コード例 #1
        protected override object Read(System.Data.Services.SegmentInfo segmentInfo)
            ODataEntry     entry;
            ResourceType   targetResourceType = segmentInfo.TargetResourceType;
            IEdmEntityType schemaType         = (IEdmEntityType)base.GetSchemaType(targetResourceType);
            ODataReader    odataReader        = base.MessageReader.CreateODataEntryReader(schemaType);

                entry = this.ReadEntry(odataReader, segmentInfo);
            catch (UriFormatException exception)
                if (this.ContentFormat == ContentFormat.Atom)
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(System.Data.Services.Strings.Syndication_ErrorReadingEntry(exception.Message), exception);
            ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation = entry.GetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>();

            this.ApplyEntityProperties(segmentInfo, entry, entryAnnotation);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or gets an entity resource token instance based on the data from entry in the payload.
        /// The resource is then set on the entry annotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentInfo">The segment info describing the entity in question.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The OData entry instance read from the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="entryAnnotation">The entry annotation for the entry to process.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevel">true if this is a top-level entry, false otherwise.</param>
        private void CreateEntityResource(SegmentInfo segmentInfo, ODataEntry entry, ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation, bool topLevel)
            Debug.Assert(segmentInfo != null, "segmentInfo != null");
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "Null entries should not be tried to translated to entity instances, instead they should be handled separately.");
            Debug.Assert(entryAnnotation != null, "entryAnnotation != null");

            // Note that this method does not call RecurseEnter and RecurseLeave.
            // It is going to be called when reading the top-level entry during entry reading (in which case it would count 1, and not fail anyway)
            // and then during entity materialization, but then we're going to call the ApplyEntityProperties on all the entities
            // and so we will count the recursion limits there instead.

            // Update the object count everytime you encounter a new resource.

            // Get the type from the entry.
            ResourceType entityResourceType = this.GetEntryResourceType(entry, segmentInfo.TargetResourceType);

            Debug.Assert(entityResourceType != null && entityResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "Each entity must have an entity type.");

            // We have the actual type info from the payload. Update the request/response DSV based on the particular type.
            this.UpdateAndCheckRequestResponseDSV(entityResourceType, topLevel);

            if (segmentInfo.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.OpenProperty)
                // Open navigation properties are not supported on OpenTypes.
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Microsoft.OData.Service.Strings.OpenNavigationPropertiesNotSupportedOnOpenTypes(segmentInfo.Identifier));

            Debug.Assert(segmentInfo.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.Resource, "Only resource targets can accept entity payloads.");

            object entityResource;

            if (this.Update)
                Debug.Assert(topLevel, "Updates don't allow deep payload, only deep links.");

                // If it's a top level resource, then it cannot be null.
                // [Astoria-ODataLib-Integration] WCF DS Server doesn't check ETags if an ATOM payload entry has no content and no links (and it's a V1 entry)
                // We decided to break WCF DS and always check ETag - seems like a security issue.
                entityResource = this.GetObjectFromSegmentInfo(
                    true /*verifyETag*/,
                    true /*checkForNull*/,
                    this.Service.OperationContext.RequestMessage.HttpVerb == HttpVerbs.PUT /*replaceResource*/);
                // Check for append rights whenever we need to create a resource.
                DataServiceConfiguration.CheckResourceRights(segmentInfo.TargetResourceSet, EntitySetRights.WriteAppend);

                // Create new instance of the entity.
                entityResource = this.Updatable.CreateResource(segmentInfo.TargetResourceSet.Name, entityResourceType.FullName);

            entryAnnotation.EntityResource     = entityResource;
            entryAnnotation.EntityResourceType = entityResourceType;
コード例 #3
 private void ApplyNavigationProperties(ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation, ResourceSetWrapper entityResourceSet, ResourceType entityResourceType, object entityResource)
     foreach (ODataNavigationLink link in entryAnnotation)
         ResourcePropertyKind stream             = ResourcePropertyKind.Stream;
         ResourceProperty     navigationProperty = entityResourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(link.Name, stream);
         this.ApplyNavigationProperty(link, entityResourceSet, entityResourceType, navigationProperty, entityResource);
コード例 #4
        private object CreateNestedEntityAndApplyProperties(System.Data.Services.SegmentInfo segmentInfo, ODataEntry entry)
            ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation = entry.GetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>();

            this.CreateEntityResource(segmentInfo, entry, entryAnnotation, false);
            this.ApplyEntityProperties(segmentInfo, entry, entryAnnotation);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the input request payload and returns the WCF DS value representation of it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentInfo">Info about the request to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The WCF DS representation of the value read.</returns>
        protected override object Read(SegmentInfo segmentInfo)
            Debug.Assert(segmentInfo != null, "segmentInfo != null");
            Debug.Assert(segmentInfo.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.Resource, "The EntityDeserializer only supports Resource target kinds.");

            ResourceType expectedResourceType = segmentInfo.TargetResourceType;

            Debug.Assert(expectedResourceType != null, "To read an entity we must know the expected resource type of the entity to read.");
            Debug.Assert(expectedResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "Only entity types can be used as types for entities.");
            IEdmEntityType expectedEntityType = (IEdmEntityType)this.GetSchemaType(expectedResourceType);

            MetadataProviderEdmModel metadataProviderEdmModel = this.Service.Provider.GetMetadataProviderEdmModel();

            Debug.Assert(metadataProviderEdmModel.Mode == MetadataProviderEdmModelMode.Serialization, "Model expected to be in serialization mode.");

            IEdmEntitySet expectedEntitySet = WebUtil.GetEntitySet(this.Service.Provider, metadataProviderEdmModel, segmentInfo.TargetResourceSet);
            ODataReader   odataReader       = this.MessageReader.CreateODataEntryReader(expectedEntitySet, expectedEntityType);

#pragma warning disable 618
            AssertReaderFormatIsExpected(this.MessageReader, ODataFormat.Atom, ODataFormat.Json);
#pragma warning restore 618

            // Read the entry and all its children into a tree. We use annotation to connect the items into the tree.
            // Note that we must cache the entire payload to preserve call order for navigation properties.
            // Due to the fact that the payload order on the wire is arbitrary, but we always set all non-navigation properties first
            // and then apply all navigation properties, we must cache the entire tree.
            ODataEntry topLevelEntry;
                topLevelEntry = this.ReadEntry(odataReader, segmentInfo);
            catch (UriFormatException exception)
                // For backward compatibility with previous released when reading ATOM we need to catch UriFormatExceptions and wrap them
                // in a bad request exception so that a 400 is reported back. In JSON we used to not do this and thus we need to continue
                // throwing the original exception which will cause a 500.
                if (this.IsAtomRequest)
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Microsoft.OData.Service.Strings.Syndication_ErrorReadingEntry(exception.Message), exception);


            ODataEntryAnnotation topLevelEntryAnnotation = topLevelEntry.GetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>();
            Debug.Assert(topLevelEntryAnnotation != null, "Each entry we read must have the entry annotation.");
            this.ApplyEntityProperties(segmentInfo, topLevelEntry, topLevelEntryAnnotation);

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the entity resource update token and applies properties and navigation links to the entity resource token instance
        /// based on the data from entry in the payload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentInfo">The segment info describing the entity in question.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The OData entry instance read from the payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The entity resource update token for the created entity.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method should only be called on nested entries!</remarks>
        private object CreateNestedEntityAndApplyProperties(SegmentInfo segmentInfo, ODataEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(segmentInfo != null, "segmentInfo != null");
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry != null");

            ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation = entry.GetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>();

            Debug.Assert(entryAnnotation != null, "Each entry we read must have our entry annotation.");

            this.CreateEntityResource(segmentInfo, entry, entryAnnotation, /*topLevel*/ false);
            this.ApplyEntityProperties(segmentInfo, entry, entryAnnotation);

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies navigation properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryAnnotation">The entry annotation for the entry to process.</param>
        /// <param name="entityResourceSet">The resource set into which the entity belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="entityResourceType">The type of the entity to apply the properties to.</param>
        /// <param name="entityResource">The entity resource to apply the properties to.</param>
        private void ApplyNavigationProperties(
            ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation,
            ResourceSetWrapper entityResourceSet,
            ResourceType entityResourceType,
            object entityResource)
            Debug.Assert(entryAnnotation != null, "entryAnnotation != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityResourceSet != null, "entityResourceSet != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityResourceType != null, "entityResourceType != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "Only entity types can be specified for entities.");
            Debug.Assert(entityResource != null, "entityResource != null");

            foreach (ODataNavigationLink navigationLink in entryAnnotation)
                ResourceProperty navigationProperty = entityResourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(navigationLink.Name, exceptKind: ResourcePropertyKind.Stream);
                Debug.Assert(navigationProperty != null, "ODataLib reader should have already validated that all navigation properties are declared and none is open.");
                Debug.Assert(navigationProperty.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType, "Navigation properties should already be validated by ODataLib to be of entity types.");

                this.ApplyNavigationProperty(navigationLink, entityResourceSet, entityResourceType, navigationProperty, entityResource);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an entry from the <paramref name="odataReader"/> and all it's children including expanded entries and feeds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="odataReader">The ODataReader to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="topLevelSegmentInfo">The segment info for the top-level entry to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ODataEntry"/> with annotations which store the navigation links and their expanded values.</returns>
        private ODataEntry ReadEntry(ODataReader odataReader, SegmentInfo topLevelSegmentInfo)
            Debug.Assert(odataReader != null, "odataReader != null");
            Debug.Assert(odataReader.State == ODataReaderState.Start, "The ODataReader must not have been used yet.");
            Debug.Assert(topLevelSegmentInfo != null, "topLevelSegmentInfo != null");

            ODataEntry        topLevelEntry = null;
            Stack <ODataItem> itemsStack    = new Stack <ODataItem>();

            while (odataReader.Read())
                // Don't let the item stack grow larger than we can process later. Also lets us to fail and report the recursion depth limit error before ODL does.
                if (itemsStack.Count >= RecursionLimit)
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateDeepRecursion(RecursionLimit);

                switch (odataReader.State)
                case ODataReaderState.EntryStart:
                    ODataEntry           entry           = (ODataEntry)odataReader.Item;
                    ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation = null;
                    if (entry != null)
                        entryAnnotation = new ODataEntryAnnotation();

                    if (itemsStack.Count == 0)
                        Debug.Assert(entry != null, "The top-level entry can never be null.");
                        topLevelEntry = entry;

                        // For top-level entry, create the entry resource here.
                        // This is needed since the creation of the resource may fail (especially if this is an update in which case
                        // we evaluate the URL query, which may return no results and thus we would fail with 404)
                        // and we need to report that failure rather then potential other failures caused by the properties in the entry in question.
                        this.CreateEntityResource(topLevelSegmentInfo, entry, entryAnnotation, /*topLevel*/ true);
                        ODataItem parentItem = itemsStack.Peek();
                        ODataFeed parentFeed = parentItem as ODataFeed;
                        if (parentFeed != null)
                            ODataFeedAnnotation parentFeedAnnotation = parentFeed.GetAnnotation <ODataFeedAnnotation>();
                            Debug.Assert(parentFeedAnnotation != null, "Every feed we added to the stack should have the feed annotation on it.");
                            ODataNavigationLink           parentNavigationLink           = (ODataNavigationLink)parentItem;
                            ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation parentNavigationLinkAnnotation = parentNavigationLink.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>();
                            Debug.Assert(parentNavigationLinkAnnotation != null, "Every navigation link we added to the stack should have the navigation link annotation on it.");

                            Debug.Assert(parentNavigationLink.IsCollection == false, "Only singleton navigation properties can contain entry as their child.");
                            Debug.Assert(parentNavigationLinkAnnotation.Count == 0, "Each navigation property can contain only one entry as its direct child.");


                case ODataReaderState.EntryEnd:
                    Debug.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0 && itemsStack.Peek() == odataReader.Item, "The entry which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");

                case ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart:
                    ODataNavigationLink navigationLink = (ODataNavigationLink)odataReader.Item;
                    Debug.Assert(navigationLink != null, "Navigation link should never be null.");

                    navigationLink.SetAnnotation(new ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation());
                    Debug.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "Navigation link can't appear as top-level item.");
                        ODataEntry           parentEntry           = (ODataEntry)itemsStack.Peek();
                        ODataEntryAnnotation parentEntryAnnotation = parentEntry.GetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>();
                        Debug.Assert(parentEntryAnnotation != null, "Every entry we added to the stack should have the navigation link annotation on it.");


                case ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkEnd:
                    Debug.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0 && itemsStack.Peek() == odataReader.Item, "The navigation link which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");

                case ODataReaderState.FeedStart:
                    ODataFeed feed = (ODataFeed)odataReader.Item;
                    Debug.Assert(feed != null, "Feed should never be null.");

                    feed.SetAnnotation(new ODataFeedAnnotation());
                    Debug.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "Since we always start reading entry, we should never get a feed as the top-level item.");
                        ODataNavigationLink           parentNavigationLink           = (ODataNavigationLink)itemsStack.Peek();
                        ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation parentNavigationLinkAnnotation = parentNavigationLink.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>();
                        Debug.Assert(parentNavigationLinkAnnotation != null, "Every navigation link we added to the stack should have the navigation link annotation on it.");

                        Debug.Assert(parentNavigationLink.IsCollection == true, "Only collection navigation properties can contain feed as their child.");


                case ODataReaderState.FeedEnd:
                    Debug.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0 && itemsStack.Peek() == odataReader.Item, "The feed which is ending should be on the top of the items stack.");

                case ODataReaderState.EntityReferenceLink:
                    ODataEntityReferenceLink entityReferenceLink = (ODataEntityReferenceLink)odataReader.Item;
                    Debug.Assert(entityReferenceLink != null, "Entity reference link should never be null.");

                    Debug.Assert(itemsStack.Count > 0, "Entity reference link should never be reported as top-level item.");
                        ODataNavigationLink           parentNavigationLink           = (ODataNavigationLink)itemsStack.Peek();
                        ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation parentNavigationLinkAnnotation = parentNavigationLink.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>();
                        Debug.Assert(parentNavigationLinkAnnotation != null, "Every navigation link we added to the stack should have the navigation link annotation on it.");



                    Debug.Assert(false, "We should never get here, it means the ODataReader reported a wrong state.");

            Debug.Assert(odataReader.State == ODataReaderState.Completed, "We should have consumed all of the input by now.");
            Debug.Assert(topLevelEntry != null, "A top level entry should have been read by now.");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies properties and navigation links to the entity resource token instance based on the data from entry in the payload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentInfo">The segment info describing the entity in question.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The OData entry instance read from the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="entryAnnotation">The entry annotation for the entry to process.</param>
        private void ApplyEntityProperties(SegmentInfo segmentInfo, ODataEntry entry, ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation)
            Debug.Assert(segmentInfo != null, "segmentInfo != null");
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "Null entries should not be tried to translated to entity instances, instead they should be handled separately.");
            Debug.Assert(entryAnnotation != null, "entryAnnotation != null");

            // Note that recursion count is handled by the caller of this method.
            // We need this since we need to call it around the entire CreateEntryResource + ApplyEntityProperties combo for the nested entries
            // and will call it separately for the top-level entry at the very root.
            object       entityResource     = entryAnnotation.EntityResource;
            ResourceType entityResourceType = entryAnnotation.EntityResourceType;

            // First apply all non-navigation properties.
            this.ApplyValueProperties(entry, entityResourceType, entityResource);

            // And then apply all navigation properties.
            this.ApplyNavigationProperties(entryAnnotation, segmentInfo.TargetResourceSet, entityResourceType, entityResource);

            Debug.Assert(this.Tracker != null, "this.Tracker != null");

            // Track the operation
            if (this.Update)
                // Originally JSON used to fire the change interceptor only if something actually changed
                // We decided to make it consistent and fire the change interceptor always.
                this.Tracker.TrackAction(entityResource, segmentInfo.TargetResourceSet, UpdateOperations.Change);
                this.Tracker.TrackAction(entityResource, segmentInfo.TargetResourceSet, UpdateOperations.Add);
コード例 #10
        private ODataEntry ReadEntry(ODataReader odataReader, System.Data.Services.SegmentInfo topLevelSegmentInfo)
            ODataEntry        entry = null;
            Stack <ODataItem> stack = new Stack <ODataItem>();

            while (odataReader.Read())
                if (stack.Count >= 100)
                    throw DataServiceException.CreateDeepRecursion(100);
                switch (odataReader.State)
                case ODataReaderState.FeedStart:
                    ODataFeed feed2 = (ODataFeed)odataReader.Item;
                    feed2.SetAnnotation <ODataFeedAnnotation>(new ODataFeedAnnotation());
                    ODataNavigationLink link3 = (ODataNavigationLink)stack.Peek();
                    link3.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>().Add(feed2);

                case ODataReaderState.FeedEnd:

                case ODataReaderState.EntryStart:
                    ODataEntry           entry2     = (ODataEntry)odataReader.Item;
                    ODataEntryAnnotation annotation = null;
                    if (entry2 != null)
                        annotation = new ODataEntryAnnotation();
                        entry2.SetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>(annotation);
                    if (stack.Count == 0)
                        entry = entry2;
                        this.CreateEntityResource(topLevelSegmentInfo, entry2, annotation, true);
                        ODataItem item = stack.Peek();
                        ODataFeed feed = item as ODataFeed;
                        if (feed != null)
                            feed.GetAnnotation <ODataFeedAnnotation>().Add(entry2);
                            ODataNavigationLink link = (ODataNavigationLink)item;
                            link.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>().Add(entry2);

                case ODataReaderState.EntryEnd:

                case ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart:
                    ODataNavigationLink link2 = (ODataNavigationLink)odataReader.Item;
                    link2.SetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>(new ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation());
                    ODataEntry entry3 = (ODataEntry)stack.Peek();
                    entry3.GetAnnotation <ODataEntryAnnotation>().Add(link2);

                case ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkEnd:

                case ODataReaderState.EntityReferenceLink:
                    ODataEntityReferenceLink link4 = (ODataEntityReferenceLink)odataReader.Item;
                    ODataNavigationLink      link5 = (ODataNavigationLink)stack.Peek();
                    link5.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkAnnotation>().Add(link4);
コード例 #11
        private void ApplyEntityProperties(System.Data.Services.SegmentInfo segmentInfo, ODataEntry entry, ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation)
            object       entityResource     = entryAnnotation.EntityResource;
            ResourceType entityResourceType = entryAnnotation.EntityResourceType;

            this.ApplyValueProperties(entry, entityResourceType, entityResource);
            this.ApplyNavigationProperties(entryAnnotation, segmentInfo.TargetContainer, entityResourceType, entityResource);
            if (base.Update)
                base.Tracker.TrackAction(entityResource, segmentInfo.TargetContainer, UpdateOperations.Change);
                base.Tracker.TrackAction(entityResource, segmentInfo.TargetContainer, UpdateOperations.Add);
コード例 #12
        private void CreateEntityResource(System.Data.Services.SegmentInfo segmentInfo, ODataEntry entry, ODataEntryAnnotation entryAnnotation, bool topLevel)
            object obj2;

            ResourceType entryResourceType = this.GetEntryResourceType(entry, segmentInfo.TargetResourceType);

            base.UpdateAndCheckRequestResponseDSV(entryResourceType, topLevel);
            if (segmentInfo.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.OpenProperty)
                throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(System.Data.Services.Strings.OpenNavigationPropertiesNotSupportedOnOpenTypes(segmentInfo.Identifier));
            if (base.Update)
                obj2 = base.GetObjectFromSegmentInfo(entryResourceType, segmentInfo, true, true, base.Service.OperationContext.Host.HttpVerb == HttpVerbs.PUT);
                DataServiceConfiguration.CheckResourceRights(segmentInfo.TargetContainer, EntitySetRights.WriteAppend);
                obj2 = base.Updatable.CreateResource(segmentInfo.TargetContainer.Name, entryResourceType.FullName);
            entryAnnotation.EntityResource     = obj2;
            entryAnnotation.EntityResourceType = entryResourceType;