コード例 #1
    public PlayerView(PlayerMove parent, bool setOwner)
        if (setOwner)
            // Set some static variables. IMPORTANT!
            OptionsMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen = false;


            parent.predictionErrorTest = new PredictionErrorTest();

            GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").GetComponent <Camera> ().enabled        = false;
            GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").GetComponent <AudioListener> ().enabled = false;

            parent.mainCamera = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(parent.mainCamera, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
            parent.mainCamera.transform.parent        = parent.transform;
            parent.mainCamera.transform.localPosition = parent.GetMainCameraLocalPos();

            // Don't render the world player to the main camera:

            parent.transform.Find("PersonModelObject").gameObject.layer = 11;              // Mirror see only
            foreach (Transform child in parent.transform)
                if (child.name.Contains("Armor") || child.name.Contains("Cube") || child.name.Contains("Cylinder") || child.name.Contains("Curve") || child.name.Contains("PhaseThroughIndicator"))
                    child.gameObject.layer = 11;                     // Mirror see only

            parent.lastPlayerPosition = parent.transform.position;
コード例 #2
    void OnGUI()
        if (!started)
            ipAddress = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 + 110, 300, 40), ipAddress);
            port      = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 + 160, 300, 40), port);

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 300, Screen.height / 2 + 120, 100, 20), "Start Server"))
                // Server
                if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
                    // This is NOT where you uncomment to run server on linux as OnGUI doesn't run there!
                    // It'll be pretty obvious:
                    Player.thisPlayer.team      = 2;                // Spectator (Never spawns.)
                    PlayerInformation.steamName = "Test Server";
                    GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").GetComponent <Camera>().enabled = false;

                    //ClassSelectionMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen = false;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 + 60, 300, 40), "Connect"))
                started = true;

                myClient = new ClientPerson(ipAddress, port);
            else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 300, Screen.height / 2 + 150, 100, 20), "Watch Demo"))
                // This will fail on the frame it happens if no demo file: (Or it's too big?)
                if (File.Exists("TestDemo.dem"))
                    OperationNetwork.dataToReadIn = File.ReadAllBytes("TestDemo.dem");

                Debug.LogError("Watching Demo");

                started = true;
                // timeStartedAt = Time.time; // Demo time is simply, "Time.time - timeStartedAt" currently. Basically, it reads the input data until time is after demoTime.
                OperationNetwork.isDemo              = true;
                Player.myID                          = 32767;
                OperationNetwork.timeStartedAt       = Time.time;
                OperationNetwork.currentByte         = 0;         // Implies maximum of 2gb.
                OperationNetwork.timeReceivedForDemo = false;

                // Demo watcher doesn't get a player.

                OptionsMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen = false;
コード例 #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (OperationNetwork.connected && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
            // For now, classSelectionMenuOpen doesn't work when alive.
            classSelectionMenuOpen = !classSelectionMenuOpen;

        if (!optionsMenuOpen && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            // This for loop is not necessary.
            for (int n = 0; n < numBinds; n++)
                settingBind[n] = false;
            isSettingBind   = false;
            optionsMenuOpen = !optionsMenuOpen;


        // This is because unity captures the escape button and sets "lockState" to none. Note that the player needs to click to get this to work..
        if (IsLockState())
            Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
            Cursor.visible   = false;

        if (isSettingBind)
            if (Input.anyKeyDown)
                foreach (KeyCode vKey in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)))
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown(vKey) && vKey != KeyCode.Mouse0 && vKey != KeyCode.Mouse1)
                        for (int i = 0; i < numBinds; i++)
                            if (settingBind[i])
                                binds[i]       = vKey;
                                isSettingBind  = false;
                                settingBind[i] = false;
コード例 #4
 public void SelectTeam()
     if (OperationNetwork.connected && Player.thisPlayer != null)
         OperationView opView = Player.thisPlayer.GetComponent <OperationView> ();
         if (opView != null && num != Player.thisPlayer.team)
             opView.RPC("switchTeam", OperationNetwork.ToServer, num, Player.thisPlayer.classNum);
             if (num == 2)
                 OptionsMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen = false;
コード例 #5
    public override void OnDeath()
        // Death is a necessary process regardless of if the ragdoll should spawn, or even if the deathCamera will be used.
        if (OperationNetwork.isServer && GameManager.PlayerExists(playerOwner))
            GameManager.GetPlayer(playerOwner).serverPlayerTimeSave = playerTime;
            GameManager.GetPlayer(playerOwner).timeSavedAt          = Time.time;

        // DEATH LOGIC:
        if (GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().thisIsMine)
            Player.thisPlayer.playerObject = null;


            Player.thisPlayer.playerCamera = GameObject.Find("DeathCamera");

            GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").GetComponent <Camera> ().enabled        = true;
            GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").GetComponent <AudioListener> ().enabled = true;
            GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").transform.position = GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().mainCamera.transform.position;
            GameObject.Find("DeathCamera").transform.rotation = GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().mainCamera.transform.rotation;

            // Destroys player made objects that haven't been placed, essentially:
            Transform clientSideOnly = GameObject.Find("ClientSideOnly").transform;
            foreach (Transform child in clientSideOnly)

        // Create ragdoll: (And plays death sound within ragdoll)

        // if facade, teleport to facade:

        GetComponent <Combat>().die(Vector3.zero);

        if (GameManager.PlayerExists(playerOwner))
            GameManager.AddToKillFeed(GameManager.GetPlayer(playerOwner).killedByPlayer, playerOwner);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Player.cs プロジェクト: Skeptical121/TheAttackPlan
    public override void AfterFirstInterp()
        // First should check if player doesn't exist in case of double RPC send:
        GameManager.AddPlayer(playerOwner, this);

        if (playerOwner == myID)
            Player.thisPlayer = this;
            // Set time picked last trap:
            // ..
            // Gives you a trap right away; actually.
            OptionsMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen = true;

            // Player camera is set:
            if (Player.thisPlayer.playerCamera == null)
                Player.thisPlayer.playerCamera = GameObject.Find("DeathCamera");
コード例 #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        for (int i = chatAge.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            chatAge[i] += Time.deltaTime;
            if (chatAge[i] > 15)

        timeSinceLastMessageSent += Time.deltaTime;

        if (!typing && Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Y))
            typing  = true;
            message = "";
コード例 #8
    void OnGUI()
        for (int i = chatAge.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (i >= chatAge.Count - maxMessages)
                int height = Screen.height - 300 + (chatAge.Count - i - 1) * 15;
                GUI.color = Color.black;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - 400, height, 390, 24), chatMessages[i]);

        if (typing)
            Event e = Event.current;
            if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return)
                // Send message:
                typing = false;

                if (message.Length > 0 && timeSinceLastMessageSent >= 0.3f)                 // Up to ~3 messages per second max.
                    GetComponent <OperationView>().RPC("Chat", OperationNetwork.ToServer, message);
                    timeSinceLastMessageSent = 0;

                message = "";
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            message = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 400, Screen.height - 130, 200, 24), message, 26);

            // Constantly set control:
コード例 #9
    // This does NOT go through prediction error, as it never fails this.
    public void PlayerAndServer(PlayerInput pI, bool runEffects)     // runEffects is true when player does its first prediction run, but not when predictione error is done. It is also set to true on server (as it deals with animation)
        // Player Input can suggest changes in weapon, which has been premodified to be reasonable.
        // Thus, this does NOT use "canEnable" check, it assumes the playerInput is valid.

        byte ust = pI.unlockSwitchTo;

        if (pI.cancelKey)
            if (runEffects && PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen)
                if (PlayerHud.whichGroupTypeSelecting == -1)
                    PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen = false;
                    ust = 0;
                    PlayerHud.whichGroupTypeSelecting = -1;
                ust = 0;

        if (ust != 255)
            if (ust == OptionsMenu.PRIMARY_1 || ust == OptionsMenu.PRIMARY_2 || ust == OptionsMenu.PRIMARY_3)
                ust = OptionsMenu.PRIMARY_1;
            else if (ust == OptionsMenu.TRAP_1 || ust == OptionsMenu.TRAP_2)
                ust = OptionsMenu.TRAP_1;
            if (ust < OptionsMenu.NUM_SWITCH_TO_BINDS)
                if (getUnlocks() [ust] != null)                    // Trap binds are set / unset as before
                    byte nextUnlock = getUnlocks() [ust].getUnlockType();

                    if (classNum == 1 && ust == OptionsMenu.PRIMARY_1)

                    if (ust == OptionsMenu.TRAP_1 && runEffects)
                        if (pI.unlockSwitchTo == OptionsMenu.TRAP_1)
                            ((PlaceTrap)getUnlocks() [ust]).trapPlacing = 0;
                            ((PlaceTrap)getUnlocks() [ust]).trapPlacing = 1;

                    if (!isSwitching() && getUnlocks() [ust].canEnable() && canDisable())
                        if (getUnlockEquipped() != getUnlocks() [ust])
                            // This assumes switching is possible. It is neccesary that the check for switching is done in PlayerInput to maintain consistency.
                            SetNextUnlock(nextUnlock, runEffects, true);

        switchCheck();         // This needs to go before isSwitching.

        for (int i = 0; i < UnlocksEquipped.Length; i++)
            if (UnlocksEquipped [i] != null)
                UnlocksEquipped [i].PlayerAndServerAlways(pI, !isSwitching() && getUnlockEquipped() == UnlocksEquipped[i]);

        if (!isSwitching())         // Switching is handled by "InterpAll"
            Unlock usingUnlock = getUnlockEquipped();
            if (usingUnlock != null)               // This happens on spawn currently ..-> doesn't have to.
                usingUnlock.UpdateServerAndPlayer(pI, runEffects);
                // Because of how placePlayerMade work, fireKey needs to be set to false because of issues..
                pI.fireKey = false;

        if (GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().thisIsMine)
コード例 #10
    void HudUpdate()



        for (int i = 0; i < trapsHud.Length; i++)
            trapsHud [i].SetActive(isTrapSelectionMenuOpen);

        respawnHud.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(Player.thisPlayer != null && Player.thisPlayer.playerObject == null);
        if (Player.thisPlayer != null && Player.thisPlayer.playerObject == null)
            respawnHud.fillAmount = Mathf.Clamp01(1 - Player.thisPlayer.getRespawnTimer() / Player.thisPlayer.getNetRespawnTimer());
            respawnHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = Mathf.Clamp01(Player.thisPlayer.getRespawnTimer() / Player.thisPlayer.getNetRespawnTimer());
            int respawnTimer = (int)(Player.thisPlayer.getRespawnTimer() + 1);
            if (respawnTimer == 1)
                respawnHud.transform.parent.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Respawning in 1 second.";
                respawnHud.transform.parent.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Respawning in " + respawnTimer + " seconds.";

        // Class Selection Hud gets priority
        if (Player.thisPlayer && Player.thisPlayer.team == 1 && !OptionsMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen)
            bool needTrap = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < Player.thisPlayer.trapTypes.Length; i++)
                if (Player.thisPlayer.trapTypes [i] == 255)
                    needTrap = true;
            if (needTrap && !PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen)
                PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen = true;

            else if (!needTrap && PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen)
                PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen = false;

        if (Player.thisPlayer && PlayerHud.isTrapSelectionMenuOpen)
            for (int x = 0; x < trapsChoices.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < trapsChoices.GetLength(1); y++)
                    trapsChoices [x, y].transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = BuyNewTrap.trapNames [BuyNewTrap.trapIndecies[Player.thisPlayer.myRandomTrapChoices[x * trapsChoices.GetLength(1) + y]]];
                    trapsChoices [x, y].GetComponent <BuyNewTrap> ().buyId = Player.thisPlayer.myRandomTrapChoices [x * trapsChoices.GetLength(1) + y];
                    trapsChoices [x, y].GetComponent <BuyNewTrap> ().rowID = (byte)x;

        // This is how HUD should work for all unlocks:
        if (Player.thisPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < displayTraps.Length; i++)
                byte actual = Player.thisPlayer.trapTypes [i];
                if (Player.thisPlayer.team != 1)
                    actual = 255;
                if (displayTraps [i] != actual)
                    displayTraps [i] = actual;
                    if (displayTraps [i] == 255 || Player.thisPlayer.team != 1)
                        trapPlayerHudTypes [i].SetActive(false);
                        trapPlayerHudTypes [i].SetActive(true);
                        trapPlayerHudTypes [i].transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "(" + OptionsMenu.getBindString(OptionsMenu.binds [OptionsMenu.TRAP_1 + i]) + ") " + BuyNewTrap.trapNames [BuyNewTrap.trapIndecies[displayTraps [i]]];

                if (displayTraps[i] != 255 && Player.thisPlayer.playerObject)
                    int trapTypeIndex = BuyNewTrap.trapIndecies[Player.thisPlayer.trapTypes [i]];
                    PlacePlayerMade.setCharge(trapPlayerHudTypes [i],
                                              Mathf.Clamp01((Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <SyncPlayer>().playerTime - Player.thisPlayer.trapCoolDownsStartedAt [i]) / (float)(BuyNewTrap.baseTrapCosts [trapTypeIndex] * BuyNewTrap.maxTrapsLoaded[trapTypeIndex] * Time.fixedDeltaTime)),
                                              1f / BuyNewTrap.maxTrapsLoaded[trapTypeIndex]);

        if (OperationNetwork.connected)
            if (Time.time - lastNetworkSettingsRead > 1)
                if (OperationNetwork.isServer)
                    dataSentPerSecond = OperationNetwork.getClient(32767).dataSent / (Time.time - lastNetworkSettingsRead);
                    OperationNetwork.getClient(32767).dataSent  = 0;
                    networkSettings.GetComponent <Text> ().text = (int)(dataSentPerSecond / 100) / 10.0f + " KB/s";
                    dataSentPerSecond            = RunGame.myClient.dataOutRate / (Time.time - lastNetworkSettingsRead);
                    RunGame.myClient.dataOutRate = 0;
                    float dataRecievedPerSecond = RunGame.myClient.dataInRate / (Time.time - lastNetworkSettingsRead);
                    RunGame.myClient.dataInRate = 0;

                    networkSettings.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "Sent: " + (int)(dataSentPerSecond / 100) / 10.0f +
                                                                  " KB/s Recieved: " + (int)(dataRecievedPerSecond / 100) / 10.0f + " KB/s";
                lastNetworkSettingsRead = Time.time;

        if (OperationNetwork.connected && Player.thisPlayer != null && Player.thisPlayer.playerObject != null)
            PlayerMove pMove        = Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove> ();
            float      touchPercent = DamageCircle.isTouchingDamageCircle(pMove.timeSinceTouchingDamageCircle);
            if (touchPercent > 0)
                buffHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = true;
                buffHud.enabled    = true;
                buffHud.fillAmount = touchPercent;
                // Disable the rendering of it:
                buffHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = false;
                buffHud.enabled = false;
            healthHud.enabled = true;
            healthHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = true;
            healthHudText.enabled = true;
            healthHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image> ().fillAmount = 1 - pMove.GetComponent <Combat> ().health / pMove.GetComponent <Combat> ().maxHealth;
            healthHud.fillAmount = pMove.GetComponent <Combat> ().health / pMove.GetComponent <Combat> ().maxHealth;
            healthHudText.text   = (short)pMove.GetComponent <Combat> ().health + " HP";

            if (Player.thisPlayer.playerObject != playerObjectHudLoaded)
                playerObjectHudLoaded = Player.thisPlayer.playerObject;

                float origNum = getHudHeightUsed(classHud.transform);

                // Unload old hud:
                foreach (Transform t in classHud.transform)
                    if (t.name != "AdjacentClassHud")
                foreach (Transform t in classHud.transform.Find("AdjacentClassHud"))

                // Create new hud:
                foreach (Unlock unlock in Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <ClassControl>().getUnlocks())
                    if (unlock != null)
                        unlock.setHudElement(classHud.transform, origNum);

                int classLoaded = Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <ClassControl> ().classNum;

                // Phase through & Speed Boost are not unlocks, despite having some similar qualities: (Like the HUD)
                if (classLoaded == 0)
                    Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().hudElement  = Unlock.setHudElement(classHud.transform, "Cooldown", "Phase Shift", OptionsMenu.MOVEMENT_ABILITY_BIND, null, origNum);
                    Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().hudElement2 = Unlock.setHudElement(classHud.transform, "Armor", "Armor", OptionsMenu.MAIN_ABILITY, null, origNum);
                else if (classLoaded == 3)
                    Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().hudElement = Unlock.setHudElement(classHud.transform, "Cooldown", "Speed Boost", OptionsMenu.MOVEMENT_ABILITY_BIND, null, origNum);
                else if (classLoaded == 4)
                    if (OptionsMenu.hudPanels.ContainsKey("Healthtaken"))
                        Player.thisPlayer.playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove> ().hudElement = Unlock.setHudElement(classHud.transform, "Healthtaken", "Health Taken", OptionsMenu.ULTIMATE_ABILITY, null, origNum);

                // The updating for the HUD is handled within the unlocks / class itself
            // Hide hud completely:
            buffHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = false;
            buffHud.enabled   = false;
            healthHud.enabled = false;
            healthHud.transform.parent.GetComponent <Image> ().enabled = false;
            healthHudText.enabled = false;

        // SCOREBOARD:
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Tab))
            for (byte team = 0; team < 2; team++)
                List <Player> players = GameManager.getPlayersOnTeam(team);
                for (int i = 0; i < scoreBoardPlayers[team].Count; i++)
                    if (i < players.Count)
                        scoreBoardPlayers [team] [i].SetActive(true);
                        scoreBoardPlayers [team] [i].transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text> ().text = players [i].playerName;
                        Color c = scoreBoardPlayers [team] [i].GetComponent <Image> ().color;
                        if (players [i].playerObject != null)
                            scoreBoardPlayers [team] [i].GetComponent <Image> ().color = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, 1f);
                            scoreBoardPlayers [team] [i].GetComponent <Image> ().color = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, 0.2f);
                        scoreBoardKills [team] [i].text  = "" + players[i].kills;
                        scoreBoardDeaths [team] [i].text = "" + players[i].deaths;
                        scoreBoardPlayers [team] [i].SetActive(false);
                        scoreBoardKills [team] [i].text  = "";
                        scoreBoardDeaths [team] [i].text = "";

        // Display kill feed:
        for (int i = 0; i < killFeed.Count; i++)
            if (GameManager.recentPlayerKillers.Count > i)
                killFeed [i].parent.gameObject.SetActive(true);
                string killDisplay = "";
                if (GameManager.PlayerExists(GameManager.recentPlayerKillers [i]))
                    killDisplay = GameManager.GetPlayer(GameManager.recentPlayerKillers [i]).playerName + " killed ";
                if (GameManager.PlayerExists(GameManager.recentPlayerDeaths [i]))
                    killFeed [i].GetComponent <Text> ().text = killDisplay + GameManager.GetPlayer(GameManager.recentPlayerDeaths [i]).playerName;
                killFeed [i].parent.gameObject.SetActive(false);

        // Class Selection Menu:
        if (OptionsMenu.classSelectionMenuOpen && Player.thisPlayer != null)
            Color color;
            if (Player.thisPlayer.team == 0)
                color = new Color(0, 0, 1f, 0.5f);
            else if (Player.thisPlayer.team == 1)
                color = new Color(1f, 0, 0, 0.5f);
                color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);

            classSelectionMenu.GetComponent <Image> ().color = color;
            for (byte i = 0; i < classSelectionTeams.Length; i++)
                if (Player.thisPlayer.team == i)
                    classSelectionTeams [i].color = new Color(classSelectionTeams [i].color.r, classSelectionTeams [i].color.g, classSelectionTeams [i].color.b, 1f);
                    classSelectionTeams [i].color = new Color(classSelectionTeams [i].color.r, classSelectionTeams [i].color.g, classSelectionTeams [i].color.b, 0.6f);
            for (byte i = 0; i < classTypes.Count; i++)
                if (Player.thisPlayer.team == 0)
                    classTypes [i].gameObject.SetActive(true);
                    if (Player.thisPlayer.classNum == i)
                        classTypes [i].color = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 1f, 1f);
                        classTypes [i].color = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 1f, 0.8f);
                else if (Player.thisPlayer.team == 1)
                    classTypes [i].gameObject.SetActive(true);
                    if (Player.thisPlayer.classNum == i)
                        classTypes [i].color = new Color(1f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f);
                        classTypes [i].color = new Color(1f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.8f);
                    classTypes [i].gameObject.SetActive(false);