コード例 #1
    // Handles collision exit events sent from either portal. Happens when an object ends contact w/ portal.
    // If the object isnt moving very fast, we want to wait to allow it to be portaled again.
    // This is because multiple exit trigger events may be fired before it has really ended contact with the exit portal.
    // If we release the lock early, then it could immediately be portaled back to the entry portal, and then ping pong between portals.
    public void handleTriggerExit(GameObject portal, GameObject colliderGO)
        ObjectPortalState currentObject = getObjectFromCollisionObjectInstanceID(colliderGO.GetInstanceID());

        if (currentObject == null || currentObject.currentEntryPortal == null || currentObject.currentExitPortal == null)

        // If the exit portal sent a triggerExit event, start a coroutine to wait until triggerexit events stop
        // Once they stop, then the object is reset
        if (currentObject.currentExitPortal.GetInstanceID() == portal.GetInstanceID())
            float speedThreshold = 1.3f;

            // Dont bother checking triggers if it's moving fast enough
            Rigidbody rb = currentObject.currentCollisionObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            if (rb != null && rb.velocity.magnitude >= speedThreshold)
                currentObject.portalExitLock = true;
                if (!currentObject.verifyingExitTrigger)
コード例 #2
    // Handles collision enter events sent from either portal. Happens when an object makes contact w/ portal.
    // Finds the localCollisionPosition:
    //   Tell the collider to fire a ray in its forward direction to get the point of collision at the entry portal.
    //   Also use this to determine whether the object is actually aiming at the portal or not.
    //   Don't translate the object if it grazes the edge of the portal box collider
    // Creates ObjectPortalState object with the current portals and gameObject state,
    //  then calls translateBetweenPortals() to move the object to the exit portal, where handleTriggerExit() should eventually do the rest.
    public void handleTriggerEnter(GameObject entryPortal, GameObject colliderGO)
        ObjectPortalState current = getObjectFromCollisionObjectInstanceID(colliderGO.GetInstanceID());

        // Dont start over if there's already an entry portal assigned.
        if (current != null && current.currentEntryPortal != null)

        if (colliderGO.tag == colliderGOtag && portalGOs.Length > 1)
            GameObject exitPortal = getOtherPortal(entryPortal);
            if (exitPortal == null)

            Vector3 localCollisionPosition = getCollisionPointAtEntryPortal(colliderGO, entryPortal);
            if (localCollisionPosition == Vector3.zero)

            if (current == null)
                current = new ObjectPortalState();
            current.currentExitPortal      = exitPortal;
            current.currentEntryPortal     = entryPortal;
            current.currentCollisionObject = colliderGO;

            translateBetweenPortals(colliderGO, exitPortal, entryPortal, localCollisionPosition);
コード例 #3
    // Go through list of ObjectPortalState objects and return the one containing the currentCollisionObject with the specified id.
    // If not found, returns null.
    private ObjectPortalState getObjectFromCollisionObjectInstanceID(int id)
        ObjectPortalState objps = portalObjects.Find(x => x.currentCollisionObject.GetInstanceID() == id);
