コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Set bounds by values of online players.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_bounds">New bounds value.</param>
 public void SetBoundsByOnline(Vector4 _bounds)
     if ((_bounds.x > -999) && (_bounds.x != currentBounds.XMin))
         leftBoundVector = new Vector3(_bounds.x, currentBounds.XMinVector.y, currentBounds.XMinVector.z);
     if ((_bounds.y > -999) && (_bounds.y != currentBounds.XMax))
         rightBoundVector = new Vector3(_bounds.y, currentBounds.XMaxVector.y, currentBounds.XMaxVector.z);
     if ((_bounds.z > -999) && (_bounds.z != currentBounds.ZMin))
         bottomBoundVector = new Vector3(currentBounds.ZMinVector.x, currentBounds.ZMinVector.y, _bounds.z);
     if ((_bounds.w > -999) && (_bounds.w != currentBounds.ZMax))
         topBoundVector = new Vector3(currentBounds.ZMaxVector.x, currentBounds.ZMaxVector.y, _bounds.w);
コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Wait to set bounds if minimum x value is visible by the camera or to its right.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_bounds">Bounds to set.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator SetBoundsInTime(TDS_Bounds _bounds)
        // Get the movement direction of the bounds
        int[] _boundsMovement = new int[4];

        _boundsMovement[0] = _bounds.XMin > currentBounds.XMin ? 1 : _bounds.XMin < currentBounds.XMin ? -1 : 0;

        _boundsMovement[1] = _bounds.XMax > currentBounds.XMax ? 1 : _bounds.XMax < currentBounds.XMax ? -1 : 0;

        _boundsMovement[2] = _bounds.ZMin > currentBounds.ZMin ? 1 : _bounds.ZMin < currentBounds.ZMin ? -1 : 0;

        _boundsMovement[3] = _bounds.ZMax > currentBounds.ZMax ? 1 : _bounds.ZMax < currentBounds.ZMax ? -1 : 0;

        Vector3 _localPlayerPosition = new Vector3();

        Vector3[] _playerPositions = new Vector3[TDS_LevelManager.Instance.OtherPlayers.Count];

        // While all the bounds are not in the right place, set their position
        while (_boundsMovement.Any(m => m != 0))
            // Get all players position
            if (!PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
                _localPlayerPosition = TDS_LevelManager.Instance.LocalPlayer.transform.position;
                for (int _i = 0; _i < TDS_LevelManager.Instance.OtherPlayers.Count; _i++)
                    _playerPositions[_i] = TDS_LevelManager.Instance.OtherPlayers[_i].transform.position;

            // Left bound move
            if (_boundsMovement[0] != 0)
                if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode || (_playerPositions.Length == 0) || _playerPositions.All(p => p.x > _localPlayerPosition.x))
                    float _xMin = camera.WorldToViewportPoint(_bounds.XMinVector).x;
                    if (_xMin < .0001f)
                        leftBoundVector    = _bounds.XMinVector;
                        _boundsMovement[0] = 0;


                        // Set X Min bound value to send online
                        onlineSendingBounds.x = currentBounds.XMin;
                        _xMin = transform.position.x - CameraXRatio;
                        if (_xMin != currentBounds.XMin)
                            leftBoundVector = new Vector3(_xMin, leftBound.transform.position.y, leftBound.transform.position.z);


                            // Set X Min bound value to send online
                            onlineSendingBounds.x = currentBounds.XMin;
                else if (currentBounds.XMin == _bounds.XMin)
                    _boundsMovement[0] = 0;
            // Right bound move
            if (_boundsMovement[1] != 0)
                if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode || (_playerPositions.Length == 0) || _playerPositions.All(p => p.x < _localPlayerPosition.x))
                    float _xMax = camera.WorldToViewportPoint(_bounds.XMaxVector).x;
                    if (_xMax > .9999f)
                        rightBoundVector   = _bounds.XMaxVector;
                        _boundsMovement[1] = 0;

                        // Set X Max bound value to send online
                        onlineSendingBounds.y = currentBounds.XMax;
                        _xMax = transform.position.x + CameraXRatio;
                        if (_xMax != currentBounds.XMax)
                            rightBoundVector = new Vector3(_xMax, rightBound.transform.position.y, rightBound.transform.position.z);

                            // Set X Max bound value to send online
                            onlineSendingBounds.y = currentBounds.XMax;
                else if (currentBounds.XMax == _bounds.XMax)
                    _boundsMovement[1] = 0;
            // Bottom bound move
            if (_boundsMovement[2] != 0)
                if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode || (_playerPositions.Length == 0) || _playerPositions.All(p => p.z > _localPlayerPosition.z))
                    float _zMin = camera.WorldToViewportPoint(_bounds.ZMinVector).y;
                    if (_zMin < .0001f)
                        bottomBoundVector  = _bounds.ZMinVector;
                        _boundsMovement[2] = 0;

                        // Set Z Min bound value to send online
                        onlineSendingBounds.z = currentBounds.ZMin;
                        _zMin = bottomBound.transform.position.z - (camera.orthographicSize * 2 * camera.WorldToViewportPoint(currentBounds.ZMinVector).y *VIEWPORT_CALCL_Y_COEF);
                        if (_zMin != currentBounds.ZMin)
                            bottomBoundVector = new Vector3(bottomBound.transform.position.x, bottomBound.transform.position.y, _zMin);

                            // Set Z Min bound value to send online
                            onlineSendingBounds.z = currentBounds.ZMin;
                else if (currentBounds.ZMin == _bounds.ZMin)
                    _boundsMovement[2] = 0;
            // Top bound move
            if (_boundsMovement[3] != 0)
                if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode || (_playerPositions.Length == 0) || _playerPositions.All(p => p.z < _localPlayerPosition.z))
                    float _mostUpPlayer = PhotonNetwork.offlineMode ? players.OrderBy(p => p.transform.position.z).Last().transform.position.z : target.position.z;

                    float _zMax = camera.WorldToViewportPoint(_bounds.ZMaxVector).y;
                    if ((_zMax > (ViewportYMacBoundValue - .0001f)) && (_mostUpPlayer + 1 < _bounds.ZMax))
                        topBoundVector     = _bounds.ZMaxVector;
                        _boundsMovement[3] = 0;

                        // Set Z Max bound value to send online
                        onlineSendingBounds.w = currentBounds.ZMax;
                        _zMax = topBound.transform.position.z + (camera.orthographicSize * 2 * (ViewportYMacBoundValue - camera.WorldToViewportPoint(currentBounds.ZMaxVector).y) * VIEWPORT_CALCL_Y_COEF);

                        if ((_zMax != currentBounds.ZMax) && (_mostUpPlayer + 1 < _zMax))
                            topBoundVector = new Vector3(topBound.transform.position.x, topBound.transform.position.y, _zMax);

                            // Set Z Max bound value to send online
                            onlineSendingBounds.w = currentBounds.ZMax;
                else if (currentBounds.ZMax == _bounds.ZMax)
                    _boundsMovement[3] = 0;

            yield return(null);

        setBoundsCoroutine = null;