コード例 #1
    //* * * * * * * * * * * * *
    // Private functions
    //* * * * * * * * * * * * *

    /// <summary>
    /// Aquire resources for spatialization
    /// </summary>
    private void Aquire()
        if (!audioSource)

        // Cache pan and spread
#if (!UNITY5)
        panLevel = audioSource.spatialBlend;
        panLevel = audioSource.spatialBlend;
        spread = audioSource.spread;

        // override to use simple spatializer
        bool prevUseSimple = OSPManager.GetUseSimple();

        if (useSimple == true)

        // Reserve a context in OSP that will be used for spatializing sound
        // (Don't grab a new one if is already has a context attached to it)
        if (context == sNoContext)
            context = OSPManager.AquireContext();

        OSPManager.SetUseSimple(prevUseSimple);          // reset

        // We don't have a context here, so bail
        if (context == sNoContext)

        // Set pan to full (spread at 180 will keep attenuation curve working, but all 2D
        // panning will be removed)

        // We want to remove FMod curve attenuation if we are doing our
        // own internal calc
        float pl = sSetPanLevel;
        if (OSPManager.GetUseInverseSquareAttenuation() == true)
            pl = sSetPanLevelInvSq;

                #if (!UNITY5)
        audioSource.spatialBlend = pl;
        audioSource.spatialBlend = pl;

        // set spread to 180
        audioSource.spread = sSetSpread;