コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: mrama030/OMDB_API_Wrapper
        public static async Task MainAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("The following is a demonstration the OMDB_API_Wrapper.\n");

            #region API Key Validation Demo

            // Ask user for the OMDB API Key.
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid OMDB Key:\n");
            string omdb_api_key = Console.ReadLine();

            // Create the OMDB API Client.
            OmdbClient omdbClient = new OmdbClient(omdb_api_key);

            // Verify if the API Key is valid.
            bool isKeyValid = await omdbClient.IsAPIKeyValidAsync();

            while (isKeyValid == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid OMDB Key to continue demonstration:\n");
                omdb_api_key = Console.ReadLine();

                omdbClient = new OmdbClient(omdb_api_key);
                isKeyValid = omdbClient.IsAPIKeyValidSync();

                if (isKeyValid == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("->The API Key is NOT valid.\n");

            Console.WriteLine("->The API Key entered is valid.\n");


            #region ByTitleRequest DEMO

            Console.WriteLine("Here is a demo for requesting a ByTitleRequest:\n");

            // Create a ByTitleRequest.
            ByTitleRequest byTitleRequest = new ByTitleRequest("rick and morty", VideoType.Series, null, PlotSize.Full);

            // Obtain a ByTitleResponse for the ByTitleRequest asynchronously.
            ByTitleResponse byTitleResponse = await omdbClient.ByTitleRequestAsync(byTitleRequest);

            // Print ByTitleRequest object.
            Console.WriteLine("ByTitleRequest Object Attributes:");
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(byTitleRequest))
                string name  = descriptor.Name;
                object value = descriptor.GetValue(byTitleRequest);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}\n", name, value);

            // Print ByTitleResponse object's JSON attributes.
            Console.WriteLine("ByTitleResponse JSON attributes:");


            #region ByIDRequest DEMO

            Console.WriteLine("Here is a demo for requesting a ByIDRequest:\n");

            // Create a ByIDRequest.
            ByIDRequest byIDRequest = new ByIDRequest("tt1219827", PlotSize.Full);

            // Obtain a ByTitleResponse for the ByIDRequest asynchronously.
            ByTitleResponse byTitleResponseForIDRequest = await omdbClient.ByIDRequestAsync(byIDRequest);

            // Print ByIDRequest object.
            Console.WriteLine("ByIDRequest Object Attributes:");
            Console.WriteLine($"IMDB_ID = {byIDRequest.IMDB_ID}\n");

            // Print ByTitleResponse object's JSON attributes.
            Console.WriteLine("ByTitleResponse JSON attributes:");


            #region Image Download DEMO

            // Attempt to download the image and write to root of C drive.
            ImageDownload imageDownload = await omdbClient.GetImageForByTitleResponseAsync(byTitleResponseForIDRequest);

            if (imageDownload.DownloadSuccessful)
                File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\" + imageDownload.FileName, imageDownload.Data);


            #region BySearchRequest DEMO

            Console.WriteLine("Here is a demo for requesting a BySearchRequest:\n");

            // Create a BySearchRequest.
            BySearchRequest bySearchRequest = new BySearchRequest("ghost in the shell");

            // Obtain a BySearchResponse for the BySearchRequest asynchronously.
            BySearchResponse bySearchResponse = await omdbClient.BySearchRequestAsync(bySearchRequest);

            // Print BySearchRequest object.
            Console.WriteLine("BySearchRequest Object Attributes:");
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(bySearchRequest))
                string name  = descriptor.Name;
                object value = descriptor.GetValue(bySearchRequest);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}\n", name, value);

            // Print BySearchResponse object's JSON attributes.
            Console.WriteLine("BySearchResponse JSON attributes:");


            // Prevent console from terminating.
            string hold = Console.ReadLine();