Store store = allStores[storeChoice];

                    Console.WriteLine("\nAvailable Products:");

                    if (store.StoreInventory.Any())
                        foreach (var item in store.StoreInventory)
                            IProduct product = products.GetProductById(item.Key);
                            Console.WriteLine("    {0,-30}{1,-30}", $"Name:{product.ProductName}", $"Available:{item.Value}");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nNo products available for purchase. Returning to main menu...\n");

                    Console.WriteLine("Enter name of Product you want to add to cart or type 'Done' if done ordering: ");

                    String   productName       = Console.ReadLine();
                    IProduct product1          = null;
                    Dictionary <int, int> cart = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    decimal total = 0.0M;
                    while (productName != "Done")
                        while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productName))
                            Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid input. Product does not exist, please provide product name from the list exactly as it appears");
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of Product you want to add to cart or type 'Done' if done ordering: ");
                            productName = Console.ReadLine();

                            if (productName == "Done")

                        if (productName == "Done")

                        product1 = products.GetProductByName(productName);
                        if (product1 == null || !store.StoreInventory.ContainsKey(product1.ProductId))
                            Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid input. Product does not exist, please provide product name from the list exactly as it appears");
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of Product you want to add to cart or type 'Done' if done ordering: ");
                            productName = Console.ReadLine();

                        int amount = 0;

                        Console.WriteLine("\nHow many would you like to add to cart? ");
                            amount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        catch (FormatException)
                            amount = -1;
                        catch (ArgumentNullException)
                            amount = -1;
                        catch (OverflowException)
                            amount = -1;

                        while (amount < 0 || amount > store.StoreInventory[product1.ProductId])
                            Console.WriteLine($"\nInvalid amount. Make sure amount is a valid positive integer, inlcudes no white spaces and its not higher than current available stock ({store.StoreInventory[product1.ProductId]})");
                            Console.WriteLine("\nHow many would you like to add to cart? ");
                                amount = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            catch (FormatException)
                                amount = -1;
                            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                                amount = -1;
                            catch (OverflowException)
                                amount = -1;

                        cart.Add(product1.ProductId, amount);
                        total += product1.Price * amount;
                        Console.WriteLine("\nItem added to cart succesfully\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter name of Product you want to add to cart or type 'Done' if done ordering: ");
                        productName = Console.ReadLine();
                        product1    = null;

                    if (cart.Any())
                        Console.WriteLine("\nDo you wish to place order Y/N?");
                        char YesOrNo = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;

                        while (YesOrNo != 'Y' && YesOrNo != 'N')
                            Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid input please type 'Y' for Yes and 'N' for No");
                            YesOrNo = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;

                        if (YesOrNo == 'Y')
                            Order order = new Order(store.StoreId, customer.CustomerId, DateTime.Now, total, cart);
                            stores.PlaceOrder(store.StoreId, cart);
                            Console.WriteLine("\nOrder placed succesfully\n");
                            Console.WriteLine("\nOrder Canceled. Returning to main menu...\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nYour cart is empty. Returning to main menu...\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("\nNo Stores in database yet, sorry :(\n");
                Console.WriteLine("\nCustomer not found. Please register first to place an order. Returning to main menu...\n");