protected ApiProductsListResponse GetProductsInPos(int posId, OnBalance.Models.ApiRequestParameters rp) { ApiProductsListResponse resp = new ApiProductsListResponse(); if (posId < 1) { ErrorFormat("Bad ID of POS (ID: {0}) to retrieve products!", posId); resp.SetResponseCode(OnBalance.Models.ApiResponseCodes.BadRequest); } var pos = _organizationRepository.GetById(posId); if (pos == null) { ErrorFormat("Could not retrieve products for non-existing POS (ID: {0})!", posId); resp.SetResponseCode(OnBalance.Models.ApiResponseCodes.NotFound); resp.message = MyMessages.Products.PosIsNotFound; return(resp); } rp.SetLimitIfNotPositive(10); InfoFormat("API: getting list of product in POS #{0}, parameters: {1}", posId, rp); var products = _productRepository.GetLastInPos(posId, rp.Offset, rp.Limit); resp.products = products.ToList(); return(resp); }
protected ApiPosListReponse GetListOfPos(OnBalance.Models.ApiRequestParameters rp) { ApiPosListReponse resp = new ApiPosListReponse(); rp.SetLimitIfNotPositive(10); //if(rp.ParentId > 0) //{ // resp.listOfPos = new OrganizationRepository().GetByParentId(rp.ParentId); // resp.message = string.Concat("List of POS by parent ", rp.ParentId); // InfoFormat("Got list of POS by parent ID: {0}, offset {1}, limit: {2}. Total POS are {3}", rp.ParentId, rp.Offset, rp.Limit,; //} else //{ // resp.listOfPos = new OrganizationRepository().GetListOfLastPos(rp.Offset, rp.Limit); // InfoFormat("Got list of POS, offset {0}, limit: {1}. Total POS are {2}", rp.Offset, rp.Limit,; //} resp.listOfPos = _organizationRepository.GetByParentId(rp.ParentId, true); resp.message = string.Concat("List of POS by parent ", rp.ParentId); InfoFormat("Got list of POS by parent ID: {0}, offset {1}, limit: {2}. Total POS are {3}", rp.ParentId, rp.Offset, rp.Limit,; resp.SetResponseCode(OnBalance.Models.ApiResponseCodes.Ok); return(resp); }