private List <OneStepPlan> getShotgunInitialSolution() { List <OneStepPlan> result = null; ShooterOneStepPlan[] shooterOneStepPlans; OneStepPlan oneStepPlan; // Find "meeting" point int meetingVertexIndex = 0; State bestMeetingState = null; float bestMeetingUtility = float.NegativeInfinity; for (int i = 0; i < world.graphVertices.Count; i++) { List <OneStepPlan> currResult = new List <OneStepPlan>(); World.VisibilityVertex[] startVertices = new World.VisibilityVertex[comradeCount]; List <int>[] paths = new List <int> [comradeCount]; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { paths [comradeIndex] = shortestPathsFinder.reconstructShortestPath(comradeStartIndex + comradeIndex, i); startVertices [comradeIndex] = world.graphVertices [comradeStartIndex + comradeIndex]; } float[] health = new float[comradeCount + enemyCount]; for (int j = 0; j < health.Length; j++) { health[j] = maxHealth; } State currState = new State(startVertices, health); bool allReachedFinish = false; int[] prevPivots = new int[comradeCount]; while (!allReachedFinish) { shooterOneStepPlans = new ShooterOneStepPlan[comradeCount]; oneStepPlan = new OneStepPlan(shooterOneStepPlans); allReachedFinish = true; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { List <Vector2> currComradePositions = new List <Vector2>(); shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex] = new ShooterOneStepPlan(currComradePositions,[comradeIndex]); if (prevPivots [comradeIndex] == paths [comradeIndex].Count - 1 || !([comradeIndex] > 0.0f)) { var timeLeft = 1.0f; if (prevPivots[comradeIndex] == paths[comradeIndex].Count - 1) { while (timeLeft > 0.0f) { currComradePositions.Add(world.graphVertices[paths[comradeIndex].Last()].vertex); timeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; } } else if (!([comradeIndex] > 0.0f)) { //currComradePositions.Add(shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Last()); currComradePositions.AddRange(currResult.Last().shooterPlans[comradeIndex].positions); } continue; } else { allReachedFinish = false; } float maxTravelDist = world.vehicle.maxVelocity; Vector2 nextVertex = world.graphVertices[paths[comradeIndex][prevPivots[comradeIndex] + 1]].vertex; Vector2 currVertex = world.graphVertices[paths[comradeIndex][prevPivots[comradeIndex]]].vertex; float prevStepRemDist = (currState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex - currVertex).magnitude; float remainingDist = (nextVertex - currVertex).magnitude - prevStepRemDist; bool reachedFinish = false; float stepTimeLeft = 1.0f; float accumulatedTime = 0.0f; float travelTime; float prevStepRemTime; while (maxTravelDist > remainingDist) { // we're at point prevPosition + prevStepRemDist prevStepRemTime = prevStepRemDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; travelTime = remainingDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; while (accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt < travelTime) { accumulatedTime += world.vehicle.dt; stepTimeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; if (stepTimeLeft <= 0.0f) { Debug.Log("FUCKKKK !!!"); break; } // calculate position, add it currComradePositions.Add((nextVertex - currVertex) * ((prevStepRemTime + accumulatedTime) / (prevStepRemTime + travelTime)) + currVertex); } accumulatedTime = accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt - travelTime; // calculate position, add it prevPivots[comradeIndex]++; if (prevPivots[comradeIndex] == paths[comradeIndex].Count - 1) { remainingDist = 0.0f; reachedFinish = true; break; } maxTravelDist -= remainingDist; prevStepRemDist = 0.0f; nextVertex = world.graphVertices [paths [comradeIndex] [prevPivots [comradeIndex] + 1]].vertex; currVertex = world.graphVertices [paths [comradeIndex] [prevPivots [comradeIndex]]].vertex; remainingDist = (nextVertex - currVertex).magnitude; } prevStepRemTime = prevStepRemDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; travelTime = remainingDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; while (accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt < travelTime) { accumulatedTime += world.vehicle.dt; stepTimeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; if (stepTimeLeft <= 0.0f) { break; } // calculate position, add it //currComradePositions.Add((nextVertex - currVertex) * (accumulatedTime / travelTime) + currVertex); currComradePositions.Add((nextVertex - currVertex) * ((prevStepRemTime + accumulatedTime) / (prevStepRemTime + travelTime)) + currVertex); } accumulatedTime = accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt - travelTime; var prevPosition = world.graphVertices [paths [comradeIndex] [prevPivots [comradeIndex]]].vertex; if (reachedFinish) { currState.positions[comradeIndex] = world.graphVertices[i]; while (stepTimeLeft > 0.0f) { currComradePositions.Add(currState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex); stepTimeLeft -= 0.1f; } continue; } float currTravelLineLength = world.visibilityGraph [paths [comradeIndex] [prevPivots [comradeIndex]]] [paths [comradeIndex] [prevPivots [comradeIndex] + 1]]; currState.positions[comradeIndex] = new World.VisibilityVertex((world.graphVertices[paths[comradeIndex][prevPivots[comradeIndex] + 1]].vertex - prevPosition) * ((maxTravelDist + prevStepRemDist) / currTravelLineLength) + prevPosition, false); currComradePositions.Add(currState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex); } if (!allReachedFinish) { float[] enemyHealths = new float[enemyCount]; oneStepPlan.enemyHealths = enemyHealths; for (int enemIndex = 0; enemIndex < enemyCount; enemIndex++) { enemyHealths[enemIndex] =[comradeCount + enemIndex]; } int[] comradeTargets; int[] enemyTargets; float enemiesTotalHealth; shoot(currState, 2.0f, 1.0f / 5, 1.0f, 1.0f / 20, out comradeTargets, out enemyTargets, out enemiesTotalHealth); oneStepPlan.enemyTargetIndices = enemyTargets; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].targetAgentIndex = comradeTargets[comradeIndex]; } currResult.Add(oneStepPlan); } } // Estimate utility of currState float currUtility = estimateUtility(currState, isRelative: true); if (currUtility > bestMeetingUtility) { bestMeetingUtility = currUtility; bestMeetingState = currState; meetingVertexIndex = i; result = currResult; } } // Find the best enemies traversing order float bestPermUtility = float.NegativeInfinity; List <OneStepPlan> bestPermuResult = null; System.Collections.IList bestPermu = null; State bestPermuState = null; var enemyIndices = Enumerable.Range(0, enemyCount).Where(i =>[comradeCount + i] > 0.0f).ToList(); foreach (var permu in UtilityClass.Permutate(enemyIndices, enemyIndices.Count)) { List <int> path = new List <int>(); List <int> reconstructedPath = shortestPathsFinder.reconstructShortestPath(meetingVertexIndex, enemyStartIndex + (int)permu[0]); path.AddRange(reconstructedPath); for (int i = 0; i < permu.Count - 1; i++) { reconstructedPath = shortestPathsFinder.reconstructShortestPath(enemyStartIndex + (int)permu[i], enemyStartIndex + (int)permu[i + 1]); reconstructedPath.RemoveAt(0); path.AddRange(reconstructedPath); } // Simulate reconstructed path float[] health = new float[comradeCount + enemyCount]; for (int j = 0; j < health.Length; j++) { health[j] =[j]; } World.VisibilityVertex[] startVertices = new World.VisibilityVertex[comradeCount]; for (int i = 0; i < startVertices.Length; i++) { startVertices[i] = new World.VisibilityVertex(bestMeetingState.positions[i]); } State curState = new State(startVertices, health); List <OneStepPlan> currPermuResult = new List <OneStepPlan>(); int prevPivot = 0; float currTotalHealth = 1.0f; bool reachedFinish = false; while (!reachedFinish && currTotalHealth > 0.0f) { shooterOneStepPlans = new ShooterOneStepPlan[comradeCount]; oneStepPlan = new OneStepPlan(shooterOneStepPlans); for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { List <Vector2> curComradePositions = new List <Vector2>(); shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex] = new ShooterOneStepPlan(curComradePositions,[comradeIndex]); } float maxTravelDist = world.vehicle.maxVelocity; Vector2 nextVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivot + 1]].vertex; Vector2 currVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivot]].vertex; float prevStepRemDist = (curState.positions[0].vertex - currVertex).magnitude; float remainingDist = (nextVertex - currVertex).magnitude - prevStepRemDist; float stepTimeLeft = 1.0f; float accumulatedTime = 0.0f; float travelTime; float prevStepRemTime; while (maxTravelDist > remainingDist) { prevStepRemTime = prevStepRemDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; // we're at point prevPosition + prevStepRemDist travelTime = remainingDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; while (accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt < travelTime) { accumulatedTime += world.vehicle.dt; stepTimeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; if (stepTimeLeft <= 0.0f) { Debug.Log("FUCKKKK !!!"); break; } // calculate position, add it (for each comrade) for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Add((nextVertex - currVertex) * ((prevStepRemTime + accumulatedTime) / (prevStepRemTime + travelTime)) + currVertex); } } accumulatedTime = accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt - travelTime; prevPivot++; if (prevPivot == path.Count - 1) { reachedFinish = true; break; } maxTravelDist -= remainingDist; prevStepRemDist = 0.0f; nextVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivot + 1]].vertex; currVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivot]].vertex; remainingDist = (nextVertex - currVertex).magnitude; } prevStepRemTime = prevStepRemDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; travelTime = remainingDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; while (accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt < travelTime) { accumulatedTime += world.vehicle.dt; stepTimeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; if (stepTimeLeft <= 0.0f) { break; } // calculate position, add it (for each f****r) for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Add((nextVertex - currVertex) * ((prevStepRemTime + accumulatedTime) / (prevStepRemTime + travelTime)) + currVertex); } } accumulatedTime = accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt - travelTime; var prevPosition = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivot]].vertex; if (reachedFinish) { // TODO: Change positions so that healthiest f****r is in the front for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { curState.positions[comradeIndex] = world.graphVertices[path[path.Count - 1]]; } while (stepTimeLeft > 0.0f) { for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Add(curState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex); } stepTimeLeft -= 0.1f; } continue; } float currTravelLineLength = world.visibilityGraph[path[prevPivot]][path[prevPivot + 1]]; // TODO: Change positions so that healthiest f****r is in the front for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { curState.positions[comradeIndex] = new World.VisibilityVertex((world.graphVertices[path[prevPivot + 1]].vertex - prevPosition) * ((maxTravelDist + prevStepRemDist) / currTravelLineLength) + prevPosition, false); shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Add(curState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex); } float[] enemyHealths = new float[enemyCount]; oneStepPlan.enemyHealths = enemyHealths; for (int enemIndex = 0; enemIndex < enemyCount; enemIndex++) { enemyHealths[enemIndex] =[comradeCount + enemIndex]; } int[] comradeTargets; int[] enemyTargets; float enemiesTotalHealth; currTotalHealth = shoot(curState, 2.0f, 1.0f / 5, 1.0f, 1.0f / 20, out comradeTargets, out enemyTargets, out enemiesTotalHealth); oneStepPlan.enemyTargetIndices = enemyTargets; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].targetAgentIndex = comradeTargets[comradeIndex]; } currPermuResult.Add(oneStepPlan); if (!(enemiesTotalHealth > 0.0f)) { reachedFinish = true; } } // Adding the final state information shooterOneStepPlans = new ShooterOneStepPlan[comradeCount]; oneStepPlan = new OneStepPlan(shooterOneStepPlans); for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { List <Vector2> curComradePositions = new List <Vector2>(); shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex] = new ShooterOneStepPlan(curComradePositions,[comradeIndex]); } for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Add(curState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex); } float[] lastEnemyHealths = new float[enemyCount]; oneStepPlan.enemyHealths = lastEnemyHealths; for (int enemIndex = 0; enemIndex < enemyCount; enemIndex++) { lastEnemyHealths[enemIndex] =[comradeCount + enemIndex]; } currPermuResult.Add(oneStepPlan); // Estimate utility of curState float curUtility = estimateUtility(curState, isRelative: true); if (curUtility > bestPermUtility) { bestPermUtility = curUtility; bestPermuState = curState; bestPermu = permu; bestPermuResult = currPermuResult; } } result.AddRange(bestPermuResult); return(result); }
private List <OneStepPlan> getRifleInitialSolution() { List <OneStepPlan> result = new List <OneStepPlan>(); Dictionary <int, int> numberOfPointVisits = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < world.graphVertices.Count; i++) { numberOfPointVisits.Add(i, 0); } int[] prevCombination = new int[comradeCount]; for (int i = 0; i < comradeCount; i++) { prevCombination[i] = comradeStartIndex + i; numberOfPointVisits[prevCombination[i]] = 1; } Dictionary <int[], StateVisits> stateVisits = new Dictionary <int[], StateVisits>(new CombinationsEqualityComparer()) { { prevCombination, new StateVisits() { numberOfVisits = 1 } } }; World.VisibilityVertex[] startVertices = new World.VisibilityVertex[comradeCount]; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { startVertices[comradeIndex] = world.graphVertices[comradeStartIndex + comradeIndex]; } float[] health = new float[comradeCount + enemyCount]; for (int j = 0; j < health.Length; j++) { health[j] = maxHealth; } State prevBestState = new State(startVertices, health); bool terminalStateReached = false; while (!terminalStateReached) { // Select feasible vertices to go to List <int>[] oneStepAccessVertices = new List <int> [comradeCount]; for (int i = 0; i < comradeCount; i++) { oneStepAccessVertices[i] = new List <int>(); for (int j = 0; j < world.graphVertices.Count; j++) { var comraringValue = shortestDists[prevCombination[i], j]; if (comraringValue <= world.vehicle.maxVelocity * 1.0f) { oneStepAccessVertices[i].Add(j); } } } bool currTerminalStateReached = false; OneStepPlan bestOneStepPlan = null; int[] bestCombination = new int[comradeCount]; State currBestState = null; float bestUtility = float.NegativeInfinity; int[] accessVertIndices = new int[comradeCount]; int[] newCombination = new int[comradeCount]; bool allCombinationsExhausted = false; while (!allCombinationsExhausted) { // New combination that we're assessing bool isInvalidCombination = false; for (int j = 0; j < comradeCount; j++) { newCombination[j] = oneStepAccessVertices[j][accessVertIndices[j]]; if (prevBestState == null || == null || newCombination == null || prevCombination == null) { Debug.Log("F**k"); isInvalidCombination = true; break; } if (!([j] > 0.0f) && newCombination[j] != prevCombination[j]) { isInvalidCombination = true; break; } for (int k = 0; k < comradeCount; k++) { if (j != k && newCombination[j] == newCombination[k]) { isInvalidCombination = true; break; } } } StateVisits combVisits; if (!isInvalidCombination && (!stateVisits.TryGetValue(newCombination, out combVisits) || combVisits.numberOfVisits < MAX_NUMBER_OF_VISITS)) { ShooterOneStepPlan[] shooterOneStepPlans = new ShooterOneStepPlan[comradeCount]; OneStepPlan oneStepPlan = new OneStepPlan(shooterOneStepPlans); int[] prevPivots = new int[comradeCount]; // Simulation for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { List <Vector2> currComradePositions = new List <Vector2>(); shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex] = new ShooterOneStepPlan(currComradePositions,[comradeIndex]); if (prevCombination[comradeIndex] == newCombination[comradeIndex] || !([comradeIndex] > 0.0f)) { var timeLeft = 1.0f; if (prevCombination[comradeIndex] == newCombination[comradeIndex]) { while (timeLeft > 0.0f) { currComradePositions.Add(world.graphVertices[prevCombination[comradeIndex]].vertex); timeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; } } else if (!([comradeIndex] > 0.0f)) { //currComradePositions.Add(shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].positions.Last()); currComradePositions.Add(prevBestState.positions[comradeIndex].vertex); } continue; } List <int> path = shortestPathsFinder.reconstructShortestPath(prevCombination[comradeIndex], newCombination[comradeIndex]); float maxTravelDist = world.vehicle.maxVelocity * 1.0f; Vector2 nextVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivots[comradeIndex] + 1]].vertex; Vector2 currVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivots[comradeIndex]]].vertex; float remainingDist = (nextVertex - currVertex).magnitude; float stepTimeLeft = 1.0f; float accumulatedTime = 0.0f; float travelTime; float prevStepRemTime; while (maxTravelDist >= remainingDist) { // we're at point prevPosition + prevStepRemDist travelTime = remainingDist / world.vehicle.maxVelocity; while (accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt < travelTime) { accumulatedTime += world.vehicle.dt; stepTimeLeft -= world.vehicle.dt; if (stepTimeLeft <= 0.0f) { Debug.Log("FUCKKKK !!!"); break; } // calculate position, add it (for each comrade) currComradePositions.Add((nextVertex - currVertex) * ((accumulatedTime) / (travelTime)) + currVertex); } accumulatedTime = accumulatedTime + world.vehicle.dt - travelTime; prevPivots[comradeIndex]++; if (prevPivots[comradeIndex] == path.Count - 1) { remainingDist = 0.0f; break; } maxTravelDist -= remainingDist; nextVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivots[comradeIndex] + 1]].vertex; currVertex = world.graphVertices[path[prevPivots[comradeIndex]]].vertex; remainingDist = (nextVertex - currVertex).magnitude; } // Adding missing dt-points while (stepTimeLeft > 0.0f) { Vector2 lastVertex = world.graphVertices[path.Last()].vertex; if (Vector2.Distance(lastVertex, nextVertex) > 0.000001f) { Debug.Log("FUCKKKK !!!"); } currComradePositions.Add(world.graphVertices[path.Last()].vertex); stepTimeLeft -= 0.1f; } } // Create a new state World.VisibilityVertex[] currVertices = new World.VisibilityVertex[comradeCount]; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { currVertices[comradeIndex] = world.graphVertices[newCombination[comradeIndex]]; } float[] currHealths = new float[comradeCount + enemyCount]; for (int j = 0; j < currHealths.Length; j++) { currHealths[j] =[j]; } State currState = new State(currVertices, currHealths); float[] enemyHealths = new float[enemyCount]; oneStepPlan.enemyHealths = enemyHealths; for (int enemIndex = 0; enemIndex < enemyCount; enemIndex++) { enemyHealths[enemIndex] =[comradeCount + enemIndex]; } // TODO: If some fuckers are at one point - change positions so that healthiest f****r is in the front int[] comradeTargets; int[] enemyTargets; float enemiesTotalHealth; // Shooting float currTotalHealth = shoot(currState, 1.0f, 1.0f / 20, 2.0f, 1.0f / 5, out comradeTargets, out enemyTargets, out enemiesTotalHealth); oneStepPlan.enemyTargetIndices = enemyTargets; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { shooterOneStepPlans[comradeIndex].targetAgentIndex = comradeTargets[comradeIndex]; } if (!(enemiesTotalHealth > 0.0f) || !(currTotalHealth > 0.0f)) { currTerminalStateReached = true; //allCombinationsExhausted = true; } float currUtility = estimateUtility(currState, isRelative: true); int currCombPointVisitsTotal = 0; int numberOfVisibleOpponents = 0; float sumShootingDist = 0.0f; int numShoots = 0; float sumShortDistToOp = 0.0f; float sumDistToComrades = 0.0f; int numberComradesAlive = 0; for (int j = 0; j < comradeCount; j++) { if (!([j] > 0.0f)) { continue; } numberComradesAlive++; sumDistToComrades += Enumerable.Range(0, comradeCount).Where(ind =>[ind] > 0.0f) .Sum(sumInd => shortestDists[newCombination[j], newCombination[sumInd]]); currCombPointVisitsTotal += numberOfPointVisits[newCombination[j]]; if (comradeTargets[j] != -1) { int numRepeat = comradeTargets.Count(x => x == comradeTargets[j]); numberOfVisibleOpponents += (numRepeat * numRepeat); numShoots++; sumShootingDist += Vector2.Distance(currState.positions[j].vertex, world.graphVertices[enemyStartIndex + comradeTargets[j]].vertex); } else { float minDistToOp = float.PositiveInfinity; for (int k = 0; k < enemyCount; k++) { if (shortestDists[newCombination[j], enemyStartIndex + k] < minDistToOp) { minDistToOp = shortestDists[newCombination[j], enemyStartIndex + k]; } } sumShortDistToOp += minDistToOp; } } currUtility -= 0.2f * currCombPointVisitsTotal; currUtility += 1.0f * numberOfVisibleOpponents; if (numShoots != 0) { currUtility += 0.3f * sumShootingDist / numShoots; } else { currUtility -= 50.0f * sumShortDistToOp / numberComradesAlive; } currUtility -= 100.0f * sumDistToComrades / numberComradesAlive; // Adding Gaussian noise double u1 = 1.0 - WorldController.rand.NextDouble(); double u2 = 1.0 - WorldController.rand.NextDouble(); double randStdNormal = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(u1)) * Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * u2); currUtility += (float)(randStdNormal * 0.1); if (currUtility > bestUtility) { // Record best values bestUtility = currUtility; bestOneStepPlan = oneStepPlan; currBestState = currState; terminalStateReached = currTerminalStateReached; for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { bestCombination[comradeIndex] = newCombination[comradeIndex]; } } } // Generate a new combination int i = comradeCount - 1; accessVertIndices[i]++; while (accessVertIndices[i] >= oneStepAccessVertices[i].Count) { accessVertIndices[i] = 0; i--; if (i < 0) { allCombinationsExhausted = true; break; } accessVertIndices[i]++; } } StateVisits bestCombVisits; if (!stateVisits.TryGetValue(bestCombination, out bestCombVisits)) { bestCombVisits = new StateVisits(); stateVisits.Add(bestCombination, bestCombVisits); } bestCombVisits.numberOfVisits++; prevBestState = currBestState; result.Add(bestOneStepPlan); for (int comradeIndex = 0; comradeIndex < comradeCount; comradeIndex++) { prevCombination[comradeIndex] = bestCombination[comradeIndex]; numberOfPointVisits[prevCombination[comradeIndex]]++; } if (terminalStateReached) { // Adding the last state info with zero healths ShooterOneStepPlan[] shooterLastStepPlans = new ShooterOneStepPlan[comradeCount]; OneStepPlan lastStepPlan = new OneStepPlan(shooterLastStepPlans); float[] lastEnemyHealths = new float[enemyCount]; for (int i = 0; i < enemyCount; i++) { lastEnemyHealths[i] =[comradeCount + i]; } lastStepPlan.enemyHealths = lastEnemyHealths; for (int i = 0; i < comradeCount; i++) { shooterLastStepPlans[i] = new ShooterOneStepPlan(new List <Vector2> { prevBestState.positions[i].vertex },[i]); // prevBestState.positions.Select(p => p.vertex).ToList() } result.Add(lastStepPlan); } } return(result); }