コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts rays to the sides of the character, from its center axis.
        /// If we hit a wall/slope, we check its angle and move or not according to it.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CastRaysToTheSides(float raysDirection)
            // we determine the origin of our rays
            _horizontalRayCastFromBottom = (_boundsBottomRightCorner + _boundsBottomLeftCorner) / 2;
            _horizontalRayCastToTop      = (_boundsTopLeftCorner + _boundsTopRightCorner) / 2;
            _horizontalRayCastFromBottom = _horizontalRayCastFromBottom + (Vector2)transform.up * _obstacleHeightTolerance;
            _horizontalRayCastToTop      = _horizontalRayCastToTop - (Vector2)transform.up * _obstacleHeightTolerance;

            // we determine the length of our rays
            float horizontalRayLength = Mathf.Abs(_speed.x * Time.deltaTime) + _boundsWidth / 2 + RayOffset * 2;

            // we resize our storage if needed
            if (_sideHitsStorage.Length != NumberOfHorizontalRays)
                _sideHitsStorage = new RaycastHit2D[NumberOfHorizontalRays];


            // we cast rays to the sides
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfHorizontalRays; i++)
                Vector2 rayOriginPoint = Vector2.Lerp(_horizontalRayCastFromBottom, _horizontalRayCastToTop, (float)i / (float)(NumberOfHorizontalRays - 1));

                // if we were grounded last frame and if this is our first ray, we don't cast against one way platforms
                if (State.WasGroundedLastFrame && i == 0)
                    _sideHitsStorage[i] = MMDebug.RayCast(rayOriginPoint, raysDirection * (transform.right), horizontalRayLength, PlatformMask, MMColors.Indigo, Parameters.DrawRaycastsGizmos);
                    _sideHitsStorage[i] = MMDebug.RayCast(rayOriginPoint, raysDirection * (transform.right), horizontalRayLength, PlatformMask & ~OneWayPlatformMask & ~MovingOneWayPlatformMask, MMColors.Indigo, Parameters.DrawRaycastsGizmos);
                // if we've hit something
                if (_sideHitsStorage[i].distance > 0)
                    // if this collider is on our ignore list, we break
                    if (_sideHitsStorage[i].collider == _ignoredCollider)

                    // we determine and store our current lateral slope angle
                    float hitAngle = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Angle(_sideHitsStorage[i].normal, transform.up));

                    if (OneWayPlatformMask.MMContains(_sideHitsStorage[i].collider.gameObject))
                        if (hitAngle > 90)

                    // we check if this is our movement direction
                    if (_movementDirection == raysDirection)
                        State.LateralSlopeAngle = hitAngle;

                    // if the lateral slope angle is higher than our maximum slope angle, then we've hit a wall, and stop x movement accordingly
                    if (hitAngle > Parameters.MaximumSlopeAngle)
                        if (raysDirection < 0)
                            State.IsCollidingLeft        = true;
                            State.DistanceToLeftCollider = _sideHitsStorage[i].distance;
                            State.IsCollidingRight        = true;
                            State.DistanceToRightCollider = _sideHitsStorage[i].distance;

                        if (_movementDirection == raysDirection)
                            CurrentWallCollider = _sideHitsStorage[i].collider.gameObject;
                            State.SlopeAngleOK  = false;

                            float distance = MMMaths.DistanceBetweenPointAndLine(_sideHitsStorage[i].point, _horizontalRayCastFromBottom, _horizontalRayCastToTop);
                            if (raysDirection <= 0)
                                _newPosition.x = -distance
                                                 + _boundsWidth / 2
                                                 + RayOffset * 2;
                                _newPosition.x = distance
                                                 - _boundsWidth / 2
                                                 - RayOffset * 2;

                            // if we're in the air, we prevent the character from being pushed back.
                            if (!State.IsGrounded && (Speed.y != 0))
                                _newPosition.x = 0;

                            _speed.x = 0;


コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Every frame, we cast a number of rays below our character to check for platform collisions
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CastRaysBelow()
            _friction = 0;

            if (_newPosition.y < -_smallValue)
                State.IsFalling = true;
                State.IsFalling = false;

            if ((Parameters.Gravity > 0) && (!State.IsFalling))
                State.IsCollidingBelow = false;

            float rayLength = (_boundsHeight / 2) + RayOffset;

            if (State.OnAMovingPlatform)
                rayLength *= 2;

            if (_newPosition.y < 0)
                rayLength += Mathf.Abs(_newPosition.y);

            _verticalRayCastFromLeft  = (_boundsBottomLeftCorner + _boundsTopLeftCorner) / 2;
            _verticalRayCastToRight   = (_boundsBottomRightCorner + _boundsTopRightCorner) / 2;
            _verticalRayCastFromLeft += (Vector2)transform.up * RayOffset;
            _verticalRayCastToRight  += (Vector2)transform.up * RayOffset;
            _verticalRayCastFromLeft += (Vector2)transform.right * _newPosition.x;
            _verticalRayCastToRight  += (Vector2)transform.right * _newPosition.x;

            if (_belowHitsStorage.Length != NumberOfVerticalRays)
                _belowHitsStorage = new RaycastHit2D[NumberOfVerticalRays];

            _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms = PlatformMask;

            _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatformsWithoutOneWay    = PlatformMask & ~MidHeightOneWayPlatformMask & ~OneWayPlatformMask & ~MovingOneWayPlatformMask;
            _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatformsWithoutMidHeight = _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms & ~MidHeightOneWayPlatformMask;

            // if what we're standing on is a mid height oneway platform, we turn it into a regular platform for this frame only
            if (StandingOnLastFrame != null)
                _savedBelowLayer = StandingOnLastFrame.layer;
                if (MidHeightOneWayPlatformMask.MMContains(StandingOnLastFrame.layer))
                    StandingOnLastFrame.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Platforms");

            // if we were grounded last frame, and not on a one way platform, we ignore any one way platform that would come in our path.
            if (State.WasGroundedLastFrame)
                if (StandingOnLastFrame != null)
                    if (!MidHeightOneWayPlatformMask.MMContains(StandingOnLastFrame.layer))
                        _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms = _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatformsWithoutMidHeight;

            // stairs management
            if (State.WasGroundedLastFrame)
                if (StandingOnLastFrame != null)
                    if (StairsMask.MMContains(StandingOnLastFrame.layer))
                        // if we're still within the bounds of the stairs
                        if (StandingOnCollider.bounds.Contains(_colliderBottomCenterPosition))
                            _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms = _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms & ~OneWayPlatformMask | StairsMask;

            if (State.OnAMovingPlatform && (_newPosition.y > 0))
                _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms = _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms & ~OneWayPlatformMask;

            float smallestDistance      = float.MaxValue;
            int   smallestDistanceIndex = 0;
            bool  hitConnected          = false;


            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfVerticalRays; i++)
                Vector2 rayOriginPoint = Vector2.Lerp(_verticalRayCastFromLeft, _verticalRayCastToRight, (float)i / (float)(NumberOfVerticalRays - 1));

                if ((_newPosition.y > 0) && (!State.WasGroundedLastFrame))
                    _belowHitsStorage[i] = MMDebug.RayCast(rayOriginPoint, -transform.up, rayLength, _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatformsWithoutOneWay, Color.blue, Parameters.DrawRaycastsGizmos);
                    _belowHitsStorage[i] = MMDebug.RayCast(rayOriginPoint, -transform.up, rayLength, _raysBelowLayerMaskPlatforms, Color.blue, Parameters.DrawRaycastsGizmos);

                float distance = MMMaths.DistanceBetweenPointAndLine(_belowHitsStorage [smallestDistanceIndex].point, _verticalRayCastFromLeft, _verticalRayCastToRight);

                if (_belowHitsStorage[i])
                    if (_belowHitsStorage[i].collider == _ignoredCollider)

                    hitConnected          = true;
                    State.BelowSlopeAngle = Vector2.Angle(_belowHitsStorage[i].normal, transform.up);
                    _crossBelowSlopeAngle = Vector3.Cross(transform.up, _belowHitsStorage [i].normal);
                    if (_crossBelowSlopeAngle.z < 0)
                        State.BelowSlopeAngle = -State.BelowSlopeAngle;

                    if (_belowHitsStorage[i].distance < smallestDistance)
                        smallestDistanceIndex = i;
                        smallestDistance      = _belowHitsStorage[i].distance;

                if (distance < _smallValue)


            if (hitConnected)
                StandingOn         = _belowHitsStorage[smallestDistanceIndex].collider.gameObject;
                StandingOnCollider = _belowHitsStorage [smallestDistanceIndex].collider;

                // if the character is jumping onto a (1-way) platform but not high enough, we do nothing
                if (
                    !State.WasGroundedLastFrame &&
                    (smallestDistance < _boundsHeight / 2) &&
                    State.IsCollidingBelow = false;

                State.IsFalling        = false;
                State.IsCollidingBelow = true;

                // if we're applying an external force (jumping, jetpack...) we only apply that
                if (_externalForce.y > 0 && _speed.y > 0)
                    _newPosition.y         = _speed.y * Time.deltaTime;
                    State.IsCollidingBelow = false;
                // if not, we just adjust the position based on the raycast hit
                    float distance = MMMaths.DistanceBetweenPointAndLine(_belowHitsStorage [smallestDistanceIndex].point, _verticalRayCastFromLeft, _verticalRayCastToRight);

                    _newPosition.y = -distance
                                     + _boundsHeight / 2
                                     + RayOffset;

                if (!State.WasGroundedLastFrame && _speed.y > 0)
                    _newPosition.y += _speed.y * Time.deltaTime;

                if (Mathf.Abs(_newPosition.y) < _smallValue)
                    _newPosition.y = 0;

                // we check if whatever we're standing on applies a friction change
                _frictionTest = _belowHitsStorage[smallestDistanceIndex].collider.gameObject.MMGetComponentNoAlloc <SurfaceModifier>();
                if (_frictionTest != null)
                    _friction = _belowHitsStorage[smallestDistanceIndex].collider.GetComponent <SurfaceModifier>().Friction;

                // we check if the character is standing on a moving platform
                _movingPlatformTest = _belowHitsStorage[smallestDistanceIndex].collider.gameObject.MMGetComponentNoAlloc <MMPathMovement>();
                if (_movingPlatformTest != null && State.IsGrounded)
                    _movingPlatform = _movingPlatformTest.GetComponent <MMPathMovement>();
                State.IsCollidingBelow = false;
                if (State.OnAMovingPlatform)

            if (StickToSlopes)