コード例 #1
        public void AddNewPrim(ObjectAddPacket addPacket, SimClient AgentClient)
                OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("World.cs: AddNewPrim() - Creating new prim");
                Primitive prim = new Primitive(m_clientThreads, m_regionHandle, this);
                prim.CreateFromPacket(addPacket, AgentClient.AgentID, this._primCount);
                PhysicsVector pVec  = new PhysicsVector(prim.Pos.X, prim.Pos.Y, prim.Pos.Z);
                PhysicsVector pSize = new PhysicsVector(0.255f, 0.255f, 0.255f);
                if (OpenSim.world.Avatar.PhysicsEngineFlying)
                    lock (this.LockPhysicsEngine)
                        prim.PhysActor = this.phyScene.AddPrim(pVec, pSize);

                this.Entities.Add(prim.uuid, prim);
            catch (Exception e)
                OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("World.cs: AddNewPrim() - Failed with exception " + e.ToString());
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prim"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="avatarPosition"></param>
        public void RezObject(PrimObject prim, LLVector3 position, LLVector3 rayStart,
                              LLUUID groupID)
            ObjectAddPacket add = new ObjectAddPacket();

            add.AgentData.AgentID   = Client.Network.AgentID;
            add.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            add.AgentData.GroupID   = groupID;
            // TODO: Why 2?
            add.ObjectData.AddFlags             = 2;
            add.ObjectData.BypassRaycast        = 1;
            add.ObjectData.Material             = (byte)prim.Material;
            add.ObjectData.PathBegin            = PrimObject.PathBeginByte(prim.PathBegin);
            add.ObjectData.PathCurve            = (byte)prim.PathCurve;
            add.ObjectData.PathEnd              = PrimObject.PathEndByte(prim.PathEnd);
            add.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset     = PrimObject.PathRadiusOffsetByte(prim.PathRadiusOffset);
            add.ObjectData.PathRevolutions      = PrimObject.PathRevolutionsByte(prim.PathRevolutions);
            add.ObjectData.PathScaleX           = PrimObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleX);
            add.ObjectData.PathScaleY           = PrimObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleY);
            add.ObjectData.PathShearX           = PrimObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearX);
            add.ObjectData.PathShearY           = PrimObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearY);
            add.ObjectData.PathSkew             = PrimObject.PathSkewByte(prim.PathSkew);
            add.ObjectData.PathTaperX           = PrimObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperX);
            add.ObjectData.PathTaperY           = PrimObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperY);
            add.ObjectData.PathTwist            = PrimObject.PathTwistByte(prim.PathTwist);
            add.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin       = PrimObject.PathTwistByte(prim.PathTwistBegin);
            add.ObjectData.PCode                = (byte)prim.PCode;
            add.ObjectData.ProfileBegin         = PrimObject.ProfileBeginByte(prim.ProfileBegin);
            add.ObjectData.ProfileCurve         = (byte)prim.ProfileCurve;
            add.ObjectData.ProfileEnd           = PrimObject.ProfileEndByte(prim.ProfileEnd);
            add.ObjectData.ProfileHollow        = (byte)prim.ProfileHollow;
            add.ObjectData.RayEnd               = position;
            add.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            add.ObjectData.RayStart             = rayStart;
            add.ObjectData.RayTargetID          = LLUUID.GenerateUUID();
            add.ObjectData.Rotation             = prim.Rotation;
            add.ObjectData.Scale                = prim.Scale;
            add.ObjectData.State                = (byte)prim.State;
            if (prim.Textures != null)
                add.ObjectData.TextureEntry = prim.Textures.ToBytes();
                add.ObjectData.TextureEntry = new byte[0];

コード例 #3
ファイル: ObjectManager.cs プロジェクト: RavenB/gridsearch
        /// <summary>
        /// Rez grass and ground cover
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator">A reference to the <seealso cref="OpenMetaverse.Simulator"/> object where the object resides</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The size of the grass</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation of the grass</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the grass</param>
        /// <param name="grassType">The type of grass from the <seealso cref="Grass"/> enum</param>
        /// <param name="groupOwner">The <seealso cref="UUID"/> of the group to set the tree to, 
        /// or UUID.Zero if no group is to be set</param>
        public void AddGrass(Simulator simulator, Vector3 scale, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position,
            Grass grassType, UUID groupOwner)
            ObjectAddPacket add = new ObjectAddPacket();

            add.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            add.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
            add.AgentData.GroupID = groupOwner;
            add.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;
            add.ObjectData.Material = 3;
            add.ObjectData.PathCurve = 16;
            add.ObjectData.PCode = (byte)PCode.Grass;
            add.ObjectData.RayEnd = position;
            add.ObjectData.RayStart = position;
            add.ObjectData.RayTargetID = UUID.Zero;
            add.ObjectData.Rotation = rotation;
            add.ObjectData.Scale = scale;
            add.ObjectData.State = (byte)grassType;

            Client.Network.SendPacket(add, simulator);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ObjectManager.cs プロジェクト: RavenB/gridsearch
        /// <summary>
        /// Create (rez) a new prim object in a simulator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator">A reference to the <seealso cref="Simulator"/> object to place the object in</param>
        /// <param name="prim">Data describing the prim object to rez</param>
        /// <param name="groupID">Group ID that this prim will be set to, or UUID.Zero if you
        /// do not want the object to be associated with a specific group</param>
        /// <param name="position">An approximation of the position at which to rez the prim</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale vector to size this prim</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">Rotation quaternion to rotate this prim</param>
        /// <param name="createFlags">Specify the <seealso cref="PrimFlags"/></param>
        /// <remarks>Due to the way client prim rezzing is done on the server,
        /// the requested position for an object is only close to where the prim
        /// actually ends up. If you desire exact placement you'll need to 
        /// follow up by moving the object after it has been created. This
        /// function will not set textures, light and flexible data, or other 
        /// extended primitive properties</remarks>
        public void AddPrim(Simulator simulator, Primitive.ConstructionData prim, UUID groupID, Vector3 position,
            Vector3 scale, Quaternion rotation, PrimFlags createFlags)
            ObjectAddPacket packet = new ObjectAddPacket();

            packet.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            packet.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
            packet.AgentData.GroupID = groupID;

            packet.ObjectData.State = prim.State;
            packet.ObjectData.AddFlags = (uint)createFlags;
            packet.ObjectData.PCode = (byte)PCode.Prim;

            packet.ObjectData.Material = (byte)prim.Material;
            packet.ObjectData.Scale = scale;
            packet.ObjectData.Rotation = rotation;

            packet.ObjectData.PathCurve = (byte)prim.PathCurve;
            packet.ObjectData.PathBegin = Primitive.PackBeginCut(prim.PathBegin);
            packet.ObjectData.PathEnd = Primitive.PackEndCut(prim.PathEnd);
            packet.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset = Primitive.PackPathTwist(prim.PathRadiusOffset);
            packet.ObjectData.PathRevolutions = Primitive.PackPathRevolutions(prim.PathRevolutions);
            packet.ObjectData.PathScaleX = Primitive.PackPathScale(prim.PathScaleX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathScaleY = Primitive.PackPathScale(prim.PathScaleY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathShearX = (byte)Primitive.PackPathShear(prim.PathShearX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathShearY = (byte)Primitive.PackPathShear(prim.PathShearY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathSkew = Primitive.PackPathTwist(prim.PathSkew);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTaperX = Primitive.PackPathTaper(prim.PathTaperX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTaperY = Primitive.PackPathTaper(prim.PathTaperY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTwist = Primitive.PackPathTwist(prim.PathTwist);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin = Primitive.PackPathTwist(prim.PathTwistBegin);

            packet.ObjectData.ProfileCurve = prim.profileCurve;
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileBegin = Primitive.PackBeginCut(prim.ProfileBegin);
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileEnd = Primitive.PackEndCut(prim.ProfileEnd);
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileHollow = Primitive.PackProfileHollow(prim.ProfileHollow);

            packet.ObjectData.RayStart = position;
            packet.ObjectData.RayEnd = position;
            packet.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            packet.ObjectData.RayTargetID = UUID.Zero;
            packet.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;

            Client.Network.SendPacket(packet, simulator);
コード例 #5
ファイル: High.cs プロジェクト: zadark/par
        public void platHigh(int c)
            Vector3 where = new Vector3(shared.CameraPosition.X, shared.CameraPosition.Y, (float)(c - 5));
            System.Timers.Timer myTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(10000);
            PacketDelegate replyCallback = delegate(Packet p, IPEndPoint s)
                return null;
            System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler timerCallback = delegate(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
                proxy.RemoveDelegate(PacketType.ObjectSelect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);
                proxy.RemoveDelegate(PacketType.ObjectDeselect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);

            proxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ObjectDeselect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);
            proxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ObjectSelect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);
            myTimer.Elapsed += timerCallback;

            ObjectAddPacket a = new ObjectAddPacket();
            a.Type = PacketType.ObjectAdd;
            a.AgentData = new ObjectAddPacket.AgentDataBlock();
            a.AgentData.AgentID = frame.AgentID;
            a.AgentData.GroupID = UUID.Zero;
            a.AgentData.SessionID = frame.SessionID;
            a.ObjectData = new ObjectAddPacket.ObjectDataBlock();
            a.ObjectData.PCode = 9;
            a.ObjectData.Material = 4;
            a.ObjectData.AddFlags = 2;
            a.ObjectData.PathCurve = 48;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileCurve = 1;
            a.ObjectData.PathBegin = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathEnd = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathScaleX = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathScaleY = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathShearX = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathShearY = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTwist = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTaperX = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTaperY = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathRevolutions = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathSkew = 0;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileBegin = 0;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileEnd = 0;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileHollow = 0;
            a.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;
            a.ObjectData.RayStart = where;
            a.ObjectData.RayEnd = where;
            a.ObjectData.RayTargetID = UUID.Zero;
            a.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            a.ObjectData.Scale = new Vector3((float)0.01, (float)10, (float)10);
            a.ObjectData.Rotation = new Quaternion((float)0, (float)0.70711, (float)0, (float)0.70711);
            a.ObjectData.State = 0;
            a.Header.Reliable = true;

            proxy.InjectPacket(a, Direction.Outgoing);
コード例 #6
        public void CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket addPacket, LLUUID agentID, uint localID)
            ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket();

            objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle;
            objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096;

            objupdate.ObjectData = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];
            PrimData PData = new PrimData();

            this.primData = PData;
            this.primData.CreationDate = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            objupdate.ObjectData[0]                   = new ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock();
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].PSBlock           = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ExtraParams       = new byte[1];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].MediaURL          = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].NameValue         = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Text              = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].TextColor         = new byte[4];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].JointAxisOrAnchor = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].JointPivot        = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Material          = 3;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].UpdateFlags       = 32 + 65536 + 131072 + 256 + 4 + 8 + 2048 + 524288 + 268435456;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].TextureAnim       = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Sound             = LLUUID.Zero;
            LLObject.TextureEntry ntex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-5005-000000000005"));
            this.primData.Texture         = objupdate.ObjectData[0].TextureEntry = ntex.ToBytes();
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].State = 0;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Data  = new byte[0];
            PData.OwnerID                          = objupdate.ObjectData[0].OwnerID = agentID;
            PData.PCode                            = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PCode = addPacket.ObjectData.PCode;
            PData.PathBegin                        = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathBegin;
            PData.PathEnd                          = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.PathEnd;
            PData.PathScaleX                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathScaleX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleX;
            PData.PathScaleY                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathScaleY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleY;
            PData.PathShearX                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathShearX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearX;
            PData.PathShearY                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathShearY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearY;
            PData.PathSkew                         = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathSkew = addPacket.ObjectData.PathSkew;
            PData.ProfileBegin                     = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileBegin;
            PData.ProfileEnd                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileEnd;
            PData.Scale                            = objupdate.ObjectData[0].Scale = addPacket.ObjectData.Scale;
            PData.PathCurve                        = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.PathCurve;
            PData.ProfileCurve                     = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileCurve;
            PData.ParentID                         = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ParentID = 0;
            PData.ProfileHollow                    = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileHollow = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileHollow;
            PData.PathRadiusOffset                 = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathRadiusOffset = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset;
            PData.PathRevolutions                  = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathRevolutions = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRevolutions;
            PData.PathTaperX                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTaperX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperX;
            PData.PathTaperY                       = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTaperY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperY;
            PData.PathTwist                        = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTwist = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwist;
            PData.PathTwistBegin                   = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTwistBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID             = (uint)(localID);
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID         = new LLUUID("edba7151-5857-acc5-b30b-f01efef" + (localID - 702000).ToString("00000"));
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData     = new byte[60];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData[46] = 128;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData[47] = 63;
            LLVector3 pos1 = addPacket.ObjectData.RayEnd;

            //update position
            byte[] pb = pos1.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 0, pb.Length);
            this.newPrimFlag       = true;
            this.primData.FullID   = this.uuid = objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID;
            this.localid           = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID;
            this.primData.Position = this.Pos = pos1;
            this.OurPacket         = objupdate;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator"></param>
        /// <param name="scale"></param>
        /// <param name="rotation"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="treeType"></param>
        /// <param name="groupOwner"></param>
        /// <param name="newTree"></param>
        public void AddTree(Simulator simulator, LLVector3 scale, LLQuaternion rotation, LLVector3 position, 
            Tree treeType, LLUUID groupOwner, bool newTree)
            ObjectAddPacket add = new ObjectAddPacket();

            add.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
            add.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            add.AgentData.GroupID = groupOwner;
            add.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;
            add.ObjectData.Material = 3;
            add.ObjectData.PathCurve = 16;
            add.ObjectData.PCode = newTree ? (byte)PCode.NewTree : (byte)PCode.Tree;
            add.ObjectData.RayEnd = position;
            add.ObjectData.RayStart = position;
            add.ObjectData.RayTargetID = LLUUID.Zero;
            add.ObjectData.Rotation = rotation;
            add.ObjectData.Scale = scale;
            add.ObjectData.State = (byte)treeType;

            Client.Network.SendPacket(add, simulator);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create, or "rez" a new prim object in a simulator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator">The target simulator</param>
        /// <param name="prim">The prim object to rez</param>
        /// <param name="position">An approximation of the position at which to rez the prim</param>
        /// <remarks>Due to the way client prim rezzing is done on the server,
        /// the requested position for an object is only close to where the prim
        /// actually ends up. If you desire exact placement you'll need to 
        /// follow up by moving the object after it has been created.</remarks>
        public void AddPrim(Simulator simulator, PrimObject prim, LLVector3 position)
            ObjectAddPacket packet = new ObjectAddPacket();

            packet.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
            packet.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            packet.AgentData.GroupID = prim.GroupID;

            packet.ObjectData.State = (byte)prim.State;
            packet.ObjectData.AddFlags = (uint)ObjectFlags.CreateSelected;
            packet.ObjectData.PCode = (byte)PCode.Prim;

            packet.ObjectData.Material = (byte)prim.Material;
            packet.ObjectData.Scale = prim.Scale;
            packet.ObjectData.Rotation = prim.Rotation;

            packet.ObjectData.PathBegin = PrimObject.PathBeginByte(prim.PathBegin);
            packet.ObjectData.PathCurve = (byte)prim.PathCurve;
            packet.ObjectData.PathEnd = PrimObject.PathEndByte(prim.PathEnd);
            packet.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset = PrimObject.PathRadiusOffsetByte(prim.PathRadiusOffset);
            packet.ObjectData.PathRevolutions = PrimObject.PathRevolutionsByte(prim.PathRevolutions);
            packet.ObjectData.PathScaleX = PrimObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathScaleY = PrimObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathShearX = PrimObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathShearY = PrimObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathSkew = PrimObject.PathSkewByte(prim.PathSkew);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTaperX = PrimObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTaperY = PrimObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTwist = (sbyte)prim.PathTwist;
            packet.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin = (sbyte)prim.PathTwistBegin;

            packet.ObjectData.ProfileCurve = (byte)prim.ProfileCurve;
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileBegin = PrimObject.ProfileBeginByte(prim.ProfileBegin);
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileEnd = PrimObject.ProfileEndByte(prim.ProfileEnd);
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileHollow = (byte)prim.ProfileHollow;

            packet.ObjectData.RayStart = position;
            packet.ObjectData.RayEnd = position;
            packet.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            packet.ObjectData.RayTargetID = LLUUID.Zero;
            packet.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;

            // TODO: This is no longer a field in ObjectAdd. Detect if there actually is 
            // texture information for this prim and send an ObjectUpdate
            //packet.ObjectData.TextureEntry = prim.Textures.GetBytes();

            Client.Network.SendPacket(packet, simulator);
コード例 #9
ファイル: World.cs プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/ulife-svn
        public void AddNewPrim(ObjectAddPacket addPacket, SimClient AgentClient)
                OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("World.cs: AddNewPrim() - Creating new prim");
                Primitive prim = new Primitive(m_clientThreads, m_regionHandle, this);
                prim.CreateFromPacket(addPacket, AgentClient.AgentID, this._primCount);
                PhysicsVector pVec = new PhysicsVector(prim.Pos.X, prim.Pos.Y, prim.Pos.Z);
                PhysicsVector pSize = new PhysicsVector(0.255f, 0.255f, 0.255f);
                if (OpenSim.world.Avatar.PhysicsEngineFlying)
                    lock (this.LockPhysicsEngine)
                        prim.PhysActor = this.phyScene.AddPrim(pVec, pSize);

                this.Entities.Add(prim.uuid, prim);
            catch (Exception e)
                OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("World.cs: AddNewPrim() - Failed with exception " + e.ToString());
コード例 #10
ファイル: ObjectManager.cs プロジェクト: RavenB/gridsearch
        /// <summary>
        /// Create, or "rez" a new prim object in a simulator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulator">The target simulator</param>
        /// <param name="prim">Data describing the prim object to rez</param>
        /// <param name="groupID">Group ID that this prim is set to, or LLUUID.Zero</param>
        /// <param name="position">An approximation of the position at which to rez the prim</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale vector to size this prim</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">Rotation quaternion to rotate this prim</param>
        /// <remarks>Due to the way client prim rezzing is done on the server,
        /// the requested position for an object is only close to where the prim
        /// actually ends up. If you desire exact placement you'll need to 
        /// follow up by moving the object after it has been created. This
        /// function will not set textures, light and flexible data, or other 
        /// extended primitive properties</remarks>
        public void AddPrim(Simulator simulator, LLObject.ObjectData prim, LLUUID groupID, LLVector3 position, 
            LLVector3 scale, LLQuaternion rotation)
            ObjectAddPacket packet = new ObjectAddPacket();

            packet.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
            packet.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
            packet.AgentData.GroupID = groupID;

            packet.ObjectData.State = (byte)prim.State;
            packet.ObjectData.AddFlags = (uint)LLObject.ObjectFlags.CreateSelected;
            packet.ObjectData.PCode = (byte)PCode.Prim;

            packet.ObjectData.Material = (byte)prim.Material;
            packet.ObjectData.Scale = scale;
            packet.ObjectData.Rotation = rotation;

            packet.ObjectData.PathCurve = (byte)prim.PathCurve;
            packet.ObjectData.PathBegin = LLObject.PathBeginUInt16(prim.PathBegin);
            packet.ObjectData.PathEnd = LLObject.PathEndUInt16(prim.PathEnd);
            packet.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset = LLObject.PathRadiusOffsetByte(prim.PathRadiusOffset);
            packet.ObjectData.PathRevolutions = LLObject.PathRevolutionsByte(prim.PathRevolutions);
            packet.ObjectData.PathScaleX = LLObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathScaleY = LLObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathShearX = LLObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathShearY = LLObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathSkew = LLObject.PathSkewByte(prim.PathSkew);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTaperX = LLObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperX);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTaperY = LLObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperY);
            packet.ObjectData.PathTwist = (sbyte)prim.PathTwist;
            packet.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin = (sbyte)prim.PathTwistBegin;

            packet.ObjectData.ProfileCurve = (byte)prim.ProfileCurve;
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileBegin = LLObject.ProfileBeginUInt16(prim.ProfileBegin);
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileEnd = LLObject.ProfileEndUInt16(prim.ProfileEnd);
            packet.ObjectData.ProfileHollow = LLObject.ProfileHollowUInt16(prim.ProfileHollow);

            packet.ObjectData.RayStart = position;
            packet.ObjectData.RayEnd = position;
            packet.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            packet.ObjectData.RayTargetID = LLUUID.Zero;
            packet.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;

            Client.Network.SendPacket(packet, simulator);
コード例 #11
        void ObjectAddHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            ObjectAddPacket add = (ObjectAddPacket)packet;

            Vector3   position             = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3   scale                = add.ObjectData.Scale;
            PCode     pcode                = (PCode)add.ObjectData.PCode;
            PrimFlags flags                = (PrimFlags)add.ObjectData.AddFlags;
            bool      bypassRaycast        = (add.ObjectData.BypassRaycast == 1);
            bool      rayEndIsIntersection = (add.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection == 1);

            #region Position Calculation

            if (rayEndIsIntersection)
                // HACK: Blindly trust where the client tells us to place
                position = add.ObjectData.RayEnd;
                if (add.ObjectData.RayTargetID != UUID.Zero)
                    SimulationObject obj;
                    if (server.Scene.TryGetObject(add.ObjectData.RayTargetID, out obj))
                        // Test for a collision with the specified object
                        position = ObjectCollisionTest(add.ObjectData.RayStart, add.ObjectData.RayEnd, obj);

                if (position == Vector3.Zero)
                    // Test for a collision with the entire scene
                    position = FullSceneCollisionTest(add.ObjectData.RayStart, add.ObjectData.RayEnd);

            // Position lies on the face of another surface, either terrain of an object.
            // Back up along the ray so we are not colliding with the mesh.
            // HACK: This is really cheesy and should be done by a collision system
            Vector3 rayDir = Vector3.Normalize(add.ObjectData.RayEnd - add.ObjectData.RayStart);
            position -= rayDir * scale;

            #endregion Position Calculation

            #region Foliage Handling

            // Set all foliage to phantom
            if (pcode == PCode.Grass || pcode == PCode.Tree || pcode == PCode.NewTree)
                flags |= PrimFlags.Phantom;

                if (pcode != PCode.Grass)
                    // Resize based on the foliage type
                    Tree tree = (Tree)add.ObjectData.State;

                    switch (tree)
                    case Tree.Cypress1:
                    case Tree.Cypress2:
                        scale = new Vector3(4f, 4f, 10f);

                        scale = new Vector3(4f, 4f, 4f);

            #endregion Foliage Handling

            // Create an object
            Primitive prim = new Primitive();
            prim.Flags =
                PrimFlags.ObjectModify |
                PrimFlags.ObjectCopy |
                PrimFlags.ObjectAnyOwner |
                PrimFlags.ObjectMove |
                PrimFlags.ObjectTransfer |
            // TODO: Security check
            prim.GroupID  = add.AgentData.GroupID;
            prim.ID       = UUID.Random();
            prim.MediaURL = String.Empty;
            prim.OwnerID  = agent.AgentID;
            prim.Position = position;

            prim.PrimData.Material         = (Material)add.ObjectData.Material;
            prim.PrimData.PathCurve        = (PathCurve)add.ObjectData.PathCurve;
            prim.PrimData.ProfileCurve     = (ProfileCurve)add.ObjectData.ProfileCurve;
            prim.PrimData.PathBegin        = Primitive.UnpackBeginCut(add.ObjectData.PathBegin);
            prim.PrimData.PathEnd          = Primitive.UnpackEndCut(add.ObjectData.PathEnd);
            prim.PrimData.PathScaleX       = Primitive.UnpackPathScale(add.ObjectData.PathScaleX);
            prim.PrimData.PathScaleY       = Primitive.UnpackPathScale(add.ObjectData.PathScaleY);
            prim.PrimData.PathShearX       = Primitive.UnpackPathShear((sbyte)add.ObjectData.PathShearX);
            prim.PrimData.PathShearY       = Primitive.UnpackPathShear((sbyte)add.ObjectData.PathShearY);
            prim.PrimData.PathTwist        = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(add.ObjectData.PathTwist);
            prim.PrimData.PathTwistBegin   = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(add.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin);
            prim.PrimData.PathRadiusOffset = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(add.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset);
            prim.PrimData.PathTaperX       = Primitive.UnpackPathTaper(add.ObjectData.PathTaperX);
            prim.PrimData.PathTaperY       = Primitive.UnpackPathTaper(add.ObjectData.PathTaperY);
            prim.PrimData.PathRevolutions  = Primitive.UnpackPathRevolutions(add.ObjectData.PathRevolutions);
            prim.PrimData.PathSkew         = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(add.ObjectData.PathSkew);
            prim.PrimData.ProfileBegin     = Primitive.UnpackBeginCut(add.ObjectData.ProfileBegin);
            prim.PrimData.ProfileEnd       = Primitive.UnpackEndCut(add.ObjectData.ProfileEnd);
            prim.PrimData.ProfileHollow    = Primitive.UnpackProfileHollow(add.ObjectData.ProfileHollow);
            prim.PrimData.PCode            = pcode;

            prim.Properties.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
            prim.Properties.CreatorID    = agent.AgentID;
            prim.Properties.Description  = String.Empty;
            prim.Properties.GroupID      = add.AgentData.GroupID;
            prim.Properties.LastOwnerID  = agent.AgentID;
            prim.Properties.Name         = "New Object";
            prim.Properties.ObjectID     = prim.ID;
            prim.Properties.OwnerID      = prim.OwnerID;
            prim.Properties.Permissions  = Permissions.FullPermissions;
            prim.Properties.SalePrice    = 10;

            prim.RegionHandle = server.RegionHandle;
            prim.Rotation     = add.ObjectData.Rotation;
            prim.Scale        = scale;
            prim.Textures     = new Primitive.TextureEntry(Primitive.TextureEntry.WHITE_TEXTURE);
            prim.TextColor    = Color4.Black;

            // Add this prim to the object database
            SimulationObject simObj = new SimulationObject(prim, server);
            server.Scene.ObjectAdd(this, agent, simObj, flags);
コード例 #12
ファイル: High.cs プロジェクト: zadark/par
        public void platHigh(int c)
            Vector3 where = new Vector3(shared.CameraPosition.X, shared.CameraPosition.Y, (float)(c - 5));
            System.Timers.Timer myTimer       = new System.Timers.Timer(10000);
            PacketDelegate      replyCallback = delegate(Packet p, IPEndPoint s)

            System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler timerCallback = delegate(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
                proxy.RemoveDelegate(PacketType.ObjectSelect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);
                proxy.RemoveDelegate(PacketType.ObjectDeselect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);

            proxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ObjectDeselect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);
            proxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ObjectSelect, Direction.Outgoing, replyCallback);
            myTimer.Elapsed += timerCallback;

            ObjectAddPacket a = new ObjectAddPacket();

            a.Type                            = PacketType.ObjectAdd;
            a.AgentData                       = new ObjectAddPacket.AgentDataBlock();
            a.AgentData.AgentID               = frame.AgentID;
            a.AgentData.GroupID               = UUID.Zero;
            a.AgentData.SessionID             = frame.SessionID;
            a.ObjectData                      = new ObjectAddPacket.ObjectDataBlock();
            a.ObjectData.PCode                = 9;
            a.ObjectData.Material             = 4;
            a.ObjectData.AddFlags             = 2;
            a.ObjectData.PathCurve            = 48;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileCurve         = 1;
            a.ObjectData.PathBegin            = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathEnd              = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathScaleX           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathScaleY           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathShearX           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathShearY           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTwist            = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin       = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset     = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTaperX           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathTaperY           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathRevolutions      = 0;
            a.ObjectData.PathSkew             = 0;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileBegin         = 0;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileEnd           = 0;
            a.ObjectData.ProfileHollow        = 0;
            a.ObjectData.BypassRaycast        = 1;
            a.ObjectData.RayStart             = where;
            a.ObjectData.RayEnd               = where;
            a.ObjectData.RayTargetID          = UUID.Zero;
            a.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            a.ObjectData.Scale                = new Vector3((float)0.01, (float)10, (float)10);
            a.ObjectData.Rotation             = new Quaternion((float)0, (float)0.70711, (float)0, (float)0.70711);
            a.ObjectData.State                = 0;
            a.Header.Reliable                 = true;

            proxy.InjectPacket(a, Direction.Outgoing);
コード例 #13
        public void CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket addPacket, LLUUID agentID, uint localID)
            ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket();
            objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle;
            objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096;

            objupdate.ObjectData = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];
            PrimData PData = new PrimData();
            this.primData = PData;
            this.primData.CreationDate = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            objupdate.ObjectData[0] = new ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock();
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].PSBlock = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ExtraParams = new byte[1];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].MediaURL = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].NameValue = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Text = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].TextColor = new byte[4];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].JointAxisOrAnchor = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].JointPivot = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Material = 3;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].UpdateFlags =  32 + 65536 + 131072 + 256 + 4 + 8 + 2048 + 524288 + 268435456;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].TextureAnim = new byte[0];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Sound = LLUUID.Zero;
            LLObject.TextureEntry ntex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-5005-000000000005"));
            this.primData.Texture = objupdate.ObjectData[0].TextureEntry = ntex.ToBytes();
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].State = 0;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].Data = new byte[0];
            PData.OwnerID = objupdate.ObjectData[0].OwnerID = agentID;
            PData.PCode = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PCode = addPacket.ObjectData.PCode;
            PData.PathBegin = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathBegin;
            PData.PathEnd = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.PathEnd;
            PData.PathScaleX = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathScaleX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleX;
            PData.PathScaleY = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathScaleY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleY;
            PData.PathShearX = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathShearX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearX;
            PData.PathShearY = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathShearY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearY;
            PData.PathSkew = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathSkew = addPacket.ObjectData.PathSkew;
            PData.ProfileBegin = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileBegin;
            PData.ProfileEnd = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileEnd;
            PData.Scale = objupdate.ObjectData[0].Scale = addPacket.ObjectData.Scale;
            PData.PathCurve = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.PathCurve;
            PData.ProfileCurve = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileCurve;
            PData.ParentID = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ParentID = 0;
            PData.ProfileHollow = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileHollow = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileHollow;
            PData.PathRadiusOffset = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathRadiusOffset = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset;
            PData.PathRevolutions = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathRevolutions = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRevolutions;
            PData.PathTaperX = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTaperX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperX;
            PData.PathTaperY = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTaperY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperY;
            PData.PathTwist = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTwist = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwist;
            PData.PathTwistBegin = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTwistBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID = (uint)(localID);
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID = new LLUUID("edba7151-5857-acc5-b30b-f01efef" + (localID - 702000).ToString("00000"));
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData = new byte[60];
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData[46] = 128;
            objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData[47] = 63;
            LLVector3 pos1 = addPacket.ObjectData.RayEnd;
            //update position
            byte[] pb = pos1.GetBytes();
            Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 0, pb.Length);
            this.newPrimFlag = true;
            this.primData.FullID = this.uuid = objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID;
            this.localid = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID;
            this.primData.Position =  this.Pos = pos1;
            this.OurPacket = objupdate;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prim"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="avatarPosition"></param>
        public void RezObject(PrimObject prim, LLVector3 position, LLVector3 rayStart, 
            LLUUID groupID)
            ObjectAddPacket add = new ObjectAddPacket();
            add.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
            add.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            add.AgentData.GroupID = groupID;
            // TODO: Why 2?
            add.ObjectData.AddFlags = 2;
            add.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;
            add.ObjectData.Material = (byte)prim.Material;
            add.ObjectData.PathBegin = PrimObject.PathBeginByte(prim.PathBegin);
            add.ObjectData.PathCurve = (byte)prim.PathCurve;
            add.ObjectData.PathEnd = PrimObject.PathEndByte(prim.PathEnd);
            add.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset = PrimObject.PathRadiusOffsetByte(prim.PathRadiusOffset);
            add.ObjectData.PathRevolutions = PrimObject.PathRevolutionsByte(prim.PathRevolutions);
            add.ObjectData.PathScaleX = PrimObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleX);
            add.ObjectData.PathScaleY = PrimObject.PathScaleByte(prim.PathScaleY);
            add.ObjectData.PathShearX = PrimObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearX);
            add.ObjectData.PathShearY = PrimObject.PathShearByte(prim.PathShearY);
            add.ObjectData.PathSkew = PrimObject.PathSkewByte(prim.PathSkew);
            add.ObjectData.PathTaperX = PrimObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperX);
            add.ObjectData.PathTaperY = PrimObject.PathTaperByte(prim.PathTaperY);
            add.ObjectData.PathTwist = PrimObject.PathTwistByte(prim.PathTwist);
            add.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin = PrimObject.PathTwistByte(prim.PathTwistBegin);
            add.ObjectData.PCode = (byte)prim.PCode;
            add.ObjectData.ProfileBegin = PrimObject.ProfileBeginByte(prim.ProfileBegin);
            add.ObjectData.ProfileCurve = (byte)prim.ProfileCurve;
            add.ObjectData.ProfileEnd = PrimObject.ProfileEndByte(prim.ProfileEnd);
            add.ObjectData.ProfileHollow = (byte)prim.ProfileHollow;
            add.ObjectData.RayEnd = position;
            add.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
            add.ObjectData.RayStart = rayStart;
            add.ObjectData.RayTargetID = LLUUID.GenerateUUID();
            add.ObjectData.Rotation = prim.Rotation;
            add.ObjectData.Scale = prim.Scale;
            add.ObjectData.State = (byte)prim.State;
            if (prim.Textures != null)
                add.ObjectData.TextureEntry = prim.Textures.ToBytes();
                add.ObjectData.TextureEntry = new byte[0];

コード例 #15
ファイル: Parse.cs プロジェクト: cobain861/ghettosl
        public static ScriptSystem.CommandResult Command(uint sessionNum, string scriptName, string commandString, bool parseVariables, bool fromMasterIM)

            //DEBUG - testing scriptName value
            //if (scriptName != "") Console.WriteLine("({0}) [{1}] SCRIPTED COMMAND: {2}", sessionNum, scriptName, commandString);
            //FIXME - change display output if fromMasterIM == true

            GhettoSL.UserSession Session = Interface.Sessions[sessionNum];

            if (scriptName != "" && !Interface.Scripts.ContainsKey(scriptName)) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError; //invalid or unloaded script

            //First we clean up the original command string, removing whitespace and command slashes
            string commandToParse = commandString.Trim();
            while (commandToParse.Length > 0 && commandToParse.Substring(0, 1) == "/")
                commandToParse = commandToParse.Substring(1).Trim();
                if (commandToParse.Length == 0) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError;

            //Next we save the unparsed command, split it by spaces, for commands like /set and /inc
            char[] splitChar = { ' ' };
            string[] unparsedCommand = commandToParse.Split(splitChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //Now we parse the variables
            if (parseVariables)
                commandToParse = Variables(sessionNum, commandString, scriptName);

            //Next we split again. This time everthing is parsed.
            string[] cmd = commandToParse.Trim().Split(splitChar);
            string command = cmd[0].ToLower();
            int commandStart = 0;

            //Time to check for IF statements and check for validity and pass/fail
            //If they are invalid, the entire function will return false, halting a parent script.
            //If they are valid but just fail, the command will halt, but it returns true.
            //FIXME - add "else" and multi-line "if/end if" routines
            if (command == "if" || command == "elseif")
                string conditions = "";
                string[] ifCmd = new string[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < cmd.Length; i++)
                    if (commandStart > 0) //already found THEN statement, adding to command string
                        Array.Resize(ref ifCmd, ifCmd.Length + 1);
                        ifCmd[ifCmd.Length - 1] = cmd[i];
                    else if (cmd[i].ToLower() == "then") //this is our THEN statement
                        if (i >= cmd.Length - 1)
                            Display.Error(sessionNum, "Script error: Missing statement after THEN");
                            return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                        commandStart = i + 1;
                    else if (i >= cmd.Length - 1)
                        Display.Error(sessionNum, "Script error: IF without THEN");
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                        if (conditions != "") conditions += " ";
                        conditions += cmd[i];
                if (!Conditions(sessionNum, conditions)) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.ConditionFailed; //condition failed, but no errors
                cmd = ifCmd;
                command = cmd[0].ToLower();
            else if (command == "else")
                string c = "";
                for (int i = 1; i < cmd.Length; i++)
                    if (c != "") c += " ";
                    c +=  cmd[i];
                cmd = c.Split(splitChar);
                if (cmd.Length > 0) command = cmd[0];
                else return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            //The purpose of this part is to separate the message from the rest of the command.
            //For example, in the command "im some-uuid-here Hi there!", details = "Hi there!"
            string details = "";
            int detailsStart = 1;
            if (command == "cam" || command == "estate" || command == "popup" || command == "busyim" || command == "im" || command == "lure" || command == "re" || command == "s" || command == "session" || command == "paybytext" || command == "paybyname") detailsStart++;
            else if (command == "dialog") detailsStart += 2;
            else if (command == "timer" && cmd.Length > 1)
                if (cmd.Length > 1)
                    if (cmd[1].Substring(0, 1) == "-") detailsStart += 4;
                    else detailsStart += 3;
            while (detailsStart < cmd.Length)
                if (details != "") details += " ";
                details += cmd[detailsStart];
            //Check for user-defined aliases
            lock (Interface.Scripts)
                foreach (ScriptSystem.UserScript s in Interface.Scripts.Values)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string[]> pair in s.Aliases)
                        if (command == pair.Key.ToLower())
                            //ScriptSystem.CommandResult result = ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError;

                            Dictionary<string, string> identifiers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            identifiers.Add("$message", details);
                            Parse.CommandArray(sessionNum, s.ScriptName, pair.Value, identifiers);

                            //foreach (string c in pair.Value)
                            //    string ctok = Tokens(c, details);
                            //    ScriptSystem.CommandResult aResult = Command(sessionNum, s.ScriptName, ctok, true, fromMasterIM);
                            //    if (aResult != ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError && aResult != ScriptSystem.CommandResult.ConditionFailed) return result;

                            return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError; //FIXME - make Parse.CommandArray return a CommandResult

            if (!Session.Client.Network.Connected)
                string[] okIfNotConnected = { "clear", "debug", "echo", "exit", "help", "http", "login", "inc", "quit", "relog", "return", "s", "session", "sessions", "set", "script", "scripts", "stats", "timer", "timers" };
                int ok;
                for (ok = 0; ok < okIfNotConnected.Length; ok++)
                    if (okIfNotConnected[ok] == command) break;
                if (ok == okIfNotConnected.Length)
                    Display.Error(sessionNum, "/" + command + ": Not connected");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError;

            //Check for "/1 text" for channel 1, etc

            int chatChannel;
            if (int.TryParse(cmd[0], out chatChannel))
                Session.Client.Self.Chat(details, chatChannel, ChatType.Normal);
                Display.SendMessage(sessionNum, chatChannel, UUID.Zero, details);

            //And on to the actual commands...

            else if (command == "anim")
                UUID anim;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out anim))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.AnimationStart(anim, false);

            else if (command == "answer")
                int channel = Session.LastDialogChannel;
                UUID id = Session.LastDialogID;
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                else if (channel < 0 || id == UUID.Zero) Display.Error(sessionNum, "No dialogs received. Try /dialog <channel> <id> <message>.");
                else if (Command(sessionNum, scriptName, "dialog " + channel + " " + id + " " + details, parseVariables, fromMasterIM) == ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError)
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Dialog reply sent.");

            else if (command == "balance")

            else if (command == "restartsim")

            else if (command == "cancelrestart")

            else if (command == "debug")
                int mode = Session.Debug;
                if (!int.TryParse(cmd[1], out mode))
                    if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "on") mode = 1;
                    else if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "off") mode = 0;
                Session.Debug = mode;
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Debug level: " + mode);

            else if (command == "detachall")
                //FIXME - detach all worn objects
                List<uint> attachments = new List<uint>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Primitive> pair in Session.Prims)
                    if (pair.Value.ParentID == Session.Client.Self.LocalID) attachments.Add(pair.Value.LocalID);
                Session.Client.Objects.DetachObjects(Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim, attachments);
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Detached " + attachments.Count + " objects");

            else if (command == "return")
                return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.Return;

            else if (command == "paybytext" || command == "paybyname")
                int amount;
                if (cmd.Length < 3 || !int.TryParse(cmd[1], out amount))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                uint localID = 0;
                UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;

                Console.WriteLine(command + " " + details);

                if (command == "paybytext")
                    localID = Session.FindObjectByText(details.ToLower());
                    if (!Session.Prims.ContainsKey(localID))
                        Display.Error(sessionNum, "Missing info for local ID " + localID);
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError; //FIXME - should this return false and stop scripts?
                    uuid = Session.Prims[localID].ID;
                else if (command == "paybyname")
                    localID = Session.FindAgentByName(details.ToLower());
                    if (!Session.Avatars.ContainsKey(localID))
                        Display.Error(sessionNum, "Missing info for local ID " + localID);
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError; //FIXME - should this return false and stop scripts?
                    uuid = Session.Avatars[localID].ID;
                else return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError; //this should never happen

                if (localID > 0)
                    Session.Client.Self.GiveMoney(uuid, amount, "", MoneyTransactionType.Gift, TransactionFlags.None);
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Paid L$" + amount + " to " + uuid);


            else if (command == "setmaster")
                UUID master;
                if (cmd.Length != 2 || UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out master)) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Settings.MasterID = master;
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Set master to " + cmd[1]);

            else if (command == "settarget" && scriptName != "")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !Vector3.TryParse(details, out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                else Interface.Scripts[scriptName].SetTarget = target;

            else if (command == "settime" && scriptName != "")
                Interface.Scripts[scriptName].SetTime = Utils.GetUnixTime();

            else if (command == "sitbytext")
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                uint localID = Session.FindObjectByText(details.ToLower());
                if (localID > 0)
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Match found. Sitting...");
                    Session.Client.Self.RequestSit(Session.Prims[localID].ID, Vector3.Zero);
                    //Session.Client.Self.Movement.Controls.FinishAnim = false;
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.SitOnGround = false;
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.StandUp = false;
                else Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "No matching objects found.");

            else if (command == "touchbytext")
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                uint localID = Session.FindObjectByText(details.ToLower());
                if (localID > 0)
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Match found. Touching...");
                else Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "No matching objects found.");

            else if (command == "clear")

            else if (command == "crouch")
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.UpNeg = true;
                else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.UpNeg = false;
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.FinishAnim = true;
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.FinishAnim = false;
                    Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "delete")
                UUID itemid;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out itemid))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                if (!Session.Client.Inventory.Store.Contains(itemid))
                    Display.Error(sessionNum, "Asset id not found in inventory cache");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError;

                InventoryBase item = Session.Client.Inventory.Store[itemid];
                string name = item.Name;
                //FIXME - reimplement

                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Deleted item \"" + name + "\".");

            else if (command == "detach")
                UUID itemid;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out itemid))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                if (!Session.Client.Inventory.Store.Contains(itemid))
                    Display.Error(sessionNum, "Asset id not found in inventory cache");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError;

                InventoryItem item = (InventoryItem)Session.Client.Inventory.Store[itemid];

                string name = item.Name;

                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Detached item \"" + name + "\".");

            else if (command == "dialog")
                int channel;
                UUID objectid;
                if (cmd.Length <= 3 || !int.TryParse(cmd[1], out channel) || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[2], out objectid))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Display.SendMessage(sessionNum, channel, objectid, details);
                Session.ScriptDialogReply(channel, objectid, details);

            else if (command == "dir" || command == "ls")
                //FIXME - remember folder and allow dir/ls without args
                //FIXME - move DirList function to UserSession and move output to Display class
                UUID folder;
                if (cmd.Length == 1) ScriptSystem.DirList(sessionNum, Session.Client.Inventory.Store.RootFolder.UUID);
                else if (!UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out folder)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                else ScriptSystem.DirList(sessionNum, folder);

            else if (command == "dwell")

            else if (command == "echo")
                //FIXME - move to Display.Echo
                if (cmd.Length < 1) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError;

            else if (command == "eban")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                //FIXME - add display
                Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim.Estate.BanUser(target, false);

            else if (command == "eunban")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                //FIXME - add display
                Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim.Estate.UnbanUser(target, false);

            else if (command == "ekick")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                //FIXME - add display

            else if (command == "ekill")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }

            else if (command == "estate")
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim.Estate.EstateOwnerMessage(cmd[1], details);

            else if (command == "events")
                if (cmd.Length == 1) Display.EventList(sessionNum);

            else if (command == "exit")
                Command(sessionNum, scriptName, "s -a quit", false, fromMasterIM);
                Interface.Exit = true;

            else if (command == "fly")
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                    if (Session.Client.Self.Movement.Fly)
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You are already flying.");
                        Session.Client.Self.Movement.Fly = true;
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Suddenly, you feel weightless...");
                else if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    if (Session.Client.Self.Movement.Fly)
                        Session.Client.Self.Movement.Fly = false;
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You drop to the ground.");
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You are not flying.");
                //Send either way, for good measure                

            else if (command == "follow")
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                    if (Session.FollowName == "")
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You are not following anyone.");
                else if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    if (Session.FollowTimer.Enabled == true)
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You stopped following " + Session.FollowName + ".");
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You are not following.");
                else Session.Follow(details);

            else if (command == "friend")
                UUID targetID;
                if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "-r")
                    if (cmd.Length < 3 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[2], out targetID)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                    if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out targetID)) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }

            else if (command == "go")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !Vector3.TryParse(details, out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.AutoPilotLocal((int)target.X, (int)target.Y, target.Z);

            else if (command == "fixme")
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.FinishAnim = true;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.FinishAnim = false;

            else if (command == "gc")
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Performing garbage collection...");

            else if (command == "groups")

            else if (command == "roles")
                UUID groupID;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out groupID))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "groupinvite")
                UUID inviteeID;
                UUID groupID;
                UUID roleID;
                if (cmd.Length < 4 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out inviteeID) || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[2], out groupID) || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[3], out roleID))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Inviting user " + inviteeID + " to group " + groupID + " with the role " + roleID + ".");
                Session.Client.Groups.AddToRole(groupID, roleID, inviteeID);

            else if (command == "help")
                string topic = "";
                if (cmd.Length > 1) topic = cmd[1];

            else if (command == "home")

            else if (command == "http")
                if (cmd.Length < 2)
                    if (!Interface.HTTPServer.Server.Listening) Display.InfoResponse(0, "HTTPServer is disabled (" + Interface.HTTPServer.Server.Clients.Count + " client(s) connected)");
                    else Display.InfoResponse(0, "HTTPServer is enabled (" + Interface.HTTPServer.Server.Clients.Count + " client(s) connected)");
                    string flag = cmd[1].ToLower();
                    if (flag == "off")
                        Display.InfoResponse(0, "HTTP server disabled (" + Interface.HTTPServer.Server.Clients.Count + " client(s) remaining)");
                    else if (flag == "on")
                        int port;
                        if (cmd.Length < 3 || !int.TryParse(cmd[2], out port)) port = 8066;
                        Display.InfoResponse(0, "HTTP server enabled on port " + port);
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "im")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 3 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                if (Session.IMSessions.ContainsKey(target))
                    Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(target, details, Session.IMSessions[target].IMSessionID);
                else Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(target, details);

            else if (command == "busyim")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 3 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                if (Session.IMSessions.ContainsKey(target))
                    Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(Session.Client.Self.Name, target, details, Session.IMSessions[target].IMSessionID, InstantMessageDialog.BusyAutoResponse, InstantMessageOnline.Online, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, new byte[0]);
                else Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(Session.Client.Self.Name, target, details, UUID.Random(), InstantMessageDialog.BusyAutoResponse, InstantMessageOnline.Online, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, new byte[0]);

            else if (command == "forcefriend")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(Session.Client.Self.Name, target, "", UUID.Random(), InstantMessageDialog.FriendshipAccepted, InstantMessageOnline.Online, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, new byte[0] { });

            else if (command == "popup")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 3 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                if (Session.IMSessions.ContainsKey(target))
                    Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(Session.Client.Self.Name, target, details, Session.IMSessions[target].IMSessionID, InstantMessageDialog.ConsoleAndChatHistory, InstantMessageOnline.Online, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, new byte[0]);
                else Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(Session.Client.Self.Name, target, details, UUID.Random(), InstantMessageDialog.ConsoleAndChatHistory, InstantMessageOnline.Online, Vector3.Zero, UUID.Zero, new byte[0]);

            else if (command == "jump")
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "crouch")
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "land")
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.Fly = false;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.FinishAnim = true;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.FinishAnim = false;

            else if (command == "listen")
                Session.Settings.DisplayChat = true;

            else if (command == "login")
                if (!LoginCommand(sessionNum, cmd))
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Invalid login parameters");

            else if (command == "look")
                int countText = 0;

                if (cmd.Length == 1)
                    Vector3 sunDirection = Session.Client.Grid.SunDirection;
                    string simName = Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim.Name;
                    string weather = Display.RPGWeather(sessionNum, simName, sunDirection);
                    if (simName != "" && sunDirection != Vector3.Zero)
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, weather);

                    lock (Session.Prims)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Primitive> pair in Session.Prims)
                            if (pair.Value.Text != "") countText++;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "There are " + countText + " objects with text nearby.");

                    lock (Session.Prims)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Primitive> pair in Session.Prims)
                                if (Regex.IsMatch(pair.Value.Text, details, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                    //FIXME - move to Display
                                    Console.WriteLine(pair.Value.LocalID + " " + pair.Value.ID + " " + pair.Value.Text);
                                Display.Error(sessionNum, "/look: invalid regular expression");
                                return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "There are " + countText + " objects matching your query.");


            else if (command == "lure")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                string reason;
                if (cmd.Length > 2) reason = details;
                else reason = "Join me in " + Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim.Name + "!";
                Session.Client.Self.SendTeleportLure(target, reason);

            else if (command == "mlook")
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.Mouselook = true;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Mouselook enabled");
                else if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.Mouselook = false;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Mouselook disabled");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            //TODO: reimplement
            else if (command == "shoot")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length == 1) Session.Client.Self.Movement.Shoot();
                else if (Vector3.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))

            else if (command == "particles")
                lock (Session.Prims)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Primitive> obj in Session.Prims)
                        if (obj.Value.ParticleSys.Pattern != Primitive.ParticleSystem.SourcePattern.None)
                            Console.WriteLine(obj.Value.ID.ToString() + " "
                                + Display.VectorString(obj.Value.Position) + " "
                                + obj.Value.ParentID

            else if (command == "pay")
                UUID id;
                int amount;
                if (cmd.Length < 3 || !int.TryParse(cmd[1], out amount) || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[2], out id))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.GiveMoney(id, amount, "", MoneyTransactionType.Gift, TransactionFlags.None);

            else if (command == "payme")
                int amount;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(cmd[1], out amount))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                else if (Session.Settings.MasterID == UUID.Zero)
                    Display.Error(sessionNum, "MasterID not defined");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError;
                    Session.Client.Self.GiveMoney(Session.Settings.MasterID, amount, "Payment to master", MoneyTransactionType.Gift, TransactionFlags.None);

            else if (command == "quiet")
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                    Session.Settings.DisplayChat = false;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Hiding chat from objects/avatars.");
                else if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    Session.Settings.DisplayChat = true;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Showing chat from objects/avatars.");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "quit")
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Disconnecting " + Session.Name + "...");

            else if (command == "re")
                if (cmd.Length == 1)
                    if (Session.IMSessions.Count == 0) Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "No active IM sessions");
                    else Display.IMSessions(sessionNum);
                else if (cmd.Length < 3)
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                    UUID match = UUID.Zero;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, GhettoSL.IMSession> pair in Session.IMSessions)
                        if (pair.Value.Name.Length < cmd[1].Length) continue; //too short to be a match
                        else if (pair.Value.Name.Substring(0, cmd[1].Length).ToLower() == cmd[1].ToLower())
                            if (match != UUID.Zero)
                                Display.Error(sessionNum, "\"" + cmd[1] + "\" could refer to more than one active IM session.");
                                return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                            match = pair.Key;
                    if (match != UUID.Zero)
                        Display.SendMessage(sessionNum, 0, match, details);
                        Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(match, details, Session.IMSessions[match].IMSessionID);

            else if (command == "relog")
                if (Session.Client.Network.Connected)
                    //FIXME - Add RelogTimer to UserSession, in place of this


            else if (command == "reseturi")
                Session.Settings.StartLocation = "last";

            else if (command == "rez")

            else if (command == "addprim")
                Vector3 scale;
                if (Vector3.TryParse(details, out scale))
                    ObjectAddPacket add = new ObjectAddPacket();
                    add.AgentData = new ObjectAddPacket.AgentDataBlock();
                    add.AgentData.AgentID = Session.Client.Self.AgentID;
                    add.AgentData.GroupID = Session.Client.Self.ActiveGroup;
                    add.AgentData.SessionID = Session.Client.Self.SessionID;
                    add.ObjectData = new ObjectAddPacket.ObjectDataBlock();
                    add.ObjectData.AddFlags = 2;
                    add.ObjectData.BypassRaycast = 1;
                    add.ObjectData.PathBegin = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathCurve = 16;
                    add.ObjectData.PathEnd = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathRevolutions = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathScaleX = 100;
                    add.ObjectData.PathScaleY = 100;
                    add.ObjectData.PathShearX = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathShearY = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathSkew = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathTaperX = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathTaperY = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathTwist = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.PCode = 9;
                    add.ObjectData.ProfileBegin = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.ProfileCurve = 1;
                    add.ObjectData.ProfileEnd = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.ProfileHollow = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.RayEnd = Session.Client.Self.SimPosition;
                    add.ObjectData.RayEndIsIntersection = 0;
                    add.ObjectData.RayStart = Session.Client.Self.SimPosition;
                    add.ObjectData.RayTargetID = UUID.Zero;
                    add.ObjectData.Rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
                    add.ObjectData.Scale = scale;
                    add.ObjectData.State = 0;


                    //LLObject.ObjectData prim = new LLObject.ObjectData();
                    //prim.PCode = PCode.Prim;
                    //prim.ProfileCurve = (LLObject.ProfileCurve)1;

                    //Session.Client.Objects.AddPrim(Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim, prim, UUID.Zero, Session.Client.Self.SimPosition, scale, LLQuaternion.Identity);

            else if (command == "ride")

            else if (command == "rotto")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !Vector3.TryParse(details, out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "brot")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !Vector3.TryParse(details, out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
            else if (command == "hrot")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !Vector3.TryParse(details, out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.HeadRotation = Vector3.Axis2Rot(target);
            else if (command == "cam")
                Vector3 target;
                if (cmd.Length < 3 || !Vector3.TryParse(details, out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                string arg = cmd[1].ToLower();
                if (arg != "center" && arg != "left" && arg != "up" && arg != "at")
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                char[] space = { ' ' };
                string vString = details.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace(",", " ");
                string[] v = vString.Split(space, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (arg == "center") Session.Client.Self.Movement.Camera.Position = target;
                else if (arg == "at") Session.Client.Self.Movement.Camera.AtAxis = target;
                else if (arg == "left") Session.Client.Self.Movement.Camera.LeftAxis = target;
                else if (arg == "up") Session.Client.Self.Movement.Camera.UpAxis = target;

                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Camera settings updated");

            else if (command == "run" || command == "running")
                if (cmd.Length == 1 || cmd[1].ToLower() == "on")
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.AlwaysRun = true;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Running enabled.");
                else if (cmd[1].ToLower() == "off")
                    Session.Client.Self.Movement.AlwaysRun = false;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Running disabled.");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            else if (command == "say")
                Session.Client.Self.Chat(details, 0, ChatType.Normal);

            else if (command == "script")
                if (!LoadScriptCommand(sessionNum, cmd)) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError;

            else if (command == "scripts")

            else if (command == "s" || command == "session")
                if (cmd.Length > 1)
                    if (cmd[1] == "-a" || cmd[1] == "*")
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, GhettoSL.UserSession> pair in Interface.Sessions)
                            Command(pair.Key, scriptName, details, parseVariables, fromMasterIM);
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError;
                    uint switchTo;
                    if (!uint.TryParse(cmd[1], out switchTo) || switchTo < 1 || !Interface.Sessions.ContainsKey(switchTo))
                        Display.Error(sessionNum, "Invalid session number");
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                    else if (cmd.Length == 2)
                        Interface.CurrentSession = switchTo;
                        string name = Interface.Sessions[switchTo].Name;
                        Display.InfoResponse(switchTo, "Switched to " + name);
                        Console.Title = name + " @ " + Session.Client.Network.CurrentSim.Name + " - GhettoSL";
                        Command(switchTo, scriptName, details, parseVariables, fromMasterIM);
                else Display.SessionList();

            else if (command == "whois")
                //FIXME - add group, land, etc searching
                if (cmd.Length < 2)
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                UUID targetID;
                bool isID = UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out targetID);
                if (isID) Session.Client.Avatars.RequestAvatarName(targetID);
                else Session.Client.Directory.StartPeopleSearch(DirectoryManager.DirFindFlags.People, details, 0);


            else if (command == "inc" && scriptName != "")
                int amount = 1;
                if (unparsedCommand.Length < 2 || (unparsedCommand.Length > 2 && !int.TryParse(Variables(sessionNum, unparsedCommand[2], scriptName), out amount)))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                ScriptSystem.UserScript Script = Interface.Scripts[scriptName];
                int value = 0;
                string variableName = unparsedCommand[1];
                if (Script.Variables.ContainsKey(variableName) && !int.TryParse(Script.Variables[variableName], out value)) return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                //FIXME - change in the following code, int + "" to a proper string-to-int conversion
                else if (Script.Variables.ContainsKey(variableName)) Script.Variables[variableName] = "" + (value + amount);
                else Script.Variables.Add(variableName, "" + amount);
                //QUESTION - Right now, inc creates a new %var if the specified one doesn't exist. Should it?

            else if (command == "set" && scriptName != "")
                if (unparsedCommand.Length < 3 || unparsedCommand[1].Substring(0, 1) != "%")
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                details = "";
                for (int d = 2; d < unparsedCommand.Length; d++)
                    if (details != "") details += " ";
                    details += unparsedCommand[d];
                string variableName = unparsedCommand[1];
                ScriptSystem.UserScript Script = Interface.Scripts[scriptName];
                if (Script.Variables.ContainsKey(variableName)) Script.Variables[variableName] = Variables(sessionNum, details, scriptName);
                else Script.Variables.Add(variableName, Variables(sessionNum, details, scriptName));


            else if (command == "sethome")

            else if (command == "shout")
                Session.Client.Self.Chat(details, 0, ChatType.Shout);

            else if (command == "simmessage")

            else if (command == "sit")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.SitOnGround = false;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.StandUp = false;
                Session.Client.Self.RequestSit(target, Vector3.Zero);

            else if (command == "sitg")

            else if (command == "sleep")
                float interval;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || scriptName == "" || !float.TryParse(cmd[1], out interval))
                    return false;
                return false; //pause script

            else if (command == "spoofim")
                UUID target;
                if (cmd.Length < 4 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out target))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                string fromName = cmd[2] + " " + cmd[3];
                Session.Client.Self.InstantMessage(fromName, target, cmd[4], UUID.Random(), new UUID[0]);

            else if (command == "stand")
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.SitOnGround = false;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.StandUp = true;
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.StandUp = false;

            else if (command == "stats")

            else if (command == "stopanim")
                UUID anim;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out anim))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.AnimationStop(anim, false);

            else if (command == "teleport" || command == "tp")
                if (!Session.Client.Network.Connected) { Display.Error(sessionNum, "Not connected"); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError; }

                if (cmd.Length < 2)
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                //assumed values
                string simName = ScriptSystem.QuoteArg(cmd, 1);
                Vector3 target = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);

                //assumed wrong
                if (cmd.Length > 2)
                    //find what pos the vector starts at and how many tokens it is
                    int start = simName.Split(splitChar).Length + 1;
                    int len = cmd.Length - start;
                    if (len > 0)
                        string[] v = new string[len];
                        Array.Copy(cmd, start, v, 0, len);
                        if (!Vector3.TryParse(String.Join(" ", v), out target))
                            return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                Display.Teleporting(sessionNum, simName);
                Session.Client.Self.Teleport(simName, target);

            //FIXME - move to /teleport and just check for ulong
            else if (command == "teleporth")
                ulong handle;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !ulong.TryParse(cmd[1], out handle))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                Session.Client.Self.Teleport(handle, new Vector3(128, 128, 0));

            else if (command == "timer")
                if (cmd.Length < 3)
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                else if (cmd[2] == "off")
                    if (Session.Timers.ContainsKey(cmd[1]))
                    string flags = "";
                    int start = 1;
                    if (cmd[1].Substring(0, 1) == "-")
                        flags = cmd[1];
                    string name = cmd[start];
                    int repeats;
                    int interval;
                    bool milliseconds = false;
                    foreach (char f in flags.ToCharArray())
                        if (f == 'm') milliseconds = true;
                    if (!int.TryParse(cmd[start + 1], out repeats) || !int.TryParse(cmd[start + 2], out interval))
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                    string m;
                    if (milliseconds) m = "ms";
                    else m = "sec";
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Timer \"" + name + "\" activated (Repeat: " + repeats + ", Interval: " + interval + m + ")");
                    ScriptSystem.UserTimer timer = new ScriptSystem.UserTimer(sessionNum, name, interval, milliseconds, repeats, details);
                    if (!Session.Timers.ContainsKey(name)) Session.Timers.Add(name, timer);
                    else Session.Timers[name] = timer;

            else if (command == "timers")
                string arg = "";
                if (cmd.Length > 1) arg = cmd[1].ToLower();
                if (Session.Timers.Count == 0)
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "No active timers for this session");
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ScriptSystem.UserTimer> pair in Session.Timers)
                        //FIXME - move to Display
                        if (arg == "off") pair.Value.Dispose();
                        else Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, Display.Pad(pair.Key, 15) + " " + Display.Pad(pair.Value.RepeatsRemaining.ToString(), 3) + " " + pair.Value.Command);

            else if (command == "topscripts")

            else if (command == "topcolliders")

            else if (command == "touch")
                UUID findID;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out findID))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;
                lock (Session.Prims)
                    foreach (Primitive prim in Session.Prims.Values)
                        if (prim.ID != findID) continue;
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "You touch an object...");
                        return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError;
                Display.Error(sessionNum, "Object not found");

            else if (command == "touchid")
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                uint touchid;
                if (uint.TryParse(cmd[1], out touchid)) Session.Client.Self.Touch(touchid);

            else if (command == "updates")
                if (cmd.Length < 2) { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }
                string toggle = cmd[1].ToLower();
                if (toggle == "on")
                    Session.Client.Settings.SEND_AGENT_UPDATES = true;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Update timer ON");
                else if (toggle == "off")
                    Session.Client.Settings.SEND_AGENT_UPDATES = false;
                    Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Update timer OFF");
                else { Display.Help(command); return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage; }

            else if (command == "walk")
                Session.Client.Self.Movement.AlwaysRun = false;

            else if (command == "wear")
                UUID itemid;
                if (cmd.Length < 2 || !UUID.TryParse(cmd[1], out itemid))
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

                if (!Session.Client.Inventory.Store.Contains(itemid))
                    Display.Error(sessionNum, "Asset id not found in inventory cache");
                    return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.UnexpectedError;

                InventoryItem item = (InventoryItem)Session.Client.Inventory.Store[itemid];
                AttachmentPoint point = AttachmentPoint.Default;
                if (cmd.Length > 2)
                    string p = cmd[2].ToLower();
                    if (p == "skull") point = AttachmentPoint.Skull;
                    else if (p == "chest") point = AttachmentPoint.Chest;
                    else if (p == "lhand") point = AttachmentPoint.LeftHand;
                    else if (p == "lhip") point = AttachmentPoint.LeftHip;
                    else if (p == "llleg") point = AttachmentPoint.LeftLowerLeg;
                    else if (p == "mouth") point = AttachmentPoint.Mouth;
                    else if (p == "nose") point = AttachmentPoint.Nose;
                    else if (p == "pelvis") point = AttachmentPoint.Pelvis;
                    else if (p == "rhand") point = AttachmentPoint.RightHand;
                    else if (p == "rhip") point = AttachmentPoint.RightHip;
                    else if (p == "rlleg") point = AttachmentPoint.RightLowerLeg;
                    else if (p == "spine") point = AttachmentPoint.Spine;
                    else if (p == "hudtop") point = AttachmentPoint.HUDTop;
                    else if (p == "hudbottom") point = AttachmentPoint.HUDBottom;
                    //FIXME - support all other points
                        Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Unknown attachment point \"" + p + "\" - using object default");

                Session.Client.Appearance.Attach(item, point);
                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Attached: " + item.Name + " (" + item.Description + ")");

            else if (command == "whisper")
                Session.Client.Self.Chat(details, 0, ChatType.Whisper);

            else if (command == "who")

            else if (command == "whois")
                //FIXME - add whois


                Display.InfoResponse(sessionNum, "Unknown command: " + command.ToUpper());
                return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.InvalidUsage;

            return ScriptSystem.CommandResult.NoError;
コード例 #16
        public void CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket addPacket, LLUUID agentID, uint localID)
            PrimData PData = new PrimData();
            this.primData = PData;
            this.primData.CreationDate = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            PData.OwnerID = agentID;
            PData.PCode = addPacket.ObjectData.PCode;
            PData.PathBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathBegin;
            PData.PathEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.PathEnd;
            PData.PathScaleX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleX;
            PData.PathScaleY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleY;
            PData.PathShearX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearX;
            PData.PathShearY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearY;
            PData.PathSkew = addPacket.ObjectData.PathSkew;
            PData.ProfileBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileBegin;
            PData.ProfileEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileEnd;
            PData.Scale = addPacket.ObjectData.Scale;
            PData.PathCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.PathCurve;
            PData.ProfileCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileCurve;
            PData.ParentID = 0;
            PData.ProfileHollow = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileHollow;
            PData.PathRadiusOffset = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset;
            PData.PathRevolutions = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRevolutions;
            PData.PathTaperX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperX;
            PData.PathTaperY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperY;
            PData.PathTwist = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwist;
            PData.PathTwistBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin;
            LLVector3 pos1 = addPacket.ObjectData.RayEnd;
            this.primData.FullID = this.uuid  = LLUUID.Random();
            this.localid = (uint)(localID);
            this.primData.Position = this.Pos = pos1;