public ActionResult Login(OnlineRegModel m) { var ret = AccountModel.AuthenticateLogon(m.username, m.password, Session, Request); if (ret is string) { ModelState.AddModelError("authentication", ret.ToString()); return(FlowList(m, "Login")); } Session["OnlineRegLogin"] = true; if (m.Orgid == Util.CreateAccountCode) { return(Content("/Person2/" + Util.UserPeopleId)); } var existingRegistration = m.GetExistingRegistration(Util.UserPeopleId ?? 0); if (existingRegistration != null) { TempData["er"] = m.UserPeopleId = Util.UserPeopleId; return(Content("/OnlineReg/Existing/" + existingRegistration.DatumId)); } Debug.Assert(Util.UserPeopleId != null, "Util.UserPeopleId != null"); m.CreateList(); m.UserPeopleId = Util.UserPeopleId; if (m.ManagingSubscriptions()) { TempData["ms"] = Util.UserPeopleId; return(Content("/OnlineReg/ManageSubscriptions/{0}".Fmt(m.masterorgid))); } if (m.ChoosingSlots()) { TempData["ps"] = Util.UserPeopleId; return(Content("/OnlineReg/ManageVolunteer/{0}".Fmt(m.Orgid))); } if (m.OnlinePledge()) { TempData["mp"] = Util.UserPeopleId; return(Content("/OnlineReg/ManagePledge/{0}".Fmt(m.Orgid))); } if (m.ManageGiving()) { TempData["mg"] = Util.UserPeopleId; return(Content("/OnlineReg/ManageGiving/{0}".Fmt(m.Orgid))); } if (m.OnlineGiving()) { return(Register(Util.UserPeopleId.Value, m)); } if (m.UserSelectsOrganization()) { OnlineRegPersonModelValidator.ValidateModelForFind(m.List[0], ModelState, m, 0); } m.List[0].LoggedIn = true; m.HistoryAdd("login"); return(FlowList(m, "Login")); }
public ActionResult ShowMoreInfo(int id, OnlineRegModel m) { m.HistoryAdd("ShowMoreInfo id=" + id); DbUtil.Db.SetNoLock(); var p = m.List[id]; OnlineRegPersonModelValidator.ValidateModelForFind(p, ModelState, m, id); if ( != null && p.Found == true) { p.IsFilled = >=; if (p.IsFilled) { ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[id].DateOfBirth), "Sorry, but registration is closed."); } if (p.Found == true) { p.FillPriorInfo(); } return(FlowList(m, "ShowMoreInfo")); } if (!p.whatfamily.HasValue && (id > 0 || p.LoggedIn == true)) { ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[id].whatfamily), "Choose a family option"); return(FlowList(m, "ShowMoreInfo")); } switch (p.whatfamily) { case 1: var u = DbUtil.Db.LoadPersonById(m.UserPeopleId.Value); p.AddressLineOne = u.PrimaryAddress; p.City = u.PrimaryCity; p.State = u.PrimaryState; p.ZipCode = u.PrimaryZip.FmtZip(); break; case 2: var pb = m.List[id - 1]; p.AddressLineOne = pb.AddressLineOne; p.City = pb.City; p.State = pb.State; p.ZipCode = pb.ZipCode; break; default: #if DEBUG p.AddressLineOne = "235 Riveredge Cv."; p.City = "Cordova"; p.State = "TN"; p.ZipCode = "38018"; p.gender = 1; p.married = 10; p.HomePhone = "9017581862"; #endif break; } p.ShowAddress = true; return(FlowList(m, "ShowMoreInfo")); }
public ActionResult Register(int id, OnlineRegModel m) { ModelState.Clear(); m.HistoryAdd("Register"); int index = m.List.Count - 1; if (m.List[index].classid.HasValue) { m.classid = m.List[index].classid; } var p = m.LoadExistingPerson(id, index); OnlineRegPersonModelValidator.ValidateModelForFind(p, ModelState, m, id, selectFromFamily: true); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(FlowList(m, "Register")); } m.List[index] = p; if (p.ManageSubscriptions() && p.Found == true) { //p.OtherOK = true; return(FlowList(m, "Register")); } if ( != null && p.Found == true) { p.IsFilled = >=; if (p.IsFilled) { ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[m.List.IndexOf(p)].Found), "Sorry, but registration is filled."); } if (p.Found == true) { p.FillPriorInfo(); } //if (!p.AnyOtherInfo()) //p.OtherOK = true; return(FlowList(m, "Register")); } if ( == null && p.ComputesOrganizationByAge()) { ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[id].Found), p.NoAppropriateOrgError); } if (p.ShowDisplay() && != null && p.ComputesOrganizationByAge()) { p.classid =; } return(FlowList(m, "Register")); }
public ActionResult PersonFind(int id, OnlineRegModel m) { m.HistoryAdd("PersonFind id=" + id); if (id >= m.List.Count) { return(FlowList(m, "PersonFind")); } DbUtil.Db.SetNoLock(); var p = m.List[id]; if (p.IsValidForNew) { return(ErrorResult(m, new Exception("Unexpected onlinereg state: IsValidForNew is true and in PersonFind"), "PersonFind, unexpected state")); } if (p.classid.HasValue) { m.Orgid = p.classid; m.classid = p.classid; p.orgid = p.classid; } p.PeopleId = null; OnlineRegPersonModelValidator.ValidateModelForFind(p, ModelState, m, id); if (p.Found == true && != null) { var setting = settings[]; if (setting.AllowReRegister) { var om = => mm.PeopleId == p.PeopleId); if (om != null) { m.ConfirmReregister(); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); return(View("ConfirmReregister", m)); } } } if (p.ManageSubscriptions() || p.OnlinePledge() || p.ManageGiving() || m.ChoosingSlots()) { p.OtherOK = true; } else if ( != null) { p.IsFilled = >=; if (p.IsFilled) { ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[id].DateOfBirth), "Sorry, but registration is closed."); } if (p.Found == true) { p.FillPriorInfo(); } } if ( != null && p.ShowDisplay() && p.ComputesOrganizationByAge()) { p.classid =; } p.CheckSetFee(); return(FlowList(m, "PersonFind")); }
public ActionResult Index(int?id, bool?testing, string email, bool?nologin, bool?login, string registertag, bool?showfamily, int?goerid, int?gsid, string source) { if (Util.IsDebug()) { var q = from om in DbUtil.Db.OrganizationMembers where om.OrganizationId == 89539 && om.PeopleId == 828612 select om; foreach (var om in q) { om.Drop(DbUtil.Db, addToHistory: false); } // DbUtil.Db.PurgePerson(om.PeopleId); // var dr = DbUtil.Db.People.SingleOrDefault(mm => mm.Name == "David Roll"); // if (dr != null) // foreach (var mm in dr.Family.People) // if (mm.PeopleId != dr.PeopleId) // DbUtil.Db.PurgePerson(mm.PeopleId); DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); } if (DbUtil.Db.Roles.Any(rr => rr.RoleName == "disabled")) { return(Content("Site is disabled for maintenance, check back later")); } Response.NoCache(); if (!id.HasValue) { return(Message("no organization")); } MobileAppMenuController.Source = source; var m = new OnlineRegModel() { Orgid = id }; if ( == null && m.masterorg == null) { return(Message("invalid registration")); } GoerSupporter goerSupporter = null; // used for mission trips if (m.masterorg != null) { if (!OnlineRegModel.UserSelectClasses(m.masterorg).Any()) { return(Message("no classes available on this org")); } } else if ( != null) { if (( ?? 0) == RegistrationTypeCode.None) { return(Message("no registration allowed on this org")); } if ( == true) { if (gsid.HasValue) // this means that the person is a suppoter who got a support email { goerSupporter = DbUtil.Db.GoerSupporters.SingleOrDefault(gg => gg.Id == gsid); if (goerSupporter != null) { m.GoerId = goerSupporter.GoerId; // suppoert this particular goer m.GoerSupporterId = gsid; } else { m.GoerId = 0; // allow this supporter to still select a goer } } else if (goerid.HasValue) { m.GoerId = goerid; } } } if (Request.Url != null) { m.URL = Request.Url.OriginalString; } SetHeaders(m); m.testing = testing == true || DbUtil.Db.Setting("OnlineRegTesting", Util.IsDebug() ? "true" : "false").ToBool(); if (Util.ValidEmail(email) || login != true) { m.nologin = true; } if (m.nologin) { m.CreateList(); } else { m.List = new List <OnlineRegPersonModel>(); } if (Util.ValidEmail(email)) { m.List[0].EmailAddress = email; } var pid = 0; if (registertag.HasValue()) { var guid = registertag.ToGuid(); if (guid == null) { return(Message("invalid link")); } var ot = DbUtil.Db.OneTimeLinks.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.Id == guid.Value); if (ot == null) { return(Message("invalid link")); } #if DEBUG #else if (ot.Used) { return(Message("link used")); } #endif if (ot.Expires.HasValue && ot.Expires < DateTime.Now) { return(Message("link expired")); } var a = ot.Querystring.Split(','); pid = a[1].ToInt(); m.registertag = registertag; } else if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { pid = Util.UserPeopleId ?? 0; } if (pid > 0) { m.UserPeopleId = pid; var existingRegistration = m.GetExistingRegistration(pid); if (existingRegistration != null) { TempData["er"] = m.UserPeopleId; return(Redirect("/OnlineReg/Existing/" + existingRegistration.DatumId)); } OnlineRegPersonModel p = null; if (showfamily != true) { p = m.LoadExistingPerson(pid, 0); OnlineRegPersonModelValidator.ValidateModelForFind(p, ModelState, m, 0); p.LoggedIn = true; if (m.masterorg == null) { if (m.List.Count == 0) { m.List.Add(p); } else { m.List[0] = p; } } } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(m)); } if (m.masterorg != null && m.masterorg.RegistrationTypeId == RegistrationTypeCode.ManageSubscriptions2) { TempData["ms"] = m.UserPeopleId; return(Redirect("/OnlineReg/ManageSubscriptions/{0}".Fmt(m.masterorgid))); } if ( != null && == RegistrationTypeCode.ManageGiving) { TempData["mg"] = m.UserPeopleId; return(ManageGiving(m.Orgid.ToString(), m.testing)); } if ( != null && == RegistrationTypeCode.OnlinePledge) { TempData["mp"] = m.UserPeopleId; return(Redirect("/OnlineReg/ManagePledge/{0}".Fmt(m.Orgid))); } if ( != null && == RegistrationTypeCode.ChooseVolunteerTimes) { TempData["ps"] = m.UserPeopleId; return(Redirect("/OnlineReg/ManageVolunteer/{0}".Fmt(m.Orgid))); } if (showfamily != true && != null && p.Found == true) { p.IsFilled = >=; if (p.IsFilled) { ModelState.AddModelError(m.GetNameFor(mm => mm.List[0].Found), "Sorry, but registration is closed."); } if (p.Found == true) { p.FillPriorInfo(); } p.CheckSetFee(); m.HistoryAdd("index, pid={0}, !showfamily,, found=true".Fmt(pid)); return(View(m)); } m.HistoryAdd("index, pid=" + pid); return(View(m)); } m.HistoryAdd("index"); return(View(m)); }