public static OrderHistoryClientContract ToClientContract(this OrderHistoryBackendContract src) { return(new OrderHistoryClientContract { Id = src.Id, AccountId = src.AccountId, Instrument = src.Instrument, AssetAccuracy = src.AssetAccuracy, Type = src.Type, Status = src.Status, CloseReason = src.CloseReason, OpenDate = src.OpenDate, CloseDate = src.CloseDate, OpenPrice = src.OpenPrice, ClosePrice = src.ClosePrice, Volume = src.Volume, TakeProfit = src.TakeProfit, StopLoss = src.StopLoss, TotalPnL = src.TotalPnl, PnL = src.Pnl, InterestRateSwap = src.InterestRateSwap, OpenCommission = src.OpenCommission, CloseCommission = src.CloseCommission }); }
private async Task SendIosNotificationAsync(string notificationsId, NotificationType notificationType, string message, OrderHistoryBackendContract order = null) { var apnsMessage = new IosNotification { Aps = new IosPositionFields { Alert = message, Type = notificationType, Order = order } }; var payload = apnsMessage.ToJson(ignoreNulls: true); try { var hub = CustomNotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(_connectionString, _hubName); await hub.SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync(payload, new[] { notificationsId }); } catch (Exception e) { _log.WriteError(nameof(SendIosNotificationAsync), payload, e); } }
private async Task SendNotification(string clientId, NotificationType notificationType, string message, OrderHistoryBackendContract order) { if (await _clientAccountService.IsPushEnabled(clientId)) { var notificationId = await _clientAccountService.GetNotificationId(clientId); await _appNotifications.SendNotification(notificationId, notificationType, message, order); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the AccountHistoryItemBackend class. /// </summary> public AccountHistoryItemBackend(System.DateTime?date = default(System.DateTime?), AccountHistoryBackendContract account = default(AccountHistoryBackendContract), OrderHistoryBackendContract position = default(OrderHistoryBackendContract)) { Date = date; Account = account; Position = position; }
private async Task SendAndroidNotificationAsync(string notificationsId, NotificationType notificationType, string message, OrderHistoryBackendContract order = null) { var gcmMessage = new AndroidNotification { Data = new AndroidPositionFields { Entity = EventsAndEntities.GetEntity(notificationType), Event = EventsAndEntities.GetEvent(notificationType), Order = order, Message = message } }; var payload = gcmMessage.ToJson(ignoreNulls: true); try { var hub = CustomNotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(_connectionString, _hubName); await hub.SendGcmNativeNotificationAsync(payload, new[] { notificationsId }); } catch (Exception e) { _log.WriteError(nameof(SendAndroidNotificationAsync), payload, e); } }
public async Task SendNotification(string notificationsId, NotificationType notificationType, string message, OrderHistoryBackendContract order = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notificationsId)) { _log.WriteWarning(nameof(SendNotification), notificationType, "Notification id is empty"); return; } await SendIosNotificationAsync(notificationsId, notificationType, message, order); await SendAndroidNotificationAsync(notificationsId, notificationType, message, order); }