コード例 #1
        // Open a new audio output stream
        // Returns true when successful
        public bool Open(uint samplingRate, uint bufferSize, OnNextProc onNext,
                         OnDoneProc onDone)
            // Error checking
            if (IsOpen() || samplingRate == 0 ||
                onNext == null || onDone == null)

            // Configure the audio output stream for 16-bit stereo PCM
            WAVEFORMATEX fmt;

            fmt.wFormatTag      = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
            fmt.nChannels       = 2;
            fmt.nSamplesPerSec  = samplingRate;
            fmt.nBlockAlign     = 4;
            fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = samplingRate * 4;
            fmt.wBitsPerSample  = 16;
            fmt.cbSize          = 0;

            // Open the audio output stream
            if (waveOutOpen(out WaveHandle, new IntPtr(WAVE_MAPPER), ref fmt,
                            Callback, IntPtr.Zero, CALLBACK_FUNCTION)
                != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)

            // Configure instance fields
            OnDone = onDone;
            OnNext = onNext;
            State  = Stopped;

            // Configure buffers
            uint frames = Math.Max(bufferSize, 1);

            SamplesF = new float[frames * 2];
            SamplesS = new short[frames * 2];
            InitBuffer(ref Buffers[0], frames);
            InitBuffer(ref Buffers[1], frames);

            // No errors occurred, so return success
コード例 #2
 // Open a new audio output stream, omitting the OnDone parameter
 public bool Open(uint samplingRate, uint bufferSize, OnNextProc onNext)
     return(Open(samplingRate, bufferSize, onNext, () => { }));