コード例 #1
 protected override void OnSceneChanged()
     if (this.mouseoverObject != null && this.mouseoverObject.IsInvalid)
         this.mouseoverObject = null;
コード例 #2
        protected void UpdateMouseover(Point mouseLoc)
            bool lastMouseoverSelect = this.mouseoverSelect;
            ObjectEditorSelObj lastMouseoverObject = this.mouseoverObject;
            ObjectEditorAction lastMouseoverAction = this.mouseoverAction;

            if (this.actionAllowed && !this.CamActionRequiresCursor && this.CamAction == CameraAction.None)

                // Determine object at mouse position
                this.mouseoverObject = this.PickSelObjAt(mouseLoc.X, mouseLoc.Y);

                // Determine action variables
                Vector3 mouseSpaceCoord = this.GetSpaceCoord(new Vector3(mouseLoc.X, mouseLoc.Y, this.selectionCenter.Z));
                float scale = this.GetScaleAtZ(this.selectionCenter.Z);
                const float boundaryThickness = 10.0f;
                bool tooSmall = this.selectionRadius * scale <= boundaryThickness * 2.0f;
                bool mouseOverBoundary = MathF.Abs((mouseSpaceCoord - this.selectionCenter).Length - this.selectionRadius) * scale < boundaryThickness;
                bool mouseInsideBoundary = !mouseOverBoundary && (mouseSpaceCoord - this.selectionCenter).Length < this.selectionRadius;
                bool mouseAtCenterAxis =
                    MathF.Abs(mouseSpaceCoord.X - this.selectionCenter.X) * scale < boundaryThickness ||
                    MathF.Abs(mouseSpaceCoord.Y - this.selectionCenter.Y) * scale < boundaryThickness;
                bool shift = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != Keys.None;
                bool ctrl = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != Keys.None;

                bool anySelection = this.actionObjSel.Count > 0;
                bool canMove = this.actionObjSel.Any(s => s.IsActionAvailable(ObjectEditorAction.Move));
                bool canRotate = (canMove && this.actionObjSel.Count > 1) || this.actionObjSel.Any(s => s.IsActionAvailable(ObjectEditorAction.Rotate));
                bool canScale = (canMove && this.actionObjSel.Count > 1) || this.actionObjSel.Any(s => s.IsActionAvailable(ObjectEditorAction.Scale));

                // Select which action to propose
                this.mouseoverSelect = false;
                if (ctrl)
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.RectSelect;
                else if (anySelection && !tooSmall && mouseOverBoundary && mouseAtCenterAxis && this.selectionRadius > 0.0f && canScale)
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.Scale;
                else if (anySelection && !tooSmall && mouseOverBoundary && canRotate)
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.Rotate;
                else if (anySelection && mouseInsideBoundary && canMove)
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.Move;
                else if (shift) // Lower prio than Ctrl, because Shift also modifies mouse actions
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.RectSelect;
                else if (this.mouseoverObject != null && this.mouseoverObject.IsActionAvailable(ObjectEditorAction.Move))
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.Move;
                    this.mouseoverSelect = true;
                    this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.RectSelect;
                this.mouseoverObject = null;
                this.mouseoverSelect = false;
                this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.None;

            // If mouseover changed..
            if (this.mouseoverObject != lastMouseoverObject ||
                this.mouseoverSelect != lastMouseoverSelect ||
                this.mouseoverAction != lastMouseoverAction)
                // Adjust mouse cursor based on proposed action
                if (this.mouseoverAction == ObjectEditorAction.Move)
                    this.Cursor = CursorHelper.ArrowActionMove;
                else if (this.mouseoverAction == ObjectEditorAction.Rotate)
                    this.Cursor = CursorHelper.ArrowActionRotate;
                else if (this.mouseoverAction == ObjectEditorAction.Scale)
                    this.Cursor = CursorHelper.ArrowActionScale;
                    this.Cursor = CursorHelper.Arrow;

            // Redraw if action gizmos might be visible
            if (this.actionAllowed)
コード例 #3
        protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)

            this.mouseoverAction = ObjectEditorAction.None;
            this.mouseoverObject = null;
            this.mouseoverSelect = false;