internal override void Resize(int newSize) { var oldCapacity = m_Capacity; m_Capacity = newSize; Array.Resize(ref QueryMatchIds, newSize); Array.Resize(ref QueryArgs, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Exclusivities, newSize); Array.Resize(ref UpdateMatchInterval, newSize); Array.Resize(ref TimeOuts, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ReAcquireOnLoss, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Priority, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Conditions, newSize); Array.Resize(ref TraitRequirements, newSize); Array.Resize(ref CachedTraits, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ConditionRatings, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ConditionMatchSets, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ReducedConditionRatings, newSize); Array.Resize(ref BestMatchDataIds, newSize); for (int i = oldCapacity; i < newSize; i++) { BestMatchDataIds[i] = (int)ReservedDataIDs.Invalid; } Array.Resize(ref QueryResults, newSize); Array.Resize(ref AcquireHandlers, newSize); Array.Resize(ref UpdateHandlers, newSize); Array.Resize(ref LossHandlers, newSize); Array.Resize(ref TimeoutHandlers, newSize); OnResize?.Invoke(); }
private void InitializePositionEvents() { MovFun = (Glfw.Window P, int X, int Y) => { foreach (IMonitor monitor in Environment.Platform.AvaiableMonitors) { if (Position > monitor.Position && Position < monitor.Position + monitor.CurrentResolution.ResolutionSize) Monitor = monitor; } OnMove?.Invoke(this, new WindowMoveEventArgs { Position = new Vector2i(X, Y) }); }; SizFun = (Glfw.Window P, int W, int H) => { foreach (IMonitor monitor in Environment.Platform.AvaiableMonitors) { if (Position > monitor.Position && Position < monitor.Position + monitor.CurrentResolution.ResolutionSize) Monitor = monitor; } OnResize?.Invoke(this, new WindowResizeEventArgs { Size = new Vector2i(W, H) }); }; Glfw.SetWindowPosCallback(Handle, MovFun); Glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback(Handle, SizFun); }
public void InitEvents() { parent.Resize += (object obj, EventArgs args) => onResize?.Invoke(this, parent.Location.X, parent.Location.Y, parent.Size.Width, parent.Size.Height); parent.MouseDown += (object obj, MouseEventArgs args) => { if (args.Button == MouseButtons.Left && Enumerable.Range(x, x + w).Contains(args.X) && Enumerable.Range(y, y + h).Contains(args.Y)) { OnClickEvent?.Invoke(this, args); } }; parent.Paint += (object obj, PaintEventArgs args) => { if (!SoundElement.IsEditing && this.editOnly) { return; } var graphic = args.Graphics; graphic.FillRectangle(this.paintColor, new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); }; }
internal override void Resize(int newSize) { var oldCapacity = m_Capacity; m_Capacity = newSize; Array.Resize(ref QueryMatchIds, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Exclusivities, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Required, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Conditions, newSize); Array.Resize(ref TraitRequirements, newSize); Array.Resize(ref CachedTraits, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ConditionRatings, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ConditionMatchSets, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ReducedConditionRatings, newSize); Array.Resize(ref BestMatchDataIds, newSize); for (int i = oldCapacity; i < newSize; i++) { BestMatchDataIds[i] = (int)ReservedDataIDs.Invalid; } Array.Resize(ref QueryResults, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ObjectReferences, newSize); Array.Resize(ref RelationMemberships, newSize); OnResize?.Invoke(); }
private void InvokeResizeEvents() { var event_args = new ElementResizeArgs(this, ActualRowSpan, ActualColumnSpan); OnResize?.Invoke(event_args); Grid.OnResize?.Invoke(event_args); }
internal override void Resize(int newSize) { m_Capacity = newSize; Array.Resize(ref QueryMatchIds, newSize); Array.Resize(ref SetQueryArgs, newSize); Array.Resize(ref QueryResults, newSize); Array.Resize(ref OrderWeights, newSize); Array.Resize(ref UsedByMatch, newSize); Array.Resize(ref RelationIndexPairs, newSize); Array.Resize(ref LocalRelationIndexPairs, newSize); Array.Resize(ref RatingConfigurations, newSize); Array.Resize(ref MemberIndices, newSize); Array.Resize(ref CachedTraits, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Relations, newSize); Array.Resize(ref RelationRatings, newSize); Array.Resize(ref SearchData, newSize); Array.Resize(ref SetMatchData, newSize); Array.Resize(ref ReAcquireOnLoss, newSize); Array.Resize(ref Priorities, newSize); Array.Resize(ref UpdateMatchInterval, newSize); Array.Resize(ref LastUpdateCheckTime, newSize); Array.Resize(ref TimeOuts, newSize); Array.Resize(ref AcquireHandlers, newSize); Array.Resize(ref UpdateHandlers, newSize); Array.Resize(ref LossHandlers, newSize); Array.Resize(ref TimeoutHandlers, newSize); OnResize?.Invoke(); }
public static async Task OnBrowserResize() { if (OnResize != null) { await OnResize.Invoke(); } }
public void Start() { OnCorection?.Invoke(); OnDetect?.Invoke(); OnResize?.Invoke(); OnCompare?.Invoke(); pi.Save(procededImagesSavePath); }
public static async Task OnBrowserResize() { if (OnResize == null) { return; } await OnResize.Invoke(); }
//If the screen was resized, notify listeners and reset the stored resolution private void LateUpdate() { if (prevResolution.x != Screen.width || prevResolution.y != Screen.height) { OnResize?.Invoke(prevResolution); prevResolution.x = Screen.width; prevResolution.y = Screen.height; } }
// так как размеры элемента могут измениться из-за ресайза родителя, надо тречить, // проверки одних текущих свойств недостаточно void CheckUpdate() { if (WidthHeight != oldWH) { OnResize?.Invoke(oldWH); DoResize(oldWH); } oldWH = WidthHeight; }
public void Refresh() { Target.Release(); Target = new RenderTexture((int)(Screen.width * u), (int)(Screen.height * v), 24); Target.antiAliasing = 4; c.targetTexture = Target; res.width = Screen.width; res.height = Screen.height; OnResize?.Invoke(); }
void HandleResizeEvent(EditorWindow window) { Vector2 currentWindowScale = new Vector2(window.position.width, window.position.height); if (currentWindowScale != windowScale) { windowScale = currentWindowScale; OnResize?.Invoke(window); } }
public void Resize(int width, int height) { int minW = Math.Min(width, world.GetLength(0)); int minH = Math.Min(height, world.GetLength(1)); bool[,] tmp = new bool[width, height]; for (int x = 0; x < minW; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < minH; y++) { tmp[x, y] = world[x, y]; } } world = tmp; OnResize?.Invoke(); }
static public void InvokeOnResize(EventArgs eventargs) { Resolution = new Size(DisplayAdapter.ClientRectangle.Width, DisplayAdapter.ClientRectangle.Height); if (Resolution.Width == 0) { Resolution.Width = 1; } if (Resolution.Height == 0) { Resolution.Height = 1; } DisplayAdapter.MainRenderer.Resize(Resolution.Width, Resolution.Height); if (OnResize != null) { OnResize.Invoke(null, eventargs); } }
/// <summary> /// Событие перемещение мыши над элементом /// </summary> protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { if (IsMouseCaptured && this.Parent is StackPanel SP && SP.Children.Count > 1) { if (SP.Children.IndexOf(this) - 1 is int index && index >= 0 && SP.Children[index] is Border b) { if (this.PointToScreen(Mouse.GetPosition(this)).X is double DragX && Math.Abs(DragX - ClickX) > 2) { if (Math.Round(b.Width + (DragX - ClickX)) is double NewWidth && NewWidth > 0) { b.Width = NewWidth; ClickX = DragX; OnResize?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); } } } } }
private void DoResize(int width, int height) { while (Renderer.Instance.RenderingInProgress) { } var rt = RenderTarget.RenderTargets[0]; rt.Clear(); swapChain.ResizeBuffers(1, width, height, Format.Unknown, SwapChainFlags.AllowModeSwitch); using (var tex = Resource.FromSwapChain <Texture2D>(swapChain, 0)) { rt.Update(null, new RenderTargetView(Renderer.Instance.Device, tex)); rt.SendResizeEvent(); } Viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, width, height); OnResize?.Invoke(this, new Event.SResizeEvent { Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height) }); }
/// <summary> /// Increases the buffer size. Any call to this method must be protected with a lock. /// </summary> /// <param name="size"> /// The new buffer size. /// </param> private void Grow(int size) { if (size > maximumSize) { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } var newBuffer = ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(size); if (WriteWaterMark < ReadWaterMark) { // Copy the data at the start Array.Copy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, WriteWaterMark); var trailingDataLength = buffer.Length - ReadWaterMark; Array.Copy( buffer, ReadWaterMark, newBuffer, newBuffer.Length - trailingDataLength, trailingDataLength); ReadWaterMark += newBuffer.Length - buffer.Length; } else { // ... [Read WM] ... [Write WM] ... [newly available space] Array.Copy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, buffer.Length); } ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(buffer); buffer = newBuffer; Debug.Assert(bytesRead + AvailableReadableBytes == bytesWritten); OnResize?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public static async Task OnBrowserResize() { await OnResize?.Invoke(); }
public void Component_OnResize(Vector location) => OnResize?.Invoke(this, location);
private void ProcFunction() { while (true) { try { var starttime = DateTime.Now; //Get values point = Owner.GetMCursorPositionConsole(); pointg = Owner.GetMCursorPositionScreen(); mb = Owner.GetMouseButtonScreen(); mbg = Owner.GetMouseButtonScreen(); s = Owner.GetWindowSize(); for (var i = 0; i < 255; i++) { keysg[i] = Owner.GetKeyState(i); } //OnResize if (s.Width != olds.Width || s.Height != olds.Height) { OnResize?.Invoke(s); } //OnMouseMove //if (point.X != oldpoint.X || point.Y != oldpoint.Y) // OnMouseMove?.Invoke(point.X, point.Y, pointg.X, pointg.Y, mb); //OnGlobalMouseMove //if (pointg.X != oldpointg.X || pointg.Y != oldpointg.Y) // OnGlobalMouseMove?.Invoke(pointg.X, pointg.Y, mbg); //OnGlobalKey* for (var i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (keysg[i] != oldkeysg[i]) { if (keysg[i] == 0) { OnGlobalKeyUp?.Invoke(i, keysg); } else { OnGlobalKeyDown?.Invoke(i, keysg); } break; } } //OnMouse* //if (mb != oldmb) // if (mb == MButton.Null) // OnMouseUp?.Invoke(point.X, point.Y, pointg.X, pointg.Y, point.X != new Point().X && point.Y != new Point().Y, oldmb); // else if (mb != MButton.Null) // OnMouseDown?.Invoke(point.X, point.Y, pointg.X, pointg.Y, point.X != new Point().X && point.Y != new Point().Y, mb); //OnKeyDown if (Console.KeyAvailable) { key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; OnKeyDown?.Invoke(key); } //Save old values olds = s; keysg.CopyTo(oldkeysg, 0); oldkey = key; oldmb = mb; oldpoint = point; oldpointg = pointg; //OnEventHandlerTimerElapsed OnEventHandlerTimerElapsed?.Invoke((DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalMilliseconds); } catch (Exception ex) { CallException(ex); } Thread.Sleep(CyclicCheckingEventsInterval); } }
private void Preview_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //При вызове изменения размеров выполняется проверка на null OnResize?.Invoke(sender, e); }
public void Component_OnResize(Vector size) => OnResize?.Invoke(this, size);
private void OnWindowResize(WindowHandle *window, int width, int height) => OnResize?.Invoke(width, height);
public static void InvokeOnResize() { OnResize?.Invoke(); }
protected void Resize() { OnResize?.Invoke(); //(Engine.Instance.RenderBackend as D3D11.D3D11RenderBackend).RenderPath.Resize(); //Engine.Instance.MainCamera.AspectRatio = AspectRatio; }
public void SendResizeEvent() { OnResize?.Invoke(this, new Event.SResizeEvent { Size = new System.Drawing.Size(Width, Height) }); }
public void NotifyResize(ResizeEvent e) => OnResize?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary> /// /// Invoke OnResize event. /// /// </summary> protected void InvokeResize() { OnResize?.Invoke(this); }
LRESULT WndProc(HWND hwnd, WM msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM.CLOSE: OnClose?.Invoke(); if (DestroyWhenClose == null || DestroyWhenClose()) { User32.DestroyWindow(hwnd); } return(0); case WM.ENABLE: OnEnable?.Invoke(wParam); break; case WM.SHOWWINDOW: OnShow?.Invoke(wParam); break; case WM.DESTROY: OnDestroy?.Invoke(); return(0); case WM.MOUSEMOVE: OnMouseMove?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.LBUTTONDOWN: OnMouseLeftDown?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.LBUTTONUP: OnMouseLeftUp?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.LBUTTONDBLCLK: OnMouseLeftDoubleClicked?.Invoke(); return(0); case WM.RBUTTONDOWN: OnMouseRightDown?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.RBUTTONUP: OnMouseRightUp?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.MBUTTONDOWN: OnMouseMiddleDown?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.MBUTTONUP: OnMouseMiddleUp?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.MOUSEWHEEL: OnMouseWheel?.Invoke(wParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.RESIZE: OnResize?.Invoke(lParam.LowWord, lParam.HiWord); return(0); case WM.PAINT: { var ps = default(PAINTSTRUCT); User32.BeginPaint(hwnd, ref ps); OnPaint?.Invoke(); User32.EndPaint(hwnd, ref ps); } return(0); } return(User32.DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam)); }