コード例 #1
    private void RandomizeRoomContents(OGRoom room)
        LayoutObjectAtRandom(room, foodTiles, foodPerRoom);
        LayoutObjectAtRandom(room, wallTiles, rubblePerRoom);

        int enemiesCountScaling = EnemiesCountScaling();

        LayoutObjectAtRandom(room, enemyTiles, enemiesPerRoom, enemiesCountScaling);
コード例 #2
    private void LayoutObjectAtRandom(OGRoom room, GameObject[] tileArray, IntRange range, int flatBonus = 0)
        int objectCount = range.Random + flatBonus;

        for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++)
            if (gridPositions.Count == 0)
            Vector3 randomPosition = RandomPosition();
            if (CheckForColliders(randomPosition, 0.1f))
            InstantiateFromArray(tileArray, randomPosition);
コード例 #3
    private void CreateRoomsAndCorridors()
        // Create the rooms array with a random size.
        int randomNumRooms = numRooms.Random;

        rooms = new OGRoom[randomNumRooms];

        if (exitRoom > randomNumRooms)
            exitRoom = randomNumRooms;

        // Create the first room and corridor.
        rooms[0] = new OGRoom();

        // Setup the first room, there is no previous corridor so we do not use one.
        rooms[0].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows);
        if (startingRoom == 1)
            Vector3 playerPos = new Vector3(rooms[0].xPos, rooms[0].yPos, 0);
            ClearSpace(playerPos, 0.1f);
            GameManager.instance.GetPlayer().transform.position = playerPos;
        // Setup the first corridor using the first room.
        if (randomNumRooms >= 2)
            corridors    = new OGCorridor[randomNumRooms - 1];
            corridors[0] = new OGCorridor();
            corridors[0].SetupCorridor(rooms[0], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, true);

         * if (startingRoom == 1)
         * {
         *  Vector3 playerPos = new Vector3(rooms[0].xPos, rooms[0].yPos, 0);
         *  if (ClearSpace(playerPos, 0.1f))
         *      playerPos = new Vector3(rooms[0].xPos, rooms[0].yPos, 0);
         *  GameManager.instance.GetPlayer().transform.position = playerPos;
         * }
         * if (exitRoom == 1)
         * {
         *  Vector3 exitPos = new Vector3(rooms[0].xPos + rooms[0].roomWidth - 1, rooms[0].yPos + rooms[0].roomHeight - 1, 0);
         *  if (ClearSpace(exitPos, 0.1f))
         *      exitPos = new Vector3(rooms[0].xPos + rooms[0].roomWidth - 1, rooms[0].yPos + rooms[0].roomHeight - 1, 0);
         *  GameObject tileInstance = Instantiate(exit, exitPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
         *  tileInstance.transform.parent = boardHolder.transform;
         * }

        for (int i = 1; i < rooms.Length; i++)
            // Create a room.
            rooms[i] = new OGRoom();

            // Setup the room based on the previous corridor.
            rooms[i].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, corridors[i - 1]);

            // If we haven't reached the end of the corridors array...
            if (i < corridors.Length)
                // ... create a corridor.
                corridors[i] = new OGCorridor();

                // Setup the corridor based on the room that was just created.
                corridors[i].SetupCorridor(rooms[i], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, false);

             * if (i == startingRoom - 1)
             * {
             *  Vector3 playerPos = new Vector3(rooms[i].xPos, rooms[i].yPos, 0);
             *  if (ClearSpace(playerPos, 0.1f))
             *      playerPos = new Vector3(rooms[i].xPos, rooms[i].yPos + 1, 0);
             *  GameManager.instance.GetPlayer().transform.position = playerPos;
             * }
             * if (i == exitRoom - 1)
             * {
             *  Vector3 exitPos = new Vector3(rooms[i].xPos, rooms[i].yPos, 0);
             *  if (ClearSpace(exitPos, 0.1f))
             *      exitPos = new Vector3(rooms[i].xPos + 1, rooms[i].yPos, 0);
             *  GameObject tileInstance = Instantiate(exit, exitPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
             *  tileInstance.transform.parent = boardHolder.transform;
             * }*/
コード例 #4
    private void SetTilesValuesForRooms()
        // Go through all the rooms
        for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Length; i++)
            int    xCoord, yCoord;
            OGRoom currentRoom = rooms[i];


            //Bottom wall
            yCoord = currentRoom.yPos - 1;
            for (int j = -1; j < currentRoom.roomWidth + 1; j++)
                xCoord = currentRoom.xPos + j;
                if (tiles[xCoord][yCoord] != TileType.Room)
                    tiles[xCoord][yCoord] = TileType.Wall;
            //Top wall
            yCoord = currentRoom.yPos + currentRoom.roomHeight;
            for (int j = -1; j < currentRoom.roomWidth + 1; j++)
                xCoord = currentRoom.xPos + j;
                if (tiles[xCoord][yCoord] != TileType.Room)
                    tiles[xCoord][yCoord] = TileType.Wall;
            //Left wall
            xCoord = currentRoom.xPos - 1;
            for (int j = 0; j < currentRoom.roomHeight + 1; j++)
                yCoord = currentRoom.yPos + j;
                if (tiles[xCoord][yCoord] != TileType.Room)
                    tiles[xCoord][yCoord] = TileType.Wall;
            //Right wall
            xCoord = currentRoom.xPos + currentRoom.roomWidth;
            for (int j = 0; j < currentRoom.roomHeight + 1; j++)
                yCoord = currentRoom.yPos + j;
                if (tiles[xCoord][yCoord] != TileType.Room)
                    tiles[xCoord][yCoord] = TileType.Wall;

            for (int j = 0; j < currentRoom.roomWidth; j++)
                xCoord = currentRoom.xPos + j;
                for (int k = 0; k < currentRoom.roomHeight; k++)
                    yCoord = currentRoom.yPos + k;
                    tiles[xCoord][yCoord] = TileType.Room;

                    gridPositions.Add(new Vector3(xCoord, yCoord, 0f));

コード例 #5
    public void SetupCorridor(OGRoom room, IntRange length, IntRange roomWidth, IntRange roomHeight, int columns, int rows, bool firstCorridor)
        // Set a random direction (a random index from 0 to 3, cast to Direction).
        direction = (Direction)Random.Range(0, 4);

        // Find the direction opposite to the one entering the room this corridor is leaving from.
        // Cast the previous corridor's direction to an int between 0 and 3 and add 2 (a number between 2 and 5).
        // Find the remainder when dividing by 4 (if 2 then 2, if 3 then 3, if 4 then 0, if 5 then 1).
        // Cast this number back to a direction.
        // Overall effect is if the direction was South then that is 2, becomes 4, remainder is 0, which is north.
        Direction oppositeDirection = (Direction)(((int)room.enteringCorridor + 2) % 4);

        // If this is noth the first corridor and the randomly selected direction is opposite to the previous corridor's direction...
        if (!firstCorridor && direction == oppositeDirection)
            // Rotate the direction 90 degrees clockwise (North becomes East, East becomes South, etc).
            // This is a more broken down version of the opposite direction operation above but instead of adding 2 we're adding 1.
            // This means instead of rotating 180 (the opposite direction) we're rotating 90.
            int directionInt = (int)direction;
            directionInt = directionInt % 4;
            direction    = (Direction)directionInt;

        // Set a random length.
        corridorLength = length.Random;

        // Create a cap for how long the length can be (this will be changed based on the direction and position).
        int maxLength = length.maximum;

        switch (direction)
        // If the choosen direction is North (up)...
        case Direction.North:
            // ... the starting position in the x axis can be random but within the width of the room.
            startXPos = Random.Range(room.xPos, room.xPos + room.roomWidth);

            // The starting position in the y axis must be the top of the room.
            startYPos = room.yPos + room.roomHeight;

            // The maximum length the corridor can be is the height of the board (rows) but from the top of the room (y pos + height).
            maxLength = rows - startYPos - roomHeight.minimum - 1;

        case Direction.East:
            startXPos = room.xPos + room.roomWidth;
            startYPos = Random.Range(room.yPos, room.yPos + room.roomHeight);
            maxLength = columns - startXPos - roomWidth.minimum - 1;

        case Direction.South:
            startXPos = Random.Range(room.xPos, room.xPos + room.roomWidth);
            startYPos = room.yPos;
            maxLength = startYPos - roomHeight.minimum - 1;

        case Direction.West:
            startXPos = room.xPos;
            startYPos = Random.Range(room.yPos, room.yPos + room.roomHeight);
            maxLength = startXPos - roomWidth.minimum - 1;

        // We clamp the length of the corridor to make sure it doesn't go off the board.
        corridorLength = Mathf.Clamp(corridorLength, 1, maxLength);