public void UpdateItemCount(GameObject objective) { ObjectiveInteractable oi = objective.GetComponent <ObjectiveInteractable>(); if (oi != null) { tag =; } //Checks if the objectives name is the same as the type string if (string.Equals(tag, ObjectiveTag)) { OnPickup.Invoke(); CurrentAmount++; Debug.Log(; //Displays message feed if (CurrentAmount <= Amount) { MessageFeedManager.Instance.WriteMessage(string.Format("{0}: {1}/{2}",, CurrentAmount, Amount)); } QuestLog.Instance.UpdateSelectedQuest(); QuestLog.Instance.CheckCompletion(); // if quest is complete if (IsComplete) { CurrentAmount = Amount; QuestLog.Instance.UpdateSelectedQuest(); OnCompletion.Invoke(); } } }
public void HandleStay(Collider2D other) { if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & interactableLayer) != 0) { currentInteractable = other.GetComponentInParent <Interactable>(); currentInteractable.InRange(player.IsGrounded ? InteractableState.Enabled : InteractableState.DisabledVisible); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & objectiveInteractableLayer) != 0) { currentObjectiveInteractable = other.GetComponentInParent <ObjectiveInteractable>(); if (currentObjectiveInteractable.HasInteraction()) { currentObjectiveInteractable.InRange(player.IsGrounded ? InteractableState.Enabled : InteractableState.DisabledVisible); } else { currentObjectiveInteractable.ExitRange(); } } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & guardAttentionLayer) != 0) { currentZone = other.GetComponentInChildren <AttentionZone>(); currentZone.StayAttention(gameObject); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & lineOfSightLayer) != 0) { currentLineOfSight = other.GetComponentInChildren <LineOfSight>(); currentLineOfSight.EnterAttention(); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & lightLayer) != 0) { playerLitManager.IsLit = true; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & eventSequenceLayer) != 0) { var eventSequence = other.GetComponentInParent <EventSequence>(); StartCoroutine(eventSequence.ExecuteSequence()); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & conditionalDisplayLayer) != 0) { var conditionalDisplay = other.GetComponentInParent <ConditionalDisplay>(); conditionalDisplay.UpdateCondition(); } }
public void HandleExit(Collider2D other) { if (currentInteractable != null && (1 << other.gameObject.layer & interactableLayer) != 0) { other.GetComponentInParent <ObjectiveInteractable>().ExitRange(); currentInteractable = null; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & conditionalDisplayLayer) != 0) { var conditionalDisplay = other.GetComponentInParent <ConditionalDisplay>(); conditionalDisplay.Hide(); } }
public void StartDialogue(TextAsset[] text, DialogueType type, Transform parent, ObjectiveInteractable currentInteractable = null, Action onComplete = null) { if (queuedDialogue) { return; } runner.SourceText = text; uiBehaviour.BubbleParent = parent; uiBehaviour.CurrentInteractable = currentInteractable; uiBehaviour.OnDialogueComplete = onComplete + EnableInput; StartCoroutine(QueueDialogue()); }
public void HandleExit(Collider2D other) { if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & interactableLayer) != 0) { //Assumes you can only intersect one interactable at a time. other.GetComponentInParent <Interactable>().ExitRange(); currentInteractable = null; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & objectiveInteractableLayer) != 0) { //Assumes you can only intersect one interactable at a time. other.GetComponentInParent <ObjectiveInteractable>().ExitRange(); currentObjectiveInteractable = null; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & vantageLayer) != 0) { vantagePointManager.ResetVantage(); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & guardAttentionLayer) != 0) { currentZone = null; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & lightLayer) != 0) { playerLitManager.IsLit = false; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & guardAttentionLayer) != 0) { currentZone = other.GetComponentInChildren <AttentionZone>(); currentZone.ExitAttention(gameObject); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & conditionalDisplayLayer) != 0) { var conditionalDisplay = other.GetComponentInParent <ConditionalDisplay>(); conditionalDisplay.Hide(); } }
private void UpdateCurrentInteractable(Collider2D other) { ObjectiveInteractable interactable = other.GetComponentInParent <ObjectiveInteractable>(); if (!interactable.HasInteraction()) { interactable.ExitRange(); currentInteractable = null; return; } currentInteractable = interactable; if (currentInteractable != null && !player.IsGrounded) { currentInteractable.InRange(InteractableState.DisabledVisible); return; } currentInteractable.InRange(InteractableState.Enabled); }
public override void Act() { if (target == null) { return; } Debug.Log("Interact action called."); ObjectiveInteractable objective = target.GetComponent <ObjectiveInteractable>(); { if (objective != null && !objective.isCollected) { if (onInteractObjective != null) { if (objective.enabled) { objective.isCollected = true; onInteractObjective.Invoke(objective.gameObject); } } } } }
public void RegisterInteractable(ObjectiveInteractable interactable) { interactables.Add(interactable); }
public void HandleEnter(Collider2D other) { if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & interactableLayer) != 0) { currentInteractable = other.GetComponentInParent <Interactable>(); currentInteractable.InRange(player.IsGrounded ? InteractableState.Enabled : InteractableState.DisabledVisible); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & objectiveInteractableLayer) != 0) { currentObjectiveInteractable = other.GetComponentInParent <ObjectiveInteractable>(); if (currentObjectiveInteractable.HasInteraction()) { currentObjectiveInteractable.InRange(player.IsGrounded ? InteractableState.Enabled : InteractableState.DisabledVisible); } else { currentObjectiveInteractable.ExitRange(); } } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & eventSequenceLayer) != 0) { var eventSequence = other.GetComponentInParent <EventSequence>(); StartCoroutine(eventSequence.ExecuteSequence()); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & oneWayTriggerLayer) != 0) { var oneWayPlatform = other.GetComponentInParent <OneWayPlatform>(); oneWayPlatform.IntersectTrigger(); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & guardAttentionLayer) != 0) { currentZone = other.GetComponentInChildren <AttentionZone>(); currentZone.EnterAttention(gameObject); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & lineOfSightLayer) != 0) { currentLineOfSight = other.GetComponentInChildren <LineOfSight>(); currentLineOfSight.EnterAttention(); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & vantageLayer) != 0) { var vantage = other.GetComponentInChildren <VantagePoint>(); vantage.ShowIndicator(); vantagePointManager.RegisterCurrentVantage(vantage); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & lightLayer) != 0) { playerLitManager.IsLit = true; } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & checkpointLayer) != 0) { var checkpoint = other.GetComponentInParent <Checkpoint>(); checkpoint.UpdateLastCheckpoint(); } if ((1 << other.gameObject.layer & conditionalDisplayLayer) != 0) { var conditionalDisplay = other.GetComponentInParent <ConditionalDisplay>(); conditionalDisplay.Show(); } }