public void CreateOrderTestTrue() // check crt order user id vs item id true { UserBL userbl = new UserBL(); Order order = new Order(); order.user = new User(); order.OrderItem = new Item(); ItemBL id = new ItemBL(); order.ListItem = new List <Item>(); order.user.user_id = 1; order.ListItem.Add(id.GetItemByID(101)); Assert.True(orderBL.CreateOrder(order)); }
public bool InsertOrder(Customer customer, Order order) { bool checkpay = false; bool checkDeleteCart = false; string path = Path.GetFullPath("DataCart" + customer.Username + ".txt"); try { checkpay = orderbl.CreateOrder(order); if (checkpay == true) { checkDeleteCart = DeleteFileCart(path); if (checkDeleteCart == true) { return(true); } } } catch (Exception) { } if (checkpay == false) { checkDeleteCart = false; return(false); } return(false); }
public void CreateOrderTest() { OrderBL orderBL = new OrderBL(); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2019, 12, 22); Order order = new Order(1, null, dateTime, 10); Assert.False(orderBL.CreateOrder(order)); }
public void CreateOrderTest2() { OrderBL orderBL = new OrderBL(); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2019, 1, 8); Order order = new Order(2, null, dateTime, 13); Assert.False(orderBL.CreateOrder(order)); }
public void CreateOrderTest() { UserDAL userDAL = new UserDAL(); ItemDAL itemDAL = new ItemDAL(); Order order = new Order(); order.OrderUser = new User(); order.OrderItem = new Item(); order.CartStatus = 0; order.OrderItem = itemDAL.GetItemByID(2); order.OrderUser = userDAL.GetUserById(1); orderDAL.CreateShoppingCart(order); Assert.True(orderBL.CreateOrder(order)); orderBL.DeleteAllItemInShoppingCartByUserID(1); }
public void CreateOrder(double total) { order.OrderUser = new Customer(); OrderBL orderBL = new OrderBL(); order.OrderUser = customer; try { if (orderBL.CreateOrder(order)) { Console.Clear(); customerBL.UpdateStatusShoppingCartById(true, customer.UserID); Console.WriteLine("Shoes Stores"); List <Order> shoppingCart = new List <Order>(); shoppingCart = orderBL.ShowOrderUserPaySucess(customer.UserID); Console.WriteLine("INVOICE"); Console.WriteLine("CUSTOMER'S NAME: {0}", shoppingCart[0].OrderUser.UserName); Console.WriteLine("CUSTOMER'S EMAIL: {0}", shoppingCart[0].OrderUser.UserEmail); Console.WriteLine("CODE ORDERS: {0}", shoppingCart[0].OrderId); var tables = new List <ConsoleTable>(); var table = new ConsoleTable("ID", "NAME", "PRICE"); foreach (var item in shoppingCart) { table.AddRow(item.OrderItem.ShoesId, item.OrderItem.ShoesName, FormatCurrency(item.OrderItem.ShoesPrice)); // tables.Add(table); } table.AddRow("", "", ""); table.AddRow("AMOUNT", "", shoppingCart[0].Amount); table.AddRow("TOTAL AMOUNT", "", FormatCurrency(shoppingCart[0].Total)); table.AddRow("DATE", "", shoppingCart[0].OrderDate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); tables.Add(table); foreach (var item in tables) { item.Write(); } Console.WriteLine("THANKS YOU"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Purchase failed"); } } catch (System.Exception) { Console.WriteLine("NO MONEY????"); throw; } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void CreateOrder(double total) { order.OrderUser = new User(); OrderBL orderBL = new OrderBL(); order.OrderUser = user; try { if (orderBL.CreateOrder(order)) { // Console.Clear(); userBL.UpdateStatusShoppingCartById(true, user.UserID); List <Order> shoppingCart = new List <Order>(); shoppingCart = orderBL.ShowOrderUserPaySucess(user.UserID); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" Hóa Đơn "); Console.WriteLine("TÊN KHÁCH HÀNG: {0}", shoppingCart[0].OrderUser.UserAccount); Console.WriteLine("EMAIL KHÁCH HÀNG: {0}", shoppingCart[0].OrderUser.UserEmail); Console.WriteLine("MÃ ĐƠN HÀNG: {0}", shoppingCart[0].OrderID); // Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------"); var table = new ConsoleTable("MÃ ĐƠN HÀNG", "TÊN ĐỒ UỐNG", "SIZE", "GIÁ"); foreach (var item in shoppingCart) { table.AddRow(item.OrderID, item.OrderItem.ItemName, item.OrderItem.ItemSize, FormatCurrency(item.OrderItem.ItemPrice)); } table.AddRow("", "", "", ""); table.AddRow("NGÀY MUA", "", "", shoppingCart[0].OrderDate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); table.AddRow("TỔNG TIỀN", "", "", FormatCurrency(total)); table.Write(); Console.WriteLine("CÁM ƠN QUÝ KHÁCH"); Console.WriteLine("HẸN GẶP LẠI"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Không thể mua hàng"); } } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } Console.WriteLine("Bấm phím bất kỳ để tiếp tục"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Create_test() { Orders or = new Orders(); or.Customer = new Customer(); or.OrderID = 1; or.Status = "complete"; or.Customer.CusID = 1; Items items = new Items(); or.Items = new List <Items>(); items.ItemID = 1; items.ItemPrice = 2; or.Items.Add(items); Assert.True(oBL.CreateOrder(or)); }
public bool CreateOrder() { OrderBL obl = new OrderBL(); UserBl ubl = new UserBl(); Orders orders = new Orders(); orders.shoesList = new List <Shoes>(); orders.Order_status = 1; orders.user = new User(); orders.user.User_id = id; orders.shoesList.Add(sbl.GetShoesById(sh_id)); var getshoes = sbl.GetShoesById(sh_id); while (true) { try { Console.Write("Input Amount: "); int amount1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if ((amount1 > getshoes.Amount && getshoes.Amount == 0) || (amount1 == getshoes.Amount && getshoes.Amount == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Quantity no longer please put another product .. !"); Console.ReadLine(); Displaylistshoes(); } if (amount1 > getshoes.Amount && getshoes.Amount > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Quantity in stock : {0}", getshoes.Amount); throw (new valueexception("Not enough quantity , please re-enter: ")); } else if (0 < amount1 || amount1 <= getshoes.Amount) { orders.shoesList[0].Amount = amount1; break; } } catch (valueexception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); continue; } catch { Console.Write("Please enter a valid :"); continue; } break; } Console.Write("Do you want to use the number of phone and current address to get unsigned ? :"); string chon = Console.ReadLine(); if (chon == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Please enter phone number and address! "); while (true) { Console.Write("-Enter recipient address :"); orders.Address = Console.ReadLine(); if (orders.Address != " ") { break; } } Console.Write("-Enter the recipient's phone number :"); while (true) { = Console.ReadLine(); if (IsValidString( == true) { break; } else { Console.Write("Please re-enter the recipient's phone number correctly : "); } } } else { var userdt = ubl.GetUserByid(id); orders.Address = userdt.Address; = userdt.Phone; } Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(orders) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); Console.ReadLine(); Displaylistshoes(); return(true); }
public void ShoppingCart() { var Or_us = obl.GetAllOrderByIDUser(id); decimal a = 0; int b = Or_us.FindIndex(x => x.Order_status == 2); if (b == -1) { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("The list is empty, no invoices have been generated!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.ReadLine(); } else if (b != -1) { string line = "============================================================================================"; Console.WriteLine(line); foreach (var orders in Or_us) { if (orders.Order_status == 2) { var orderdetail = obl.GetOrderDetailsByID(orders.Order_id); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("SHOES STORE"); Console.WriteLine(" Shoe Sales Invoice "); Console.WriteLine("-Order date : {0}", orderdetail.Date_Order); Console.WriteLine("-Order ID : {0}", orderdetail.Order_id); Console.WriteLine(line); Console.Write(" Product name | Unitprice | Amount | Size | Total \n"); foreach (var order in orderdetail.shoesList) { Decimal c = order.Price * order.Amount; Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,-26} {2,-15} {3,-10} {4}", order.Shoes_name, order.Price, order.Amount, order.Size, c); a += c; } Console.WriteLine(line); Console.WriteLine("-The total amount payable {0}", a); } } Console.WriteLine(line); Console.Write("Do you want to order ?(y/n)"); string choiceorder = Console.ReadLine(); if (choiceorder == "y") { Orders orders = new Orders(); orders.shoesList = new List <Shoes>(); orders.Order_status = 1; orders.user = new User(); orders.user.User_id = id; foreach (var order in Or_us) { if (order.user.User_id == id) { if (order.Order_status == 2) { oredr_iddelete = order.Order_id; var detail = obl.GetOrderDetailsByID(order.Order_id); foreach (var shoes in detail.shoesList) { var shoesbyid = sbl.GetShoesById(shoes.Shoes_id); if (shoes.Amount > shoesbyid.Amount) { Console.WriteLine(" Insufficient quantity Would you like to cancel this product? (y/n)", shoesbyid.Amount); char c = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); if (c == 'y') { obl.Delete(order.Order_id, shoes.Amount); break; } else if (c == 'n') { orders.shoesList.Add(sbl.GetShoesById(shoes.Shoes_id)); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter the product number: "); try{ int am = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if ((am > shoesbyid.Amount && shoesbyid.Amount == 0) || (am == shoesbyid.Amount && shoesbyid.Amount == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Quantity no longer please put another product .. !"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } else if (am > shoesbyid.Amount) { throw new valueexception("Quantity not enough please re-enter"); } else if (0 < am && am < shoesbyid.Amount) { orders.shoesList[index].Amount = am; index++; break; } }catch (valueexception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); continue; }catch { Console.WriteLine("Dung dep trai"); Console.Write("Please enter a valid :"); continue; } } } } else if (0 < shoes.Amount && shoes.Amount < shoesbyid.Amount) { orders.shoesList.Add(sbl.GetShoesById(shoes.Shoes_id)); orders.shoesList[index].Amount = shoes.Amount; index++; } } } } } Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(orders) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); obl.DeleteShoppingCart(2, oredr_iddelete); Console.ReadLine(); MenuCustomer(); } else if (choiceorder == "n") { MenuCustomer(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { short mainChoose = 0, imChoose; string[] mainMenu = { "Dang Nhap", "Xem thong tin va dat hang", "Quan li gio hang", "Exit" }; string[] imMenu = { "Get By Item Id", "Get All Items", "Search By Item Name", "Exit" }; ItemBL ibl = new ItemBL(); CustomerBL cbl = new CustomerBL(); OrderBL obl = new OrderBL(); List <Item> lst; do { mainChoose = Menu(" Nguoi Mua Hang Online", mainMenu); switch (mainChoose) { case 1: do { // if (ibl == null) ibl = new ItemBL(); imChoose = Menu("Login", imMenu); switch (imChoose) { case 1: Console.Write("\nInput Item Id: "); int itemId; if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out itemId)) { Item i = ibl.GetItemById(itemId); if (i != null) { //Console.WriteLine("Item ID: " + i.ItemId); Console.WriteLine("Item Name: " + i.ItemName); Console.WriteLine("Item Price: " + i.ItemPrice); Console.WriteLine("Amount: " + i.Amount); Console.WriteLine("Item Status: " + i.Status); Console.WriteLine("Item Description: " + i.Description); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no item with id " + itemId); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Your Choose is wrong!"); } Console.WriteLine("\n Press Enter key to back menu..."); Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: lst = ibl.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine("\nItem Count: " + lst.Count); break; case 3: lst = ibl.GetByName("I"); Console.WriteLine("\nItem Count By Name: " + lst.Count); break; } } while (imChoose != imMenu.Length); break; case 2: Customer c = new Customer { CustomerName = "Nguyen Thi Nhi", CustomerAddress = "Ha Tay" }; Console.WriteLine("Customer ID: " + cbl.AddCustomer(c)); break; case 3: Order order = new Order(); order.OrderCustomer = new Customer { CustmerId = null, CustomerName = "Dao Van Duc", CustomerAddress = "Thai Binh" }; order.ItemsList.Add(ibl.GetItemById(2)); order.ItemsList[0].Amount = 1; order.ItemsList.Add(ibl.GetItemById(3)); order.ItemsList[1].Amount = 2; Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(order) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); break; } } while (mainChoose != mainMenu.Length); }
public static bool Add(Account a, Order o) { o.OrderTable = new Table(); o.OrderAccount = new Account(); int tableid; Console.WriteLine("|| id table || table name || table status ||"); foreach (var item in tbl.display()) { if (item.Status == 0) { string stt = "empty"; Console.WriteLine("||{0,10}||{1,20}||{2,20}||", item.Table_Id, item.TableName, stt); } else if (item.Status == 1) { string stt = "has some one"; Console.WriteLine("||{0,10}||{1,20}||{2,20}||", item.Table_Id, item.TableName, stt); } } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Input table Id: "); tableid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (tableid == 0 || tableid > 36) { Console.Write("Pre-enter: "); try { tableid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { // Console.WriteLine("error"+ e); // Console.Clear(); Console.Write(""); } } var result = tbl.CheckTableById(tableid); if (result == true) { t = (tbl.GetTableById(tableid)); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Cant find this table or table is not empty!!!"); continue; } } o.OrderTable.Table_Id = tableid; o.OrderAccount.Account_Id = a.Account_Id; Console.WriteLine("|| item id || Item name || item price ||"); foreach (var item in itbl.display()) { Console.WriteLine("||{0,10}||{1,20}||{2,20}||", item.ItemId, item.ItemName, item.ItemPrice); } while (true) { Console.WriteLine(" Input Item Id: "); int itemid; while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out itemid) && itemid < 100 && itemid > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry. Please enter a number."); } Console.WriteLine("Input quantity item: "); int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (quantity <= 0 || quantity > 100) { Console.WriteLine("Dont try to test my system :)!!"); Console.Write("Pre-enter: "); try { quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { // Console.WriteLine("error"+ e); // Console.Clear(); Console.Write(""); } // obl.AddItemToOrder(itemid, quantity, o); } obl.AddItemToOrder(itemid, quantity, o); //it = itbl.GetItemById(itemid); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to continue Add Item? "); string choice2 = Console.ReadLine(); if (choice2 == "Y" || choice2 == "y") { continue; } else if (choice2 == "N" || choice2 == "n") { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to create order: "); char choice3 = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice3) { case 'y': Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(o) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); o.ItemsList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Order ID: " + o.OrderId); Console.WriteLine("Order Date: " + o.OrderDate); foreach (var item in o.ItemsList) { Console.WriteLine("Item Name: " + item.ItemName + " - " + "Quantity: " + item.Amount + " pecie"); } Console.WriteLine("Order By: " + a.StaffName); Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 'Y': Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(o) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); foreach (var item in o.ItemsList) { Console.WriteLine("Item Name: " + item.ItemName + " - " + "Quantity: " + item.Amount + " pecie"); } Console.WriteLine("Order By: " + a.StaffName); Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 'n': Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 'N': Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; default: Console.Write("Press any key to back the menu: "); Console.ReadKey(); break; } return(true); }
public void CreateOrder(Orders or, List <Items> itemsa) { CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;; OrderBL ordersbl = new OrderBL(); Console.Write("Enter your note: "); string note = Console.ReadLine(); or.Note = note; // string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"); or.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; or.Status = "Not yet"; or.Customer = customer; ItemBL itBl = new ItemBL(); or.Items = new List <Items>(); or.Items = itemsa; bool a = true; bool b; while (true) { Console.Clear(); string check; string choice = null; Console.WriteLine(row); Console.WriteLine("PAY"); Console.WriteLine(row); Console.WriteLine("\n1. Pay by ATM card "); Console.WriteLine("2. Pay down "); Console.WriteLine("3. Cancel order"); Console.Write("Enter your select : "); choice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "1": while (true) { Console.WriteLine("1. Confirm "); Console.WriteLine("2. Back"); Console.Write("Enter your selection :"); string select = Console.ReadLine(); switch (select) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Press anykey to pay !"); Console.ReadKey(); if (customer.Money < amount) { Console.WriteLine("Your card does not have enough money ! "); Console.ReadKey(); break; } a = ordersbl.CreateOrder(or); items.Clear(); Pay(or); break; case "2": break; default: Console.WriteLine("You must enter integer and in the option !"); Console.ReadKey(); continue; } break; } break; case "2": decimal cash; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("The money you must pay : " + amount); Console.Write("Enter amount must pay:"); bool c = Decimal.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out cash); if (c == false) { Console.WriteLine("You must enter number ! press anykey to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); continue; } if (cash == amount) { a = ordersbl.CreateOrder(or); items.Clear(); Pay(or); } if (cash < amount) { Console.Write("Amout must greater than totle price, do you continue (Y/N)"); check = checkYN(); if (check == "N") { break; } else { continue; } } if (cash > amount) { decimal excessCash = amount - cash; Console.WriteLine("\npay back the excess {0}, press anykey to continue\n", FomatMoney(excessCash)); Console.ReadKey(); a = ordersbl.CreateOrder(or); items.Clear(); Pay(or); } } break; case "3": b = ordersbl.DeleteOrder(or.OrderID); Console.WriteLine("Order has been canceled, Press anykey to continue !"); Console.ReadKey(); MenuAfterLogin(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("input invalid !"); break; } } }
private void PlaceOrder() { Console.WriteLine("This is your current order"); Console.WriteLine(_currentLocation.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(_openOrder.ToString()); bool repeat = true; do { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to place the order? [y/n]"); string input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (input == "y") { repeat = false; using (var log = new LoggerConfiguration().MinimumLevel.Debug().WriteTo.Console().WriteTo.File("../logs/logs.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day).CreateLogger()) { try { //first, close the order _openOrder.Closed = true; //and then, create the order int createdId = _orderBL.CreateOrder(_openOrder).Id; //Now we need to create line items associated to the order foreach (LineItem item in _openOrder.LineItems) { item.OrderId = createdId; _orderBL.CreateLineItem(item); } //update the store's inventory after the successful placement of the order by getting all the inventory of the location of the order List <Inventory> allInventory = _locationBL.GetLocationInventory(_currentLocation.Id); //and then update the inventory of the order and persist it to the DB foreach (LineItem lineItem in _openOrder.LineItems) { Inventory boughtItem = allInventory.Find(invenItem => invenItem.Product.Id == lineItem.Product.Id); boughtItem.Quantity -= lineItem.Quantity; _locationBL.UpdateInventoryItem(boughtItem); } Console.WriteLine("Order placed successfully!"); _openOrder = new Order { CustomerId = _currentCustomer.Id, LocationId = _currentLocation.Id, LineItems = new List <LineItem>() }; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Warning(ex.Message); } } } else if (input == "n") { repeat = false; return; } else { Console.WriteLine("I don't understand your input, please try again"); } } while(repeat); }
public void ShowCart() { while (true) { if (File.Exists("shoppingcart" + cusAll.UserName + ".dat")) { List <Items> itemsa = null; Orders or = new Orders(); decimal amount = 0; try { FileStream fs = new FileStream("shoppingcart" + cusAll.UserName + ".dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); string a = br.ReadString(); itemsa = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Items> >(a); br.Close(); fs.Close(); } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } var table = new ConsoleTable("ID", "ITEM NAME"); foreach (var itema in itemsa) { table.AddRow(itema.ItemID, itema.ItemName); amount += itema.ItemPrice; } table.Write(); string orde; Console.Write("Do you want create order ? (Y/N):"); orde = checkYN(); if (orde == "Y") { Console.Write("Enter your note: "); string note = Console.ReadLine(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; or.OrderDate = date; or.Status = "Not yet"; or.Amount = amount; or.CustomerID = cusAll; foreach (var item in itemsa) { or.Items = new List <Items>(); or.Items.Add(itBl.GetItemByItemID(or.ItemID)); // ordersbl.CreateOrder(or); } bool a = true; try { a = ordersbl.CreateOrder(or); } catch (System.Exception) { a = false; Console.WriteLine("\n ☹ Create order faild , press anykey to continue !\n"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } if (a == true) { Console.WriteLine("Create order success ! "); try { // Check if file exists with its full path if (File.Exists(Path.Combine("shoppingcart" + cusAll.UserName + ".dat"))) { // If file found, delete it File.Delete(Path.Combine("shoppingcart" + cusAll.UserName + ".dat")); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cart not found"); } } catch (IOException ioExp) { Console.WriteLine(ioExp.Message); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\n ☹ Create order faild , press anykey to continue !\n"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } else { break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("\nNo shopping cart yet , press anykey to continue !\n"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }
public void Displaylistshoes() { Console.Clear(); ShoesBL sbl = new ShoesBL(); var lists = sbl.GetAllShoes(); string line = ("===================================================================================================================\n"); Console.WriteLine(line); Console.Write(" Shoes_Id | Shoes_Name | Price | Size | Style | Color | Amount |\n"); Console.WriteLine(line); foreach (var Shoes in lists) { Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1,-25}{2,-17}{3,-10}{4,-24}{5,-18}{6} ", Shoes.Shoes_id, Shoes.Shoes_name, Shoes.Price, Shoes.Size, Shoes.Style, Shoes.Color, Shoes.Amount); } Console.WriteLine(line); Console.Write("Do you want to see product details?(y/n)"); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); if (choice == "y") { Console.Write("Input Shoes_ID: "); while (true) { try { sh_id = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); var shoes = sbl.GetShoesById(sh_id); if (shoes == null) { throw new valueexception("Not find Shoes_ID,please re-enter : "); } else if (shoes != null) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" Product Information "); Console.WriteLine("-ID : {0}", shoes.Shoes_id); Console.WriteLine("-Name : {0}", shoes.Shoes_name); Console.WriteLine("-Size : {0}", shoes.Size); Console.WriteLine("-Amount : {0}", shoes.Amount); Console.WriteLine("-Price : {0}dong", shoes.Price); Console.WriteLine("-Color : {0}", shoes.Color); Console.WriteLine("-Material : {0}", shoes.Material); Console.WriteLine("-Manufacture : {0}", shoes.Manufacture); Console.WriteLine("-Trademark name : {0}", shoes.TM.Name); Console.WriteLine("-Trademark Origin : {0}", shoes.TM.Origin); while (true) { short mainChoose = 0; string[] mainMenu = { "Add in shopping cart", "Order now ", "Return shoes list" }; while (mainChoose != mainMenu.Length) { mainChoose = Menu2("You want to add to your shopping cart, buy or return to the shoes list? ", mainMenu); switch (mainChoose) { case 1: Addshoppingcart(); break; case 2: OrderBL obl = new OrderBL(); Orders orders = new Orders(); orders.shoesList = new List <Shoes>(); orders.Order_status = 1; orders.user = new User(); orders.user.User_id = id; orders.shoesList.Add(sbl.GetShoesById(sh_id)); var getshoes = sbl.GetShoesById(sh_id); while (true) { try { Console.Write("Input Amount: "); int amount1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if ((amount1 > getshoes.Amount && getshoes.Amount == 0) || (amount1 == getshoes.Amount && getshoes.Amount == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Quantity no longer please put another product .. !"); Console.ReadLine(); Displaylistshoes(); } if (amount1 > getshoes.Amount && getshoes.Amount > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Quantity in stock : {0}", getshoes.Amount); throw (new valueexception("Not enough quantity , please re-enter: ")); } else if (0 < amount1 || amount1 <= getshoes.Amount) { orders.shoesList[0].Amount = amount1; break; } } catch (valueexception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); continue; } catch { Console.Write("Please enter a valid :"); continue; } break; } Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(orders) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); Console.ReadLine(); Displaylistshoes(); break; case 3: Displaylistshoes(); break; default: break; } } } } } catch (valueexception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); continue; } catch { Console.WriteLine("FUCK1"); Console.Write("Please enter a valid value :"); continue; } break; } } else if (choice == "n") { MenuCustomer(); } }
public void Create_test() { Assert.False(obl.CreateOrder(new Orders())); }
public void Start() { bool firstrepeat = true; string custName; string custPhone; string custAddress; Console.WriteLine("Please enter your info"); Console.WriteLine("Name:"); custName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Phone Number:"); custPhone = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Address:"); custAddress = Console.ReadLine(); if (!(_custBL.CheckForUser(custName, custPhone, custAddress))) { _custBL.CreateUser(custName, custPhone, custAddress); } AppUser user1 = new AppUser(custName, custAddress, custPhone); Console.WriteLine("Welcome! which location would you like to order from?"); Console.WriteLine("[0] Downtown"); Console.WriteLine("[1] Suburbs"); Console.WriteLine("[2] Exit to main menu"); List <Products> selectedProducts = new List <Products>(); while (firstrepeat == true) { string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "0") { bool repeat = true; firstrepeat = false; Location downtown = new Location(); downtown.Address = "77 Market Street, St. Louis, MO, 63118"; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our Downtown location. Please select from the following inventory by typing in the name of the product. Type exit when you wish to check out."); do { Console.WriteLine(_invBL.ShowInventory(downtown)); List <Products> fullprods = _orderBL.PrepProducts(); Products ChosenProduct; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our Downtown location. Please select from the following inventory by typing in the name of the product. Type exit when you wish to check out."); string Search = Console.ReadLine(); bool listCheck = true; if (Search == "Exit") { Order userOrder = _orderBL.CreateOrder(selectedProducts, user1, downtown); repeat = false; firstrepeat = false; Console.WriteLine("Here is the reciept for your order. Thank you for shopping with us!"); Console.WriteLine(userOrder.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); break; } else { foreach (Products p in fullprods) { listCheck = fullprods.Any(p => p.ItemName == Search); } if (listCheck) { ChosenProduct = fullprods.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemName == Search); selectedProducts.Add(ChosenProduct); _invBL.TakeFrom(downtown, ChosenProduct); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please select an item that is listed"); } foreach (Products p in selectedProducts) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Order {p.ItemName}"); } } }while (repeat); } else if (input == "1") { bool repeat = true; firstrepeat = false; Location suburbs = new Location(); suburbs.Address = "1 Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119"; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our Downtown location. Please select from the following inventory by typing in the name of the product. Type exit when you wish to check out."); do { Console.WriteLine(_invBL.ShowInventory(suburbs)); List <Products> fullprods = _orderBL.PrepProducts(); Products ChosenProduct; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our Downtown location. Please select from the following inventory by typing in the name of the product. Type exit when you wish to check out."); string Search = Console.ReadLine(); bool listCheck = true; if (Search == "Exit") { Order userOrder = _orderBL.CreateOrder(selectedProducts, user1, suburbs); repeat = false; firstrepeat = false; Console.WriteLine("Here is the reciept for your order. Thank you for shopping with us!"); Console.WriteLine(userOrder.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); break; } else { foreach (Products p in fullprods) { listCheck = fullprods.Any(p => p.ItemName == Search); } if (listCheck) { ChosenProduct = fullprods.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemName == Search); selectedProducts.Add(ChosenProduct); _invBL.TakeFrom(suburbs, ChosenProduct); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please select an item that is listed"); } foreach (Products p in selectedProducts) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Order {p.ItemName}"); } } }while (repeat); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please select a valid option"); } } /*case "1": * bool repeat2 = true; * Location suburbs = new Location(); * suburbs.Address = "1 Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119"; * Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our suburbia location. Please select from the following inventory by typing in the name of the product. Type exit when you wish to check out."); * do * { * * Console.WriteLine(_invBL.ShowInventory(suburbs)); * List<Products> fullprods = _orderBL.PrepProducts(); * Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our Suburbia location. Please select from the following inventory by typing in the name of the product. Type exit when you wish to check out."); * string Search = Console.ReadLine(); * if(Search == "Exit" || Search == "exit"){ * Order userOrder = _orderBL.CreateOrder(selectedProducts, user1, suburbs); * repeat2 = false; * } * Products ChosenProduct = fullprods.First(p => p.ItemName == Search); * if(ChosenProduct != null) {selectedProducts.Add(ChosenProduct); * foreach (Products p in selectedProducts){ * Console.WriteLine(p.ItemName); * } * { * * } * }else{ * Console.WriteLine("Please select an item that is listed"); * } * * * * _invBL.TakeFrom(suburbs, ChosenProduct); * * } while (repeat2); * break; * case "2": * Console.WriteLine("Have a nice day!"); * break;*/ Console.WriteLine(); }
public void Purchase(User user) // thanh toán sản phẩm { Order order = new Order(); order.ListItem = new List <Item> (); Console.Write("Bạn có muốn thanh toán không ?(C/K): "); string choose1; while (true) { choose1 = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (choose1 != "C" && choose1 != "K") { Console.WriteLine("Bạn đã nhập sai, hãy nhập lại! "); Console.WriteLine("Bạn có muốn thanh toán không ?(C/K): "); continue; } else { break; } } switch (choose1) { case "C": break; case "K": orderConsole.ShowCarts(user); break; } Console.Clear(); try { StreamReader r = new StreamReader("order" + user.user_id + ".json"); r.Close(); } catch (System.Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Mất kết nối dữ liệu!"); Console.Write("Bấm phím bất kì để tiếp tục "); Console.ReadKey(); m.MainMenu(); } using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("order" + user.user_id + ".json")) { double price = 0; var json = r.ReadToEnd(); r.Close(); var ListOrder = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Order> (json); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("|================================================|"); Console.WriteLine("|---------------| CHI TIẾT ĐƠN HÀNG |------------|"); Console.WriteLine("|================================================|"); Console.WriteLine("|{0,-25}|{1,-20} |", "Tên sản phẩm", "Giá sản phẩm"); Console.WriteLine("|------------------------------------------------|"); foreach (var orders in ListOrder.ListItem) { string format = string.Format($"|{orders.item_name,-25}|{FormatAndValid.FormatCurrency(orders.item_price),-15} |"); Console.WriteLine(format); Console.WriteLine("|================================================|"); price += orders.item_price; // tính tổng giá của tất cả sản phẩm có trong giỏ hàng if (user.user_balance < price) // nếu tiền ko đủ thì nạp hoặc trở lại { Console.WriteLine("Tài khoản của quý khách không đủ để thực hiện giao dịch này !"); Console.Write("Bạn có muốn nạp thêm tiền vào tài khoản không?(C/K): "); string choose; while (true) { choose = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (choose != "C" && choose != "K") { Console.WriteLine("Bạn đã nhập sai, hãy nhập lại!"); Console.Write("Bạn có muốn nạp thêm tiền vào tài khoản không?(C/K)?: "); continue; } else { break; } } switch (choose) { case "C": u.AddFund(user); break; case "K": orderConsole.ShowCarts(user); break; } } else // trừ tiền trong bảng order { user.user_balance = user.user_balance - price; } order.ListItem.Add(orders); // thêm order vào list } order.user = user; order.order_id = ListOrder.order_id; } if (orderBL.CreateOrder(order) == true) // nếu mua hàng thành công thì xóa file chưa thì vẫn lưu trong file { Console.WriteLine("Mua hàng thành công!\nẤn phím bất kì để tiếp tục! "); File.Delete("order" + user.user_id + ".json"); Console.ReadKey(); ms.menuShop(user); } else { Console.WriteLine("Mua hàng Không thành công, đã có lỗi xảy ra \nẤn phím bất kì để quay về Trang chủ!"); Console.ReadKey(); ms.menuShop(user); } }
public IActionResult Create(ShoppingBOL.Order order) { orderBl.CreateOrder(order); orderBl.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Order")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { short mainChoose = 0, imChoose; string[] mainMenu = { "Item Management", "Add Customer (using stored procedure)", "Create Order (using Transaction)", "Exit" }; string[] imMenu = { "Get By Item Id", "Get All Items", "Search By Item Name", "Exit" }; ItemBL ibl = new ItemBL(); CustomerBL cbl = new CustomerBL(); OrderBL obl = new OrderBL(); List <Item> lst; do { mainChoose = Menu(" Order Management System - OMS", mainMenu); switch (mainChoose) { case 1: do { // if (ibl == null) ibl = new ItemBL(); imChoose = Menu("Item Management", imMenu); switch (imChoose) { case 1: Console.Write("\nInput Item Id: "); int itemId; if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out itemId)) { Item i = ibl.GetItemById(itemId); if (i != null) { //Console.WriteLine("Item ID: " + i.ItemId); Console.WriteLine("Item Name: " + i.ItemName); Console.WriteLine("Item Price: " + i.ItemPrice); Console.WriteLine("Amount: " + i.Amount); Console.WriteLine("Item Status: " + i.Status); Console.WriteLine("Item Description: " + i.Description); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no item with id " + itemId); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Your Choose is wrong!"); } Console.WriteLine("\n Press Enter key to back menu..."); Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: lst = ibl.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine("\nItem Count: " + lst.Count); break; case 3: lst = ibl.GetByName("I"); Console.WriteLine("\nItem Count By Name: " + lst.Count); break; } } while (imChoose != imMenu.Length); break; case 2: Customer c = new Customer { CustomerName = "Nguyen Thi Nhi", CustomerAddress = "Ha Tay" }; Console.WriteLine("Customer ID: " + cbl.AddCustomer(c)); break; case 3: Order order = new Order(); //new customer //order.OrderCustomer = new Customer { CustmerId = null, CustomerName = "Nguyen Xuan Sinh", CustomerAddress = "Hanoi" }; //exists customer order.OrderCustomer = new Customer { CustmerId = 1, CustomerName = "Nguyen Xuan Sinh", CustomerAddress = "Hanoi" }; order.ItemsList.Add(ibl.GetItemById(2)); order.ItemsList[0].Amount = 1; order.ItemsList.Add(ibl.GetItemById(3)); order.ItemsList[1].Amount = 2; Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(order) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); break; } } while (mainChoose != mainMenu.Length); }
public void ShoppingCart() { var Or_us = obl.GetAllOrderByIDUser(id); decimal a; string money1 = "0"; int b = Or_us.FindIndex(x => x.Order_status == 0); if (b == -1) { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("The list is empty, no invoices have been generated!"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.ReadLine(); } else if (b != -1) { string line = "============================================================================================"; Console.WriteLine(line); foreach (var orders in Or_us) { a = 0; if (orders.Order_status == 0) { var orderdetail = obl.GetOrderDetailsByID(orders.Order_id); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("SHOES STORE"); Console.WriteLine(" Shopping Cart "); Console.WriteLine(line); Console.Write(" Product name | Unitprice | Amount | Size | Total \n"); foreach (var order in orderdetail.shoesList) { Decimal c = order.Price * order.Amount; string money = String.Format("{0:0,0}vnđ", c); string money2 = String.Format("{0:0,0}vnđ", order.Price); Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,-26} {2,-15} {3,-10} {4}", order.Shoes_name, money2, order.Amount, order.Size, money); a += c; money1 = String.Format("{0:0,0.00}vnđ", a); } Console.WriteLine(line); Console.WriteLine("-The total amount payable {0}", money1); } } Console.WriteLine(line); Console.Write("Do you want to create order ?(y/n)"); string choiceorder = Console.ReadLine(); if (choiceorder == "y") { Orders orders = new Orders(); orders.shoesList = new List <Shoes>(); orders.Order_status = 1; int indexsp = 0; orders.user = new User(); orders.user.User_id = id; foreach (var order in Or_us) { if (order.user.User_id == id) { if (order.Order_status == 0) { oredr_iddelete = order.Order_id; var detail = obl.GetOrderDetailsByID(order.Order_id); foreach (var shoes in detail.shoesList) { var shoesbyid = sbl.GetShoesById(shoes.Shoes_id); if (shoes.Amount > shoesbyid.Amount) { Console.WriteLine(" Insufficient quantity Would you like to cancel this product? (y/n)", shoesbyid.Amount); char c = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); if (c == 'y') { obl.Delete(shoes.Amount, order.Order_id); break; } else if (c == 'n') { orders.shoesList.Add(sbl.GetShoesById(shoes.Shoes_id)); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please re-enter the product number: "); try{ int am = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if ((am > shoesbyid.Amount && shoesbyid.Amount == 0) || (am == shoesbyid.Amount && shoesbyid.Amount == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Quantity no longer please put another product .. !"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } else if (am > shoesbyid.Amount) { throw new valueexception("Quantity not enough please re-enter"); } else if (0 < am && am < shoesbyid.Amount) { orders.shoesList[indexsp].Amount = am; indexsp++; break; } }catch (valueexception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); continue; }catch { Console.Write("Please enter a valid :"); continue; } } } } else if (0 < shoes.Amount && shoes.Amount < shoesbyid.Amount) { orders.shoesList.Add(sbl.GetShoesById(shoes.Shoes_id)); orders.shoesList[indexsp].Amount = shoes.Amount; indexsp++; } } } } } Console.Write("Do you want to use the number of phone and current address to get unsigned ? :"); string chon = Console.ReadLine(); if (chon == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Please enter phone number and address! "); while (true) { Console.Write("-Enter recipient address :"); orders.Address = Console.ReadLine(); if (orders.Address != " ") { break; } } Console.Write("-Enter the recipient's phone number :"); while (true) { = Console.ReadLine(); if (IsValidString( == true) { break; } else { Console.Write("Please re-enter the recipient's phone number correctly : "); } } } else { var userdt = ubl.GetUserByid(id); orders.Address = userdt.Address; = userdt.Phone; } Console.WriteLine("Create Order: " + (obl.CreateOrder(orders) ? "completed!" : "not complete!")); obl.DeleteShoppingCart(0, oredr_iddelete); Console.ReadLine(); MenuCustomer(); } else if (choiceorder == "n") { MenuCustomer(); } } }