コード例 #1
        internal override DiagnosticInfo GetResolvedInfo()
            if (lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic == null)
                // A symbol's Obsoleteness may not have been calculated yet if the symbol is coming
                // from a different compilation's source. In that case, force completion of attributes.

                if (symbol.ObsoleteState == ThreeState.True)
                    var inObsoleteContext = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.GetObsoleteContextState(containingSymbol, forceComplete: true);
                    Debug.Assert(inObsoleteContext != ThreeState.Unknown);

                    if (inObsoleteContext == ThreeState.False)
                        DiagnosticInfo info = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.CreateObsoleteDiagnostic(symbol, binderFlags);
                        if (info != null)
                            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic, info, null);

                // If this symbol is not obsolete or is in an obsolete context, we don't want to report any diagnostics.
                // Therefore make this a Void diagnostic.
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic, CSDiagnosticInfo.VoidDiagnosticInfo, null);

コード例 #2
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the symbol is definitely obsolete.
        /// False if the symbol is definitely not obsolete.
        /// Unknown if the symbol may be obsolete.
        /// NOTE: The return value reflects obsolete-ness, not whether or not the diagnostic was reported.
        /// </returns>
        private static ThreeState ReportDiagnosticsIfObsoleteInternal(DiagnosticBag diagnostics, Symbol symbol, SyntaxNodeOrToken node, Symbol containingMember, BinderFlags location)
            Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null);

            if (symbol.ObsoleteState == ThreeState.False)

            var data = symbol.ObsoleteAttributeData;

            if (data == null)
                // Obsolete attribute has errors.

            // If we haven't cracked attributes on the symbol at all or we haven't
            // cracked attribute arguments enough to be able to report diagnostics for
            // ObsoleteAttribute, store the symbol so that we can report diagnostics at a
            // later stage.
            if (symbol.ObsoleteState == ThreeState.Unknown)
                diagnostics.Add(new LazyObsoleteDiagnosticInfo(symbol, containingMember, location), node.GetLocation());

            // After this point, always return True.

            var inObsoleteContext = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.GetObsoleteContextState(containingMember);

            // If we are in a context that is already obsolete, there is no point reporting
            // more obsolete diagnostics.
            if (inObsoleteContext == ThreeState.True)
            // If the context is unknown, then store the symbol so that we can do this check at a
            // later stage
            else if (inObsoleteContext == ThreeState.Unknown)
                diagnostics.Add(new LazyObsoleteDiagnosticInfo(symbol, containingMember, location), node.GetLocation());

            // We have all the information we need to report diagnostics right now. So do it.
            var diagInfo = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.CreateObsoleteDiagnostic(symbol, location);

            if (diagInfo != null)
                diagnostics.Add(diagInfo, node.GetLocation());
