コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the COFF file's symbol table.
        /// </summary>
        private void ParseSymbolTable()
            EndianBinaryReader ebr = new EndianBinaryReader(binFile, endian);
              Int64 currSymbolTableEntryFileAddr = symbolTableFileAddr;

              symRef  = new Hashtable[symbolCount];
              symbols = new ObjectSymbol[symbolCount];

              Debug.DebugMSG("Begin parsing symbol table.  Symbol Count = " + symbolCount + ".\n");

              // Read the symbol table
              for (UInt32 symNum = 0; symNum < symbolCount; symNum++)
            symRef[symNum]  = new Hashtable();
            symbols[symNum] = new ObjectSymbol();

            Debug.DebugMSG("symbols[" + symNum + "] = \n{");

            ebr.BaseStream.Seek( (UInt32)currSymbolTableEntryFileAddr, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            symbols[symNum].name = COFF_getName();

            Debug.DebugMSG("\tname = " + symbols[symNum].name);

            ebr.BaseStream.Seek( (UInt32)currSymbolTableEntryFileAddr + 8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            symbols[symNum].value = (UInt64) ebr.ReadUInt32();

            Debug.DebugMSG("\tvalue = " + symbols[symNum].value.ToString("X8") + ",");

            symRef[symNum]["secNum"]  = (Int32)  ebr.ReadInt16();
            symRef[symNum]["type"]    = (UInt32) ebr.ReadUInt16();
            symRef[symNum]["class"]   = (UInt32) ebr.ReadByte();
            symRef[symNum]["auxNum"]  = (UInt32) ebr.ReadByte();

            Debug.DebugMSG("\tsecNum = " + ((Int32)symRef[symNum]["secNum"]).ToString());
            Debug.DebugMSG("\ttype   = " + ((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["type"]).ToString("X4"));
            Debug.DebugMSG("\tclass  = " + ((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["class"]).ToString());
            Debug.DebugMSG("\tauxNum = " + ((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["auxNum"]).ToString("X2"));

            // Check to make sure auxNum is either 0 or 1
            if ((((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["auxNum"]) != 0) && (((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["auxNum"]) != 1))
              throw new Exception("Invalid auxNum (" + ((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["auxNum"]) + ") detected for symbol " + symbols[symNum].name + ".");

            if (((UInt32)symRef[symNum]["auxNum"]) != 0)
              currSymbolTableEntryFileAddr += 2*symbolTableEntrySize;

              symRef[symNum] = null;
              symbols[symNum] = new ObjectSymbol();

              symbols[symNum].name = "";
              symbols[symNum].value = symbols[symNum-1].value;

              Debug.DebugMSG("\tsectionLength       = " + (UInt32) ebr.ReadInt32());
              Debug.DebugMSG("\tnumRelocEntries     = " + (UInt32) ebr.ReadUInt16());
              Debug.DebugMSG("\tnumLineNumberntries = " + (UInt32) ebr.ReadUInt16());
              currSymbolTableEntryFileAddr += symbolTableEntrySize;


              // Finally, sort the symbols by value (address)

              Debug.DebugMSG("Parse Symbol Table Done");
コード例 #2
ファイル: AssetStore.cs プロジェクト: mystborn/TaffyScript
        private ObjectInfo GenerateType(ObjectSymbol os, TokenPosition position)
            var typeName = _resolver.GetAssetFullName(os);
            var builder  = _module.DefineType(typeName, TypeAttributes.Public);

            ObjectInfo parent = null;
            FieldInfo  members;

            if (os.Inherits != null)
                parent = GetObjectInfo(os.Inherits, position);
                // Todo: Verify that the parent is valid.
                //       It shouldn't be possible to inherit from a type that
                //       has a sealed TryGetDelegate method.

            if (parent != null && !typeof(TsInstance).IsAssignableFrom(parent.Type))
                if (parent.Members is null)
                    //Todo: Memoize the result if it's not found.
                    var inherits = parent.Type;
                    while (inherits is TypeBuilder parentBuilder && !parentBuilder.IsCreated())
                        inherits = inherits.BaseType;
                    members        = inherits.GetField("_members", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    parent.Members = members;
                    members = parent.Members;

                if (members == null || members.FieldType != typeof(Dictionary <string, TsObject>))
                    members = builder.DefineField("_members", typeof(Dictionary <string, TsObject>), FieldAttributes.Family);
                members = _baseMemberField;

            var scripts        = builder.DefineField("_scripts", typeof(Dictionary <string, TsDelegate>), FieldAttributes.Private | FieldAttributes.Static);
            var tryGetDelegate = GenerateTryGetDelegate(builder, members, scripts, GetTryGetDelegate(parent));
            var constructor    = builder.DefineConstructor(MethodAttributes.Public |
                                                           MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
                                                           MethodAttributes.SpecialName |
                                                           new[] { typeof(TsObject[]) });

            var info = new ObjectInfo(builder, parent?.Type ?? _baseType, tryGetDelegate, constructor, members, scripts);

            _definedTypes.Add(os, info);

コード例 #3
ファイル: ElfFile.cs プロジェクト: hummingbird2012/flashUtils
        private void ParseSymbolTable()
            EndianBinaryReader ebr = new EndianBinaryReader(binFile, endian);
              UInt32 numSymbols = (UInt32) headerRef["numEntriesInSymTable"];
              ELF_Symbol sym;
              Byte info, other;

              symRef = new Hashtable[symbolCount];
              symbols = new ObjectSymbol[symbolCount];

              // Read the symbol table
              for (UInt32 symNum = 0; symNum < symbolCount; symNum++)
            symRef[symNum] = new Hashtable();
            symbols[symNum] = new ObjectSymbol();

            // Go to current symbol
            ebr.BaseStream.Seek((Int64) ((UInt64)headerRef["symbolTableAddr"]) + ((UInt32)headerRef["symbolTableEntrySize"] * symNum),SeekOrigin.Begin);
            sym.st_name       = (UInt32) ebr.ReadUInt32();

            if (ELF_FileClass.ELFCLASS_32 == hdr.e_ident.fileClass)
              sym.st_value    = (UInt64) ebr.ReadUInt32();
              sym.st_size     = (UInt64) ebr.ReadUInt32();
              info            = ebr.ReadByte();
              other           = ebr.ReadByte();
              sym.st_shndx    = ebr.ReadUInt16();
              info            = ebr.ReadByte();
              other           = ebr.ReadByte();
              sym.st_shndx    = ebr.ReadUInt16();
              sym.st_value    = ebr.ReadUInt64();
              sym.st_size     = ebr.ReadUInt64();
            sym.st_type       = (ELF_SymbolType) (info & 0xF);
            sym.st_binding    = (ELF_SymbolBinding) ((info >> 4) & 0xF);
            sym.st_visibility = (ELF_SymbolVisibility) (other & 0x3);

            Debug.DebugMSG( "Symbol[" + symNum + "] = \n{" );
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol Name Offset        : 0x" + sym.st_name.ToString("X8"));
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol Value              : 0x" + sym.st_value.ToString("X16"));
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol Size               : 0x" + sym.st_size.ToString("X16"));
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol Type               : "   + sym.st_type);
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol Binding            : "   + sym.st_binding);
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol Visibility         : "   + sym.st_visibility);
            Debug.DebugMSG( "  Symbol's Relevant Section : 0x" + sym.st_shndx.ToString("X4"));
            Debug.DebugMSG( "}\n");

            // Move to name in String Table
            ebr.BaseStream.Seek( (Int64) ((UInt64)headerRef["stringTableAddr"]) + (sym.st_name), SeekOrigin.Begin);
            symRef[symNum]["name"] = ELF_getStringFromStringTable();
            symRef[symNum]["value"] = sym.st_value;
            symRef[symNum]["secNum"] = sym.st_shndx;
            symRef[symNum]["type"] = sym.st_type;
            symRef[symNum]["binding"] = sym.st_binding;
            symRef[symNum]["visibility"] = sym.st_visibility;

            symbols[symNum].name = (String) symRef[symNum]["name"];
            symbols[symNum].value = (UInt64) symRef[symNum]["value"];

            Debug.DebugMSG("symbols[" + symNum + "] = {");
            Debug.DebugMSG("\tname = " + symbols[symNum].name + ",");
            Debug.DebugMSG("\tvalue = " + symbols[symNum].value.ToString("X8") + " }");

            Debug.DebugMSG("symRef[" + symNum.ToString() + "][\"name\"]: " + ((String)symRef[symNum]["name"]).ToString());
            Debug.DebugMSG("symRef[" + symNum.ToString() + "][\"value\"]: " + ((UInt64)symRef[symNum]["value"]).ToString("X8"));
            Debug.DebugMSG("symRef[" + symNum.ToString() + "][\"secNum\"]: " + ((UInt16)symRef[symNum]["secNum"]).ToString("X4"));
            Debug.DebugMSG("symRef[" + symNum.ToString() + "][\"type\"]: " + sym.st_type);
            Debug.DebugMSG("symRef[" + symNum.ToString() + "][\"binding\"]: " + sym.st_binding);
            Debug.DebugMSG("symRef[" + symNum.ToString() + "][\"visibility\"]: " + sym.st_visibility);

              // Finally, sort the symbols by value (address)

              Debug.DebugMSG("Parse Symbol Table Done");