コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Get(long staffUSI, int schoolId, string studentListType, long? sectionOrCohortId,
                                int localEducationAgencyId, string subjectArea, string assessmentSubType)
            var request = new AssessmentDetailsRequest()
                                  StaffUSI = staffUSI,
                                  SchoolId = schoolId,
                                  SectionOrCohortId = sectionOrCohortId ?? 0,
                                  StudentListType = studentListType,
                                  MetricAssessmentArea = subjectArea,
                                  AssessmentSubType = assessmentSubType

            var results = assessmentDetailsService.Get(request);

            //Constructing the Grid Data. 
            var model = new StaffStudentListModel{ AssessmentSubType = assessmentSubType, SubjectArea = subjectArea};

            //If the object titles that comes back in our results = 0, this means we have no results.
            //  So instead of creating a GridTable, we are just going to display text that No Data is Available.
            if (results.ObjectiveTitles.Count == 0)
                return View(model);

            model.GridTable = new GridTable();

            //Creating the columns
            //First the columns for the student Name and MetricValue
            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new ImageColumn { Src = "LeftGrayCorner.png", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true});
            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn { DisplayName = "Student", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true });
            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn { DisplayName = "Grade Level", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true });

            var sortAsc = String.Empty;
            var sortDesc = String.Empty;

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString() || assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn { DisplayName = results.MetricTitle, IsVisibleByDefault = true, SortAscending = "sortStateAssessmentValueAsc", SortDescending = "sortStateAssessmentValueDesc", IsFixedColumn = true });
                sortAsc = "sortMetricStateAsc";
                sortDesc = "sortMetricStateDesc";

            foreach (var ot in results.ObjectiveTitles)
                model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn { DisplayName = ot.Title, IsVisibleByDefault = true, SortAscending = sortAsc, SortDescending = sortDesc, Tooltip = ot.Description, IsFixedColumn = false, OverriddenWidth = ot.Width });

            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new ImageColumn { Src = "RightGrayCorner.png", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = false });

            // Create the fixed row
            var fixedRow = new List<object>();
            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<double> { DV = string.Empty, V = 0 });
            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<string> { DV = results.FixedRowTitle, V = results.FixedRowTitle });
            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<string> { DV = string.Empty, V = string.Empty });

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString())
                fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<string> { DV = string.Empty, V = String.Empty });

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<string> { DV = string.Empty, V = String.Empty });

            foreach (var ot in results.ObjectiveTitles)
                fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<string>{ DV = ot.Mastery, V = ot.Mastery});

            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem<double> { DV = string.Empty, V = 0 });

            //Create the rows.
            foreach (var s in results.Students)
                var row = new List<object>();

                //First cells (Spacer,Student,MetricValue)
                row.Add(new CellItem<double> {DV = string.Empty, V = 0});
                row.Add(new StudentCellItem<string>(s.StudentUSI)
                                V = s.Name,
                                DV = s.Name,
                                I = s.ThumbNail,
                                LUId = results.UniqueListId,
                                CId = s.SchoolId,
                                //Lets go and resolve the metric to a child one...
                                Url = s.Href != null ? s.Href.Href : null,
                                Links = s.Links
                row.Add(new CellItem<int> { DV = s.GradeLevelDisplayValue, V = s.GradeLevel });

                if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString())
                    if (s.Score != null && s.Score.Value != null)
                        var additionalMetric = s.Score;
                        var assessmentCellType =
                            typeof (AssessmentMetricCellItem<>).MakeGenericType(new Type[]
                        dynamic stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue = Activator.CreateInstance(assessmentCellType);
                        stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.V = additionalMetric.Value;
                        stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.DV = additionalMetric.DisplayValue;
                            stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.A = (int)additionalMetric.MetricIndicator;
                            stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.S = (int)additionalMetric.State;
                        row.Add(new AssessmentMetricCellItem<string> { DV = string.Empty, V = string.Empty });

                if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                    if (s.Score != null && s.Score.Value != null)
                        row.Add(new MetricCellItem<string>
                                        DV = s.Score.DisplayValue,
                                        V = s.Score.Value.ToString(),
                                        S = (int)s.Score.State
                        row.Add(new MetricCellItem<string> { DV = string.Empty, V = string.Empty });

                //Dynamic cells
                //Create the space holders so that the rows are of equal length.
                foreach (var o in results.ObjectiveTitles)
                    var cell = new ObjectiveCellItem<int> {DV = String.Empty, V = -1};

                    var cellData = (from ro in s.Metrics.OfType<StudentWithMetricsAndAssessments.AssessmentMetric>()
                                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Title) &&
                                        string.Compare(o.Title, ro.ObjectiveName, true) == 0
                                    select ro).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (cellData != null)
                        cell.V = cellData.Value;
                        cell.ST = (int) cellData.State;
                        cell.DV = cellData.DisplayValue;


                //Spacer for the right corner
                row.Add(new CellItem<double> {DV = String.Empty, V = 0});

            //if this is the current users own page
            model.IsCurrentUserListOwner = UserInformation.Current.StaffUSI == staffUSI;
            model.IsCustomStudentList = request.StudentListType == StudentListType.CustomStudentList.ToString();
            model.ListId = request.SectionOrCohortId;

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString())
                model.LegendViewNames = new List<string> { "Default", "AssessmentDetail"};
            else if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                model.LegendViewNames = new List<string> { "AssessmentDetail" };
            else if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Reading.ToString())
                if (subjectArea == "TPRI")
                    model.LegendViewNames = new List<string> { "ReadingInventoryAssessmentDetail" };
                else if (subjectArea == "TejasLEE")
                    model.LegendViewNames = new List<string> { "LanguageAssessmentDetail" };

            return View(model);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Get(EdFiDashboardContext context)
            var learningStandards = service.Get(new LearningStandardRequest()
                StudentUSI = context.StudentUSI.GetValueOrDefault(),
                SchoolId = context.SchoolId.GetValueOrDefault(),
                MetricVariantId = context.MetricVariantId.GetValueOrDefault()

            var model = new GridTable { MetricVariantId = context.MetricVariantId.GetValueOrDefault() };
            if (learningStandards == null || learningStandards.Count == 0)
                return View(model);

            /*Preparing headers*/
            #region Headers
            model.Columns = new List<Column>{
				new Column { IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true,
                Children= new List<Column>{
						new ImageColumn{ Src = "LeftGrayCorner.png", IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true},
                        new TextColumn{ DisplayName = StudentExpectationsColumnHeading, IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true},
				new TextColumn{DisplayName="Spacer",  IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true,
                    Children= new List<Column>{
                        new TextColumn{IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true},

            //For the Dynamic Columns (this is the Header which is empty "no text")
            var parentColumn = new TextColumn { DisplayName = BenchmarkAssessmentsColumnHeading, IsVisibleByDefault = true };
            foreach (var learningStandardAssessment in learningStandards[0].Assessments)
                parentColumn.Children.Add(new TextColumn { DisplayName = learningStandardAssessment.DateAdministration.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"), Tooltip = learningStandardAssessment.AssessmentTitle, IsVisibleByDefault = true });


            #region Rows
            foreach (var learningStandard in learningStandards)
                var row = new List<object>();
                //First cells (Spacer,Expectation,Spacer)
                row.Add(new CellItem<double> { DV = "", V = 0 });
                row.Add(new ObjectiveTextCellItem<string> { O = learningStandard.LearningStandard + " " + learningStandard.Description, V = learningStandard.LearningStandard });
                row.Add(new SpacerCellItem<double> { DV = "", V = 0 });

                foreach (var learningStandardAssessment in learningStandard.Assessments)
                    var cell = new ObjectiveCellItem<int> { DV = "", V = -1 };
                    if (learningStandardAssessment.Administered)
                        cell.V = ChangeValueForSorting(learningStandardAssessment.MetricStateTypeId);
                        cell.ST = (learningStandardAssessment.MetricStateTypeId != null)
                                    ? learningStandardAssessment.MetricStateTypeId.Value
                                    : (int)MetricStateType.None;
                        cell.DV = learningStandardAssessment.Value;


            return View(model);
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Get(EdFiDashboardContext context)
            var learningObjectives = service.Get(new LearningObjectiveRequest()
                                            StudentUSI = context.StudentUSI.GetValueOrDefault(),
                                            SchoolId = context.SchoolId.GetValueOrDefault(),
                                            MetricVariantId = context.MetricVariantId.GetValueOrDefault()

            var model = new GridTable { MetricVariantId = context.MetricVariantId.GetValueOrDefault() };

            if (learningObjectives == null || learningObjectives.AssessmentTitles.Count == 0)
                return View(model);

            var orderedAssessmentTitles = GetOrderedAssessmentTitles(learningObjectives.AssessmentTitles);

            #region Headers
            model.Columns = new List<Column>{
                new Column { IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true,
                Children= new List<Column>{
                        new ImageColumn{ Src = "LeftGrayCorner.png", IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true },
                        new TextColumn{ DisplayName = learningObjectives.InventoryName, IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true},
                new TextColumn{DisplayName="Spacer",  IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true,
                    Children= new List<Column>{
                        new TextColumn{ IsVisibleByDefault=true, IsFixedColumn = true},

            //For the Dynamic Columns (this is the Header which is empty "no text")
            var parentColumn = new TextColumn { DisplayName = "Reading Assessments", IsVisibleByDefault = true };
            foreach (var learningObjectiveTitle in orderedAssessmentTitles)
                parentColumn.Children.Add(new TextColumn { DisplayName = learningObjectiveTitle, IsVisibleByDefault = true });



            #region Rows

            var orderedLearningObjectives = learningObjectives.LearningObjectiveSkills.OrderBy(los => los.SectionName).ThenBy(los => los.SkillName);

            foreach (var learningObjectiveSection in orderedLearningObjectives)
                var row = new List<object>();

                //Learning Objective section cell
                row.Add(new CellItem<double> { DV = "", V = 0 });
                row.Add(new ObjectiveTextCellItem<string> { O = string.Format("{0}: {1}", learningObjectiveSection.SectionName, learningObjectiveSection.SkillName), V = string.Format("{0}: {1}", learningObjectiveSection.SectionName, learningObjectiveSection.SkillName) });

                row.Add(new SpacerCellItem<double> { DV = "", V = 0 });

                foreach (var learningObjectiveAssessmentTitle in orderedAssessmentTitles)
                    var cell = new ObjectiveCellItem<int> { DV = "", V = -1 };

                    if (learningObjectiveSection.SkillValues.Any(skill => skill.Title == learningObjectiveAssessmentTitle))
                        var learningObjectiveSkill = learningObjectiveSection.SkillValues.Where(skill => skill.Title == learningObjectiveAssessmentTitle).First();

                        cell.V = ChangeValueForSorting(learningObjectiveSkill.MetricStateTypeId);
                        cell.ST = (learningObjectiveSkill.MetricStateTypeId != null) ? learningObjectiveSkill.MetricStateTypeId.Value : (int)MetricStateType.None;
                        cell.DV = learningObjectiveSkill.Value;



            return View(model);
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult Get(long staffUsi, int schoolId, string studentListType, long?sectionOrCohortId,
                                int localEducationAgencyId, string subjectArea, string assessmentSubType)
            var request = new AssessmentDetailsRequest
                StaffUSI             = staffUsi,
                SchoolId             = schoolId,
                SectionOrCohortId    = sectionOrCohortId ?? 0,
                StudentListType      = studentListType,
                MetricAssessmentArea = subjectArea,
                AssessmentSubType    = assessmentSubType

            var results = assessmentDetailsService.Get(request);

            //Constructing the Grid Data.
            var model = new StaffStudentListModel {
                AssessmentSubType = assessmentSubType, SubjectArea = subjectArea

            //If the object titles that comes back in our results = 0, this means we have no results.
            //  So instead of creating a GridTable, we are just going to display text that No Data is Available.
            if (results.ObjectiveTitles.Count == 0)

            model.GridTable = new GridTable();

            //Creating the columns
            //First the columns for the student Name and MetricValue
            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new ImageColumn {
                Src = "LeftGrayCorner.png", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true
            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn {
                DisplayName = "Student", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true
            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn {
                DisplayName = "Grade Level", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = true

            var sortAsc  = String.Empty;
            var sortDesc = String.Empty;

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString() || assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn {
                    DisplayName = results.MetricTitle, IsVisibleByDefault = true, SortAscending = "sortStateAssessmentValueAsc", SortDescending = "sortStateAssessmentValueDesc", IsFixedColumn = true
                sortAsc  = "sortMetricStateAsc";
                sortDesc = "sortMetricStateDesc";

            foreach (var ot in results.ObjectiveTitles)
                model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new TextColumn {
                    DisplayName = ot.Title, IsVisibleByDefault = true, SortAscending = sortAsc, SortDescending = sortDesc, Tooltip = ot.Description, IsFixedColumn = false, OverriddenWidth = ot.Width

            model.GridTable.Columns.Add(new ImageColumn {
                Src = "RightGrayCorner.png", IsVisibleByDefault = true, IsFixedColumn = false

            // Create the fixed row
            var fixedRow = new List <object>();

            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <double> {
                DV = string.Empty, V = 0
            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <string> {
                DV = results.FixedRowTitle, V = results.FixedRowTitle
            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <string> {
                DV = string.Empty, V = string.Empty

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString())
                fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <string> {
                    DV = string.Empty, V = String.Empty

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <string> {
                    DV = string.Empty, V = String.Empty

            foreach (var ot in results.ObjectiveTitles)
                fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <string> {
                    DV = ot.Mastery, V = ot.Mastery

            fixedRow.Add(new CellItem <double> {
                DV = string.Empty, V = 0

            //Create the rows.
            foreach (var s in results.Students)
                var row = new List <object>();

                //First cells (Spacer,Student,MetricValue)
                row.Add(new CellItem <double> {
                    DV = string.Empty, V = 0
                row.Add(new StudentCellItem <string>(s.StudentUSI)
                    V    = s.Name,
                    DV   = s.Name,
                    I    = s.ThumbNail,
                    LUId = results.UniqueListId,
                    CId  = s.SchoolId,
                    //Lets go and resolve the metric to a child one...
                    Url   = s.Href != null ? s.Href.Href : null,
                    Links = s.Links
                row.Add(new CellItem <int> {
                    DV = s.GradeLevelDisplayValue, V = s.GradeLevel

                if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString())
                    if (s.Score != null && s.Score.Value != null)
                        var additionalMetric   = s.Score;
                        var assessmentCellType =
                            typeof(AssessmentMetricCellItem <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { additionalMetric.Value.GetType() });
                        dynamic stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue = Activator.CreateInstance(assessmentCellType);
                        stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.V  = additionalMetric.Value;
                        stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.DV = additionalMetric.DisplayValue;
                        stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.A  = additionalMetric.MetricIndicator;
                        stateAssessmentCellForMetricValue.S  = (int)additionalMetric.State;
                        row.Add(new AssessmentMetricCellItem <string> {
                            DV = string.Empty, V = string.Empty

                if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                    if (s.Score != null && s.Score.Value != null)
                        row.Add(new MetricCellItem <string>
                            DV = s.Score.DisplayValue,
                            V  = s.Score.Value.ToString(),
                            S  = (int)s.Score.State
                        row.Add(new MetricCellItem <string> {
                            DV = string.Empty, V = string.Empty

                bool isBenchmark = assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString();

                //Dynamic cells
                //Create the space holders so that the rows are of equal length.
                foreach (var o in results.ObjectiveTitles)
                    if (isBenchmark)
                        var cell = new GoalStrandCellItem <int> {
                            DV = String.Empty, V = -1

                        var cellData = (from ro in s.Metrics.OfType <StudentWithMetricsAndAssessments.AssessmentMetric>()
                                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Title) &&
                                        string.Compare(o.Title, ro.ObjectiveName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0
                                        select ro).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (cellData != null)
                            cell.V  = cellData.Value;
                            cell.GS = (int)cellData.State;
                            cell.DV = cellData.DisplayValue;

                        var cell = new ObjectiveCellItem <int> {
                            DV = String.Empty, V = -1

                        var cellData = (from ro in s.Metrics.OfType <StudentWithMetricsAndAssessments.AssessmentMetric>()
                                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Title) &&
                                        string.Compare(o.Title, ro.ObjectiveName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0
                                        select ro).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (cellData != null)
                            cell.V  = cellData.Value;
                            cell.ST = (int)cellData.State;
                            cell.DV = cellData.DisplayValue;


                //Spacer for the right corner
                row.Add(new CellItem <double> {
                    DV = String.Empty, V = 0

            //if this is the current users own page
            model.IsCurrentUserListOwner = UserInformation.Current.StaffUSI == staffUsi;
            model.IsCustomStudentList    = request.StudentListType == StudentListType.CustomStudentList.ToString();
            model.ListId = request.SectionOrCohortId;

            if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.StateStandardized.ToString())
                model.LegendViewNames = new List <string> {
                    "Default", "AssessmentDetail"
            else if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Benchmark.ToString())
                model.LegendViewNames = new List <string> {
            else if (assessmentSubType == StaffModel.AssessmentSubType.Reading.ToString())
                if (subjectArea == "TPRI")
                    model.LegendViewNames = new List <string> {
                else if (subjectArea == "TejasLEE")
                    model.LegendViewNames = new List <string> {
