private void cmdAddShortcut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblErrorShortcut.Visible = false; // resetting error msg if (ShortcutList.Count >= 20) { lblErrorMaxShortcuts.Text = "Max 20 shortcuts in one group"; lblErrorMaxShortcuts.BringToFront(); lblErrorMaxShortcuts.Visible = true; } OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog // ask user to select exe file { InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu), Title = "Create New Shortcut", CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, DefaultExt = "exe", Filter = "Program (.exe)|*.exe", FilterIndex = 2, RestoreDirectory = true, ReadOnlyChecked = true, }; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ProgramShortcut programShortcut = new ProgramShortcut(openFileDialog.FileName); //create new shortcut obj this.ShortcutList.Add(programShortcut); // add to panel shortcut list LoadShortcuts(); } }
// Adding shortcut by button private void pnlAddShortcut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblErrorShortcut.Visible = false; // resetting error msg if (Category.ShortcutList.Count >= 20) { lblErrorShortcut.Text = "Max 20 shortcuts in one group"; lblErrorShortcut.BringToFront(); lblErrorShortcut.Visible = true; } OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog // ask user to select exe file { InitialDirectory = @"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs", Title = "Create New Shortcut", CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, Multiselect = true, DefaultExt = "exe", Filter = "Exe or Shortcut (.exe, .lnk)|*.exe;*.lnk", FilterIndex = 2, RestoreDirectory = true, ReadOnlyChecked = true, }; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (String file in openFileDialog.FileNames) { ProgramShortcut psc = new ProgramShortcut(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(file)); //create new shortcut obj Category.ShortcutList.Add(psc); // add to panel shortcut list LoadShortcut(psc, Category.ShortcutList.Count - 1); } } }
private void pnlAddShortcut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblErrorShortcut.Visible = false; // resetting error msg if (Category.ShortcutList.Count >= 20) { lblErrorShortcut.Text = "Max 20 shortcuts in one group"; lblErrorShortcut.BringToFront(); lblErrorShortcut.Visible = true; } OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog // ask user to select exe file { InitialDirectory = @"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs", Title = "Create New Shortcut", CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, DefaultExt = "exe", Filter = "Exe (.exe)|*.exe", FilterIndex = 2, RestoreDirectory = true, //ShowReadOnly = true, ReadOnlyChecked = true, }; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ProgramShortcut programShortcut = new ProgramShortcut(openFileDialog.FileName); //create new shortcut obj Category.ShortcutList.Add(programShortcut); // add to panel shortcut list pnlShortcuts.Controls.Clear(); LoadShortcuts(); pnlShortcuts.ScrollControlIntoView(pnlShortcuts.Controls[0]); // scroll to the latest created control } }
// Adding shortcut by button private void pnlAddShortcut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { resetSelection(); lblErrorShortcut.Visible = false; // resetting error msg if (Category.ShortcutList.Count >= 20) { lblErrorShortcut.Text = "Max 20 shortcuts in one group"; lblErrorShortcut.BringToFront(); lblErrorShortcut.Visible = true; } OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog // ask user to select exe file { InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonPrograms), Title = "Create New Shortcut", CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, Multiselect = true, DefaultExt = "exe", Filter = "Exe or Shortcut (.exe, .lnk)|*.exe;*.lnk;*.url", RestoreDirectory = true, ReadOnlyChecked = true, DereferenceLinks = false }; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (String file in openFileDialog.FileNames) { addShortcut(file); } resetSelection(); } if (pnlShortcuts.Controls.Count != 0) { pnlShortcuts.ScrollControlIntoView(pnlShortcuts.Controls[0]); } }