private void StartSavingImagesThread() { OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(DestinationDirectory.Text); savingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SaveImages)); savingThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(10); savingTimer.Enabled = true; }
private void StartSavingImagesThread() { SaveProgress.Maximum = (int)imageCount; SaveProgress.Value = 0; OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(DestinationDirectory.Text); savingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SaveImages)); savingThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(10); savingTimer.Enabled = true; }
private void BackGroundThread() { PicesDataBase.ThreadInit(); backGroundThreadRunning = true; imagesLoaded = 0; imagesFilteredOut = 0; imagesMissingFeatureData = 0; if (group != null) { featureData = SaveFeatureDataByGroup(); } else { featureData = SaveFeatureDataBySipperFiles(); } if (!cancelRequested) { backGroundStatus = "Saving Feature File"; String pathName = OSservices.GetPathPartOfFile(featureFileName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pathName)) { OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(pathName); } if (IncludeSampleImages.Checked) { SaveSampleImages(featureData); } driver = new PicesFeatureFileIO(fileFormat); if (driver != null) { if (NormalizeData.Checked) { driver.SaveFeatureFileNormalized(featureFileName, featureData, runLog); } else { driver.SaveFeatureFile(featureFileName, featureData, runLog); } } } PicesDataBase.ThreadEnd(); backgroundThreadCompleted = true; backGroundThreadRunning = false; } /* BackGroundThread */
//SMP751001034_02_00025491_3588 private void SaveSampleImages(PicesDataBaseImageList planktonData) { PicesClassList classes = planktonData.ExtractListOfClasses(); if (classes == null) { return; } String sampleDir = OSservices.AddSlash(OSservices.GetPathPartOfFile(dataFileName)) + OSservices.GetRootName(dataFileName) + "_SampleImages"; sampleDir = OSservices.AddSlash(sampleDir); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(sampleDir); foreach (PicesClass pc in classes) { String classSampleDir = OSservices.AddSlash(sampleDir + pc.Name); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(classSampleDir); PicesDataBaseImageList examplesThisClass = planktonData.ExtractExamplesForAGivenClass(pc); examplesThisClass.RandomizeOrder(); int numWritten = 0; foreach (PicesDataBaseImage i in examplesThisClass) { String imageRootName = OSservices.GetRootName(i.ImageFileName); PicesRaster fullSizeImage = dbConn.ImageFullSizeFind(imageRootName); if (fullSizeImage != null) { String imageFileName = classSampleDir + imageRootName + ".bmp"; fullSizeImage.Save(imageFileName); ++numWritten; } if (numWritten >= includeSampleImagesNumPerClass) { break; } } } } /* SaveSampleImages */
} /* ProcessOneImage */ private void RemoveImage(String fullImageFileName) { String dir = OSservices.GetPathPartOfFile(fullImageFileName); String rootNameWithExt = OSservices.GetRootNameWithExtension(fullImageFileName); String subDir = ""; if (SourceDirectory.Text.Length < dir.Length) { subDir = dir.Substring(SourceDirectory.Text.Length); if ((subDir.Length > 0) && (subDir[0] == '\\')) { subDir = subDir.Substring(1); } } String destDir = removalDestRootDir; if (subDir.Length > 0) { destDir = OSservices.AddSlash(destDir) + subDir; OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(destDir); } FileInfo fi = null; try { fi = new FileInfo(fullImageFileName); } catch (Exception) { fi = null; } if (fi != null) { String destFileName = OSservices.AddSlash(destDir) + rootNameWithExt; try { fi.MoveTo(destFileName); reconcilingRunLog.Writeln(rootNameWithExt + "\t" + "Removed"); } catch (Exception e) { reconcilingRunLog.Writeln(rootNameWithExt + "\t" + "Error Removing[" + e.ToString() + "]"); MessageBox.Show("RemoveImage[" + fullImageFileName + "]" + "\n\n" + e.ToString()); } } } /* RemoveImage*/
public SaveImagesToDisk(PicesDataBase _dbConn, String _cruise, String _station, String _deployment, String _sipperFileName, PicesDataBaseImageList _images ) { dbConn = _dbConn; images = _images; cruise = _cruise; station = _station; deployment = _deployment; sipperFileName = _sipperFileName; runLog = new PicesRunLog(); InitializeComponent(); DestinationDirectory.Text = OSservices.AddSlash(OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.HomeDir()) + "SavedImages"); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(DestinationDirectory.Text); // PicesTempDirectory ()); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cruise)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += cruise; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(station)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += "-" + station; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deployment)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += "-" + deployment; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sipperFileName)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += "-" + sipperFileName; } } } } ImageCount.Text = images.Count.ToString("###,##0"); }
private void StartReconciliationThread() { String rootName = OSservices.GetRootNameOfDirectory(SourceDirectory.Text); DateTime d = DateTime.Now; String logFileName = OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.TempDirectory()) + rootName + "_ReconcileImageNames_" + d.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".txt"; // Any images that are not in the Database that are to be removed will be moved to the subdirectory structure below. removalDestRootDir = "c:\\Temp\\PicesDatabaseImageReconciliationRemovedImages\\" + rootName; OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(removalDestRootDir); reconcilingRunLog = new PicesRunLog(logFileName); Start.Enabled = false; SourceDirectory.ReadOnly = true; SourceDirectoryBrowse.Enabled = false; reconcilingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReconciliationThread)); reconcilingThread.Start(); Cancel.Enabled = true; RunStatsTimer.Enabled = true; } /* StartReconciliationThread */
private void BackGroundThread() { PicesDataBase.ThreadInit(); backGroundThreadRunning = true; imagesLoaded = 0; if (group != null) { planktonData = RetrievePlanktonDataByGroup(); } else { planktonData = RetrievePlanktonDataBySipperFiles(); } if (!cancelRequested) { backGroundStatus = "Saving Data File"; String pathName = OSservices.GetPathPartOfFile(dataFileName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pathName)) { OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(pathName); } if (IncludeSampleImages.Checked) { SaveSampleImages(planktonData); } SavePlanktonDataFile(planktonData); } PicesDataBase.ThreadEnd(); backgroundThreadCompleted = true; backGroundThreadRunning = false; } /* BackGroundThread */
private void SaveImagesToDisk2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CruiseName.Text = cruise; StationName.Text = station; DeploymentNum.Text = deployment; SipperFile.Text = sipperFileName; if (group != null) { GroupName.Text = group.Name; } ProbMin.Text = (100.0f * probMin).ToString("##0.0") + "%"; ProbMax.Text = (100.0f * probMax).ToString("##0.0") + "%"; SizeMin.Text = sizeMin.ToString("#,###,##0"); if (sizeMax <= 0) { SizeMax.Text = infinityStr; } else { SizeMax.Text = sizeMax.ToString("#,###,##0"); } DepthMin.Text = depthMin.ToString("##,##0.00"); if (depthMax <= 0.0) { DepthMax.Text = infinityStr; } else { DepthMax.Text = depthMax.ToString("##,##0.00"); } DestinationDirectory.Text = OSservices.AddSlash(OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.HomeDir()) + "SavedImages"); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(DestinationDirectory.Text); // PicesTempDirectory ()); if (group != null) { DestinationDirectory.Text += group.Name; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cruise)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += cruise; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(station)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += "-" + station; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deployment)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += "-" + deployment; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sipperFileName)) { DestinationDirectory.Text += "-" + sipperFileName; } } } } } StartLoadingStatusOnTotalImageCount(); } /* SaveImagesToDisk2_Load */
private void SaveOneBatchOfImages(String dirPath, Dictionary <String, int> imagesPerClass, PicesDataBaseImageList batch ) { if (classKeyToUse == 'V') { batch.Sort(PicesDataBaseImageList.SortOrderType.soValidatedClassName, false); } else { batch.Sort(PicesDataBaseImageList.SortOrderType.soClassName, false); } int idx = 0; PicesDataBaseImage i = batch[0]; while ((idx < batch.Count) && (!cancelRequested)) { String className = i.Class1Name; if (classKeyToUse == 'V') { className = i.ValidatedClassName; } String curClassName = className; String classDir = OSservices.AddSlash(dirPath) + className; try { OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(classDir); } catch (Exception) {} int countThisClass = 0; if (imagesPerClass.ContainsKey(curClassName)) { countThisClass = imagesPerClass[curClassName]; } else { imagesPerClass.Add(curClassName, 0); } int lastFoldNum = -1; String foldDir = ""; while ((idx < batch.Count) && (!cancelRequested) && (className == curClassName)) { int foldNum = countThisClass / imagsPerDir; if (foldNum != lastFoldNum) { foldDir = OSservices.AddSlash(classDir) + curClassName + "_" + foldNum.ToString("000"); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(foldDir); lastFoldNum = foldNum; } String fullName = OSservices.AddSlash(foldDir) + i.ImageFileName + ".bmp"; PicesRaster r = dbConn.ImageFullSizeFind(i.ImageFileName); if (r == null) { imagesFailedToExtract++; } else { r.Save(fullName); } imagesSaved++; // Get the next image to save. idx++; if (idx < batch.Count) { i = batch[idx]; className = i.Class1Name; if (classKeyToUse == 'V') { className = i.ValidatedClassName; } } countThisClass++; } imagesPerClass[curClassName] = countThisClass; } } /* SaveOneBatchOfImages */
} /* SaveGivenImageList */ private void SaveImagesBySipperFiles() { bool includeStationAndDeploymentInDirName = false; bool firstSipperFile = true; PicesSipperFileList sipperFiles = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sipperFileName)) { sipperFiles = dbConn.SipperFileLoad(cruise, station, deployment); } else { PicesSipperFile sf = dbConn.SipperFileRecLoad(sipperFileName); if (sf != null) { sipperFiles = new PicesSipperFileList(); sipperFiles.Add(sf); } } if (sipperFiles != null) { String lastCruise = ""; String lastStation = ""; String lastDeployment = ""; String dirPath = ""; Dictionary <String, int> imagesPerClass = new Dictionary <string, int> (); foreach (PicesSipperFile sf in sipperFiles) { bool startANewDir = false; if (firstSipperFile) { startANewDir = true; } //else if (sf.CruiseName != lastCruise) // startANewDir = true; else if ((includeStationAndDeploymentInDirName) && ((sf.StationName != lastStation) || (sf.DeploymentNum != lastDeployment)) ) { startANewDir = true; } if (startANewDir) { lastCruise = sf.CruiseName; lastStation = sf.StationName; lastDeployment = sf.DeploymentNum; dirPath = OSservices.AddSlash(DestinationDirectory.Text); if (includeStationAndDeploymentInDirName) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastCruise)) { dirPath = OSservices.AddSlash(dirPath) + lastCruise; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastStation)) { dirPath = OSservices.AddSlash(dirPath) + lastStation; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastDeployment)) { dirPath = OSservices.AddSlash(dirPath) + lastDeployment; } } OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(dirPath); imagesPerClass = new Dictionary <string, int> (); } SaveImagesForOneSipperFile(dirPath, sf, imagesPerClass); firstSipperFile = false; } } } /* SaveImagesBySipperFiles */
} /* StartTheBackGroundProcedure */ private void BackGroundProcess() { backGroundRunning = true; PicesDataBase.ThreadInit(); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(reportFileDir); DateTime n = DateTime.Now; String logFileName = OSservices.AddSlash(PicesSipperVariables.TempDirectory()) + "InstrumentDataByDeployment_Log_" + n.Year.ToString("0000") + "-" + n.Month.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Day.ToString("00") + "_" + n.Hour.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Minute.ToString("00") + "-" + n.Hour.ToString("00") + ".txt"; backGroundLog = new PicesRunLog(logFileName); PicesDataBase threadConn = PicesDataBase.GetGlobalDatabaseManagerNewInstance(backGroundLog); RunLogAddMsg("Cruise [" + cruiseName + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Station [" + stationName + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Deployment [" + deploymentNum + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Start Date/Time [" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "]" + "\n"); RunLogAddMsg("Active DataBase [" + threadConn.Server.Description + "]" + "\n"); PicesSipperDeploymentList deployments = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentNum)) { PicesSipperDeployment d = threadConn.SipperDeploymentLoad(cruiseName, stationName, deploymentNum); if (d != null) { deployments = new PicesSipperDeploymentList(); deployments.Add(d); } } else { deployments = threadConn.SipperDeploymentLoad(cruiseName, stationName); } if (deployments == null) { RunLogAddMsg("\n\nNo Deployments for Specified Criteria!\n\n"); return; } int reportNum = 0; foreach (PicesSipperDeployment d in deployments) { if (cancelBackGround) { break; } reportNum++; RunLogAddMsg("Generating Report " + reportNum.ToString() + " of " + deployments.Count.ToString()); SummarizeInstrumentDataForADeployment(threadConn, d.CruiseName, d.StationName, d.DeploymentNum); } threadConn.Close(); threadConn = null; GC.Collect(); PicesDataBase.ThreadEnd(); backGroundRunning = false; } /* BackGroundProcess */
} /* DialogTimer_Tick */ private void CreateTuningFeatureFiles() { tuningThreadRunning = true; PicesDataBase.ThreadInit(); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Started"); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Creating Destination Directory"); String destinationDirectory = OSservices.AddSlash(DestinationDirectory.Text) + OSservices.GetRootName(modelName); OSservices.CreateDirectoryPath(destinationDirectory); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Loading feature data for Model[" + modelName + "]"); config = new PicesTrainingConfigManaged(modelName, runLog); if (!config.Valid()) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n"); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Model[" + modelName + "] is invalid."); tuningThreadFailed = true; tuningThreadDone = true; tuningThreadRunning = false; return; } bool changesMade = false; PicesFeatureVectorList data = config.LoadFeatureDataFromTrainingLibraries(changesMade); if (data == null) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n"); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Model[" + modelName + "] Could not load Feature Data."); tuningThreadFailed = true; tuningThreadDone = true; tuningThreadRunning = false; return; } if (tuningThreadCancelReq) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n"); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Process Canceled."); tuningThreadDone = true; tuningThreadRunning = false; return; } AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Feature Data Loaded."); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Checking that Depth Data Exists."); MakeSureDepthFieldIsIncluded(data); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Splitting into separate files."); PicesFeatureVectorList trainData = new PicesFeatureVectorList(); PicesFeatureVectorList testData = new PicesFeatureVectorList(); PicesFeatureVectorList validationData = new PicesFeatureVectorList(); PicesClassList classes = data.ExtractListOfClasses(); if (classes == null) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n"); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Could not extract list of classes from data."); tuningThreadFailed = true; tuningThreadDone = true; tuningThreadRunning = false; return; } foreach (PicesClass c in classes) { int trainCount = 0; int testCount = 0; int validationCount = 0; PicesFeatureVectorList examplesForClass = data.ExtractExamplesForAGivenClass(c); int n = examplesForClass.Count; AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Processing Class[" + c.Name + "] Count[" + n + "]"); trainCount = (int)((float)n * trainingDataPercentage / 100.0f + 0.5f); if (trainingDataMaxImagesPerClass > 0) { if (trainCount > trainingDataMaxImagesPerClass) { trainCount = trainingDataMaxImagesPerClass; } } if (validationDataPercentage == 0.0f) { testCount = n - trainCount; } else { testCount = (int)((float)n * testDataPercentage / 100.0f + 0.5f); } validationCount = n - (trainCount + testCount); examplesForClass.RandomizeOrder(); int validationStart = trainCount + testCount; int testStart = trainCount; for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { PicesFeatureVector fv = examplesForClass[idx]; if (idx >= validationStart) { validationData.Add(fv); } else if (idx >= testStart) { testData.Add(fv); } else { trainData.Add(fv); } } if (tuningThreadCancelReq) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n"); AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Process Canceled."); break; } } if (!tuningThreadCancelReq) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " Stratifying Data"); PicesFeatureVectorList trainDataStratified = trainData.StratifyAmoungstClasses(numOfFolds); PicesFeatureVectorList testDataStratified = testData.StratifyAmoungstClasses(numOfFolds); PicesFeatureVectorList validationDataStratified = validationData.StratifyAmoungstClasses(numOfFolds); String rootName = OSservices.AddSlash(destinationDirectory) + OSservices.GetRootName(modelName); if ((trainDataStratified.Count > 0) && (!tuningThreadCancelReq)) { trainDataFileName = rootName + ""; AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Saving Training Data[" + trainDataFileName + "]"); trainDataStratified.Save(trainDataFileName, "", runLog); } if ((testDataStratified.Count > 0) && (!tuningThreadCancelReq)) { testDataFileName = rootName + ""; AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Saving Test Data[" + testDataFileName + "]"); testDataStratified.Save(testDataFileName, "", runLog); } if ((validationDataStratified.Count > 0) && (!tuningThreadCancelReq)) { validationDataFileName = rootName + ""; AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Saving Validation Data[" + validationDataFileName + "]"); validationDataStratified.Save(validationDataFileName, "", runLog); } } AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("\n\n"); if (tuningThreadCancelReq) { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Process *** CANCELED ***."); } else { AddMsgToDialogMsgQueue("Process Completed."); } PicesDataBase.ThreadEnd(); tuningThreadDone = true; tuningThreadRunning = false; } /* CreateTuningFeatureFiles */