protected override void ColumnHeaderGUI(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex == 0) { var newAllSettingsToggle = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(0, 3, 18, 18), allSettingsToggle, ""); if (allSettingsToggle != newAllSettingsToggle) { OnSelectAllSettingsClicked?.Invoke(newAllSettingsToggle); } } else { base.ColumnHeaderGUI(column, headerRect, columnIndex); } }
protected override void ColumnHeaderGUI(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { var ruleVariants = (JArray)rule["value"]; if (columnIndex == 0) { var allSettingsToggle = GetAllSettingsToggleState(); var newAllSettingsToggle = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(0, 3, 18, 18), allSettingsToggle, ""); if (allSettingsToggle != newAllSettingsToggle) { OnSelectAllSettingsClicked?.Invoke(newAllSettingsToggle); } } if (columnIndex > 2 && columnIndex != state.columns.Length - 1) { var guiStyle = new GUIStyle(; guiStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; //override the rendering of column two for now var variantNameRect = new Rect(headerRect.x, headerRect.y + headerRect.height - 24f, headerRect.width * 0.6f, 22f); var variantAllocRect = new Rect(headerRect.x + variantNameRect.width, headerRect.y + headerRect.height - 24f, (headerRect.width * 0.2f) - 1f, 22f); var variant = (JObject)((JArray)rule["value"])[columnIndex - 3]; var variantName = variant["id"].Value <string>(); var newVariantName = EditorGUI.TextField(variantNameRect, variantName, guiStyle); int variantWeightInt; string variantWeight; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(variant["weight"].ToString())) { variantWeight = null; } else if (Int32.TryParse(variant["weight"].ToString(), out variantWeightInt)) { variantWeight = variantWeightInt.ToString(); } else { variantWeight = null; } var newVariantWeight = EditorGUI.TextField(variantAllocRect, variantWeight, guiStyle); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(ruleVariants.Count == 1); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(headerRect.x + variantNameRect.width + variantAllocRect.width, headerRect.y + headerRect.height - 24f, headerRect.width * 0.2f - 1f, 22f), new GUIContent("X", m_variantWeightTooltip))) { OnDeleteVariant?.Invoke(variantName); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); int newVariantWeightInt; if (Int32.TryParse(newVariantWeight, out newVariantWeightInt) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newVariantWeight)) { if (newVariantName != variantName || newVariantWeight != variantWeight) { var newVariant = (JObject)variant.DeepClone(); newVariant["id"] = newVariantName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newVariantWeight)) { newVariant["weight"] = null; } else { newVariant["weight"] = newVariantWeightInt; } OnVariantUpdated?.Invoke(variant, newVariant); } } } else if (columnIndex == state.columns.Length - 1) { var addVariantBtnRect = new Rect(headerRect.x, headerRect.y + 2, headerRect.width, 22f); if (GUI.Button(addVariantBtnRect, new GUIContent("Add Variant", m_variantWeightTooltip))) { OnAddVariantClicked?.Invoke(); } } else { base.ColumnHeaderGUI(column, headerRect, columnIndex); } }