public void Update(TaxonomyReportModel entity) { LogLine(string.Format("update {0} - {1} in database.", entity.Id, entity.Description)); int rowsAffected = Connection.Execute(@"UPDATE XMS_TAXONOMY_REPORTS SET DESCRIPTION =: Description, PERIOD_TYPE = :PeriodType, ENTRY_URI = :EntryUri, FILE_NAME = :FileName, ENTITY_IDENTIFIER = :EntityIdentifire, CURRENCY = :Currency, DECIMALS = :Decimals, ENTITY_SCHEMA = :EntitySchema, DECIMAL_DECIMALS = :DecimalDecimals, INTEGER_DECIMALS = :IntegerDecimals, MONETARY_DECIMALS = :MonetaryDecimals, PURE_DECIMALS = :PureDecimals, SHARES_DECIMALS = :SharesDecimals, TN_PROCESSOR_ID = :TnProcessorId, TN_REVISION_ID = :TnRevisonId WHERE TAXONOMY_ID = :TaxonomyId and ID = :Id", new { Description = entity.Description, PeriodType = OracleHelpers.PeriodTypeToString(entity.PeriodType), TaxonomyId = entity.TaxonomyId, Id = entity.Id, EntryUri = entity.EntryUri, FileName = entity.FileName, EntityIdentifire = entity.EntityIdentifier, Currency = entity.Currency, Decimals = entity.Decimals, EntitySchema = entity.EntitySchema, DecimalDecimals = entity.DecimalDecimals, IntegerDecimals = entity.IntegerDecimals, MonetaryDecimals = entity.MonetaryDecimals, PureDecimals = entity.PureDecimals, SharesDecimals = entity.SharesDecimals, TnProcessorId = entity.TnProcessorId, TnRevisonId = entity.TnRevisionId, } ); if (rowsAffected == 0) { throw new NoRowsAffectedException("Update TaxonomyReport failed rowsAffected :" + rowsAffected); } }
public void Add(LocalReportModel entity) { LogLine(string.Format("adding {0} - {1} to database.", entity.Id, entity.Description)); int rowsAffected = Connection.Execute(@"INSERT INTO XMS_LOCAL_REPORTS (TAXONOMY_ID, SOURCE_ID, ID, ENTRY_URI, FILE_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ENTITY_IDENTIFIER, PERIOD_TYPE, CURRENCY, DECIMALS, ENTITY_SCHEMA, DECIMAL_DECIMALS, INTEGER_DECIMALS, MONETARY_DECIMALS, PURE_DECIMALS, SHARES_DECIMALS, TN_PROCESSOR_ID, TN_REVISION_ID, UPDATE_USER, UPDATE_USER_DSC, UPDATE_DATE) VALUES (:TaxonomyId, :SourceId, :Id, :EntryUri, :FileName, :Description, :EntityIdentifire, :PeriodType, :Currency, :Decimals, :EntitySchema, :DecimalDecimals, :IntegerDecimals, :MonetaryDecimals, :PureDecimals, :SharesDecimals, :TnProcessorId, :TnRevisionId, :UpdateDate, :UpdateUser, :UpdateUserDsc)", new { Description = entity.Description, PeriodType = OracleHelpers.PeriodTypeToString(entity.PeriodType), TaxonomyId = entity.TaxonomyId, Id = entity.Id, SourceId = entity.SourceId, EntryUri = entity.EntryUri, FileName = entity.FileName, EntityIdentifire = entity.EntityIdentifier, Currency = entity.Currency, Decimals = entity.Decimals, EntitySchema = entity.EntitySchema, DecimalDecimals = entity.DecimalDecimals, IntegerDecimals = entity.IntegerDecimals, MonetaryDecimals = entity.MonetaryDecimals, PureDecimals = entity.PureDecimals, SharesDecimals = entity.SharesDecimals, TnProcessorId = entity.TnProcessorId, TnRevisionId = entity.TnRevisionId, UpdateDate = entity.UpdateDate, UpdateUser = entity.UpdateUser, UpdateUserDsc = entity.UpdateUserDsc, }); if (rowsAffected == 0) { throw new NoRowsAffectedException("Add LocalReport failed rowsAffected :" + rowsAffected); } }