private void btnAddDescription_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { description Description = new description() { name = "Третьи соревнования", start_date = new DateTime(2016, 11, 25) }; Thread th = new Thread(() => { descriptionCollection.Add(Description); if (!ChangesSavedSuccessfully) { descriptionCollection.CollectionChanged -= descriptionCollection_CollectionChanged; descriptionCollection.Remove(Description); descriptionCollection.CollectionChanged += descriptionCollection_CollectionChanged; } }) { IsBackground = true }; th.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); th.Start(); }
private void UpdateInventoryItems() { List <IInventoryItem> wieldedItems = player.WieldedItems; List <IInventoryItem> itemsToRemove = new List <IInventoryItem>(); foreach (IInventoryItem item in inventory) { if (wieldedItems.Contains(item)) { itemsToRemove.Add(item); } } foreach (IInventoryItem item in itemsToRemove) { inventory.Remove(item); } foreach (IInventoryItem item in player.Inventory.Where(x => !wieldedItems.Contains(x))) { if (!inventory.Contains(item)) { inventory.Add(item); } } }
public void Update() { _header.Text = this.Value.Signature; foreach (var item in _listViewItemCollection.OfType <BoxTreeViewItem>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.Boxes.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _listViewItemCollection.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.Boxes) { if (!_listViewItemCollection.OfType <BoxTreeViewItem>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { var treeViewItem = new BoxTreeViewItem(item); treeViewItem.Parent = this; _listViewItemCollection.Add(treeViewItem); } } this.Sort(); }
void ActiveEvents_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { switch (e.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: foreach (IEvent ev in e.NewItems) { if (_filter.Apply(ev.Definition)) { _events.Insert(0, new EventViewModel(ev)); } } break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: foreach (IEvent ev in e.OldItems) { foreach (EventViewModel evm in _events) { if (evm.Definition.Id == ev.Definition.Id) { _events.Remove(evm); break; } } } break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: _events.Clear(); break; } }
protected override bool OnUpdateFrom(Device newDevice, List <string> updatedPropertyNames) { var isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => CreatedAt, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames); isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Id, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => LastSeenAt, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Name, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Platform, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => PlatformVersion, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => ProductVersion, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Provides, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => PublicAddress, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => ScreenDensity, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => ScreenResolution, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Token, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Vendor, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; isUpdated = UpdateValue(() => Version, newDevice, updatedPropertyNames) | isUpdated; foreach (var connection in Connections.ToList().Where(con => newDevice.Connections.All(c => c.Uri != con.Uri))) { Connections.Remove(connection); isUpdated = true; } foreach (var connection in newDevice.Connections.Where(con => Connections.All(c => c.Uri != con.Uri))) { Connections.Add(connection); isUpdated = true; } return(isUpdated); }
public void Update() { _header.Text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", _value.SearchItem.Name, _hit); base.IsExpanded = this.Value.IsExpanded; foreach (var item in _listViewItemCollection.OfType <SearchTreeViewItem>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.Children.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _listViewItemCollection.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.Children) { if (!_listViewItemCollection.OfType <SearchTreeViewItem>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { var treeViewItem = new SearchTreeViewItem(item); treeViewItem.Parent = this; _listViewItemCollection.Add(treeViewItem); } } this.Sort(); }
public void Update() { _header.Text = this.Value.Name; base.IsExpanded = this.Value.IsExpanded; foreach (var item in _listViewItemCollection.OfType <StoreCategorizeTreeViewItem>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.Children.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _listViewItemCollection.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.Children) { if (!_listViewItemCollection.OfType <StoreCategorizeTreeViewItem>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { var treeViewItem = new StoreCategorizeTreeViewItem(item); treeViewItem.Parent = this; _listViewItemCollection.Add(treeViewItem); } } foreach (var item in _listViewItemCollection.OfType <StoreTreeViewItem>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.StoreTreeItems.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _listViewItemCollection.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.StoreTreeItems) { if (!_listViewItemCollection.OfType <StoreTreeViewItem>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { var treeViewItem = new StoreTreeViewItem(item); treeViewItem.Parent = this; _listViewItemCollection.Add(treeViewItem); } } this.Sort(); }
private void RemoveIfRequired(IEnumerable <Video> nowPlaying, Video video) { if (!nowPlaying.Any(v => VideosMatchByServerAndPlayer(v, video))) { var connectionKey = video.PlexServerConnection.MachineIdentifier; var playerKey = video.Player.MachineIdentifier; Dictionary <string, Video> byPlayer; if (_nowPlayingByServerAndPlayer.TryGetValue(connectionKey, out byPlayer)) { if (byPlayer.Remove(playerKey) && !byPlayer.Any()) { _nowPlayingByServerAndPlayer.Remove(connectionKey); } } _videosNowPlaying.Remove(video); } }
public void Update() { this.NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(this.Name)); this.NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(this.IsExpanded)); foreach (var item in _children.OfType <StoreCategorizeTreeViewModel>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.Children.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _children.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.Children) { if (!_children.OfType <StoreCategorizeTreeViewModel>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { _children.Add(new StoreCategorizeTreeViewModel(this, item)); } } foreach (var item in _children.OfType <StoreTreeViewModel>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.StoreTreeItems.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _children.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.StoreTreeItems) { if (!_children.OfType <StoreTreeViewModel>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { _children.Add(new StoreTreeViewModel(this, item)); } } this.Sort(); }
private static void TestCase3() { ObservableCollectionEx <Person> coll = new ObservableCollectionEx <Person>(); coll.CollectionChanged += OnCollectionChanged2; var eric = new Person("Eric"); var charles = new Person("Charles"); coll.Add(eric); coll.Add(charles); coll.Remove(eric); coll.Clear(); // Will Charles say 'goodbye' to us? }
private void removeBuildingByName(string name) { string leavingPeer = name; XMLLogger.WriteLocalActivity("Peer: " + leavingPeer + " is down!"); //Remove the deadly peer but first alert the folks."@All",, leavingPeer)); lock (_connectionLock) { //Alert Remote Resolvers foreach (var remConn in _remoteConnections) { NetTcpBinding tcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding(); EndpointAddress remoteEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(remConn.remoteResolver.netAddress); tcpBinding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None; ChannelFactory <IRemote> cf = new ChannelFactory <IRemote>(tcpBinding, remoteEndpoint); IRemote tChannel = cf.CreateChannel(); try { tChannel.PeerDownAlert(MessageFactory.createPeerIsDownMessage("@All",, leavingPeer)); } catch (Exception ex) { XMLLogger.WriteErrorMessage(this.GetType().FullName.ToString(), "Error in sending Remote Peer Alert Message" + ex.ToString()); } } } updateLocalConnectionsList(leavingPeer); var itemToRemove = from b in _buildings where b.Name == leavingPeer select b; lock (_lLock) { if (itemToRemove.Count() > 0) { _buildings.Remove(itemToRemove.First()); } } }
public void RemoveSelectedElementTest() { var element1 = new SelectableElementStub(); var element2 = new SelectableElementStub(); var selectionManager = new SelectionManager(); var collection = new ObservableCollectionEx <SelectableElementStub> { element1, element2 }; selectionManager.AddCollection(collection); element2.Selected = true; collection.Remove(element2); Assert.AreEqual(element1, selectionManager.SelectedElement); Assert.IsTrue(element1.Selected); }
public void ProcessRedo() { if (_Redo.Count > 0) { var item = _Redo.Last(); _Redo.Remove(item); var undoItem = _UndoHistory.Last(); _Undo.Add(undoItem); _UndoHistory.Remove(undoItem); foreach (var historyTile in item.Reverse()) { _world.Tiles[historyTile.Location.X, historyTile.Location.Y] = historyTile.Tile; _renderer.UpdateWorldImage(new PointInt32(historyTile.Location.X, historyTile.Location.Y)); } } }
public void UpdatedManifestList(ManifestListUpdate listUpdate) { if (listUpdate.State == ManifestListUpdateState.Add) { foreach (String manifestItem in listUpdate.List) { m_ManifestList.Add(manifestItem); } } else if (listUpdate.State == ManifestListUpdateState.Delete) { foreach (String manifest in listUpdate.List) { m_ManifestList.Remove(manifest); } } //TODO: Fire Event Here }
public void ProcessUndo() { if (_Undo.Count > 0) { var item = _Undo.Last(); _Undo.Remove(item); var redo = new Queue <HistoryTile>(); foreach (var historyTile in item.Reverse()) { redo.Enqueue(new HistoryTile(historyTile.Location, (Tile)_world.Tiles[historyTile.Location.X, historyTile.Location.Y].Clone())); _world.Tiles[historyTile.Location.X, historyTile.Location.Y] = historyTile.Tile; _renderer.UpdateWorldImage(new PointInt32(historyTile.Location.X, historyTile.Location.Y)); } _UndoHistory.Add(item); _Redo.Add(redo.ToArray()); } }
public void PropertiesListItemRemovedJointList() { var baseObj = new object(); var derivedObj = new object(); var baseProperty = new Mock <IPropertyInfo> (); baseProperty.SetupGet(pi => pi.Type).Returns(typeof(string)); var baseProperties = new ObservableCollectionEx <IPropertyInfo> { baseProperty.Object }; var derivedProperties = new ObservableCollectionEx <IPropertyInfo> { baseProperty.Object }; var baseEditorMock = new Mock <IObjectEditor> (); baseEditorMock.SetupGet(e => e.Properties).Returns(baseProperties); baseEditorMock.SetupGet(e => e.Target).Returns(baseObj); var derivedEditorMock = new Mock <IObjectEditor> (); derivedEditorMock.SetupGet(e => e.Properties).Returns(derivedProperties); derivedEditorMock.SetupGet(e => e.Target).Returns(derivedObj); var providerMock = new Mock <IEditorProvider> (); providerMock.Setup(ep => ep.GetObjectEditorAsync(baseObj)).ReturnsAsync(baseEditorMock.Object); providerMock.Setup(ep => ep.GetObjectEditorAsync(derivedObj)).ReturnsAsync(derivedEditorMock.Object); var vm = new PanelViewModel(providerMock.Object, TargetPlatform.Default); vm.SelectedObjects.AddItems(new[] { baseObj, derivedObj }); Assume.That(vm.Properties.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assume.That(vm.Properties.Cast <PropertyViewModel>().Select(v => v.Property), Contains.Item(baseProperty.Object)); derivedProperties.Remove(baseProperty.Object); Assert.That(vm.Properties, Is.Empty); }
public void Update() { this.Update_Header(); foreach (var item in _children.OfType <BoxTreeViewModel>().ToArray()) { if (!_value.Boxes.Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n, item.Value))) { _children.Remove(item); } } foreach (var item in _value.Boxes) { if (!_children.OfType <BoxTreeViewModel>().Any(n => object.ReferenceEquals(n.Value, item))) { _children.Add(new BoxTreeViewModel(this, item)); } } this.Sort(); }
private void ShowDownloadItem() { try { for (;;) { var informaitonDic = new Dictionary <int, Information>(); { string[] words = null; { string searchText = null; this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { searchText = _searchTextBox.Text; })); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) { words = searchText.ToLower().Split(new string[] { " ", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } } foreach (var item in _amoebaManager.DownloadingInformation.ToArray()) { if (words != null) { var text = ((string)item["Path"] ?? "").ToLower(); if (!words.All(n => text.Contains(n))) { continue; } } informaitonDic[(int)item["Id"]] = item; } } var listViewModelDic = new Dictionary <int, DownloadListViewModel>(); var removeList = new List <DownloadListViewModel>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { foreach (var item in _listViewModelCollection.ToArray()) { listViewModelDic[item.Id] = item; if (!informaitonDic.ContainsKey(item.Id)) { removeList.Add(item); } } })); var resultList = new List <DownloadListViewModel>(); var updateDic = new Dictionary <DownloadListViewModel, Information>(); bool clearFlag = false; var selectItems = new List <DownloadListViewModel>(); if (removeList.Count > 100) { clearFlag = true; removeList.Clear(); updateDic.Clear(); foreach (var information in informaitonDic.Values) { resultList.Add(new DownloadListViewModel(information)); } var hid = new HashSet <int>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { hid.UnionWith(_listView.SelectedItems.OfType <DownloadListViewModel>().Select(n => n.Id)); })); foreach (var item in resultList) { if (hid.Contains(item.Id)) { selectItems.Add(item); } } } else { foreach (var information in informaitonDic.Values) { DownloadListViewModel item; if (listViewModelDic.TryGetValue((int)information["Id"], out item)) { updateDic[item] = information; } else { resultList.Add(new DownloadListViewModel(information)); } } } this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { bool sortFlag = false; if (resultList.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (removeList.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (updateDic.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (clearFlag) { _listViewModelCollection.Clear(); } foreach (var item in resultList) { _listViewModelCollection.Add(item); } foreach (var item in removeList) { _listViewModelCollection.Remove(item); } foreach (var item in updateDic) { item.Key.Information = item.Value; } if (clearFlag) { _listView.SelectedItems.Clear(); _listView.SetSelectedItems(selectItems); } if (sortFlag) { this.Sort(); } })); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Thread.Sleep(1000 * 3); if (_mainWindow.SelectedTab == MainWindowTabType.Download) { break; } } } } catch (Exception) { } }
/// <summary> ///A test for GetDelayedNotifier ///</summary> public void DelayedNotificationTestHelper <T>() where T : new() { ObservableCollectionEx <T> target = CreateTargetHelper <T>(); T item0 = new T(); T item1 = new T(); T item2 = new T(); T item3 = new T(); T item4 = new T(); // Testing Add this._firedCollectionEvents.Clear(); this._firedPropertyEvents.Clear(); using (ObservableCollectionEx <T> iTarget = target.DelayNotifications()) { iTarget.Add(item0); iTarget.Add(item1); iTarget.Add(item2); iTarget.Add(item3); iTarget.Add(item4); Assert.IsTrue(5 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(0 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(0 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); } Assert.IsTrue(5 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(2 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(1 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); // Testing Replace this._firedCollectionEvents.Clear(); this._firedPropertyEvents.Clear(); using (ObservableCollectionEx <T> iTarget = target.DelayNotifications()) { iTarget[1] = item0; iTarget[2] = item1; iTarget[3] = item2; iTarget[4] = item3; iTarget[0] = item4; using (ObservableCollectionEx <T> iNested = iTarget.DelayNotifications()) { iNested.Add(item4); iNested.Add(item4); Assert.IsTrue(0 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(0 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); } Assert.IsTrue(7 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(2 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(1 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); } Assert.IsTrue(7 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(3 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(2 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); // Testing Remove this._firedCollectionEvents.Clear(); this._firedPropertyEvents.Clear(); using (ObservableCollectionEx <T> iTarget = target.DelayNotifications()) { iTarget.Remove(item0); iTarget.Remove(item1); iTarget.Remove(item2); iTarget.Remove(item3); iTarget.Remove(item4); Assert.IsTrue(2 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(0 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(0 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); try { iTarget.Add(item0); Assert.Fail("Mixed operation is not handled"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(e, typeof(InvalidOperationException)); } } Assert.IsTrue(3 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(2 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(1 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); this._firedCollectionEvents.Clear(); this._firedPropertyEvents.Clear(); using (ObservableCollectionEx <T> iTarget = target.DelayNotifications()) { iTarget.Clear(); } Assert.IsTrue(0 == target.Count, "Count is incorrect"); Assert.IsTrue(2 == this._firedPropertyEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of PropertyChanged notifications"); Assert.IsTrue(1 == this._firedCollectionEvents.Count, "Incorrect number of CollectionChanged notifications"); }
private void ShowDownloadItem() { try { for (; ;) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (_mainWindow.SelectedTab != MainWindowTabType.Download) { continue; } var downloadingInformation = _amoebaManager.DownloadingInformation.ToArray(); Dictionary <int, Information> dic = new Dictionary <int, Information>(); foreach (var item in downloadingInformation.ToArray()) { dic[(int)item["Id"]] = item; } Dictionary <int, DownloadListViewItem> dic2 = new Dictionary <int, DownloadListViewItem>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, new Action(() => { foreach (var item in _listViewItemCollection.ToArray()) { dic2[item.Id] = item; } })); List <DownloadListViewItem> removeList = new List <DownloadListViewItem>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, new Action(() => { foreach (var item in _listViewItemCollection.ToArray()) { if (!dic.ContainsKey(item.Id)) { removeList.Add(item); } } })); List <DownloadListViewItem> newList = new List <DownloadListViewItem>(); Dictionary <DownloadListViewItem, Information> updateDic = new Dictionary <DownloadListViewItem, Information>(); bool clearFlag = false; var selectItems = new List <DownloadListViewItem>(); if (removeList.Count > 100) { clearFlag = true; removeList.Clear(); updateDic.Clear(); foreach (var information in downloadingInformation) { newList.Add(new DownloadListViewItem(information)); } HashSet <int> hid = new HashSet <int>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, new Action(() => { hid.UnionWith(_listView.SelectedItems.OfType <DownloadListViewItem>().Select(n => n.Id)); })); foreach (var item in newList) { if (hid.Contains(item.Id)) { selectItems.Add(item); } } } else { foreach (var information in downloadingInformation) { DownloadListViewItem item = null; if (dic2.ContainsKey((int)information["Id"])) { item = dic2[(int)information["Id"]]; } if (item != null) { if (!CollectionUtilities.Equals(item.Information, information)) { updateDic[item] = information; } } else { newList.Add(new DownloadListViewItem(information)); } } } this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, new Action(() => { bool sortFlag = false; if (newList.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (removeList.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (updateDic.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (clearFlag) { _listViewItemCollection.Clear(); } foreach (var item in newList) { _listViewItemCollection.Add(item); } foreach (var item in removeList) { _listViewItemCollection.Remove(item); } foreach (var item in updateDic) { item.Key.Information = item.Value; } if (clearFlag) { _listView.SelectedItems.Clear(); _listView.SetSelectedItems(selectItems); } if (sortFlag) { this.Sort(); } })); Thread.Sleep(1000 * 3); } } catch (Exception) { } }
/// <summary> /// Remove Rally from Playlist /// </summary> /// <param name="r">Rally to Remove</param> public void Remove(Rally r) { rallyIDs.Remove(r.ID); }
private void ShowConnectionInfomation() { try { for (;;) { var connectionInformation = _amoebaManager.ConnectionInformation.ToArray(); var dic = new Dictionary <int, Information>(); foreach (var item in connectionInformation.ToArray()) { dic[(int)item["Id"]] = item; } var dic2 = new Dictionary <int, ConnectionListViewModel>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { foreach (var item in _listViewModelCollection.ToArray()) { dic2[item.Id] = item; } })); var removeList = new List <ConnectionListViewModel>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { foreach (var item in _listViewModelCollection.ToArray()) { if (!dic.ContainsKey(item.Id)) { removeList.Add(item); } } })); var newList = new List <ConnectionListViewModel>(); var updateDic = new Dictionary <ConnectionListViewModel, Information>(); bool clearFlag = false; var selectItems = new List <ConnectionListViewModel>(); if (removeList.Count > 100) { clearFlag = true; removeList.Clear(); updateDic.Clear(); foreach (var information in connectionInformation) { newList.Add(new ConnectionListViewModel(information)); } var hid = new HashSet <int>(); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { hid.UnionWith(_listView.SelectedItems.OfType <ConnectionListViewModel>().Select(n => n.Id)); })); foreach (var item in newList) { if (hid.Contains(item.Id)) { selectItems.Add(item); } } } else { foreach (var information in connectionInformation) { ConnectionListViewModel item = null; if (dic2.ContainsKey((int)information["Id"])) { item = dic2[(int)information["Id"]]; } if (item != null) { updateDic[item] = information; } else { newList.Add(new ConnectionListViewModel(information)); } } } this.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { bool sortFlag = false; if (newList.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (removeList.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (updateDic.Count != 0) { sortFlag = true; } if (clearFlag) { _listViewModelCollection.Clear(); } foreach (var item in newList) { _listViewModelCollection.Add(item); } foreach (var item in removeList) { _listViewModelCollection.Remove(item); } foreach (var item in updateDic) { item.Key.Information = item.Value; } if (clearFlag) { _listView.SelectedItems.Clear(); _listView.SetSelectedItems(selectItems); } if (sortFlag) { this.Sort(); } })); Thread.Sleep(1000 * 3); } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void InitViewCommands() { AddNote = new RelayCommand(() => { if (SelectedCrmEntry != null) { var selectedEntry = _internalCrmEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.ID.Equals(SelectedCrmEntry.ID)); if (selectedEntry != null) { NewCrmEntryNote.OriginatorClient = _settingsRepository.GetSettings().ClientCredential.UserName; selectedEntry.Notes.Add(NewCrmEntryNote); } _wcfCrmClient.ModifyEntry(selectedEntry); } }); RemoveNote = new RelayCommand(() => { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete the selected note?", "Confirm delete", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } if (SelectedCrmEntry != null && SelectedCrmEntryNote != null) { var selectedEntry = _internalCrmEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.ID.Equals(SelectedCrmEntry.ID)); if (selectedEntry != null) { selectedEntry.Notes.Remove(SelectedCrmEntryNote); } _wcfCrmClient.ModifyEntry(selectedEntry); } }); ModifySelectedCrmEntry = new RelayCommand(() => { if (SelectedCrmEntry != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedCrmEntry.PhoneNumber)) { MessageBox.Show("Your contact must have a phone number!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } var selectedEntry = _internalCrmEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.ID.Equals(SelectedCrmEntry.ID)); if (selectedEntry != null) { selectedEntry = SelectedCrmEntry; } _wcfCrmClient.ModifyEntry(selectedEntry); } }); RevertSelectedCrmEntry = new RelayCommand(() => { if (SelectedCrmEntry != null) { var selectedEntry = _internalCrmEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.ID.Equals(SelectedCrmEntry.ID)); if (selectedEntry != null) { SelectedCrmEntry = selectedEntry; } } }); Delete = new RelayCommand(() => { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?", "Confirm delete", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } if (SelectedCrmEntry != null) { var selectedEntry = _internalCrmEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.ID.Equals(SelectedCrmEntry.ID)); if (selectedEntry != null) { _internalCrmEntries.Remove(selectedEntry); } _wcfCrmClient.DeleteEntry(selectedEntry); } }); }
private void _browser_ServiceRemoved(object sender, NetServiceEventArgs e) { _discoveredServices.Remove(e.Service.Name); }