protected PageSnippet InsertPageSnippet(string pageName, string desc) { if (desc == "") { desc = SunamoPageHelper.DescriptionOfSite((byte)sa); } PageSnippet ps = new PageSnippet { title = pageName, description = desc }; SchemaOrgHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, ps, sa); OpenGraphHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, ps, sa); return(ps); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Langs l = GetLang(); base.errors = errors; FillIDUsers(); var rd = this.RouteData; string song = ""; int idSong = int.MaxValue; string unLoginedUser = ""; // Dictionary to all user name used in loaded page due to avoid asking DB again with same Select Dictionary <int, string> resolvedUserNames = new Dictionary <int, string>(); if (idLoginedUser != -1) { unLoginedUser = GeneralCells.LoginOfUser(idLoginedUser); if (!resolvedUserNames.ContainsKey(idLoginedUser)) { resolvedUserNames.Add(idLoginedUser, unLoginedUser); } } #region Checking if uri-passed original and translated song is present ResultCheckWebArgument rSong = RoutePageHelper.CheckStringArgument(rd, "song", out song); if (rSong == ResultCheckWebArgument.AllOk) { idSong =, Tables.Lyr_Song, "ID", "Uri", song); if (idSong == int.MaxValue) { divContent.Visible = false; Warning("Požadovaný song " + song + "nebyl v databázi nalezen. "); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } } int idUserOriginal = -1; string originalLogin = ""; ResultCheckWebArgument rOriginal = RoutePageHelper.CheckStringArgument(rd, "Original", out originalLogin); if (rOriginal == ResultCheckWebArgument.AllOk) { idUserOriginal = GeneralCells.IDOfUser_Login(originalLogin); if (idUserOriginal == -1) { divContent.Visible = false; Warning("Požadovaný song byl nalezen, ale mezi originálními texty písně nebyl nalezen uživatel " + originalLogin + " specifikovaný v URI"); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } else { if (!resolvedUserNames.ContainsKey(idUserOriginal)) { resolvedUserNames.Add(idUserOriginal, originalLogin); } } } int idUserTranslated = -1; string translated = ""; ResultCheckWebArgument rTranslated = RoutePageHelper.CheckStringArgument(rd, "Translated", out translated); if (rTranslated == ResultCheckWebArgument.AllOk) { idUserTranslated = GeneralCells.IDOfUser_Login(translated); if (idUserTranslated == -1) { divContent.Visible = false; Warning("Požadovaný song byl nalezen, ale mezi přeloženými texty písně nebyl nalezen uživatel " + translated + " specifikovaný v URI"); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } else { if (!resolvedUserNames.ContainsKey(idUserTranslated)) { resolvedUserNames.Add(idUserTranslated, translated); } } } #endregion if (rSong == ResultCheckWebArgument.AllOk) { short idAlbum = LyricsCells.IDAlbumOfSong(idSong); string nameAlbum = LyricsCells.NameOfAlbum(idAlbum); #region Showing number of views DayViewManager.IncrementOrInsertNew(this, ViewTable.Lyr_Song, idSong); divViewCount.InnerHtml = GeneralHtmlGenerator.ViewCountOverall(this); divViewCountLast7Days.InnerHtml = GeneralHtmlGenerator.ViewCountLast7Days(LyricsCells.ViewLastWeekOfSong(idSong)); divViewsToday.InnerHtml = GeneralHtmlGenerator.ViewCountToday(this); if (idLoginedUser != 1) {, "Views", 1, "ID", idSong); } #endregion #region Include external sources scripts.Insert(0, "ts/Lyrics/Song.js"); scripts.Insert(0, "js/jquery/jquery.actual.min.js"); scripts.Insert(0, "js/jquery/jquery.equalheights.js"); scripts.Insert(0, JavaScriptPaths.jQueryPrettySocial); styles.Add(StyleSheetPaths.AwesomeFont); styles.Add(StyleSheetPaths.PrettySocial); #endregion #region Setting <title> string header = null; int IDArtist = int.MaxValue; header = LyricsHelper.GetArtistAndTitle(idSong, out IDArtist); Title = header; CreateTitle(); #endregion string uriOfInterpret = LyricsCells.UriOfArtist(IDArtist); aInterpretPage.HRef = LyricsUri.Artist(this, uriOfInterpret); #region Add jQuery logic to play and show/hide video JavaScriptInjection.InjectFunctionOpenNewTab(this, "searchOnYouTube", SearchingOnWeb.YouTube(header)); HtmlInjection.AddOnClickParameter(searchOnYouTube, "return searchOnYouTube();"); name.InnerHtml = header; DataTable dtYTVideos =, "IDUser,CodeYT", "IDSong", idSong); HtmlGenerator hgYt = new HtmlGenerator(); if (dtYTVideos.Rows.Count == 0) { playOnYouTube.Visible = false; playHere.Visible = false; } else { string codeYT = ""; foreach (DataRow item in dtYTVideos.Rows) { YouTubeVideoOnPage yt = new YouTubeVideoOnPage(item.ItemArray); if (codeYT == "") { codeYT = yt.CodeYT; hfYtCode.Value = codeYT; } hgYt.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", "javascript:showYTVideo2(" + yt.IDUser + ", '" + yt.CodeYT + "');"); string un = ""; if (!resolvedUserNames.ContainsKey(yt.IDUser)) { un = GeneralCells.LoginOfUser(yt.IDUser); resolvedUserNames.Add(yt.IDUser, un); } else { un = resolvedUserNames[yt.IDUser]; } hgYt.WriteRaw(un); hgYt.TerminateTag("a"); if (idLoginedUser == yt.IDUser) { hgYt.WriteRaw(" [ "); hgYt.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", LyricsUri.ManageYtVideo(this, song, yt.CodeYT)); hgYt.WriteRaw("Spravovat"); hgYt.TerminateTag("a"); hgYt.WriteRaw(" ] "); } hgYt.WriteRaw(" | "); } JavaScriptInjection.InjectFunctionOpenNewTab(this, "playOnYouTube", YouTube.GetLinkToVideo(codeYT)); HtmlInjection.AddOnClickParameter(playHere, "return showYTVideo();"); HtmlInjection.AddOnClickParameter(playOnYouTube, "return playOnYouTube();"); } #endregion hgYt.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", LyricsUri.ManageYtVideo(this, song, "New")); hgYt.WriteRaw("Přidat nové YT video"); hgYt.TerminateTag("a"); otherYtVideo.InnerHtml = hgYt.ToString(); // Fetch all lyrics of song DataTable dtOriginal =, "IDUser,Rating,IsTranslate", "IDSong", idSong, "Rating", SortOrder.Descending); List <LyricsWithRating> original = new List <LyricsWithRating>(); List <LyricsWithRating> translate = new List <LyricsWithRating>(); bool foundedTranslated = false; bool foundedOriginal = false; int idTranslatedForce = -1; int idOriginalForce = -1; HtmlGenerator hgOriginal = new HtmlGenerator(); HtmlGenerator hgTranslated = new HtmlGenerator(); #region Parse all of lyrics to original and translate collection foreach (DataRow item in dtOriginal.Rows) { LyricsWithRating l2 = new LyricsWithRating(item.ItemArray); if (!resolvedUserNames.ContainsKey(l2.IDUser)) { string un = GeneralCells.LoginOfUser(l2.IDUser); resolvedUserNames.Add(l2.IDUser, un); } if (l2.IsTranslate) { #region If song is translated string un = resolvedUserNames[l2.IDUser]; hgTranslated.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", LyricsUri.SongOriginalTranslated(this, song, originalLogin, resolvedUserNames[l2.IDUser])); hgTranslated.WriteRaw(un); hgTranslated.TerminateTag("a"); if (idUserTranslated == l2.IDUser) { foundedTranslated = true; } // If translated can be any if (translated == "") { idTranslatedForce = l2.IDUser; if (WriteToHgTranslated(song, resolvedUserNames, hgTranslated, l2)) { hgTranslated.WriteRaw(" (právě zobrazený)"); } } else if (translated == un) { #region In QS was lyrics exactly specified idTranslatedForce = l2.IDUser; if (WriteToHgTranslated(song, resolvedUserNames, hgTranslated, l2)) { hgTranslated.WriteRaw(" (právě zobrazený)"); } #endregion } hgTranslated.WriteBr(); translate.Add(l2); #endregion } else { #region If song is in original language ... string un = resolvedUserNames[l2.IDUser]; hgOriginal.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", LyricsUri.SongOriginalTranslated(this, song, resolvedUserNames[l2.IDUser], translated)); hgOriginal.WriteRaw(un); hgOriginal.TerminateTag("a"); if (idUserOriginal == l2.IDUser) { foundedOriginal = true; } if (originalLogin == "") { idOriginalForce = l2.IDUser; if (WriteToHgOriginal(song, resolvedUserNames, hgOriginal, l2)) { hgOriginal.WriteRaw(" (právě zobrazený)"); } } else if (originalLogin != "" && originalLogin == un) { idOriginalForce = l2.IDUser; if (WriteToHgOriginal(song, resolvedUserNames, hgOriginal, l2)) { hgOriginal.WriteRaw(" (právě zobrazený)"); } } hgOriginal.WriteBr(); original.Add(l2); #endregion } } #endregion #region If exact song lyrics wasn't enter, select first in table int idLyricsEn = int.MaxValue; if (idOriginalForce != -1) { idLyricsEn =, Tables.Lyr_Lyrics, "ID", AB.Get("IDSong", idSong), AB.Get("IDUser", idOriginalForce), AB.Get("IsTranslate", false)); } int idLyricsCz = int.MaxValue; if (idTranslatedForce != -1) { idLyricsCz =, Tables.Lyr_Lyrics, "ID", AB.Get("IDSong", idSong), AB.Get("IDUser", idTranslatedForce), AB.Get("IsTranslate", true)); } #endregion hgTranslated.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", LyricsUri.ManageLyrics(this, song, LyricsType.Translated, unLoginedUser)); hgTranslated.WriteRaw("Přidat text zde"); hgTranslated.TerminateTag("a"); hgOriginal.WriteTagWithAttr("a", "href", LyricsUri.ManageLyrics(this, song, LyricsType.Original, unLoginedUser)); hgOriginal.WriteRaw("Přidat text zde"); hgOriginal.TerminateTag("a"); var comparer = new LyricsWithRatingComparer(); original.Sort(comparer); translate.Sort(comparer); divAllEnLyrics.InnerHtml = hgOriginal.ToString(); divAllCzLyrics.InnerHtml = hgTranslated.ToString(); hfIds.Value = song.ToString(); hfBaseUri.Value = "http://" + this.Request.Url.Host + "/"; #region Write original lyrics to HTML string lyricsFirstOriginal = ""; string lyricsFirstTranslate = ""; if (original.Count == 0) { lblEN.Text = "Všechny originální texty byly smazány"; if (unLoginedUser != "") { lblEN.Text += ", chcete zde text <a href='" + LyricsUri.ManageLyrics(this, song, LyricsType.Original, unLoginedUser) + "'>přidat</a>? Pokud je song pouze instrumentální, této hlášky si nevšímejte. Web nerozlišuje mezi cizojazyčnými, českými a instrumentálními songy."; } favAreaENNonLogined.Visible = false; starRatingENNonLogined.Visible = false; favAreaEN.Visible = false; lblRatEN.Visible = false; starRatingEn.Visible = false; } else { if (idLyricsEn == int.MaxValue) { divMessageAboutDefaultTextEN.InnerHtml = "Zadaný uživatel " + originalLogin + " nebyl nalezen v textech u tohoto songu zobrazuje se song s nejvyššším hodnocením"; divEn.Visible = false; } else { object[] o = null; string columnsWhichToFetch = "Text,Rating,Added,LastEdit"; if (originalLogin != "" && foundedOriginal) { //, AB.Get("IDSong", idSong), AB.Get("IDUser", idUserOriginal), AB.Get("IsTranslate", false) o =, "ID", idLyricsEn, columnsWhichToFetch); } else { // , AB.Get("IDSong", idSong), AB.Get("IDUser", original[0].IDUser), AB.Get("IsTranslate", false) o =, "ID", idLyricsEn, columnsWhichToFetch); } int viewCount = int.MinValue; if (idLoginedUser == 1) { int viewCount2 =, Tables.Lyr_Lyrics, "ViewCount", "ID", idLyricsEn); if (viewCount2 != int.MaxValue) { viewCount = viewCount2; } } else { viewCount =, "ViewCount", 1, "ID", idLyricsEn); } uint viewCount3 = NormalizeNumbers.NormalizeInt(viewCount); viewCountEn.InnerHtml = "Počet shlédnutí: " + viewCount3; lyricsFirstOriginal = MSTableRowParse.GetString(o, 0); lblEN.Text = LyricsHelper.GetHtmlLyrics(lyricsFirstOriginal); lblAddedEn.Text = "Přidáno: " + DTHelper.DateToString(MSTableRowParse.GetDateTime(o, 2), l); lblLastEditEn.Text = "Editováno: " + DTHelper.DateToString(MSTableRowParse.GetDateTime(o, 3), l); hfIdLyricsEN.Value = idLyricsEn.ToString(); if (idLoginedUser == -1) { favAreaEN.Visible = false; starRatingEn.Visible = false; } else { float oriRating = MSTableRowParse.GetFloat(o, 1); if (oriRating == 0) { lblRatEN.Text = LyricsStrings.GiveFirstRatingEn; } else { lblRatEN.Text = LyricsStrings.GiveRatingEn; } CheckByValue(oriRating, h1EN, h2EN, h3EN, h4EN, h5EN); string imgFavSrc = GetSrcImgFav(idLyricsEn); imgFavEn.Src = imgFavSrc; favAreaENNonLogined.Visible = false; starRatingENNonLogined.Visible = false; } } } #endregion #region Write translated lyrics to HTML if (translate.Count == 0) { lblCZ.Text = "Všechny překlady této písně byly smazány nebo nikdy neexistovali"; if (unLoginedUser != "") { lblCZ.Text += ", chcete zde text <a href='" + LyricsUri.ManageLyrics(this, song, LyricsType.Translated, unLoginedUser) + "'>přidat</a>? Pokud je song původně v češtině, této hlášky si nevšímejte. Web nerozlišuje mezi cizojazyčnými, českými a instrumentálními songy."; } favAreaCZNonLogined.Visible = false; starRatingCZNonLogined.Visible = false; lblRatCZ.Visible = false; starRatingCZ.Visible = false; favAreaCz.Visible = false; } else { if (idLyricsCz == int.MaxValue) { divMessageAboutDefaultTextCZ.InnerHtml = "Zadaný uživatel " + translated + " nebyl nalezen v textech u tohoto songu zobrazuje se song s nejvyššším hodnocením"; divCz.Visible = false; } else { object[] o = null; string columnsWhichToFetch = "Text,Rating,Added,LastEdit"; if (translated != "" && foundedTranslated) { o =, "ID", idLyricsCz, columnsWhichToFetch); } else { o =, "ID", idLyricsCz, columnsWhichToFetch); } int viewCount = int.MinValue; if (idLoginedUser == 1) { int viewCount2 =, Tables.Lyr_Lyrics, "ViewCount", "ID", idLyricsCz); if (viewCount2 != int.MaxValue) { viewCount = viewCount2; } } else { viewCount =, "ViewCount", 1, "ID", idLyricsCz); } uint viewCount3 = NormalizeNumbers.NormalizeInt(viewCount); viewCountCz.InnerHtml = "Počet shlédnutí: " + viewCount3; lyricsFirstTranslate = MSTableRowParse.GetString(o, 0); lblCZ.Text = LyricsHelper.GetHtmlLyrics(lyricsFirstTranslate); lblAddedCz.Text = "Přidáno: " + DTHelper.DateToString(MSTableRowParse.GetDateTime(o, 2), l); lblLastEditCz.Text = "Editováno: " + DTHelper.DateToString(MSTableRowParse.GetDateTime(o, 3), l); hfIdLyricsCZ.Value = idLyricsCz.ToString(); if (idLoginedUser == -1) { favAreaCz.Visible = false; starRatingCZ.Visible = false; } else { float tranRating = MSTableRowParse.GetFloat(o, 1); if (tranRating == 0) { lblRatCZ.Text = LyricsStrings.GiveFirstRatingCz; } else { lblRatCZ.Text = LyricsStrings.GiveRatingCz; } CheckByValue(tranRating, h1CZ, h2CZ, h3CZ, h4CZ, h5CZ); string imgFavSrc = GetSrcImgFav(idLyricsCz); imgFavCz.Src = imgFavSrc; favAreaCZNonLogined.Visible = false; starRatingCZNonLogined.Visible = false; } } } #endregion #region Set meta info of page as OpenGraph, snippets and to PrettySocial widget PageSnippet pageSnippet = null; if ( { int divide = 1; if (lyricsFirstTranslate != "" && lyricsFirstOriginal != "") { divide = 2; } pageSnippet = new PageSnippet { description = SH.ShortForLettersCountThreeDots(SH.TrimNewLineAndTab(lyricsFirstOriginal), 150 / divide) + " " + SH.ShortForLettersCountThreeDots(SH.TrimNewLineAndTab(lyricsFirstTranslate), 150 / divide), image = Consts.HttpWwwCzSlash +, 1), title = Title }; } if (pageSnippet != null) { OpenGraphHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, pageSnippet, MySites.Lyrics); SchemaOrgHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, pageSnippet, MySites.Lyrics); descriptionPage = pageSnippet.description; } PrettySocialHelper.Init(this, Title, descriptionPage, google, facebook, twitter); #endregion #region Append five random songs from same artist List <int> addedYtVideosToJsArray = new List <int>(); StringBuilder fillingJavaScriptArray = new StringBuilder(); object[] oa =, "ID", IDArtist, "Name,CountTags,CountSimilar"); string nameOfArtist = MSTableRowParse.GetString(oa, 0); byte countTags = MSTableRowParse.GetByte(oa, 1); byte countSimilar = MSTableRowParse.GetByte(oa, 2); int max = 10; int maxSameArtist = 5; List <int> similarSongs = new List <int>(); List <int> songsOfArtist2 = LyricsHelper.GetSongsOfArtist(IDArtist); foreach (var item3 in songsOfArtist2) { if (item3 != idSong) { similarSongs.Add(item3); if (similarSongs.Count == maxSameArtist) { break; } } } #endregion #region Fill up to 10 similar songs from other artist int[] idSimilarArtists = LyricsHelper.GetSimilarOfArtist(IDArtist, countSimilar).ToArray(); idSimilarArtists = CA.JumbleUp <int>(idSimilarArtists); foreach (var item2 in idSimilarArtists) { if (similarSongs.Count == max) { break; } List <int> songsOfArtist = LyricsHelper.GetSongsOfArtist(item2); foreach (var item3 in songsOfArtist) { if (item3 != idSong) { similarSongs.Add(item3); if (similarSongs.Count == max) { break; } } } } #endregion #region If still won't be 10 songs, fill up to 10 songs by tags short[] idTags = LyricsHelper.GetTagsOfArtist(IDArtist, countTags).ToArray(); idTags = CA.JumbleUp <short>(idTags); foreach (var item in idTags) { if (similarSongs.Count == max) { break; } int[] idArtistOfTag =, "IDArtist", new ABC(AB.Get("IDTag", item)), new ABC(AB.Get("IDArtist", IDArtist))).ToArray(); idArtistOfTag = CA.JumbleUp <int>(idArtistOfTag); foreach (var item2 in idArtistOfTag) { if (similarSongs.Count == max) { break; } List <int> songsOfArtist = LyricsHelper.GetSongsOfArtist(item2); foreach (var item3 in songsOfArtist) { if (item2 != IDArtist) { similarSongs.Add(item3); if (similarSongs.Count == max) { break; } } } } } #endregion List <string> viewCountBadgesYouCanLikeAlso = new List <string>(); List <string> idBadgesYouCanLikeAlso = new List <string>(); List <string> viewCountBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum = new List <string>(); List <string> idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum = new List <string>(); List <string> idBadges = new List <string>(); int viewCountBadges = 0; string nameJsArray = "videos"; #region Write to output popular similar songs bool assignedImage = false; bool atLeastOneYouCanLikeAlso = false; if (similarSongs.Count != 0) { #region Add info about similar songs to collections HtmlGenerator hgYouCanLikeAlso = new HtmlGenerator(); int countSongsYouCanLikeAlso = similarSongs.Count; List <string> linksPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsYouCanLikeAlso); List <string> linksText = new List <string>(countSongsYouCanLikeAlso); List <string> innerHtmlText = new List <string>(countSongsYouCanLikeAlso); List <string> srcPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsYouCanLikeAlso); // Shuffle to make it more varied int[] ssju = CA.JumbleUp <int>(similarSongs.ToArray()); foreach (int item in ssju) { int idSong2 = item; if (idSong2 == idSong) { continue; } if (!addedYtVideosToJsArray.Contains(idSong2)) { fillingJavaScriptArray.Append(, idSong2)); addedYtVideosToJsArray.Add(idSong2); } else { #region If any song will be twice in similar, I fill up to 10 with not-similar song. Still is better song in differenct stile than none idSong2 =, "ID"); while (addedYtVideosToJsArray.Contains(idSong2)) { idSong2 =, "ID"); } addedYtVideosToJsArray[addedYtVideosToJsArray.Count - 1] = idSong2; #endregion } object[] o =, "ID", idSong2, "Name,IDArtist,Views"); int idArtistOfSimilarSong = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 1); int viewLastWeek = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 2); if (!assignedImage) { if (IDArtist != int.MaxValue) { if (idArtistOfSimilarSong != IDArtist) { if (File.Exists(LyricsHelper.GetPathOfArtistImage(idArtistOfSimilarSong, 0, ImageSize.Small))) { imgYouCanLikeAlso.Attributes["style"] = CssGeneration.GetRoundedImage(34, LyricsHelper.GetUriOfArtistImage(Request, idArtistOfSimilarSong, 0, ImageSize.Small), 13); assignedImage = true; } else { imgYouCanLikeAlso.Visible = false; } } } else { assignedImage = true; imgYouCanLikeAlso.Visible = false; } } atLeastOneYouCanLikeAlso = true; string nameSong = MSTableRowParse.GetString(o, 0); srcPhoto.Add(idSong2.ToString()); string noa = LyricsCells.NameOfArtist(idArtistOfSimilarSong); string anchor = LyricsHelper.UriOfSong(this, noa, nameSong); linksPhoto.Add(anchor); linksText.Add(anchor); innerHtmlText.Add(" " + LyricsHelper.GetArtistAndTitle(noa, nameSong)); string idb = viewCountBadges.ToString(); idBadgesYouCanLikeAlso.Add(idb); viewCountBadgesYouCanLikeAlso.Add(NormalizeNumbers.NormalizeInt(viewLastWeek).ToString()); viewCountBadges++; } #endregion HtmlGenerator2.TopListWithImages(hgYouCanLikeAlso, 130, 97, web.UH.GetWebUri(this, "img/Lyrics/NoThumbnail.png"), linksPhoto, linksText, innerHtmlText, srcPhoto, idBadgesYouCanLikeAlso, nameJsArray); JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, JavaScriptGenerator2.JsForIosBadge("blue", idBadgesYouCanLikeAlso, viewCountBadgesYouCanLikeAlso)); if (atLeastOneYouCanLikeAlso) { innerDivYouCanLikeAlso.InnerHtml = hgYouCanLikeAlso.ToString(); } } divYouCanLikeAlso.Visible = atLeastOneYouCanLikeAlso; #endregion #region Write to output popular songs from same interpret bool atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpret = false; int maxCountMostPopularOfInterpret = 10; int actualCountMostPopularOfInterpret = 0; if (IDArtist != int.MaxValue) { HtmlGenerator hgMostPopularOfInterpret = new HtmlGenerator(); // Get most popular of song - Views DB column DataTable dtMostPopularOfInterpret =, maxCountMostPopularOfInterpret + 1, "ID,Name,Views", "Views", AB.Get("IDArtist", IDArtist)); int countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret = dtMostPopularOfInterpret.Rows.Count; if (countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret != 0) { int viewLastWeekFirst = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(dtMostPopularOfInterpret.Rows[0].ItemArray, 2); if (viewLastWeekFirst != int.MinValue) { countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret = Math.Min(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret, maxCountMostPopularOfInterpret); List <string> linksPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret); List <string> linksText = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret); List <string> innerHtmlText = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret); List <string> srcPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpret); List <string> viewCountBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret = new List <string>(); List <string> idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow item in dtMostPopularOfInterpret.Rows) { if (actualCountMostPopularOfInterpret == maxCountMostPopularOfInterpret) { break; } object[] o = item.ItemArray; int viewLastWeek = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 2); if (viewLastWeek == int.MinValue) { break; } int idVideo = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 0); if (idVideo == idSong) { continue; } actualCountMostPopularOfInterpret++; atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpret = true; string nameSong = MSTableRowParse.GetString(o, 1); if (!addedYtVideosToJsArray.Contains(idVideo)) { fillingJavaScriptArray.Append(, idVideo)); addedYtVideosToJsArray.Add(idVideo); } srcPhoto.Add(idVideo.ToString()); string odkaz = LyricsHelper.UriOfSong(this, nameOfArtist, nameSong); linksPhoto.Add(odkaz); linksText.Add(odkaz); innerHtmlText.Add(" " + LyricsHelper.GetArtistAndTitle(nameOfArtist, nameSong)); string idb = viewCountBadges.ToString(); idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret.Add(idb); viewCountBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret.Add(NormalizeNumbers.NormalizeInt(viewLastWeek).ToString()); viewCountBadges++; } JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, JavaScriptGenerator2.JsForIosBadge("blue", idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret, viewCountBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret)); HtmlGenerator2.TopListWithImages(hgMostPopularOfInterpret, 130, 97, web.UH.GetWebUri(this, "img/Lyrics/NoThumbnail.png"), linksPhoto, linksText, innerHtmlText, srcPhoto, idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpret, nameJsArray); } } if (atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpret) { if (File.Exists(LyricsHelper.GetPathOfArtistImage(IDArtist, 0, ImageSize.Small))) { imgInterpret.Attributes["style"] = CssGeneration.GetRoundedImage(34, LyricsHelper.GetUriOfArtistImage(Request, IDArtist, 0, ImageSize.Small), 13); } else { imgInterpret.Visible = false; } innerDivMostPopularOfInterpret.InnerHtml = hgMostPopularOfInterpret.ToString(); } } divMostPopularOfInterpret.Visible = atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpret; #endregion #region Write to output popular songs from same albums bool atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum = false; if (idAlbum != short.MaxValue) { aAlbumPage.InnerHtml += " " + nameAlbum; aAlbumPage.HRef = LyricsUri.Album(this, uriOfInterpret, LyricsCells.UriOfAlbum(idAlbum)); HtmlGenerator hgMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum = new HtmlGenerator(); DataTable dtMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum =, int.MaxValue, "ID,Name,Views", "Views", AB.Get("IDArtist", IDArtist), AB.Get("IDAlbum", idAlbum)); int countSongsMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum = dtMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.Rows.Count; if (countSongsMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum != 0) { int viewLastWeekFirst = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(dtMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.Rows[0].ItemArray, 2); if (viewLastWeekFirst != int.MinValue) { List <string> linksPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum); List <string> linksText = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum); List <string> innerHtmlText = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum); List <string> srcPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum); foreach (DataRow item in dtMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.Rows) { object[] o = item.ItemArray; int viewLastWeek = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 2); if (viewLastWeek == int.MinValue) { break; } int idVideo = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 0); if (idVideo == idSong) { continue; } atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum = true; string nameSong = MSTableRowParse.GetString(o, 1); if (!addedYtVideosToJsArray.Contains(idVideo)) { fillingJavaScriptArray.Append(, idVideo)); addedYtVideosToJsArray.Add(idVideo); } srcPhoto.Add(idVideo.ToString()); string odkaz = LyricsHelper.UriOfSong(this, nameOfArtist, nameSong); linksPhoto.Add(odkaz); linksText.Add(odkaz); innerHtmlText.Add(" " + LyricsHelper.GetArtistAndTitle(nameOfArtist, nameSong)); string idb = viewCountBadges.ToString(); idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.Add(idb); viewCountBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.Add(NormalizeNumbers.NormalizeInt(viewLastWeek).ToString()); viewCountBadges++; } JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, JavaScriptGenerator2.JsForIosBadge("blue", idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum, viewCountBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum)); HtmlGenerator2.TopListWithImages(hgMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum, 130, 97, web.UH.GetWebUri(this, "img/Lyrics/NoThumbnail.png"), linksPhoto, linksText, innerHtmlText, srcPhoto, idBadgesMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum, nameJsArray); } } if (atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum) { if (File.Exists(LyricsHelper.GetPathOfAlbumImage(idAlbum, AlbumImageSize.Small))) { imgAlbum.Attributes["style"] = CssGeneration.GetRoundedImage(34, LyricsHelper.GetUriOfAlbumImage(Request, idAlbum, AlbumImageSize.Small), 13); } else { imgAlbum.Visible = false; } innerDivMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.InnerHtml = hgMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.ToString(); } } else { divAlbumPage.Visible = false; } divMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum.Visible = atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum; #endregion if (atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpret || atLeastOneMostPopularOfInterpretAlbum || atLeastOneYouCanLikeAlso) { JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, JavaScriptGenerator2.AlternatingImages(nameJsArray, nameJsArray, true)); JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, fillingJavaScriptArray.ToString()); } } else { NoToView(); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } FillIDUsers(); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); }
protected void InsertPageSnippet(PageSnippet ps) { SchemaOrgHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, ps, sa); OpenGraphHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, ps, sa); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.errors = errors; WarningEvent += Album_WarningEvent; var rd = RouteData; string artistUri = ""; ResultCheckWebArgument rArtistUri = RoutePageHelper.CheckStringArgument(rd, "Artist", out artistUri); if (rArtistUri == ResultCheckWebArgument.AllOk) { string albumUri = ""; ResultCheckWebArgument rAlbumUri = RoutePageHelper.CheckStringArgument(rd, "Album", out albumUri); if (rAlbumUri == ResultCheckWebArgument.AllOk) { int idArtist = LyricsCells.IDOfArtist_Uri(artistUri); if (idArtist != int.MaxValue) { short idAlbum = LyricsHelper.IDOfAlbum_Uri(albumUri, idArtist); if (idAlbum != short.MaxValue) { string nameAlbum = LyricsCells.NameOfAlbum(idAlbum); string nameInterpret = LyricsCells.NameOfArtist(idArtist); string uriArtist = LyricsCells.UriOfArtist(idArtist); string uriAlbum = LyricsCells.UriOfAlbum(idAlbum); bcHome.HRef = web.UH.GetWebUri2(this, sa); bcArtist.HRef = LyricsUri.Artist(this, uriArtist); bcArtist.InnerHtml = nameInterpret; bcAlbum.HRef = LyricsUri.Album(this, uriArtist, uriAlbum); bcAlbum.InnerHtml = nameAlbum; string title = "Album " + nameAlbum + " interpreta " + nameInterpret; h1.InnerHtml = title; Title = title; CreateTitle(); scripts.Insert(0, "ts/Lyrics/Album.js"); scripts.Insert(0, JavaScriptPaths.JustifiedGallery); styles.Add(StyleSheetPaths.JustifiedGallery); List <string> saAnchors = new List <string>(); List <string> saImages = new List <string>(); List <string> saAlts = new List <string>(); List <short> allAlbums = LyricsHelper.GetAlbumsOfArtist(idArtist); List <string> idBadges = new List <string>(); List <string> viewCountBadges = new List <string>(); int serieBadges = 0; foreach (short item in allAlbums) { if (item != idAlbum) { string path = LyricsHelper.GetPathOfAlbumImage(item, AlbumImageSize.ExtraLarge); if (File.Exists(path)) { string name = LyricsCells.NameOfAlbum(item); saAnchors.Add(LyricsUri.Album(this, uriArtist, LyricsCells.UriOfAlbum(item))); saImages.Add(LyricsHelper.GetUriOfAlbumImage(Request, item, AlbumImageSize.ExtraLarge)); saAlts.Add(name); } } } if (saAnchors.Count != 0) { divJustifiedAlbums.InnerHtml = JustifiedGalleryHelper.GetInnerHtml(saAnchors, saImages, saAlts); } else { divJustifiedAlbums.InnerHtml = HtmlGenerator2.Italic("Žádné další album umělce nebylo nalezeno."); } List <int> addedYtVideosToJsArray = new List <int>(); StringBuilder fillingJavaScriptArray = new StringBuilder(); string nameJsArray = "videos"; bool atLeastOneSongsInAlbum = false; DataTable dtSongsInAlbum =, int.MaxValue, "ID,Name,Views", "Views", CA.ToArrayT <AB>(AB.Get("IDArtist", idArtist), AB.Get("IDAlbum", idAlbum)), null, null, null); HtmlGenerator hgSongsInAlbum = new HtmlGenerator(); PageSnippet pageSnippet = null; List <string> songsInAlbumList = new List <string>(); if (dtSongsInAlbum.Rows.Count != 0) { atLeastOneSongsInAlbum = true; int countSongsInAlbum = dtSongsInAlbum.Rows.Count; List <string> odkazyPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsInAlbum); List <string> odkazyText = new List <string>(countSongsInAlbum); List <string> innerHtmlText = new List <string>(countSongsInAlbum); List <string> srcPhoto = new List <string>(countSongsInAlbum); foreach (DataRow item in dtSongsInAlbum.Rows) { object[] o = item.ItemArray; int idVideo = MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 0); string nameSong = MSTableRowParse.GetString(o, 1); ulong views = NormalizeNumbers.NormalizeInt(MSTableRowParse.GetInt(o, 2)); if (!addedYtVideosToJsArray.Contains(idVideo)) { string image1 = ""; fillingJavaScriptArray.Append(, idVideo, out image1)); addedYtVideosToJsArray.Add(idVideo); if (pageSnippet == null) { if (image1 != "") { pageSnippet = new PageSnippet(); pageSnippet.title = Title; pageSnippet.image = Consts.HttpWwwCzSlash + image1; } } } songsInAlbumList.Add(nameSong); srcPhoto.Add(idVideo.ToString()); string odkaz = LyricsHelper.UriOfSong(this, nameInterpret, nameSong); odkazyPhoto.Add(odkaz); odkazyText.Add(odkaz); innerHtmlText.Add(" " + LyricsHelper.GetArtistAndTitle(nameInterpret, nameSong)); string idb = serieBadges.ToString(); //translateTl.idBadges.Add(idb); idBadges.Add(idb); viewCountBadges.Add(views.ToString()); serieBadges++; } HtmlGenerator2.TopListWithImages(hgSongsInAlbum, 130, 97, web.UH.GetWebUri(this, "img/Lyrics/NoThumbnail.png"), odkazyPhoto, odkazyText, innerHtmlText, srcPhoto, idBadges, nameJsArray); if (pageSnippet != null) { pageSnippet.description = "Songy v albu: " + SH.JoinString(", ", songsInAlbumList); OpenGraphHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, pageSnippet, MySites.Lyrics); SchemaOrgHelper.InsertBasicToPageHeader(this, pageSnippet, MySites.Lyrics); } JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, JavaScriptGenerator2.AlternatingImages(nameJsArray, nameJsArray, true)); JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, fillingJavaScriptArray.ToString()); JavaScriptInjection.InjectInternalScript(this, JavaScriptGenerator2.JsForIosBadge("blue", idBadges, viewCountBadges)); } if (atLeastOneSongsInAlbum) { divSongsInAlbum.InnerHtml = hgSongsInAlbum.ToString(); } else { divSongsInAlbum.InnerHtml = HtmlGenerator2.Italic("Žádný song z tohoto alba nebyl nalezen."); } } else { Warning("Album bylo nalezeno v Uri ale již ne v databázi."); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } } else { Warning("Umělec byl nalezen v Uri ale již ne v databázi."); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } } else { Warning(PageHelperBase.GetErrorDescriptionStringURI(rAlbumUri, "Album")); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } } else { Warning(PageHelperBase.GetErrorDescriptionStringURI(rArtistUri, "Artist")); Include(styles, scripts, null, null); return; } Include(styles, scripts, null, null); }