コード例 #1
        static Workflow()
            var assemblies = ObjectEx.GetNonSystemAssemblies();

            WorkflowConfigurations = assemblies.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes().Where(type => typeof(IWorkflowConfiguration).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type != typeof(IWorkflowConfiguration)).Select(t => (IWorkflowConfiguration)Activator.CreateInstance(t))).ToDictionary <IWorkflowConfiguration, Guid>(k => k.ID);
コード例 #2
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteScheduledNotifications(string userName, string password)
            var bguser = await(from u in DataContext.Users where u.UserName == userName && u.Active && !u.Deleted select u).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (bguser == null || bguser.UserType != DTO.Enums.UserTypes.BackgroundTask || bguser.PasswordHash != password.ComputeHash())
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "You do not have permission to execute this notification. Either the login, password or User Type is wrong for the specified credentials"));

            //Handle cleaning of documents
            //This is done here because we're executing notifications on a daily basis. This can be moved if necessary.
            var days = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KeepResponseDocumentsDays"].ToInt32();

            if (days > 0)
                    var dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(days * -1);

                    var docIds = await(from d in DataContext.Documents where d.CreatedOn < dt select d.ID).ToArrayAsync();

                    Logger.Debug($"{docIds.Count()} Documents pending deletion.");

                    await DataContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("DELETE FROM Documents where CreatedOn < {0}", dt);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error("Error happened when deleting documents: ", ex);

            var runTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var Logging = new ConcurrentBag <object>();
            //Get all of the loggers
            var assemblies = ObjectEx.GetNonSystemAssemblies();

            foreach (var assembly in assemblies.AsParallel())
                var logTypesToRegister = assembly.GetTypes().Where(
                    type => type.BaseType != null && !type.IsAbstract &&
                    type.BaseType.IsGenericType &&
                    (type.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(EntityLoggingConfiguration <,>)));

                foreach (object configurationInstance in logTypesToRegister.Select(Activator.CreateInstance))

            var notifications = new ConcurrentBag <Notification>();

            //Loop through all of them generating notifications
            foreach (var log in Logging.AsParallel())
                    var method = log.GetType().GetMethod("GenerateNotificationsFromLogs");
                    var task   = (Task <IEnumerable <Notification> >)method.Invoke(log, new object[] { DataContext });
                    foreach (var n in await task)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error("Error Occured while executing notifications", ex);

            //Flip the results so that we get a list of users, and a sub list of their notifications.
            var users = (from n in notifications from r in n.Recipients select r).DistinctBy(n => n.Email);

            var sendNotifications = new ConcurrentBag <Notification>();

            foreach (var user in users.AsParallel())
                    //We are multi-threading this so that we can send as many as possible at one time.
                    //Create a single notification for the user

                    var notification = new Notification
                        Recipients = new Recipient[] { user },

                    var uNotes = notifications.Where(n => n.Recipients.Any(r => r.Email == user.Email)).Select(n => new { n.Body, n.Subject });

                    if (uNotes.Count() > 1)
                    {//If there is more than one notification being aggrigated then set the subject to a generic title.
                        notification.Subject = "Notifications and Reminders";
                    else //If there is only one, use the specific subject created by the notification.
                        notification.Subject = uNotes.First().Subject;

                    notification.Body = string.Join("<hr/>", uNotes.Select(n => n.Body).ToArray());

                    //This adds it the aggrigate notification to the list of notifications that will be sent.
                    //Each of these notifications only have one recipient.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error("Error Occured while sending notifications", ex);

            //Create the notifier
            var notifier = new Notifier();

            //Asynchronously send all of the notifications
            await Task.Run(() => notifier.Notify(sendNotifications.AsEnumerable()));

            //Upon completion update all of the notifications that should have run with the new time that they should be run again.
            var subscriptions = await(from s in DataContext.UserEventSubscriptions where (s.NextDueTime == null || s.NextDueTime.Value < runTime) && s.User.Active && s.Frequency != DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Immediately select s).ToArrayAsync();

            foreach (var sub in subscriptions)
                switch (sub.Frequency)
                case DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Daily:
                    sub.NextDueTime = runTime.AddDays(1);
                    sub.LastRunTime = runTime;

                case DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Monthly:
                    sub.NextDueTime = runTime.AddMonths(1);
                    sub.LastRunTime = runTime;

                case DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Weekly:
                    sub.NextDueTime = runTime.AddDays(7);
                    sub.LastRunTime = runTime;

            var mySubscriptions = await(from s in DataContext.UserEventSubscriptions where (s.NextDueTime == null || s.NextDueTime.Value < runTime) && s.User.Active && s.FrequencyForMy != DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Immediately select s).ToArrayAsync();

            foreach (var mySub in subscriptions)
                switch (mySub.FrequencyForMy)
                case DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Daily:
                    mySub.NextDueTimeForMy = runTime.AddDays(1);
                    mySub.LastRunTime      = runTime;

                case DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Monthly:
                    mySub.NextDueTimeForMy = runTime.AddMonths(1);
                    mySub.LastRunTime      = runTime;

                case DTO.Enums.Frequencies.Weekly:
                    mySub.NextDueTimeForMy = runTime.AddDays(7);
                    mySub.LastRunTime      = runTime;

            await DataContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (Request != null)
                //request does not exist when run in test harness.
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));