コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: ME9114E/Covid-19-Tracker
        private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OneCountry chck1Country = new OneCountry();

            if (listBox1.Text.Contains(","))
                string[] state = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(',');
                state[1]     = state[1].Substring(1);
                chck1Country = Landen.Find(x => x.provinceOrState.Equals(state[1]));
                chck1Country = Landen.Find(x => x.country.Equals(listBox1.SelectedItem));

            foreach (var series in chart3.Series)

            chart3.Series.Add(chck1Country.country + " active");
            chart3.Series.Add(chck1Country.country + " closed case");

            chart3.Series[chck1Country.country + " active"].ChartType = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line;
            int targetNumber = 150;

            // startpoint cases closed to 150
            var nearest = chck1Country.cases.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs((long)x - targetNumber)).First();

            int indexMin = Array.FindIndex(chck1Country.cases, element => element == nearest);

            if (chck1Country.cases[indexMin] == 0)
                indexMin = 0;
            }                                                        //startingcases were higher then 2 times targetnumber --> 0
            // endpoint cases=Max
            int indexMax = Array.FindIndex(chck1Country.cases, element => element == chck1Country.cases.Max());

            for (int indexview3 = indexMin; indexview3 < (indexMax + 1); indexview3++)
                chck1Country.index = indexview3;
                chart3.Series[chck1Country.country + " active"].Points.AddXY(chck1Country.getTimestamp(), chck1Country.getCases());
                chart3.Series[chck1Country.country + " closed case"].Points.AddXY(chck1Country.getTimestamp(), (chck1Country.getTodayRecovered() + chck1Country.getTodayDeaths()));
                //chart3.Series["Belgium closed cases"].Points.AddXY(chck1Country.getTimestamp(), (chck1Country.getTodayCases() + chck1Country.getTodayDeaths()));
                //chart3.Series["Belgium closed cases"].Points.AddXY(chck1Country.getTimestamp(), (chck1Country.getTodayCases() + chck1Country.getTodayDeaths()));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: ME9114E/Covid-19-Tracker
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            string     responseBody;
            List <Dictionary <string, dynamic> > responseBodyJson = new List <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >();

            Task.Run(async() =>
                var response     = await client.GetAsync("https://corona.lmao.ninja/countries");
                responseBody     = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                responseBodyJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Dictionary <string, dynamic> > >(responseBody);

            // get information from the timeseries

            String url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datasets/covid-19/master/data/time-series-19-covid-combined.csv";

            System.Net.WebClient client2 = new System.Net.WebClient();
            String csv = client2.DownloadString(url);

            string[] lines = csv.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            lines = lines.Skip(1).ToArray();

            int        ind   = new int();
            DateTime   date1 = new DateTime();
            OneCountry land  = new OneCountry();

            foreach (string line in lines)
                string[] entries = line.Split(',');

                // empty line?
                if (line != "")
                    // check country excists?
                    if (land.country == entries[1] && land.provinceOrState == entries[2])
                        // check date is used?
                        DateTime date2 = DateTime.ParseExact(entries[0], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
                        if (date1 != date2)
                            date1 = date2;
                        if (ind != 0)
                        //new country
                        land                 = new OneCountry();
                        land.country         = entries[1];
                        land.provinceOrState = entries[2];
                        ind   = 0;
                        date1 = DateTime.ParseExact(entries[0], "yyyy-MM-dd", null);


                    land.index = ind;
                    if (entries[entries.Length - 3] != "")
                        land.addCases(Int32.Parse(entries[entries.Length - 2]));
                    //if (entries[entries.Length - 2] != "") { land.addRecovered(Int32.Parse(entries[entries.Length - 2])); }
                    if (entries[entries.Length - 1] != "")
                        land.addDeaths(Int32.Parse(entries[entries.Length - 1]));

            // get information from corona.lmao.ninja/countries
            Boolean checkCountry = false;

            foreach (IDictionary dictionary in responseBodyJson)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("country") && !checkCountry)
                        foreach (OneCountry land2 in Landen)
                            if (land2.country == ("" + entry.Value) && land2.provinceOrState == "")
                                land = land2; land.index++; land.addTimestamp(DateTime.Today); checkCountry = true; break;
                        if (!checkCountry)
                        { //country doesn't exist yet
                          // Landen.Add(land);

                    if (checkCountry)
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("countryInfo") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addFlag("" + entry.Value);
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("cases") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addCases(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("todayCases") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addtodayCases(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("deaths") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addDeaths(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("todayDeaths") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addtodayDeaths(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("recovered") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addRecovered(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("active") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addactive(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("critical") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addcritical(int.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("casesPerOneMillion") && entry.Value != null)
                            land.addcasesPerOneMillion(double.Parse("" + entry.Value));
                checkCountry = false;
                //if (entry.Key.Equals("country") && entry.Value != null) { land.country = "" + entry.Value; }

            // read csv file and write over existing

            string        filename  = "ItalySpainBelgiumNetherlands.csv";
            List <string> linesFile = File.ReadAllLines(filename).ToList();


            foreach (string line in linesFile)
                string[] entries = line.Split(',');
                // each line update in an existing OneCountry-instance
                // empty line?
                if (line != "")
                    // search country

                    // loop trough Landen
                    OneCountry land3 = Landen.Find(x => x.country == entries[0]);
                    // country exists? --> break
                    // end loop

                    // yess country exists
                    if (land3.country != null)
                        // search date
                        // loop trough country.timestamp[]
                        int index3 = Array.FindIndex(land3.timestamp, (element => element == DateTime.ParseExact(entries[1], "yyyy-MM-dd", null)));
                        // date exists -->break
                        // end loop

                        // date exists
                        if (index3 > 0)
                            // use the index from that country.timestamp
                            land3.index = index3;
                            // date doesn't exist
                            // use the last index; index++;
                            index3 = Array.FindLast(land3.cases, (element => element > 0));
                        //no country doesn't exists
                        //make new OneCountry addcountry
                        land3 = new OneCountry();
                        // add country and date

                    //fillup class properties
                    if (entries[2] != "")
                        land3.addCases(int.Parse("" + entries[2]));
                    }                                                                    // cases
                    if (entries[3] != "")
                        land3.addDeaths(int.Parse("" + entries[3]));
                    }                                                                      // deaths
                    if (entries[4] != "")
                        land3.addRecovered(int.Parse("" + entries[4]));
                    }                                                                         // recovered
                    if (entries[5] != "")
                        land3.addtodayCases(int.Parse("" + entries[5]));
                    }                                                                          // todaycases
                    if (entries[6] != "")
                        land3.addtodayDeaths(int.Parse("" + entries[6]));
                    }                                                                           // todaydeaths
                    if (entries[7] != "")
                        land3.addtodayRecovered(int.Parse("" + entries[7]));
                    }                                                                              // today recoveries
                    if (entries[8] != "")
                        land3.addactive(int.Parse("" + entries[8]));
                    }                                                                      // active
                    if (entries[9] != "")
                        land3.addcritical(int.Parse("" + entries[9]));
                    }                                                                        // critical
                    if (entries[10] != "")
                        land3.addcasesPerOneMillion(double.Parse("" + entries[10]));
                    }                                                                                       //casesPerOneMillion
                    // if addcountry --> Landen.add(addcountry)

            //write json file

                var jsonToWrite = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Landen, Formatting.Indented);

                using (var writer = new StreamWriter("COVID19.json"))

            // view
            Landen.Sort((x, y) => x.getHighestCaseNumber().CompareTo(y.getHighestCaseNumber()));

            foreach (OneCountry country in Landen)
                // look for highest cases index
                int maxvalue  = country.cases.Max();
                int indexView = Array.FindIndex(country.cases, element => element == maxvalue);

                country.index = indexView;

                tot = tot + country.getTimestamp() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "country:           " + country.country + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "cases:             " + country.getCases() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "todaycases:        " + country.getTodayCases() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "deaths:            " + country.getDeaths() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "todaydeaths:       " + country.getTodayDeaths() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "recovered:         " + country.getRecoveries() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "active:            " + country.getActive() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "critical:          " + country.getCritical() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + "cases per million: " + country.getCasesPerMillion() + Environment.NewLine;
                tot = tot + Environment.NewLine;
            for (int x = 133; x < 142; x++)
                chart1.Series["cases"].Points.AddXY(Landen[x].country, Landen[x].getCases());
                chart1.Series["cases"].Points[x - 133].ToolTip = "" + Landen[x].country + Environment.NewLine + "cases: " + Landen[x].getCases() + Environment.NewLine + "recovered: " + Landen[x].getRecoveries();
                chart1.Series["recovered"].Points.AddXY(Landen[x].country, Landen[x].getRecoveries());
                chart1.Series["recovered"].Points[x - 133].ToolTip = "" + Landen[x].country + Environment.NewLine + "cases: " + Landen[x].getCases() + Environment.NewLine + "recovered: " + Landen[x].getRecoveries();

            textBox1.Text = tot;

            foreach (OneCountry Land in Landen)
                string item = Land.country;
                if (Land.provinceOrState != "")
                    item = item + ", " + Land.provinceOrState;


            if (listBox1.SelectedItem != null)
                OneCountry chck1Country = Landen.Find(x => x.country.Equals(listBox1.SelectedItem));

                int targetNumber = 150;
                // startpoint cases closed to 150
                var nearest  = chck1Country.cases.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs((long)x - targetNumber)).First();
                int indexMin = Array.FindIndex(chck1Country.cases, element => element == nearest);

                // endpoint cases=Max
                int indexMax = Array.FindIndex(chck1Country.cases, element => element == chck1Country.cases.Max());

                for (int indexview3 = indexMin; indexview3 < (indexMax + 1); indexview3++)
                    chck1Country.index = indexview3;
                    chart3.Series[chck1Country.country + "active"].Points.AddXY(chck1Country.getTimestamp(), chck1Country.getCases());
                    chart3.Series[chck1Country.country + "closed case"].Points.AddXY(chck1Country.getTimestamp(), (chck1Country.getTodayRecovered() + chck1Country.getTodayDeaths()));