public void SubmitPoints(int pieces) { CurrentScore += _pointsPerPiece * pieces; OnScoreChange?.Invoke(CurrentScore); if (CurrentScore > HighScore) { isNewHigh = true; _highScore.Value = CurrentScore; OnHighScoreChange?.Invoke(CurrentScore); } }
private void SetScore(int score) { _score = score; OnScoreChange?.Invoke(score); // TODO: Move this to when the player completes a level, or a game over is reached // TODO: High Score only should change when the player is done playing // TODO: (and then set it in Player Prefs) if (_score > _highScore) { _highScore = _score; SaveHighScore(); OnHighScoreChange?.Invoke(_highScore); } }
private void SaveHighScore() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PrefHighScoreKey, _highScore); OnHighScoreChange?.Invoke(_highScore); }
private void Start() { OnScoreChange?.Invoke(CurrentScore); OnHighScoreChange?.Invoke(HighScore); }