public WinVersion() { osvi = new OSVERSIONINFO(); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); GetVersionEx(ref osvi); }
//New // check for NT4 SP6 or later private static bool UseOSVersionInfoEx(OSVERSIONINFO info) { bool b = NativeMethods.GetVersionEx(info); //If Not b Then // Dim [error] As Integer = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() // Throw New InvalidOperationException("Failed to get OSVersionInfo. Error = 0x" + [error].ToString("8X", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) //End If if (info.MajorVersion < 4) { return(false); } if (info.MajorVersion > 4) { return(true); } if (info.MinorVersion < 0) { return(false); } if (info.MinorVersion > 0) { return(true); } // TODO: CSDVersion for NT4 SP6 if (info.CSDVersion == "Service Pack 6") { return(true); } return(false); }
//Public Function Win7Ver() As Boolean // Dim Ret As Integer // Dim OSInfo As OSVERSIONINFO // Dim PId As String // 'Set the graphical mode to persistent //' ' Me.AutoRedraw = True //'Set the structure size // OSInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(OSInfo) // 'Get the Windows version' // Ret = GetVersionEx(OSInfo) //Chack for error's // If ret& = 0 Then MsgBox "Error Getting Version Information": Exit Sub // If Ret = 0 Then Win7Ver = False : Exit Function //Print the information to the form // Select Case OSInfo.dwPlatformId // Case 0' // PId = "Windows 32s " // Case '1 // PId = "Windows 95/98" // Case 2 // PId = "Windows NT " //End Select // Print "OS: " + PId // Print "Win version:" + Str$(OSInfo.dwMajorVersion) + "." + LTrim(Str(OSInfo.dwMinorVersion)) // Print "Build: " + Str(OSInfo.dwBuildNumber) // If OSInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6 Then Win7Ver = True //End Function public static string getWinVer() { int Ret = 0; OSVERSIONINFO OSInfo = default(OSVERSIONINFO); string PId = null; //Set the graphical mode to persistent // Me.AutoRedraw = True //Set the structure size OSInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Strings.Len(OSInfo); //Get the Windows version Ret = GetVersionEx(ref OSInfo); //Chack for errors // If ret& = 0 Then MsgBox "Error Getting Version Information": Exit Sub //If Ret& = 0 Then Win7Ver = False: Exit Function //Print the information to the form switch (OSInfo.dwPlatformId) { case 0: PId = "Windows 32s "; break; case 1: PId = "Windows 95/98"; break; case 2: PId = "Windows NT "; break; } // Print "OS: " + PId // Print "Win version:" + Str$(OSInfo.dwMajorVersion) + "." + LTrim(Str(OSInfo.dwMinorVersion)) // Print "Build: " + Str(OSInfo.dwBuildNumber) return(PId); }
static OperatingSystem() { if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { UseNativeData = false; return; } OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFO { OSVersionInfoSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <OSVERSIONINFO>() }; uint status = RtlGetVersion(ref osVersionInfo); if (status != 0) { throw new Win32Exception(RtlNtStatusToDosError(status)); } UseNativeData = true; NativeVersion = new Version((int)osVersionInfo.MajorVersion, (int)osVersionInfo.MinorVersion, (int)osVersionInfo.BuildNumber); NativeVersionString = $"Windows {osVersionInfo.MajorVersion}.{osVersionInfo.MinorVersion}.{osVersionInfo.BuildNumber}"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(osVersionInfo.CSDVersion)) { NativeVersionString += " " + osVersionInfo.CSDVersion; } }
protected static void CheckWinVer() { STS.WinApi.OSVERSIONINFO info = new OSVERSIONINFO(); if (STS.WinApi.Call.GetVersionEx(info)) { } }
protected static void CheckWinVer() { var info = new OSVERSIONINFO(); if (Call.GetVersionEx(info)) { } }
static bool CheckWindows10() { var ov = new OSVERSIONINFO(); ov.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); RtlGetVersion(ref ov); return(ov.dwMajorVersion >= 10); }
private void InitOsVersionInfo(OSVERSIONINFO info) { OSPlatformId = GetOSPlatformId(info.PlatformId); OSMajorVersion = info.MajorVersion; OSMinorVersion = info.MinorVersion; BuildNumber = info.BuildNumber; OSCSDVersion = info.CSDVersion; }
public static string GetServicePack() { OSVERSIONINFO os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); GetVersionEx(ref os); if (os.szCSDVersion == "") return ""; else return os.szCSDVersion; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Aufruf der Funktion GetDiskFreeSpaceEx ulong bytesFree = 0, bytesTotal = 0, totalBytesFree = 0; GetDiskFreeSpaceEx("C:", ref bytesFree, ref bytesTotal, ref totalBytesFree); Console.WriteLine("Free: {0}", bytesFree); Console.WriteLine("Total: {0}", bytesTotal); Console.WriteLine("Total Free: {0}", totalBytesFree); // Aufruf der Funktion GetWindowsDirectory StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(261); if (GetWindowsDirectory(buffer, 261) > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Windows-Ordner: {0}", buffer.ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Fehler bei der Ermittlung des Windows-Ordners"); } // Aufruf der Funktion GetUserName, die einen String und // einen uint-Wert zurückgibt StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(1024); uint size = 1024; if (GetUserName(userName, ref size) != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Aktueller Benutzer: {0}", userName.ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Fehler beim Aufruf von GetUserName"); } // Aufruf der Funktion GetVersionEx, die eine Struktur vom // Typ OSVERSIONINFO erwartet OSVERSIONINFO vi = new OSVERSIONINFO(); vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); if (GetVersionEx(ref vi) != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Windows-Version: {0}.{1}.{2}", vi.dwMajorVersion, vi.dwMinorVersion, vi.dwBuildNumber); Console.WriteLine("Service-Pack: {0}", vi.szCSDVersion); } else { Console.WriteLine("Fehler beim Aufruf von GetVersionEx"); } Console.WriteLine("Beenden mit Return"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public double DeviceInfo() { if (Connected) { OSVERSIONINFO os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); m_RAPI.GetDeviceVersion(out os); return(os.dwMajorVersion + (os.dwMinorVersion * 0.1)); } return(0f); }
/// <summary> /// Tests minimun OS required /// </summary> /// <returns>bool</returns> public bool VersionCheck() { OSVERSIONINFO tVer = new OSVERSIONINFO(); tVer.dwVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(tVer); GetVersionEx(ref tVer); if ((tVer.dwPlatformId & VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { return true; } return false; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors public OperatingSystemVersion() { OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFO(); if ( ! UseOSVersionInfoEx( osVersionInfo ) ) InitOsVersionInfo( osVersionInfo ); else InitOsVersionInfoEx(); // Lock(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors public OperatingSystemVersion() { OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFO(); if (!UseOSVersionInfoEx(osVersionInfo)) { InitOsVersionInfo(osVersionInfo); } else { InitOsVersionInfoEx(); } }
static PreviewForm() { RibbonStyle.UpdateInstance(DefaultThemeColor, ThemeLightness.Colorful); var ipStyle = (C1.Win.InputPanel.ThemeColor)((int)DefaultThemeColor); C1.Win.InputPanel.InputStyle.UpdateInstance(ipStyle, C1.Win.InputPanel.ThemeLightness.LightGray); var ov = new OSVERSIONINFO(); ov.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); RtlGetVersion(ref ov); _exePath = Application.ExecutablePath; }
static public string GetServicePack() { OSVERSIONINFO os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); GetVersionEx(ref os); if (os.szCSDVersion == "") { return("No Service Pack Installed"); } else { return(os.szCSDVersion); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors public OperatingSystemVersion() { OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFO(); if (!UseOSVersionInfoEx(osVersionInfo)) { InitOsVersionInfo(osVersionInfo); } else { InitOsVersionInfoEx(); } // Lock(); InitArchitecture(); }
public static string GetServicePack() { OSVERSIONINFO osinfoA = new OSVERSIONINFO(); short retvalue; osinfoA.dwOSVersionInfoSize = 148; retvalue = GetVersionExA(ref osinfoA); if (Strings.Len(osinfoA.szCSDVersion) == 0) { return(""); } else { return(" - " + (System.Convert.ToString(osinfoA.szCSDVersion))); } }
// check for NT4 SP6 or later private static bool UseOSVersionInfoEx(OSVERSIONINFO info) { bool b = NativeMethods.GetVersionEx(info); if (!b) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new InvalidOperationException( "Failed to get OSVersionInfo. Error = 0x" + error.ToString("8X", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } if (info.MajorVersion < 4) { return(false); } if (info.MajorVersion > 4) { return(true); } if (info.MinorVersion < 0) { return(false); } if (info.MinorVersion > 0) { return(true); } // TODO: CSDVersion for NT4 SP6 if (info.CSDVersion == "Service Pack 6") { return(true); } return(false); }
internal static extern bool GetVersionEx([In, Out] OSVERSIONINFO ver);
public static extern int GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo);
private static extern bool GetVersionEx([In(), Out()] OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo);
public static void GetOSInfo( ref OSVERSIONINFO mOSInfo , ref string mOSName ) { int Result = 0; mOSInfo.szCSDVersion = Function.Space( 128 ); mOSInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf( mOSInfo ); Result = GetVersionEx( ref mOSInfo ); mOSName = ""; if( Result == 0 ) return; switch( mOSInfo.dwPlatformId ) { case Const.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: if( mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion <= 4 ) mOSName = "WINNT"; if( mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) mOSName = "WIN2000"; if( mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 1 ) mOSName = "WINXP"; if (mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 2) mOSName = "WIN2003"; break; case Const.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: if( ( mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) && ( mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) ) mOSName = "WIN95"; if( ( mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) && ( mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 10 ) ) mOSName = "WIN98"; if( ( mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) && ( mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 90 ) ) mOSName = "WIN98ME"; break; case Const.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: mOSName = "WIN32S"; break; } }
public static void GetOSInfo(ref OSVERSIONINFO mOSInfo, ref string mOSName) { int Result = 0; mOSInfo.szCSDVersion = Function.Space(128); mOSInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(mOSInfo); Result = GetVersionEx(ref mOSInfo); mOSName = ""; if (Result == 0) { return; } switch (mOSInfo.dwPlatformId) { case Const.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: if (mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion <= 4) { mOSName = "WINNT"; } if (mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0) { mOSName = "WIN2000"; } if (mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 1) { mOSName = "WINXP"; } if (mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 2) { mOSName = "WIN2003"; } break; case Const.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: if ((mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0)) { mOSName = "WIN95"; } if ((mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 10)) { mOSName = "WIN98"; } if ((mOSInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (mOSInfo.dwMinorVersion == 90)) { mOSName = "WIN98ME"; } break; case Const.VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: mOSName = "WIN32S"; break; } }
private static extern short GetVersionExA(ref OSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation);
/// <summary> /// Sets system version info. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SetSystemVersionInfo() { OSVERSIONINFO os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); int getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; try { // Gets os version if (GetVersionEx(ref os) != 0) { switch (os.dwPlatformId) { case 1: switch (os.dwMinorVersion) { case 0: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_95; break; case 10: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_98; break; case 90: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_ME; break; default: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; break; } break; case 2: switch (os.dwMajorVersion) { case 3: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_351; break; case 4: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_40; break; case 5: if (os.dwMinorVersion == 0) getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_2000; else getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_XP; break; case 6: if (os.dwMinorVersion == 0) getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_VISTA; else if (os.dwMinorVersion == 1) getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_7; else if (os.dwMinorVersion == 2) getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_8; else getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_VISTA; break; default: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; break; } break; default: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.AddError("SetSystemVersionInfo.", null, ex); } Logger.AddInformation("OS Version: " + getVersion.ToString(), null, null); // Is new windows version switch (getVersion) { case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_351: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_40: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_2000: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_XP: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_VISTA: IsNewOS = true; return true; case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_95: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_98: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_ME: IsNewOS = false; return true; default: return false; } }
public static extern bool GetVersionEx ( [In, Out] OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo );
private static extern bool GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFO osvi);
public static extern short GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFO o);
public string getVersionInfo() { string retVal = ""; string fChecks = ""; string spInfo = ""; string err = ""; string[] stuff; errorCount = 0; try { fChecks += doFileChecks(); } catch (Exception e) { Form1.debugMessage("FILE CHECK ERROR..." + e.Message + "\n" + e.Source + "\n" + e.StackTrace); } Form1.debugMessage("Now getting system info..."); OSVERSIONINFO os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize=Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); GetVersionEx(ref os); if (os.szCSDVersion=="") spInfo = "No Service Pack Installed"; else spInfo = os.szCSDVersion; OperatingSystem os2 = System.Environment.OSVersion; if (!checkVer(os2.ToString()+" ("+spInfo+")",parent.osVersionStandard)) { errorCount++; err = "---bad version---\nYours:["+os2.ToString()+" ("+spInfo+")] Standard:["+showA(parent.osVersionStandard)+"]"; } //if (!checkVer(spInfo,osSPStandard)) //err = "---bad service pack---\nYours:["+spInfo+"] Standard:["+showA(osSPStandard)+"]"; retVal += "Timestamp: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "\n"; retVal += "Windows: " + parent.SplitByString(os2.ToString(),"Service Pack")[0].ToString() + " (" + spInfo + ") "+err+"\n"; err=""; Form1.debugMessage("Getting Processor Info..."); retVal += "Processor: " + getProcessor() +"\n"; err = ""; string holder=""; //holder = getMemory(); //if (strToInt(holder) < strToInt(memoryMin[0].Trim())) // err = "---bad Memory Size---\nYours:["+holder+"] Standard Minimum:["+memoryMin[0].Trim()+"]"; //retVal += "Memory: " + holder + err + "\n"; err = ""; holder = ""; retVal += "\nIBS Workstation: " + Form1.cver +"\n"; Form1.debugMessage("Getting DotNet Version..."); if (!checkVer(System.Environment.Version.ToString(),parent.dotnetVersionStandard)) { errorCount++; err = "---bad version---\nYours:["+System.Environment.Version.ToString()+"] Standard:["+showA(parent.dotnetVersionStandard)+"]"; } retVal += "dotNet Version: " + System.Environment.Version.ToString()+err+"\n"; err = ""; retVal += "Auto Update: " + parent.autoUpdate.Checked.ToString() +"\n"; retVal += "Enter = Send: " + parent.enterSend.Checked.ToString() +"\n"; retVal += "Auto Hide: " + parent.autoHide.Checked.ToString() +"\n"; retVal += "Disable Pops: " + parent.disablePops.Checked.ToString() +"\n"; DateTime startTime = parent.startTime; retVal += "Workstation Started: " + startTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + startTime.ToShortTimeString() + "\n"; //if (System.Environment.CommandLine.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("isaac\\ibsworkstation") < 1) //{ // errorCount++; // err = "---bad source location---\nYours:["+System.Environment.CommandLine.ToString()+"] Standard:[\\\\isaac\\ibsWorkstation\\IBSWorkstation.exe]"; //} retVal += "Command Line: " + System.Environment.CommandLine.ToString() +err+"\n"; retVal += "Path: " + Form1.controlPath + err + "\n"; err = ""; retVal += "\nUser: "******"\n"; string ls = "Not Logged In"; string sid = ""; if (Form1.loggedIn) ls = "Logged In"; try { sid = Form1.getRegVal("ProfileImagePath","Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\" + SID.ShowUserSID(Form1.currentUser)).ToString(); if (sid.Length > 1) { homeDirectory = sid; Form1.setRegVal("homeDirectory",sid); } else { sid = Form1.getRegVal("homeDirectory").ToString(); if (sid.Length > 1) homeDirectory = sid; } retVal += "Home Directory: " + homeDirectory + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { Form1.debugMessage(e.Message + "\n" + Form1.currentUser); string ret = ""; sid = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" + Form1.currentUser.ToLower().Replace("us_ibs\\",""); Form1.debugMessage("Trying " + sid); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sid)){ ret = sid; } else { string sid2 = sid + ".US_IBS"; Form1.debugMessage("Trying " + sid2); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sid2)) ret = sid2; else { sid2 = sid + ""; Form1.debugMessage("Trying " + sid2); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sid2)) ret = sid2; else { sid2 = sid + ".ibs"; Form1.debugMessage("Trying " + sid2); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sid2)) ret = sid2; else { sid2 = sid + ".WINNT"; Form1.debugMessage("Trying " + sid2); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sid2)) ret = sid2; else { ret = "C:\\"; Form1.debugMessage("Gave up using: " + ret); } } } } } retVal += "Home Directory: " + ret + "\n"; homeDirectory = ret; Form1.setRegVal("homeDirectory",ret); } retVal += "Login Status: " + ls +"\n"; retVal += "Program Context: " + System.Environment.UserName +"\n"; retVal += "Computer: " + System.Environment.MachineName +"\n"; retVal += "Hostname: " + System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() + "\n"; retVal += "IP Address: " + getIPAddress() + "\n"; //retVal += "Last Reboot: " + ((float)((uint)System.Environment.TickCount)/1000/60/60/24) +" days ago.\n"; //retVal += "Last Reboot: " + lastSystemBootUp.getSystemBootup().ToString() + "\n"; //retVal += "Last Reboot (simple): " + wmiQuery("Win32_OperatingSystem","LastBootUpTime") + "\n"; err=""; displaySettings [] dps = getScreenInfo(); // if (rr.CompareTo(refreshRateMin[0]) > 1) string sep=""; for (int i=0;i<dps.Length;i++) { holder += sep + dps[i].refreshRate; sep = ","; } stuff = holder.Split(",".ToCharArray()); for (int i=0;i<stuff.Length;i++) if (strToInt(stuff[i]) < strToInt(parent.refreshRateMin[0])) { errorCount++; err = "---bad Refresh Rate---\nYours:["+holder+"] Standard:["+parent.refreshRateMin[0].Trim()+"]"; } retVal += "Refresh Rate: " + holder + err + "\n"; retVal += "Screen Resolution: "; sep = ""; for (int idx=0;idx<dps.Length;idx++) { retVal+= sep + dps[idx].width + "x" + dps[idx].height + "x" + dps[idx].colorDepth; sep = ","; } retVal += "\n"; retVal += parent.fileReadStat; retVal += fChecks; retVal += "\nError Count: " + errorCount; Form1.debugMessage("Getting Update History..."); eventLog eLog = new eventLog(); if (parent.updateHistory.Length > 0) { retVal += "\n-------------UPDATE HISTORY----------------"; retVal += parent.updateHistory; } //retVal += "\n-------------Application Log----------------\n"; parent.applicationLog = eLog.viewLog("Application",300); //retVal += "\n-------------System Log----------------\n"; parent.systemLog = eLog.viewLog("System",300); parent.directoryLog = eLog.viewLog("Directory Service",300); parent.frsLog = eLog.viewLog("File Replication Service",300); Form1.debugMessage("Finishing Up..."); return retVal; }
private static extern int GetVersionAdv(ref OSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation);
public static extern bool GetVersionEx(out OSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo);
private void InitOsVersionInfo( OSVERSIONINFO info ) { OSPlatformId = GetOSPlatformId( info.PlatformId ); OSMajorVersion = info.MajorVersion ; OSMinorVersion = info.MinorVersion ; BuildNumber = info.BuildNumber ; // PlatformId = info.PlatformId ; OSCSDVersion = info.CSDVersion ; }
/// <summary> /// Sets system version info. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static void GetVersionInfo() { var os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); try { // Gets os version if(GetVersionEx(ref os) != 0) { switch(os.dwPlatformId) { case 1: switch(os.dwMinorVersion) { case 0: version = WIN_95; break; case 10: version = WIN_98; break; case 90: version = WIN_ME; break; default: version = OS_UNKNOWN; break; } break; case 2: switch(os.dwMajorVersion) { case 3: version = WIN_NT_351; break; case 4: version = WIN_NT_40; break; case 5: if(os.dwMinorVersion == 0) version = WIN_2000; else version = WIN_XP; break; case 6: if(os.dwMinorVersion == 0) version = WIN_VISTA; else if(os.dwMinorVersion == 1) version = WIN_7; else if(os.dwMinorVersion == 2) version = WIN_8; else version = WIN_VISTA; break; default: version = OS_UNKNOWN; break; } break; default: version = OS_UNKNOWN; break; } } } catch(Exception ex) { Logger.AddError("SetSystemVersionInfo.", null, ex); version = OS_UNKNOWN; } Logger.AddInformation("OS Version: " + version); }
static extern int RtlGetVersion(ref OSVERSIONINFO osVersion);
[DllImport("kernel32.Dll")] public static extern short GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFO o);
public static extern bool GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFO version);
/// <summary> /// Sets system version info. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SetSystemVersionInfo() { OSVERSIONINFO os = new OSVERSIONINFO(); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); int getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; try { // Gets os version if (GetVersionEx(ref os) != 0) { switch (os.dwPlatformId) { case 1: switch (os.dwMinorVersion) { case 0: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_95; break; case 10: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_98; break; case 90: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_ME; break; default: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; break; } break; case 2: switch (os.dwMajorVersion) { case 3: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_351; break; case 4: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_40; break; case 5: if (os.dwMinorVersion == 0) { getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_2000; } else { getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_XP; } break; case 6: if (os.dwMinorVersion == 0) { getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_VISTA; } else if (os.dwMinorVersion == 1) { getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_7; } else if (os.dwMinorVersion == 2) { getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_8; } else { getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_VISTA; } break; default: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; break; } break; default: getVersion = SEBGlobalConstants.OS_UNKNOWN; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.AddError("SetSystemVersionInfo.", null, ex); } Logger.AddInformation("OS Version: " + getVersion.ToString(), null, null); // Is new windows version switch (getVersion) { case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_351: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_NT_40: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_2000: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_XP: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_VISTA: IsNewOS = true; return(true); case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_95: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_98: case SEBGlobalConstants.WIN_ME: IsNewOS = false; return(true); default: return(false); } }
// check for NT4 SP6 or later private static bool UseOSVersionInfoEx( OSVERSIONINFO info ) { bool b = NativeMethods.GetVersionEx( info ); if ( ! b ) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new InvalidOperationException( "Failed to get OSVersionInfo. Error = 0x" + error.ToString( "8X", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) ); } if ( info.MajorVersion < 4 ) return false; if ( info.MajorVersion > 4 ) return true; if ( info.MinorVersion < 0 ) return false; if ( info.MinorVersion > 0 ) return true; // TODO: CSDVersion for NT4 SP6 if ( info.CSDVersion == "Service Pack 6" ) return true; return false; }
public static extern Boolean GetVersionEx([In, Out] OSVERSIONINFO ver);
bool checkVista() { OSVERSIONINFO osvi = new OSVERSIONINFO(); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(osvi); GetVersionEx(ref osvi); return osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6; }
public static extern int GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInformation);