private void Awake() { // Fetch World Settings, create entity prefab and fetch entityManager var settings = GameObjectConversionSettings.FromWorld(World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld, null); var prefab = GameObjectConversionUtility.ConvertGameObjectHierarchy(_planePrefab, settings); var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; // Create the new Fading Plane based on the prefab provided var entity = entityManager.Instantiate(prefab); // add the cameraFadeParameters component to the newly created entity, and inject the parameters provided in the inspector entityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new CameraFadeParameters() { FadingSpeed = _fadingSpeed, ShouldImmediatlyFadeIn = false, OldFadingSpeedFactor = _fadingSpeed }); // Check if the user want a fade in on start CheckFadeInOnSetupVRReady(); if (_destroyEntityOnSceneUnloaded) { OnSceneUnloadedEntityDestroyer.CheckDestroyOnSceneUnload(ref entityManager, ref entity, gameObject.scene.buildIndex, "CameraFadeAuthoring"); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Set it's name in Editor Mode for the Entity Debugger Window entityManager.SetName(entity, "Camera Fade Entity"); #endif Destroy(gameObject); /// <summary> /// Check if we want to fade in when setupVR is ready. Set the material alpha accordingly, and add a CameraFadeOnStart /// component to the entity to activate the CameraFadeOnSetupVRReadySystem /// </summary> void CheckFadeInOnSetupVRReady() { // Reset material color alpha based on whether we want to fade in or not when SetupVR is ready var newColor = _fadeMaterial.color; if (FadeInOnSetupVRReady) { newColor.a = 1.0f; entityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new CameraFadeOnStart() { TimeBeforeFadeIn = TimeBeforeFirstFadeIn, TimeSinceSceneLoaded = 0.0f }); } else { newColor.a = 0.0f; } _fadeMaterial.color = newColor; } }
private void ConvertToEntity(OnSetupVRReady _) { OnSetupVRReady.UnregisterSetupVRCallback(ConvertToEntity); // If we're not using the simulator, no need for a simulator rotation entity if (VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded != SetupVR.EDevice.SIMULATOR) { Destroy(this); return; } var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; var entity = entityManager.CreateEntity ( typeof(SimulatorRotation) ); entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new SimulatorRotation { RotationSpeed = _rotationSpeed }); if (_destroyEntityOnSceneUnloaded) { OnSceneUnloadedEntityDestroyer.CheckDestroyOnSceneUnload(ref entityManager, ref entity, gameObject.scene.buildIndex, "SimulatorRotationAuthoring"); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Set it's name in Editor Mode for the Entity Debugger Window entityManager.SetName(entity, "Simulator Rotation Entity"); #endif Destroy(this); }
private void ConvertToEntity(OnSetupVRReady _) { OnSetupVRReady.UnregisterSetupVRCallback(ConvertToEntity); // If we're not using the simulator, no need for a simulator movement entity if (VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded != SetupVR.EDevice.SIMULATOR) { Destroy(this); return; } var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; var entity = entityManager.CreateEntity ( typeof(SimulatorMovements), typeof(SimulatorAcceleration) ); entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new SimulatorMovements { WalkSpeed = _walkSpeed * 0.1f, ShiftBoost = _shiftBoost, IsGrounded = _isGrounded, GroundLayerMask = _groundLayerMask }); entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new SimulatorAcceleration { AccelerationSpeed = _accelerationSpeed, MaxAccelerationFactor = _maxAccelerationFactor, AccelerationTimer = 0.0f }); if (_destroyEntityOnSceneUnloaded) { OnSceneUnloadedEntityDestroyer.CheckDestroyOnSceneUnload(ref entityManager, ref entity, gameObject.scene.buildIndex, "SimulatorMovementsAuthoring"); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Set it's name in Editor Mode for the Entity Debugger Window entityManager.SetName(entity, "Simulator Movements Entity"); #endif Destroy(this); }
/// <summary> /// Create the Entity /// </summary> /// <param name="_"></param> public void ConvertToEntity(OnSetupVRReady _) { var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; var entity = entityManager.CreateEntity ( typeof(VRRaycastParameters), typeof(VRRaycastOrigin), typeof(VRRaycastOutputs) ); // We add the VRRaycastParameters as a struct to the newly created entity entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new VRRaycastParameters { MaxRaycastDistance = _maxRaycastDistance, ExcludedLayer = _excludedLayer, StartPointOffset = _startPointOffset, EndPointOffset = _endPointOffset }); entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new VRRaycastOrigin { RayOrigin = RayOrigin }); entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new VRRaycastOutputs { RaycastHitVar = new RaycastHitVariable { IsNull = true }, RayVar = new Ray() }); // If we use the Hovering feature, we then add a VRHovering tag if (_useHoverFeature) { entityManager.AddComponentData(entity, new VRHovering()); } // If we want to destroy this entity when a new scene is loaded if (_destroyEntityOnSceneUnloaded) { OnSceneUnloadedEntityDestroyer.CheckDestroyOnSceneUnload(ref entityManager, ref entity, gameObject.scene.buildIndex, "VRRaycastAuthoring"); } // If this gameObject has a PointerClickAuthoring, we add the corresponding component to the entity var pointerClick = GetComponent <VRClicker.VRClickerAuthoring>(); if (pointerClick != null) { pointerClick.AddPointerClickComponents(ref entity, ref entityManager); } // If this gameObject has a LaserPointerAuthoring, we add the corresponding component to the entity var laserPointerAuthoring = GetComponent <LaserPointer.LaserPointerAuthoring>(); if (laserPointerAuthoring != null) { laserPointerAuthoring.AddLaserPointerComponents(ref entity, ref entityManager, this); } // in the case we're using a laser with LineRenderer, we just destroy this script. If not, we destroy the gameObject if (GetComponent <LineRenderer>() != null) { Destroy(this); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void Init(OnSetupVRReady _) { OnSetupVRReady.UnregisterSetupVRCallback(Init); VRInteractionAuthoring interactionParameters = GetComponent <VRInteractionAuthoring>(); // If the device loaded is included in the device using this CBRA if ((interactionParameters.DeviceUsingFeature & VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded) == VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded) { var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; var archetype = entityManager.CreateArchetype ( typeof(BaseInputCapture), typeof(ControllersInteractionType), typeof(VRRaycastOutputs), typeof(VRRaycastOrigin), typeof(VRRaycastParameters), typeof(StepByStepComponent), typeof(GeneralTeleportParameters), typeof(TeleportNavMesh) ); var entity = entityManager.CreateEntity(archetype); // Setting up Interactions if (!InteractionSetupHelper.SetupInteractions(ref entityManager, ref entity, interactionParameters)) { entityManager.DestroyEntity(entity); Destroy(gameObject); return; } // Setting up Raycasting if (!TeleporterSetupHelper.SetupRaycast(ref entityManager, ref entity, interactionParameters, 10)) { entityManager.DestroyEntity(entity); Destroy(gameObject); return; } // Setting up General Teleporter Stuffs TeleporterSetupHelper.SetupTeleportStuffs(ref entityManager, ref entity, GetComponent <GeneralTeleportAuthoring>()); // Setup Specific sbs teleporter entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new StepByStepComponent { DistanceStepByStep = _distanceStepByStep, StepHeight = _stepHeight, DebugCalculationsRay = _debugCalculationRays }); if (_destroyEntityOnSceneUnloaded) { OnSceneUnloadedEntityDestroyer.CheckDestroyOnSceneUnload(ref entityManager, ref entity, gameObject.scene.buildIndex, "StepByStepAuthoring"); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Set it's name in Editor Mode for the Entity Debugger Window entityManager.SetName(entity, "StepByStep Teleport Entity"); #endif } Destroy(gameObject); }
public void CreateEntity(OnSetupVRReady _) { OnSetupVRReady.UnregisterSetupVRCallback(CreateEntity); var interactionParameters = GetComponent <VRInteractionAuthoring>(); // If the device loaded is included in the device list using this CBRA if ((interactionParameters.DeviceUsingFeature & VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded) == VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded) { var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager; var entity = entityManager.CreateEntity ( typeof(BaseInputCapture), typeof(ControllersInteractionType), typeof(CBRATag) ); // Add the corresponding input, Hand and Interaction type component for the selected button. // If the button wasn't chose correctly or any parameter was wrongly set, we destroy this entity and return. if (!InteractionSetupHelper.SetupInteractions(ref entityManager, ref entity, interactionParameters)) { entityManager.DestroyEntity(entity); return; } // help us check if this CBRA has at least one event. if false, this entity will be destroy. bool cbraHasEvents = false; if (interactionParameters.InteractionType.HasFlag(EControllerInteractionType.CLICK)) { // If at least one of the unity event for the click has a persistent listener set in the editor // Add the CBRA Click Events component to the ClickEvents dictionary if (EventHasACallback(OnButtonStartClicking)) { cbraHasEvents = true; CBRADelegatesHolder.StartClickingEvents.Add(entity, new Action(delegate { OnButtonStartClicking.Invoke(); })); } if (EventHasACallback(OnButtonIsClicking)) { cbraHasEvents = true; CBRADelegatesHolder.IsClickingEvents.Add(entity, new Action(delegate { OnButtonIsClicking.Invoke(); })); } if (EventHasACallback(OnButtonStopClicking)) { cbraHasEvents = true; CBRADelegatesHolder.StopClickingEvents.Add(entity, new Action(delegate { OnButtonStopClicking.Invoke(); })); } } if (interactionParameters.InteractionType.HasFlag(EControllerInteractionType.TOUCH)) { // If at least one of the unity event for the touch has a persistent listener set in the editor // Add the CBRA Click Events component to the ClickEvents dictionary if (EventHasACallback(OnButtonStartTouching)) { cbraHasEvents = true; CBRADelegatesHolder.StartTouchingEvents.Add(entity, new Action(delegate { OnButtonStartTouching.Invoke(); })); } if (EventHasACallback(OnButtonIsTouching)) { cbraHasEvents = true; CBRADelegatesHolder.IsTouchingEvents.Add(entity, new Action(delegate { OnButtonIsTouching.Invoke(); })); } if (EventHasACallback(OnButtonStopTouching)) { cbraHasEvents = true; CBRADelegatesHolder.StopTouchingEvents.Add(entity, new Action(delegate { OnButtonStopTouching.Invoke(); })); } } // Check if at least one event response was setup if (!cbraHasEvents) { Debug.LogError("<Color=red><b>[VRDF] :</b> Please give at least one response to one of the Unity Events for the CBRA on the GameObject.</Color>" +, gameObject); entityManager.DestroyEntity(entity); return; } if (_destroyEntityOnSceneUnloaded) { OnSceneUnloadedEntityDestroyer.CheckDestroyOnSceneUnload(ref entityManager, ref entity, gameObject.scene.buildIndex, "CBRA"); } // If we use the simulator, we check for a SimulatorButtonProxy. if not null, we add the simulatorButtonProxy script if (VRDF_Components.DeviceLoaded == SetupVR.EDevice.SIMULATOR) { GetComponent <Simulator.SimulatorButtonProxyAuthoring>()?.AddSimulatorButtonProxy(ref entityManager, ref entity, interactionParameters); } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Set it's name in Editor Mode for the Entity Debugger Window entityManager.SetName(entity, string.Format("CBRA Entity from GO {0}",; #endif } Destroy(gameObject); }