public void TestDispatcherStoppingFail() { //testing only the acks SimulatedActorSystem system = new SimulatedActorSystem(); Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(system, 2); system.Spawn(dispatcher); TestClient client = new TestClient(); system.Spawn(client); dispatcher.Tell(new Stop()); dispatcher.Tell(new InitCommunication(client, 10)); while (client.ReceivedMessages.Count == 0) { system.RunFor(1); } Message initAckMessage = client.ReceivedMessages.Dequeue(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(OperationFailed), initAckMessage.GetType()); OperationFailed initAck = (OperationFailed)initAckMessage; Assert.AreEqual(10, initAck.CommunicationId); // TODO run system until workers and dispatcher are stopped int endtime = system.currentTime + 20; system.RunUntil(endtime); Assert.AreEqual(system.currentTime, endtime + 1); }
public async Task CreateConnection(string url) { _connection = new HubConnectionBuilder().WithUrl(url).Build(); _connection.Closed += async(exceptioon) => { _logger.LogWarning("Connection lost, retrying for reason: " + exceptioon.Message); ConnectionStatusUpdated.Invoke(false); await Connect(); }; _connection.On <Success>("operationComplete", success => { var operation = new OperationMessage(success.OperationId, success.Status); _successCallbacks.ForEach(callback => callback.Invoke(operation)); }); _connection.On <Failure>("operationFailed", failure => { var operation = new OperationFailed(failure.OperationId, failure.Status, failure.Reason, failure.Code); _failedCallbacks.ForEach(callback => callback.Invoke(operation)); }); _connection.On("connectionSucceeded", () => { _logger.LogInformation("connection and verification successful."); ConnectionStatusUpdated?.Invoke(true); }); _connection.On <string>("connectionFailed", (reason) => { ConnectionStatusUpdated?.Invoke(false); _logger.LogWarning("Connection failed for reason: " + reason); }); await Connect(); }
public void Interpret(Codel[,] image, Stream stdout, Stream stdin) { if (State != ExecutionState.Idle) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't start two interpretations at once!"); } State = ExecutionState.Running; using (StreamWriter stdoutWriter = new StreamWriter(stdout, Encoding)) { stdoutWriter.AutoFlush = true; using (StreamReader stdinReader = new StreamReader(stdin, Encoding)) { DP = DirectionPointer.Right; if (IsDebug) { DpChanged?.Invoke(this, DP); } CC = CodelChooser.Left; if (IsDebug) { CcChanged?.Invoke(this, CC); } Stack.Clear(); List <ColorBlock> colorBlocks = new List <ColorBlock>(); for (int x = 0; x < image.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < image.GetLength(1); y++) { if (image[x, y].Position.x != x || image[x, y].Position.y != y) { throw new ArgumentException("Position noted in Codel class not equal to position noted in grid!"); } bool nextTo(Codel c, int xPos, int yPos) { return((Math.Abs(c.Position.x - xPos) == 1 && c.Position.y == yPos) || (Math.Abs(c.Position.y - yPos) == 1 && c.Position.x == xPos)); } bool hasAdjacentCodel(ColorBlock b) { return(b.Codels.Any(c => nextTo(c, x, y) && c.Color == image[x, y].Color)); } if (!colorBlocks.Any(hasAdjacentCodel)) { var colorBlock = new ColorBlock(image[x, y]); colorBlocks.Add(colorBlock); } else { if (colorBlocks.Count(hasAdjacentCodel) > 1) { var block = new ColorBlock(image[x, y]); colorBlocks.ForEach(b => { if (hasAdjacentCodel(b)) { b.Codels.ForEach(c => block.Codels.Add(c)); } }); colorBlocks.RemoveAll(hasAdjacentCodel); colorBlocks.Add(block); } else { colorBlocks.Find(hasAdjacentCodel).Codels.Add(image[x, y]); } } } } Codel currentCodel; (int x, int y)currentPosition = (0, 0); ColorBlock currentColorBlock, previousColorBlock; Codel nextCodel; List <(int x, int y)> whiteTrace = new List <(int x, int y)>(); if (IsDebug) { EnterColorBlock?.Invoke(this, colorBlocks.Find(x => x.Codels.Contains(image[0, 0]))); } while (true) { currentCodel = image[currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y]; nextCodel = null; if (currentCodel.Color == CodelColor.White) { whiteTrace.Add(currentPosition); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int xFactor = 0, yFactor = 0; switch (DP) { case DirectionPointer.Right: xFactor = 1; break; case DirectionPointer.Down: yFactor = 1; break; case DirectionPointer.Left: xFactor = -1; break; case DirectionPointer.Up: yFactor = -1; break; } int xPos = currentPosition.x + xFactor; int yPos = currentPosition.y + yFactor; if (xPos < 0 || xPos >= image.GetLength(0) || yPos < 0 || yPos >= image.GetLength(1) || image[xPos, yPos].Color == CodelColor.Black) { ToggleCodelChooser(); TurnDirectionPointer(); continue; } currentPosition = (xPos, yPos); break; } if (whiteTrace.Any(x => x.x == currentPosition.x && x.y == currentPosition.y)) { State = ExecutionState.Idle; return; } continue; } whiteTrace.Clear(); if (IsDebug) { Thread.Sleep(StepDelay); } while (IsDebug && State == ExecutionState.Paused) { } if (State == ExecutionState.OneMoreStep) { State = ExecutionState.Paused; } else if (State == ExecutionState.Idle) { return; } currentColorBlock = colorBlocks.Find(x => x.Codels.Contains(currentCodel)); Codel furthestCodel = null; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int xFactor = 0, yFactor = 0; switch (DP) { case DirectionPointer.Right: xFactor = 1; break; case DirectionPointer.Down: yFactor = 1; break; case DirectionPointer.Left: xFactor = -1; break; case DirectionPointer.Up: yFactor = -1; break; } furthestCodel = currentColorBlock.FindFurthestCodel(DP, CC); int xPos = furthestCodel.Position.x + xFactor; int yPos = furthestCodel.Position.y + yFactor; if (xPos < 0 || xPos >= image.GetLength(0) || yPos < 0 || yPos >= image.GetLength(1) || image[xPos, yPos].Color == CodelColor.Black) { if (i % 2 == 0) { ToggleCodelChooser(); } else { TurnDirectionPointer(); } continue; } nextCodel = image[xPos, yPos]; currentPosition = (xPos, yPos); break; } if (nextCodel == null) { State = ExecutionState.Idle; return; } previousColorBlock = currentColorBlock; currentColorBlock = colorBlocks.Find(x => x.Codels.Contains(nextCodel)); if (IsDebug && nextCodel.Color != CodelColor.White) { EnterColorBlock?.Invoke(this, currentColorBlock); } var operation = CodelColor.CalculateOperation(furthestCodel.Color, nextCodel.Color); if (IsDebug) { OperationSelected?.Invoke(this, operation); } // check if operation is impossible and needs to be skipped bool skip; switch (operation) { case Operation.add: case Operation.greater: case Operation.subtract: case Operation.multiply: case Operation.roll: skip = Stack.Count < 2; break; case Operation.divide: case Operation.mod: skip = Stack.Count < 2 || Stack.Peek() == 0; break; case Operation.duplicate: case Operation.pointer: case Operation.out_number: case Operation.pop: case Operation.not: case Operation.@switch: case Operation.out_char: skip = Stack.Count < 1; break; default: skip = false; break; } // execute operation if (!skip) { int top, sectop, b; switch (operation) { case Operation.nop: break; case Operation.add: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); Stack.Push(sectop + top); break; case Operation.divide: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); Stack.Push(sectop / top); break; case Operation.greater: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); if (sectop > top) { Stack.Push(1); } else { Stack.Push(0); } break; case Operation.duplicate: Stack.Push(Stack.Peek()); break; case Operation.in_char: b = stdinReader.Read(); if (b != -1) { Stack.Push(b); } else { OperationFailed?.Invoke(this, operation); } break; case Operation.push: Stack.Push(previousColorBlock.Size); break; case Operation.subtract: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); Stack.Push(sectop - top); break; case Operation.mod: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); if (top > 0) { Stack.Push(sectop % top); } else { Stack.Push((sectop % Math.Abs(top)) - Math.Abs(top)); } break; case Operation.pointer: TurnDirectionPointer(Stack.Pop()); break; case Operation.roll: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); if (sectop < 0 || sectop > Stack.Count) { Stack.Push(sectop); Stack.Push(top); if (IsDebug) { OperationFailed?.Invoke(this, operation); } break; } Roll(sectop, top); break; case Operation.out_number: OutputNumber(stdoutWriter, Stack.Pop()); break; case Operation.pop: Stack.Pop(); break; case Operation.multiply: top = Stack.Pop(); sectop = Stack.Pop(); Stack.Push(sectop * top); break; case Operation.not: top = Stack.Pop(); if (top == 0) { Stack.Push(1); } else { Stack.Push(0); } break; case Operation.@switch: ToggleCodelChooser(Stack.Pop()); break; case Operation.in_number: ReadNumber(stdinReader); break; case Operation.out_char: stdoutWriter.Write((char)Stack.Pop()); break; } } else if (IsDebug) { OperationFailed?.Invoke(this, operation); } } } } }