static OMovie RandomInput(string apiKey) // ----- change string to string[] { OMovie movieInfo = new OMovie(); InvalidOId contentsIn = new InvalidOId(); string contents; // -- push the contents from random generation into the object do { string id = RandomGenerate(); using (var client = new WebClient()) { string address = "" + id + apiKey; //Console.WriteLine(address); contents = client.DownloadString(address); // contents was originally of type var not string, declared here // ?i=tt389619 8&apikey=d6b3c2ae if (contents.Contains("False")) { contentsIn = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InvalidOId>(contents); // if the json string includes the word error then deserialise into contents(invalid) } else { movieInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OMovie>(contents); } } } while (movieInfo.title == null); return(movieInfo); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // wishlist button { apiKey = "&apikey=d6b3c2ae"; //wList = new Wishlist(); OMovie movieInfo = new OMovie(); //ReadWishlist(ref wList); string s = "", contents = ""; int i = 0; while ((i <= 19) & (wList.IDs[i] != "")) { using (var client = new WebClient()) // possible put this section of the code into a seperate function as it is used many other times in the program { string address = "" + wList.IDs[i] + apiKey; contents = client.DownloadString(address); // contents was originally of type var not string, declared here // ?i=tt389619 &apikey=d6b3c2ae if (contents.Contains("False")) { Console.WriteLine("Random ID is not valid"); } else { movieInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OMovie>(contents); } } if (movieInfo.title != "-1") { s = s + (i + 1) + ". " + movieInfo.title + "\r\n"; // write the output to textbox } i++; } textBox2.Text = s + "\r\nMovie Wishlist"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // section for omdbAPI button click { string textBoxValue = textBox1.Text; webAddress = ""; apiKey = "&apikey=d6b3c2ae"; //TextBoxString mc = new TextBoxString(); //mc.MyProperty = textBox1_TextChanged.Text; string sAddress = webAddress + "?t=" + textBoxValue + apiKey; OMovie searchMovie = new OMovie(); InvalidOId invalid = new InvalidOId(); string contents; using (var client = new WebClient()) { contents = client.DownloadString(sAddress); // apikey unauthorized if (contents.Contains("False")) { invalid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InvalidOId>(contents); //OSearch_Results(invalid); } else { searchMovie = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OMovie>(contents); OSearch_Results(searchMovie); } } currentID = searchMovie.imdbID; }
private void ReadWishlist(ref Wishlist wList) // read the wishlist file into a string to then be split up into an arrary of movie obejct { OMovie movieInfo = new OMovie(); string[] readWishlist = { "" }; if (File.Exists(@"C:\Users\tomwe\Documents\University\Software Engineering\ACMEv2\ACME_Interface\Wishlist.txt") == false) { System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\tomwe\Documents\University\Software Engineering\ACMEv2\ACME_Interface\Wishlist.txt", readWishlist); } string filmListStr; int count = 0; foreach (string j in wList.IDs) // initiate wishlist values { wList.IDs[count] = ""; count++; } // break whole string down into an array of strings, one element for each imdb id using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(@"C:\Users\tomwe\Documents\University\Software Engineering\ACMEv2\ACME_Interface\Wishlist.txt")) // I think this section needs some json extension to work as there is no .net library built in. // "..\\WishList.txt" { filmListStr = r.ReadToEnd(); // this section works. } if (filmListStr != null) { count = 0; foreach (char c in filmListStr) { if (c == ';') // when the character is a semi-colon move onto the next index { count++; } else { wList.IDs[count] = wList.IDs[count] + c; } } } else { textBox2.Text = "Wish List file is empty, please add a film before trying to look at it again"; } }
public Form1() // equivelent to the Main() in a program.cs, it is the first thing that runs which is where things should be initialised. { InitializeComponent(); radioButton1.Checked = true; string OApiKey = "&apikey=d6b3c2ae"; string OAddress = ""; //Wishlist wList = new Wishlist(); // initialise wishlist object wList = new Wishlist(); OMovie movieInfo = new OMovie(); apiKey = OApiKey; ReadWishlist(ref wList); textBox2.Text = "Open Load Movie"; WriteWishList(); // do this on close }
private void OSearch_Results(OMovie movieInfo) { const String Name = "Film Name: "; // +flimName + "ID:" +; string message = "" + "\r\nTitle: " + movieInfo.title.ToString() + "\r\nYear: " + movieInfo.year.ToString() + "\r\nRating: " + movieInfo.rated.ToString() + "\r\nReleased: " + movieInfo.released.ToString() + "\r\nRuntime: " + movieInfo.runtime.ToString() + "\r\nGenre: " + movieInfo.genre.ToString() + "\r\nDirector: " + movieInfo.director.ToString(); //"\r\nPoster: " + movieInfo.poster.ToString(); //var result = MessageBox.Show(message, "Search Results"); textBox2.Text = message; pictureBox1.ImageLocation = movieInfo.poster.ToString(); //if (result == DialogResult.yes) //database.add = id; }
// region for random #region //____________________ start of random functionality private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Random Film Button { string OApiKey = "&apikey=d6b3c2ae"; OMovie movieInfo = new OMovie(); movieInfo = RandomInput(OApiKey); string message = "\nTitle: " + movieInfo.title.ToString() + "\r\nYear: " + movieInfo.year.ToString() + "\r\nRating: " + movieInfo.rated.ToString() + "\r\nReleased: " + movieInfo.released.ToString() + "\r\nRuntime: " + movieInfo.runtime.ToString() + "\r\nGenre: " + movieInfo.genre.ToString() + "\r\nDirector: " + movieInfo.director.ToString(); //"\r\nPoster: " + movieInfo.poster.ToString(); string caption = "Randomly generated film"; textBox2.Text = message; //MessageBox.Show(message, caption); pictureBox1.ImageLocation = movieInfo.poster.ToString(); }