private async Task <bool> InvokeCryptographyEndpointAsync()
            // Metadata requests must be made via GET.
            // See
            if (!string.Equals(Request.Method, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected because an invalid " +
                                "HTTP method was specified: {Method}.", Request.Method);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = "The specified HTTP method is not valid."

            var request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(Request.Query);

            // Note: set the message type before invoking the ExtractCryptographyRequest event.

            // Store the cryptography request in the OWIN context.

            var @event = new ExtractCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request);
            await Options.Provider.ExtractCryptographyRequest(@event);

            if (@event.HandledResponse)
                Logger.LogDebug("The cryptography request was handled in user code.");


            else if (@event.Skipped)
                Logger.LogDebug("The default cryptography request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (@event.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ @event.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = @event.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = @event.ErrorUri

            Logger.LogInformation("The cryptography request was successfully extracted " +
                                  "from the HTTP request: {Request}.", request);

            var context = new ValidateCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request);
            await Options.Provider.ValidateCryptographyRequest(context);

            if (context.HandledResponse)
                Logger.LogDebug("The cryptography request was handled in user code.");


            else if (context.Skipped)
                Logger.LogDebug("The default cryptography request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (context.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ context.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = context.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = context.ErrorUri

            var notification = new HandleCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request);

            foreach (var credentials in Options.SigningCredentials)
                // If the signing key is not an asymmetric key, ignore it.
                if (!(credentials.Key is AsymmetricSecurityKey))
                    Logger.LogDebug("A non-asymmetric signing key of type '{Type}' was excluded " +
                                    "from the key set.", credentials.Key.GetType().FullName);


                if (!credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256) &&
                    !credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.EcdsaSha256) &&
                    !credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.EcdsaSha384) &&
                    Logger.LogInformation("An unsupported signing key of type '{Type}' was ignored and excluded " +
                                          "from the key set. Only RSA and ECDSA asymmetric security keys can be " +
                                          "exposed via the JWKS endpoint.", credentials.Key.GetType().Name);

                if (!credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256))
                    Logger.LogInformation("An unsupported signing key of type '{Type}' was ignored and excluded " +
                                          "from the key set. Only RSA asymmetric security keys can be exposed " +
                                          "via the JWKS endpoint.", credentials.Key.GetType().Name);


                var key = new JsonWebKey
                    Use = JsonWebKeyUseNames.Sig,

                    // Resolve the JWA identifier from the algorithm specified in the credentials.
                    Alg = OpenIdConnectServerHelpers.GetJwtAlgorithm(credentials.Algorithm),

                    // Use the key identifier specified in the signing credentials.
                    Kid = credentials.Kid,

                if (credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256))
                    RSA algorithm = null;

                    // Note: IdentityModel 5 doesn't expose a method allowing to retrieve the underlying algorithm
                    // from a generic asymmetric security key. To work around this limitation, try to cast
                    // the security key to the built-in IdentityModel types to extract the required RSA instance.
                    // See
                    if (credentials.Key is X509SecurityKey x509SecurityKey)
                        algorithm = x509SecurityKey.PublicKey as RSA;

                    else if (credentials.Key is RsaSecurityKey rsaSecurityKey)
                        algorithm = rsaSecurityKey.Rsa;

                        // If no RSA instance can be found, create one using
                        // the RSA parameters attached to the security key.
                        if (algorithm == null)
                            var rsa = RSA.Create();
                            algorithm = rsa;

                    // Skip the key if an algorithm instance cannot be extracted.
                    if (algorithm == null)
                        Logger.LogWarning("A signing key was ignored because it was unable " +
                                          "to provide the requested algorithm instance.");


                    // Export the RSA public key to create a new JSON Web Key
                    // exposing the exponent and the modulus parameters.
                    var parameters = algorithm.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters: false);

                    Debug.Assert(parameters.Exponent != null &&
                                 parameters.Modulus != null,
                                 "RSA.ExportParameters() shouldn't return null parameters.");

                    key.Kty = JsonWebAlgorithmsKeyTypes.RSA;

                    // Note: both E and N must be base64url-encoded.
                    // See
                    key.E = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Exponent);
                    key.N = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Modulus);

                else if (credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.EcdsaSha256) ||
                         credentials.Key.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.EcdsaSha384) ||
                    ECDsa algorithm = null;

                    if (credentials.Key is X509SecurityKey x509SecurityKey)
                        algorithm = x509SecurityKey.PublicKey as ECDsa;

                    else if (credentials.Key is ECDsaSecurityKey ecdsaSecurityKey)
                        algorithm = ecdsaSecurityKey.ECDsa;

                    // Skip the key if an algorithm instance cannot be extracted.
                    if (algorithm == null)
                        Logger.LogWarning("A signing key was ignored because it was unable " +
                                          "to provide the requested algorithm instance.");


                    // Export the ECDsa public key to create a new JSON Web Key
                    // exposing the coordinates of the point on the curve.
                    var parameters = algorithm.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters: false);

                    Debug.Assert(parameters.Q.X != null &&
                                 parameters.Q.Y != null,
                                 "ECDsa.ExportParameters() shouldn't return null coordinates.");

                    key.Kty = JsonWebAlgorithmsKeyTypes.EllipticCurve;
                    key.Crv = OpenIdConnectServerHelpers.GetJwtAlgorithmCurve(parameters.Curve);

                    // Note: both X and Y must be base64url-encoded.
                    // See
                    key.X = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Q.X);
                    key.Y = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Q.Y);

                // If the signing key is embedded in a X.509 certificate, set
                // the x5t and x5c parameters using the certificate details.
                var certificate = (credentials.Key as X509SecurityKey)?.Certificate;
                if (certificate != null)
                    // x5t must be base64url-encoded.
                    // See
                    key.X5t = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(certificate.GetCertHash());

                    // Unlike E or N, the certificates contained in x5c
                    // must be base64-encoded and not base64url-encoded.
                    // See


            await Options.Provider.HandleCryptographyRequest(notification);

            if (notification.HandledResponse)
                Logger.LogDebug("The cryptography request was handled in user code.");


            else if (notification.Skipped)
                Logger.LogDebug("The default cryptography request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (notification.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ notification.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = notification.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = notification.ErrorUri

            var keys = new JArray();

            foreach (var key in notification.Keys)
                var item = new JObject();

                // Ensure a key type has been provided.
                // See
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.Kty))
                    Logger.LogError("A JSON Web Key was excluded from the key set because " +
                                    "it didn't contain the mandatory 'kid' parameter.");


                // Create a dictionary associating the
                // JsonWebKey components with their values.
                var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Kid] = key.Kid,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Use] = key.Use,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Kty] = key.Kty,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Alg] = key.Alg,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Crv] = key.Crv,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.E]   = key.E,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.N]   = key.N,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X]   = key.X,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Y]   = key.Y,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5t] = key.X5t,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5u] = key.X5u

                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Value))
                        item.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);

                if (key.KeyOps.Count != 0)
                    item.Add(JsonWebKeyParameterNames.KeyOps, new JArray(key.KeyOps));

                if (key.X5c.Count != 0)
                    item.Add(JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5c, new JArray(key.X5c));


            // Note: AddParameter() is used here to ensure the mandatory "keys" node
            // is returned to the caller, even if the key set doesn't expose any key.
            // See for more information.
            var response = new OpenIdConnectResponse();
            response.AddParameter(OpenIdConnectConstants.Parameters.Keys, keys);

            return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(response));
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a generic OpenID Connect request to the given endpoint and
        /// converts the returned response to an OpenID Connect response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The HTTP method used to send the OpenID Connect request.</param>
        /// <param name="uri">The endpoint to which the request is sent.</param>
        /// <param name="request">The OpenID Connect request to send.</param>
        /// <returns>The OpenID Connect response returned by the server.</returns>
        public virtual async Task <OpenIdConnectResponse> SendAsync(
            [NotNull] HttpMethod method, [NotNull] Uri uri,
            [NotNull] OpenIdConnectRequest request)
            if (method == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(method));

            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));

            if (HttpClient.BaseAddress == null && !uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException("The address cannot be a relative URI when no base address " +
                                            "is associated with the HTTP client.", nameof(uri));

            var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var parameter in request.GetParameters())
                var value = (string)parameter.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

                parameters.Add(parameter.Key, value);

            if (method == HttpMethod.Get && parameters.Count != 0)
                var builder = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    if (builder.Length != 0)


                if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                    uri = new Uri(HttpClient.BaseAddress, uri);

                uri = new UriBuilder(uri)
                    Query = builder.ToString()

            var message = new HttpRequestMessage(method, uri);

            if (method != HttpMethod.Get)
                message.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters);

            var response = await HttpClient.SendAsync(message, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);

            if (response.Headers.Location != null)
                var payload = response.Headers.Location.Fragment;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload))
                    payload = response.Headers.Location.Query;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload))
                    return(new OpenIdConnectResponse());

                var result = new OpenIdConnectResponse();

                using (var tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(payload, OpenIdConnectConstants.Separators.Ampersand).GetEnumerator())
                    while (tokenizer.MoveNext())
                        var parameter = tokenizer.Current;
                        if (parameter.Length == 0)

                        // Always skip the first char (# or ?).
                        if (parameter.Offset == 0)
                            parameter = parameter.Subsegment(1, parameter.Length - 1);

                        var index = parameter.IndexOf('=');
                        if (index == -1)

                        var name = parameter.Substring(0, index);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                        var value = parameter.Substring(index + 1, parameter.Length - (index + 1));
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

                            Uri.UnescapeDataString(name.Replace('+', ' ')),
                            Uri.UnescapeDataString(value.Replace('+', ' ')));


            else if (string.Equals(response.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.MediaType, "application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                    using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(stream)))
                        var serializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault();

                        return(serializer.Deserialize <OpenIdConnectResponse>(reader));

            else if (string.Equals(response.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.MediaType, "text/html", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                    var result = new OpenIdConnectResponse();

                    var document = await new HtmlParser().ParseAsync(stream);

                    foreach (var element in document.Body.GetElementsByTagName("input"))
                        var name = element.GetAttribute("name");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                        var value = element.GetAttribute("value");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

                        result.AddParameter(name, value);


            else if (string.Equals(response.Content?.Headers?.ContentType?.MediaType, "text/plain", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        var result = new OpenIdConnectResponse();

                        for (var line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); line != null; line = await reader.ReadLineAsync())
                            var index = line.IndexOf(':');
                            if (index == -1)

                            result.AddParameter(line.Substring(0, index), line.Substring(index + 1));


            return(new OpenIdConnectResponse());
        private async Task <bool> InvokeCryptographyEndpointAsync()
            // Metadata requests must be made via GET.
            // See
            if (!string.Equals(Request.Method, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected because an invalid " +
                                "HTTP method was specified: {Method}.", Request.Method);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = "The specified HTTP method is not valid."

            var request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(Request.Query);

            // Note: set the message type before invoking the ExtractCryptographyRequest event.

            // Store the cryptography request in the OWIN context.

            var @event = new ExtractCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request);
            await Options.Provider.ExtractCryptographyRequest(@event);

            if (@event.HandledResponse)
                Logger.LogDebug("The cryptography request was handled in user code.");


            else if (@event.Skipped)
                Logger.LogDebug("The default cryptography request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (@event.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ @event.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = @event.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = @event.ErrorUri

            Logger.LogInformation("The cryptography request was successfully extracted " +
                                  "from the HTTP request: {Request}.", request);

            var context = new ValidateCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request);
            await Options.Provider.ValidateCryptographyRequest(context);

            if (context.HandledResponse)
                Logger.LogDebug("The cryptography request was handled in user code.");


            else if (context.Skipped)
                Logger.LogDebug("The default cryptography request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (context.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ context.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = context.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = context.ErrorUri

            var notification = new HandleCryptographyRequestContext(Context, Options, request);

            foreach (var credentials in Options.SigningCredentials)
                // If the signing key is not an asymmetric key, ignore it.
                if (!(credentials.SigningKey is AsymmetricSecurityKey))
                    Logger.LogDebug("A non-asymmetric signing key of type '{Type}' was excluded " +
                                    "from the key set.", credentials.SigningKey.GetType().FullName);


                if (!credentials.SigningKey.IsSupportedAlgorithm(SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256Signature))
                    Logger.LogInformation("An unsupported signing key of type '{Type}' was ignored and excluded " +
                                          "from the key set. Only RSA asymmetric security keys can be exposed " +
                                          "via the JWKS endpoint.", credentials.SigningKey.GetType().Name);


                // Try to extract a key identifier from the credentials.
                LocalIdKeyIdentifierClause identifier = null;
                credentials.SigningKeyIdentifier?.TryFind(out identifier);

                // Resolve the underlying algorithm from the security key.
                var algorithm = ((AsymmetricSecurityKey)credentials.SigningKey)
                    algorithm: SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256Signature,
                    privateKey: false) as RSA;

                // Skip the key if an algorithm instance cannot be extracted.
                if (algorithm == null)
                    Logger.LogWarning("A signing key was ignored because it was unable " +
                                      "to provide the requested algorithm instance.");


                // Export the RSA public key to create a new JSON Web Key
                // exposing the exponent and the modulus parameters.
                var parameters = algorithm.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters: false);

                Debug.Assert(parameters.Exponent != null &&
                             parameters.Modulus != null,
                             "RSA.ExportParameters() shouldn't return null parameters.");

                var key = new JsonWebKey
                    Use = JsonWebKeyUseNames.Sig,
                    Kty = JsonWebAlgorithmsKeyTypes.RSA,

                    // Resolve the JWA identifier from the algorithm specified in the credentials.
                    Alg = OpenIdConnectServerHelpers.GetJwtAlgorithm(credentials.SignatureAlgorithm),

                    // Use the key identifier specified
                    // in the signing credentials.
                    Kid = identifier?.LocalId,

                    // Note: both E and N must be base64url-encoded.
                    // See
                    E = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Exponent),
                    N = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(parameters.Modulus)

                X509Certificate2 certificate = null;

                // Determine whether the security key is an asymmetric key embedded in a X.509 certificate.
                if (credentials is X509SigningCredentials x509SigningCredentials)
                    certificate = x509SigningCredentials.Certificate;

                else if (credentials.SigningKey is X509SecurityKey x509SecurityKey)
                    certificate = x509SecurityKey.Certificate;

                else if (credentials.SigningKey is X509AsymmetricSecurityKey x509AsymmetricSecurityKey)
                    // The X.509 certificate is not directly accessible when using X509AsymmetricSecurityKey.
                    // Reflection is the only way to get the certificate used to create the security key.
                    var field = typeof(X509AsymmetricSecurityKey).GetField(
                        name: "certificate",
                        bindingAttr: BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    Debug.Assert(field != null);

                    certificate = (X509Certificate2)field.GetValue(x509AsymmetricSecurityKey);

                // If the signing key is embedded in a X.509 certificate, set
                // the x5t and x5c parameters using the certificate details.
                if (certificate != null)
                    // x5t must be base64url-encoded.
                    // See
                    key.X5t = Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(certificate.GetCertHash());

                    // Unlike E or N, the certificates contained in x5c
                    // must be base64-encoded and not base64url-encoded.
                    // See


            await Options.Provider.HandleCryptographyRequest(notification);

            if (notification.HandledResponse)
                Logger.LogDebug("The cryptography request was handled in user code.");


            else if (notification.Skipped)
                Logger.LogDebug("The default cryptography request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (notification.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The cryptography request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ notification.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = notification.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = notification.ErrorUri

            var keys = new JArray();

            foreach (var key in notification.Keys)
                var item = new JObject();

                // Ensure a key type has been provided.
                // See
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.Kty))
                    Logger.LogError("A JSON Web Key was excluded from the key set because " +
                                    "it didn't contain the mandatory 'kid' parameter.");


                // Create a dictionary associating the
                // JsonWebKey components with their values.
                var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Kid]    = key.Kid,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Use]    = key.Use,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Kty]    = key.Kty,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.KeyOps] = key.KeyOps,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.Alg]    = key.Alg,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.E]      = key.E,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.N]      = key.N,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5t]    = key.X5t,
                    [JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5u]    = key.X5u

                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Value))
                        item.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);

                if (key.X5c.Count != 0)
                    item.Add(JsonWebKeyParameterNames.X5c, new JArray(key.X5c));


            // Note: AddParameter() is used here to ensure the mandatory "keys" node
            // is returned to the caller, even if the key set doesn't expose any key.
            // See for more information.
            var response = new OpenIdConnectResponse();

            response.AddParameter(OpenIdConnectConstants.Parameters.Keys, keys);

            return(await SendCryptographyResponseAsync(response));