public static GameState CreateGameState() { //Prepare a gameState GameState g = new GameState(); //gamestate. A GameState is a list of GameItems. GameState cg = new GameState(); //Complete gamestate. Not pared down based on what has changed. g.timeStamp = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; //Create some temp lists to fill List <GameItem> items = new List <GameItem>(); if (ObjFuncs.objs.Count <= 0) { return(null); } //loop through every object for (int i = 0; i < ObjFuncs.objs.Count; i++) { //do this part ObjFuncs.Obj o = ObjFuncs.objs[i]; //Add all the syncd vars, //whether or not they're different from last time //(this is moving them into the same format, so I can more easily check if they've changed from last time) //Goal GameItem item = new GameItem(); item.uId = o.uId; item.syncdVar = (int)SyncdVars.Goal; item.newValue = new float[3]; item.newValue[0] = o.goal.x; item.newValue[1] = o.goal.y; item.newValue[2] = o.goal.z; items.Add(item); } //Copy to cg, CompleteGamestate, so I can store that. cg.items = new GameItem[items.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cg.items.Length; i++) { cg.items[i] = new GameItem(); cg.items[i].uId = items[i].uId; cg.items[i].syncdVar = items[i].syncdVar; cg.items[i].newValue = items[i].newValue; } completeGameStates.Add(cg); //Now compare it to the last complete game state, and cut out all the parts that haven't changed values //...Do this here... if (completeGameStates.Count > 2) { g = CompareTicks(items, completeGameStates[completeGameStates.Count - 2]); if (g == null) { Debug.Log("Something is wrong. This should never return null."); } } else { g = cg; //Just send the full state. There has only ever been 1 tick so far. } //(dont bother right now, just send complete game states until the system is proven to work, then add this) return(g); }
public static float[] CreateCompleteGameState() //Returns entire game state. Does zero paring down. { //Prepare a gameState List <float> s = new List <float>(); //Add svTime s.Add(hl.svTime); //The first float is always the time, so it functions as a time stamp //loop through every peer if (hl.peers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hl.peers.Count; i++) { //Pop s.Add((float)Type.Pop); s.Add(5); //Number of floats, including this one s.Add(hl.peers[i].uId); s.Add(hl.peers[i].pop); s.Add(hl.peers[i].maxPop); //Money s.Add((float)Type.Money); s.Add(5); //Number of floats, including this one s.Add(hl.peers[i].uId); s.Add(hl.peers[i].money); s.Add(hl.peers[i].moneyIncrease); //Muntions s.Add((float)Type.Muntions); s.Add(5); //Number of floats, including this one s.Add(hl.peers[i].uId); s.Add(hl.peers[i].munitions); s.Add(hl.peers[i].munitionsIncrease); //Fuel s.Add((float)Type.Fuel); s.Add(5); //Number of floats, including this one s.Add(hl.peers[i].uId); s.Add(hl.peers[i].fuel); s.Add(hl.peers[i].fuelIncrease); } } //loop through every object for (int i = 0; i < ObjFuncs.objs.Count; i++) { //do this part ObjFuncs.Obj o = ObjFuncs.objs[i]; //Goal s.Add((float)Type.ObjGoal); s.Add(6); //Number of floats, including this one s.Add(o.uId); s.Add(o.goal.x); s.Add(o.goal.y); s.Add(o.goal.z); //Health s.Add((float)Type.ObjHealth); s.Add(4); //Number of floats, including this one s.Add(o.uId); s.Add(; } //Done. Return this as a float array float[] cgs = new float[s.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cgs.Length; i++) { cgs[i] = s[i]; } return(cgs); }
public static void SvSideCombat() { //Figure out combat List <ObjFuncs.Obj> objs = ObjFuncs.objs; List <int> possibleTargets = new List <int>(); RaycastHit hit; for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++) { ObjFuncs.Obj o = objs[i]; /* * if (o.range > 0 && o.attachedTo != -1)//Is a gun, and is attached to a unit * { * if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > (o.firingTimeSet + o.firingDelay)) * { * o.firingTimeSet = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; * * Vector3 origin; * Vector3 ang; * Vector3 leftPos; * Vector3 rightPos; * Vector3 centerPos; * * origin = o.go.transform.position; * ang = o.go.transform.eulerAngles; * centerPos = MathFuncs.ProjectVec(origin, ang, o.range, Vector3.forward); * leftPos = MathFuncs.ProjectVec(origin, new Vector3(ang.x, ang.y + o.firingConeAngle, ang.z), o.range, Vector3.forward); * rightPos = MathFuncs.ProjectVec(origin, new Vector3(ang.x, ang.y - o.firingConeAngle, ang.z), o.range, Vector3.forward); * * //Loop through every other object * for (int a = 0; a < objs.Count; a++) * { * ObjFuncs.Obj o2 = objs[a]; * if (o2.ownedByClId != o.ownedByClId && > 0)//If owned by other player * { * if (MathFuncs.DistXZ(o.go.transform.position, o2.go.transform.position) <= o.range) * { * //Check if it's within the firing cone * if (MathFuncs.CheckCone(o.range, o.firingConeAngle * 0.5f, ang.y, origin, o2.go.transform.position, true)) * { * //Can I raytrace to this point? * LayerMask mask =;//Layers.ReturnMaskForClId(o2.ownedByClId); * //Effects.DrawLine(origin, o2.go.transform.position, 0.05f, Effects.Colors.Orange); * if (Physics.Linecast(origin, o2.go.transform.position, out hit, mask)) * { * //If this object is in range * possibleTargets.Add(a); * } * } * } * } * } * * * int target = -1; * if (possibleTargets.Count > 0) * { * //Now pick something from the list of possible targets * int highestValue = -1; * for (int a = 0; a < possibleTargets.Count; a++) * { * if (objs[possibleTargets[a]].priorityValue > highestValue) * { * target = possibleTargets[a]; * highestValue = objs[possibleTargets[a]].priorityValue; * } * } * } * else * { * //Nothing is viable * } * * if (target != -1) * { * //Draw a line * Debug.Log("BANG! " + Time.timeSinceLevelLoad); * Effects.DrawLine(o.go.transform.position, ObjFuncs.objs[target].go.transform.position, 0.2f, Effects.Colors.Yellow); * ObjFuncs.objs[target].health -= Random.Range(o.minDam,o.maxDam); * if(ObjFuncs.objs[target].health < 0) {ObjFuncs.objs[target].health = 0; } * * ObjFuncs.objs[target].textMesh.text = "" + ObjFuncs.objs[target].health; * } * } * } */ } }