Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
コード例 #1
 public void SpawnMe(ObjectiveSpawner spawner)
     if (isServer)
コード例 #2
 private void ResetSpawner(ObjectiveSpawner spawner)
     if (spawner.StartWithBall && !RoundManager.instance.IsTiebreaker)
コード例 #3
    IEnumerator DoPickup()
        float total = 1 + 1.5f + 1.5f + 1.5f + 1.5f + 3;
        float t     = 0;
//		curObjective.Collider.enabled = false;
//		grabbingObject = false;
        // first find a new folded position facing the target
        Vector3 centerPos = armActuator.baseTransform.position;

        centerPos.y = armActuator.foldedPosition.position.y;
        float   dist     = (armActuator.foldedPosition.position - centerPos).magnitude;
        Vector3 toTarget = curObjective.GetCenterPosition() - centerPos;

        toTarget.y = 0;
        // assign that position to the folded position and the arm will turn to it
        armActuator.SetTarget(0, centerPos + toTarget.normalized * dist);
        t = 0;
        while (t < 1)
//			if ( IsRecording )
//				GetSample ( true );
            yield return(null);

//			PickupProgress += Time.deltaTime / total;
            t += Time.deltaTime;
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds ( 2 );
        // now assign the extended position as something near the sample's position
        Ray ray = new Ray(armActuator.foldedPosition.position, curObjective.GetCenterPosition() - armActuator.foldedPosition.position);
//		Ray ray = new Ray ( robotGrabPoint.position, curObjective.GetCenterPosition () - robotGrabPoint.position );
        RaycastHit hit;

        curObjective.Collider.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1);
        curObjective.Collider.enabled = false;
//		Physics.Raycast ( ray, out hit );
        armActuator.SetTarget(1, hit.point);
//		armActuator.SetTarget ( 1, curObjective.GetCenterPosition () );
        // and move towards that over 3 sec
        t = 0;
        while (t < 1.5f)
//			if ( IsRecording )
//				GetSample ( true );
            yield return(null);

//			PickupProgress += Time.deltaTime / total;
            t += Time.deltaTime;
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds ( 3 );
        // parent and position the sample to our vacuum attachment
        Vector3 positionDIff = curObjective.transform.position - hit.point;

        Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, curObjective.transform.position,, 3);
        curObjective.transform.position = robotGrabPoint.position + positionDIff;
//		curObjective.transform.position = robotGrabPoint.position;// - Vector3.up * curObjective.Collider.bounds.extents.y;
        curObjective.transform.parent = armActuator.wrist;
        // now move back to folded position over 3 sec
        armActuator.MoveToTarget(1.5f, true);
        t = 0;
        while (t < 1.5f)
//			if ( IsRecording )
//				GetSample ( true );
            yield return(null);

//			PickupProgress += Time.deltaTime / total;
            t += Time.deltaTime;
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds ( 3 );
        // find a place to put the sample
        Vector3 newPos = getSaveStatus() ? finalPositions[curObjective.gameObject] : GetPositionOnFlatbed();

        if (IsRecording)
            finalPositions.Add(curObjective.gameObject, newPos);
        toTarget   = newPos - centerPos;
        toTarget.y = 0;
        // move the folded position to turn the arm around
        armActuator.SetTarget(0, centerPos + toTarget.normalized * dist);
        t = 0;
        while (t < 1.5f)
//			if ( IsRecording )
//				GetSample ( true );
            yield return(null);

//			PickupProgress += Time.deltaTime / total;
            t += Time.deltaTime;
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds ( 3 );
        // extend the arm out to place the object
        positionDIff = curObjective.transform.position - armActuator.foldedPosition.position;
        armActuator.SetTarget(1, newPos - positionDIff);
//		armActuator.SetTarget ( 1, newPos );
        t = 0;
        while (t < 1.5f)
//			if ( IsRecording )
//				GetSample ( true );
            yield return(null);

//			PickupProgress += Time.deltaTime / total;
            t += Time.deltaTime;
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds ( 3 );
        // parent and position it to us (not to the flatbed because thatscrews up scales)
        curObjective.transform.position = newPos;
        curObjective.transform.parent   = robotBody;
        // lastly reset the arm, and go back to drivable state
        t = 0;
        while (t < 3)
//			if ( IsRecording )
//				GetSample ( true );
            yield return(null);

//			PickupProgress += Time.deltaTime / total;
            t += Time.deltaTime;
//		yield return new WaitForSeconds ( 6 );
//		IsPickingUpSample = false;
        rb.isKinematic = false;
//		IsNearObjective = false;
//		PickupProgress = -1;
        if (IsRecording)
//			GetSample ( true );
        if (!getSaveStatus())
        IsNearObjective = false;
        curObjective    = null;
        yield return(null);

        IsPickingUpSample = false;
コード例 #4
 public void Despawn(ObjectiveSpawner spawner)
コード例 #5
    //Changed the WriteSamplesToDisk to a IEnumerator method that plays back recording along with percent status from UISystem script
    //instead of showing frozen screen until all data is recorded
    public IEnumerator WriteSamplesToDisk()
        string newLine = "\n";

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
            newLine = "\r\n";

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvSeparatorChar))
            Debug.LogWarning("Warning: empty/null separator. using `,`");
            csvSeparatorChar = ",";
        yield return(null);

        if (samples.Count > 0)
            string row = "Path" + csvSeparatorChar + "SteerAngle" + csvSeparatorChar + "Throttle" + csvSeparatorChar + "Brake" + csvSeparatorChar + "Speed" + csvSeparatorChar + "X_Position" +
                         csvSeparatorChar + "Y_Position" + csvSeparatorChar + "Pitch" + csvSeparatorChar + "Yaw" + csvSeparatorChar + "Roll" + newLine;
            File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(m_saveLocation, CSVFileName), row);

            int         count          = samples.Count;
            RobotSample sample         = null;
            int         badPickupCount = 0;
            bool        isPickingUp    = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // hack: for some reason there are lots of extra samples during the pickup, so artificially advance and drop them
                if (!IsPickingUpSample && isPickingUp)
                        sample = samples.Dequeue();
                    } while (!sample.stopPickup && samples.Count > 0 && i < count);
                    isPickingUp       = false;
                    IsPickingUpSample = false;
                sample             = samples.Dequeue();
                transform.position = sample.position;
                transform.rotation = sample.rotation;
                if (sample.triggerPickup)
                    isPickingUp = true;
//					Debug.Log ( "recorded pickup" );
                    curObjective = sample.curSample.GetComponent <PickupSample> ();
                    curObjective.transform.parent = null;
                    curObjective.Collider.enabled = true;
                if (sample.stopPickup)
                    isPickingUp       = false;
                    IsPickingUpSample = false;
                string camPath = WriteImage(recordingCam, "robocam", sample.timestamp);

                row = camPath + csvSeparatorChar + sample.steerAngle + csvSeparatorChar + sample.throttle + csvSeparatorChar + sample.brake + csvSeparatorChar + sample.speed + csvSeparatorChar +
                      sample.position.x + csvSeparatorChar + sample.position.z + csvSeparatorChar + sample.pitch + csvSeparatorChar + sample.yaw + csvSeparatorChar + sample.roll + newLine;
                File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(m_saveLocation, CSVFileName), row);

                yield return(null);
            Debug.Log("bad pickup count: " + badPickupCount);
            isSaving = false;
            //need to reset the car back to its position before ending recording, otherwise sometimes the car ended up in strange areas
            transform.position = saved_position;
            transform.rotation = saved_rotation;
            Vector3 euler = cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles;
            euler.x = saved_vAngle;
            cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles = euler;
            RotateCamera(0, 0);
コード例 #6
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
コード例 #7
    //Changed the WriteSamplesToDisk to a IEnumerator method that plays back recording along with percent status from UISystem script
    //instead of showing frozen screen until all data is recorded
    public IEnumerator WriteSamplesToDisk()
        string newLine = "\n";

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
            newLine = "\r\n";

        yield return(null);

        if (samples.Count > 0)
            string row = "Path,SteerAngle,Throttle,Brake,Speed,X_Position,Y_Position,Pitch,Yaw,Roll" + newLine;
            File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(m_saveLocation, CSVFileName), row);

            int         count          = samples.Count;
            RobotSample sample         = null;
            int         badPickupCount = 0;
            bool        isPickingUp    = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // hack: for some reason there are lots of extra samples during the pickup, so artificially advance and drop them
                if (!IsPickingUpSample && isPickingUp)
                        sample = samples.Dequeue();
                    } while (!sample.stopPickup && samples.Count > 0 && i < count);
                    isPickingUp = false;
                sample             = samples.Dequeue();
                transform.position = sample.position;
                transform.rotation = sample.rotation;
                if (sample.triggerPickup)
                    isPickingUp = true;
//					Debug.Log ( "recorded pickup" );
                    curObjective = sample.curSample.GetComponent <PickupSample> ();
                    curObjective.transform.parent = null;
                    curObjective.Collider.enabled = true;
                if (sample.stopPickup)
                    isPickingUp = false;
                string camPath = WriteImage(recordingCam, "robocam", sample.timestamp);

                row = camPath + "," + sample.steerAngle + "," + sample.throttle + "," + sample.brake + "," + sample.speed + "," +
                      sample.position.x + "," + sample.position.z + "," + sample.pitch + "," + sample.yaw + "," + sample.roll + newLine;
                File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(m_saveLocation, CSVFileName), row);

                yield return(null);
            Debug.Log("bad pickup count: " + badPickupCount);
            isSaving = false;
            //need to reset the car back to its position before ending recording, otherwise sometimes the car ended up in strange areas
            transform.position = saved_position;
            transform.rotation = saved_rotation;
            Vector3 euler = cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles;
            euler.x = saved_vAngle;
            cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles = euler;
            RotateCamera(0, 0);

/*		yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.000f); //retrieve as fast as we can but still allow communication of main thread to screen and UISystem
 *              if (samples.Count > 0) {
 *                      //pull off a sample from the que
 *                      RobotSample sample = samples.Dequeue();
 *                      //pysically moving the car to get the right camera position
 *                      transform.position = sample.position;
 *                      transform.rotation = sample.rotation;
 * //			Vector3 euler = cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles;
 * //			euler.x = sample.verticalAngle;
 * //			cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles = euler;
 *                      // Capture and Persist Image
 *                      string camPath = WriteImage ( recordingCam, "robocam", sample.timestamp );
 *                      string row = camPath + "," + sample.steerAngle + "," + sample.throttle + "," + sample.brake + "," + sample.speed + "," +
 *                              sample.position.x + "," + sample.position.y + "," + sample.position.z + "," + sample.yaw + "\r\n";
 * //			string row = string.Format ("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}\n", centerPath, leftPath, rightPath, sample.steeringAngle, sample.throttle, sample.brake, sample.speed);
 *                      File.AppendAllText (Path.Combine (m_saveLocation, CSVFileName), row);
 *              }
 *              if (samples.Count > 0) {
 *                      //request if there are more samples to pull
 *                      StartCoroutine(WriteSamplesToDisk());
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                      //all samples have been pulled
 *                      StopCoroutine(WriteSamplesToDisk());
 *                      isSaving = false;
 *                      //need to reset the car back to its position before ending recording, otherwise sometimes the car ended up in strange areas
 *                      transform.position = saved_position;
 *                      transform.rotation = saved_rotation;
 *                      Vector3 euler = cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles;
 *                      euler.x = saved_vAngle;
 *                      cameraVAxis.localEulerAngles = euler;
 *                      Move ( 0 );
 *                      Rotate ( 0 );
 *                      RotateCamera ( 0, 0 );
 *              }*/