コード例 #1
 public void BeginThrowAnim(Vector3 passTarget, OffPlayer reciever, float arcType, float power)
     if (!isRapidFire)
         //todo cleanup this code, could cause bugs setting these values then running coroutine
         throwVector = passTarget;
     targetOffPlayer = reciever;
     throwArc        = arcType;
     throwPower      = power;
コード例 #2
    public void PassFootBallToMovingTarget(QB ballThrower, OffPlayer receiver, FootBall footBall, float arcType, float power)
        isComplete = true;
        gameManager.AttemptPass(ballThrower, receiver, this, arcType, power); //todo, this is ugly. Probably should be a bool for isComplete
        if (rb == null)
            rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        //targetPos = GetPositionIn(2, wr);
        transform.parent = null;
        rb.useGravity    = true;
        BallisticMotion motion = GetComponent <BallisticMotion>();
        Vector3         targetPos = receiver.transform.position;
        Vector3         diff = targetPos - transform.position;
        Vector3         diffGround = new Vector3(diff.x, 0f, diff.z);
        Vector3         fireVel, impactPos;
        Vector3         velocity = receiver.navMeshAgent.velocity;

        //FTS Calculations https://github.com/forrestthewoods/lib_fts/tree/master/projects/unity/ballistic_trajectory

        float gravity;

        if (Ballistics.solve_ballistic_arc_lateral(transform.position, power, targetPos + Vector3.up, velocity, arcType,
                                                   out fireVel, out gravity, out impactPos))
            GameObject go = Instantiate(targetMarker, impactPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(ballThrower.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1, 0)));
            go.name             = "footballMarker";
            go.transform.parent = FindObjectOfType <FootBall>().transform;
            Destroy(go, 2);
            transform.forward = diffGround;
            motion.Initialize(transform.position, gravity);
            gameManager.ThrowTheBall(ballThrower, receiver, this, impactPos, arcType, power, isComplete); //todo the football stores whether the pass is complete or not, not sure if thats a good idea.
        //Debug.Log("Firing at " + impactPos);
コード例 #3
 public void AttemptPass(QB ballThrower, OffPlayer ballReciever, FootBall ball, float arcType, float power)
     passAttempt(ballThrower, ballReciever, ball, arcType, power);
コード例 #4
 public void ThrowTheBall(QB ballThrower, OffPlayer ballReciever, FootBall ball, Vector3 impactPos, float arcType, float power, bool isComplete)
     onBallThrown(ballThrower, ballReciever, ball, impactPos, arcType, power, isComplete);